"Great, Xiaomin, you can carry me!" Kim Jae-ho said while taking off his shoes.

"Huh?" Xiao Min was stunned, "How do I carry it?" "

"Just kidding, let's go together." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Just as Kim Jae-ho was about to leave, Kim Jiangguo suddenly carried Gao Yala, and then strode forward.

"Brother! Can you carry one more person? Kim Jae-ho asked.

Jin Chengguo did not reply: "If you dare to come up, you will try." "

"So fierce..."

Kim Jae-ho had no choice but to set off with Xiaomin.

"Ah! It's cold! Xiaomin shouted.

Kim Jae-ho: "I'm sorry, Xiaomin, if I were Brother Chengguo, I would be able to carry you now." "

"No, it's okay Oppa, but this combination won't change today, right?"



The two men held hands and walked, and Xiaomin asked, "Oba, should I take off my socks?" Ernie is barefoot. "

"Are you wearing socks? How can I not see? The emperor's new socks? Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

"Hahaha~ It's warm socks, flesh-colored, I'll find a place to take them off." Xiaomin said.

"Okay, let's go over there." Kim Jae-ho said, "Actually, you don't have to fight like this, it's already very cold." "

"It's okay, then I'll go first."

In fact, at that thickness, wearing or not wearing is similar, but taking off is much worse.

For that little effect, taking off your socks is really something that only people who work hard can do, respect.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but wonder if he would take it off if he wore it...

He can't wear it!

A moment later.

Xiao Min stumbled over, the ground was still too cold.

"Oppa! Oppa, where are you? Xiaomin shouted.

"What about this!"

Behind a water tank, Kim Jae-ho's head was exposed.

"Are you done taking it off?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Oba, your words are too strange, right?"

"Strange?" Kim Jae-ho thought about it, and it seemed to be a little.

"Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Go answer the question, I've found it." Kim Jae-ho pulled out something that looked like an envelope from inside his clothes, pink, with the word R written on it.

"Oh Mo! Daihatsu! Xiaomin was unexpected, and when he took off a pair of pants, Kim Jae-ho actually found it.

"Where did Oppa find it?"

"There, it's easy to find, hurry up, Guangzhu they all went." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh? They also found it? "

"yes, let's go too."


The two people shouted cold while quickly going to the place where the question was answered, and Li Guangzhu had already walked back.

"Was it successful?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Nope." Li Guangzhu said, "None of us answered correctly. "

"Really? What to do? What a hard look! Xiao Min was worried.

Kim Jae-ho comforted: "It's okay, just answer the question." "

Xiao Min was surprised: "Oppa, are you very good at answering questions?" "

"You know I'm good at finding things, right?"


"How good I am at finding things, how poorly I answer questions."


I was really comforted all of a sudden~

Unfortunately, because of the steps, the place where it has just snowed is too cold.

"Come, come up." Kim Jae-ho made a back gesture.

"No need Oppa." Xiaomin said.

"It's okay, come up, I can still do this."


Xiaomin jumped directly on Kim Jae-ho's back and let Kim Jae-ho carry him.

With snow all over the ground, Xiaomin suddenly felt the feeling of being taken care of.

This older brother is surprisingly reliable!

Cold feet.

Although Kim Jae-ho a southerner has been used to it for more than a year, he still can't get used to it, it's just like torture, just send someone to shout next to him, do you say it or not?!

But there are really such people who say that you are not angry, and PD is asking questions on the side.

The place to answer the question is very tricky, very open, and there is a whole small pavilion behind it, just the sunset, very beautiful.

Kim Jae-ho handed the things over directly.

"Answer the questions separately, who will come first?"

"Oppa, you come first."


"What is the name of the official mascot for the 1988 Seoul Olympics?" PD asked.

Kim Jae-ho tilted his head to probing: "Song Jae-ho? "

"Okay, please go back, then the next one."

"Yay! How do I know this! I was just born! Kim Jae-ho said.

For what happened in 1988, he only knows that he was born in that year.

This is asking about knowledge blind spots.

"Is it hard?" Xiaomin asked.

"It's impossible to know this, if you know this, I'll carry you on my back all day today." Kim Jae-ho talks a lot.


Xiao Min was surprised, but she laughed as soon as she heard the question, "Haha! Guess it, go back and talk about it? Or do you have to say it here? "

"Whisper it here first."

After Xiao Min finished speaking, he turned back confidently, "Oppa, what should I do, I know this?" "

"Wouldn't you?" Kim Jae-ho was surprised, "Aren't you a year younger than me?" "

"Yes, eighty-nine years, but I heard about it at that time."

"Cough..." Kim Jae-ho was suddenly embarrassed, "Xiaomin, you know, sometimes, what men say is very impulsive, right?" "

"Hahaha~ what to do, Oppa, you seem to be carrying me for a day today, hard work for you." Xiaomin laughed like a little devil, just teasing Kim Jae-ho.

"Please say it first." PD said.

"Catch Dori!"

As soon as Xiaomin finished speaking, the wind blew over, and both of them were startled.

"Didn't you say you knew?!" Kim Jae-ho was shocked, because he felt that Xiaomin knew, so he was not guarded at all.

"Isn't it Catch Dori?" Xiao Min is also a little confused.

PD said: "It's Hudory. "

"Oooh! Oh, yes! It's Tiger Dori! "After realizing it, I also remembered it.

"What, little scoundrel, if you don't know, you don't know, scare me." Kim Jae-ho looked pleased.

"I know, I just remember it wrong!" Xiaomin said.

"It's okay, I forgive you, let's go, stupid pig, hurry up and find a problem."

The two left.

While walking Xiaomin, he asked, "It's a pity, Oba, aren't you very happy that you don't have to carry me?" "

"How is it possible, I super want to carry you."

"Do you still want to carry me here?"

"Forget it, it's too dangerous to go down."

"So what about next time?"

"Okay next time?"


"But it's okay not to say it next time."

"Hahaha~ah! It's cold! "

But soon, they found the problem again, this time even more outrageous, in the sixties.

How could Kim Jae-ho know, but both of them answered cutely, like two hanhan.

Obviously, Xiao Min didn't know, but Chi Shizhen on the side immediately said it.

Even if it was him, it was six years before he was born.

The retro special, when it is really Chi Shizhen's special, is completely his era~

But unfortunately, this is outdoors, and he himself answered many wrong questions, as did Li Guangzhu.

"Oh yes... It's so hard! "There is already a problem with the sensitivity mentality.

"There is no way, Xiaomin, no matter how hard we try, let's find a simple problem." Kim Jae-ho said, "Can't you take the question apart in advance to see if it will be answered?" "

"Nope." PD said that would not be interesting.


Kim Jae-ho complained and pulled Xiaomin away.

Xiaomin is coquettish throughout the whole time, and it sounds like she is carrying a sister, which is very healing and very cute.

Sure enough, I just wanted to have a sister like this.

But in fact, if it is a real sister, it is generally a different look.

Xiaomin only felt that Kim Jae-ho was very powerful, and even talked directly to PD, PD who is it, she didn't dare.

And no matter what questions she has, Kim Jae-ho can answer, which is very amazing.

Even if her question is outrageous, Kim Jae-ho will answer it seriously, sometimes giving an even more outrageous answer.

"Why is the ground so icy?" Xiaomin asked.

"Do you like ice cream?"


"Ice cream has to be in the ice place, otherwise it will melt away, so we are as precious as ice cream now."

"But I don't want to be so icy."

"I don't want to either."


"So we're going to work harder."

"But now I haven't answered a single question correctly."

"It's okay, I'll always answer correctly, or let's find a few this time?"

"Is that okay?"

"We don't tell them, secretly look for it, shh~"

"Shh~" Xiaomin also curled his neck cutely, his eyes looked around sneakily, and then put a finger in front of his mouth.

Looking at Xiaomin's appearance, Kim Jae-ho also showed a kind smile.

Cured ~

Soon, Kim Jae-ho found another one, this time hiding very sloppy, basically where he felt that there would be something, there would be something, not tricky enough.

Because of what was said before, there was no hurry to leave, and the two continued to search.

Suddenly, he saw the combination of Song Jihyo and Haha, the two people came to find it separately, but they were not very separated, unlike Kim Jae-ho and Xiaomin, who held hands the whole time.

Probably it was difficult for the two of them to separate, let alone hold hands.

Kim Jae-ho and Xiaomin are very easy to find, so they don't feel anything together, but they have a feeling of being clinging to each other, and they are not so cold.

Song Zhixiao's little feet fluttered on the ground, and the bottom could be seen that it had frozen red, and he suddenly sneezed while walking.

Xiaomin also looked in his eyes, "Is Zhixiao Oni okay?" "

"It's okay, small problem, but Xiaomin, Ouba please you one thing." Kim Jae-ho said.


"Can you know this to Oni, we'll find it again." Kim Jae-ho said.

Xiaomin smiled knowingly, "No problem! There you go! "

Kim Jae-ho smiled and said, "Thank you, I owe you a personal favor~"

"It's okay, it's okay~ you go quickly, we'll find something else."


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