Kim Jae-ho fell directly backwards and just fell into Kim Zhiguo's arms, and Kim Zhiguo subconsciously caught it, and then the two looked at each other affectionately.

This scene also killed everyone laughing, how did it suddenly become like this.

Suddenly, Kim Junguo began to blow Kim Jae-ho's forehead, and Kim Jae-ho's eyes widened, so despicable!

Kim Jae-ho immediately covered his forehead and shouted, "Can't! No! Don't blow! "

The shouting was extinguished to the person next to him, and he laughed directly until his body temperature was about to rise by one degree.

I don't know if this picture can be broadcast.

Everyone kept looking at Kim Jae-ho and saw that Xiao Min's side also died of laughter.

I saw that Xiaomin saw that Kim Jae-ho was okay and was dancing against the wall, and the hidden madman traits were revealed, and individual behavior should not rise to the team.

After Kim Jae-ho got up from Kim Junguo, he also rushed over to join her, "Hurry up!" The forehead should be warmed! "

Kim Jae-ho said and rubbed Xiaomin's head with his hand, and Xiaomin also quickly helped Kim Jae-ho rub.

"Too much force! Tap! Kim Jae-ho shouted in pain, feeling like his brain was being rubbed off.

"Nope! To dance! PD shouted.

Kim Jae-ho and Xiao-min quickly continued to dance and fool.

Soon the time ended, Kim Jae-ho collapsed directly, I don't know if he looks good, anyway, he is already scarred.

Finally, the temperature was measured, Kim Jae-ho's body temperature actually rose by 0.5 degrees, which perfectly completed the task, and everyone was also shocked when they heard that the rise was so high.

Xiao Min also measured his temperature nervously, rising only by a tenths of a degree.

"Zaihao should be injured to be so tall." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"I don't know, I just feel dizzy in my brain, why is it so dark, is the light turned off?"

"Quick! First aid! Call a doctor! Haha shouted, rushed up to give Kim Jae-ho first aid, and burst into tears: "Can't die!" You're dead, what do you do if you owe me money! "

Kim Jae-ho immediately revived on the spot and bounced: "When did I owe you money?!" "


"But Kim Jae-ho's dance is very good~" Ji Seok-jin said.

"Hey, it's generally good~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"No other dance, girls dance so well." Haha spit.


This is very well complained.

"That's right, this dance, Girls' Generation, and the last oil dance, you and I danced very well!"

Everyone said that it was true, originally thought that Kim Jae-ho could not dance, it turned out to be because he did not find the direction.

In fact, he didn't learn much, but he just learned a few movements, and he didn't have more.

His dancing teacher saw that he was so interested in this aspect and taught him this, and boys can dance if they want to.

And even if it is a girl's dance, the difficulty is not low, Kim Jae-ho learned one by one, and all that can be memorized are classic movements.

In addition to you and me, he will now have a song "Gee", which is Yoona's position in Girls' Generation.

I don't know why, others jump is cute and sexy, he jumps has a commotion feeling, sissies.

As a result, the dance teacher does not know if he is doing the right thing, especially when he sees Kim Jae-ho is very happy.

Kim Jae-ho actually just felt that he could write down the movements and dance the whole dance, so he felt very accomplished, and the more he danced, the happier he was.

Kim Jae-ho's brain is really dizzy now, and he shook his head too violently just now with Xiaomin.

"Oppa, like!" Xiaomin gave Kim Jae-ho a thumbs up, I don't know if this is praising his dancing.

"You're just praised, why are you like a noble person now?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Oppa, I'm an idol, singing and dancing, although very tired but used to it, so I recover quickly."

"It's not okay, you have to warm yourself up." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, so my body temperature will go down quickly, what can I do?"

"Even if you are resting, you have to work hard! Be sure to get the tips this time. "

Xiumin was stunned, you reminded me.

It's so dangerous, if she was also 0.5 just now, she wouldn't be able to get it now.

Thank yourself for training every day!

Next is someone else, Liu Zaishi said: "Xiuxiang will dance sexy dance, a sexy dance that the president strongly discourages." "

After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, he beat the beat with the beat, and then suddenly slipped out, and his long legs fluttered very gorgeously.

When it was Xiuxiang's turn, although she said it was a sexy dance, no one saw it, just a few very simple movements, and together there was a feeling of being unclear.

"What is it? Isn't it a sexy dance? Liu Zaishi asked.

Xiuxiang asked, "Isn't this getting sexy?" "

It seems that she has a certain degree of misunderstanding of sexiness, to be honest, Liu Zaishi is sexier than her when she slides out.

Soon the music ended and she stopped.

"Where is it sexy?" Haha asked everyone's questions, strictly speaking, not even dance.

Kim Jae-ho: "I suddenly understood why the president strongly discouraged him.?"

"Hahaha~ The president has a reason~"

Lin Xiuxiang also explained: "I have played characters who dance traditional dances, but..."

"The first time I've seen such a dirty dance." Li Guangzhu said.

Chi Shizhen: "Didn't you dance?" "

There is a reason why two people can get together.

But everyone never expected that Liu Zaishi only rose by 0.2 degrees, but Xiuxiang rose by 0.5!

"It's because I'm embarrassed to go up more!" Liu Zaishi thought as soon as he slapped his palm.

Because shyness is raised by 0.5 degrees, it's okay.

The secret was found at once.

"The two of us should be on the first team, so it's all at once." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yes~" Liu Zaishi said, "one is pain, the other is shyness." "

They are all the existence of extreme conditions, and they are generally not good.

Below is the time of the death of Li Guangzhu, the god of eternal dance, which is his original dance, the mosquito dance, and he can dance this effect alone.

It's amazing that a funny artist has his own original dance with obvious style, and there is no one.

"Ah~ how did you do it~" Kim Jae-ho looked at it again and sighed.

Her own girl group dance has no sense of existence in front of this.

Only people in the same line know how fierce Lee Kwang-joo is.

He just sat and looked at Li Guangzhu's tall figure... 's back, all feel powerful, very great.

Not only Li Guangzhu, but Chi Shizhen also has his own very obvious style, that is, it is very earthy and ignores the beat.

But Kim Jae-ho can't see the expression, otherwise it would be more interesting.

The closing action of the music stop turned out to be exactly the same, because the unexpected uniformity looked a little dashing.

"Wow ~ handsome!" Kim Jae-ho clapped his hands.

In the praise, Li Guangzhu kept moving and panting, and must feel that he was particularly handsome.

Something terrifying happened, and as soon as the thermometer measured, his body temperature rose by 0.6 points!

"Oooh!" Li Guangzhu herself panicked.

Not only that, Chi Shizhen actually rose by 0.6 degrees, and the two people added up to one and two degrees!


Looking at the two people celebrating, the people who were still watching the excitement on the side were directly dumbfounded and stunned.

Kim Jae-ho, who had just praised it very sparingly, directly complained: "Ah! Is this really sick? "

Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin were too happy to hear Kim Jae-ho.

Or even if you hear it, you don't care.

Everyone watched with envy as the male and male CPs hugged tightly, although they lost their lives, they won the game.

"Ah! Our time! Must touch cross! "

After shouting the slogan with all their strength, the two went to get the hint, it can be said that they did not get any hint.

They are spies, and they are the type that reassures members; They are members and are the type of spies who are very reassuring.

Overall, it's very reassuring~

They are out of the sea of suffering, and this side is just beginning to suffer.

Haha suddenly proposed: "Let's dance together!" "

"Yay!" Jin Zhiguo, they immediately agreed.

Kim Jae-ho was stunned: "I just sat down!" Just rested! "

Xiaomin: "Oppa! This can't rest! Body temperature will come down! "

Kim Jae-ho took a deep breath, his face full of bitterness as he exhaled.

It is not that the workers are diligent, but that there are some things that have to be done, not done now, and more in the future.

With his unrivalably handsome face, he looked at the ceiling incomprehensibly, and then stood up.

"Then come on! Hot! "

"Hahaha~While it's hot~!"

Everyone thinks this word is very good and incisive.

Kim Jae-ho looked back at Dongwan DJ, "DJ, DropTheBeat!" "

Dongwan DJ immediately began to shake his head, and then seriously tuned the song.

In fact, he just controls the playback and pause of the song, and what song to play has already been listed.

However, he will still pretend to move, and he will feel it very much at once.

The next scene is the real dance of demons.

Everyone found their own corner and danced their own style of dance, although it is still a tara song, but everyone interprets it differently.

Some people simply want to complete the task, some people also have to consider the effect, and some people just keep recalling the dance they can in their minds...

That's right, it's a certain man surnamed Jin.

It is probably that the movements he remembered were danced and then repeated, but because of his strong personality, the movements were dyed with his own style.

As he danced, he suddenly felt a very strong energy coming from in front of him, and he saw that Jin Zhiguo was dancing a power dance.

Holding two CDs, dancing the feeling of sword dance, a radius of one meter is incomparable.

Because he was afraid of being hit, Kim Jae-ho also immediately shrunk to the back and danced with Xiaomin as they could.

On-site teaching, to Xiaomin's surprise, Kim Jae-ho actually watched it once.

His physical strength was rapidly disappearing, and Xiaomin soon lay down without strength.

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