Brother Nose immediately chose lipstick, and this girl must use lipstick.

Xiuxiang reacted very violently, and her face immediately turned red.

Xiuxiang said that it was not her, whether everyone did not know, anyway, you reacted a lot.

When it was the turn of Haha, it was more cautious, picked up an item and glanced at everyone's reaction, and everyone had a great opinion on this.

PD also said that as long as you pick it up, you will choose it.

Under the three countdowns, haha chose the centennial grass, and then looked at Gao Yala, there is no problem, this is what Gao Yala just signaled him to take.

When they arrived at Jin Zhiguo, everyone began to whine, and Jin Zhiguo felt very annoyed.

In fact, everyone doesn't have any bad intentions, just simply wants to see the male CP of Jin Chengguo.

Jin Zhiguo analyzed very daily, and Liu Zaishi kept booing like a child on the side, directly overshadowing the voice of Jin Zhiguo's speech.

Jin Zhiguo carefully chose the head rope, which is more commonly used by girls.

When it was Liu Zaishi's turn, he touched his glasses and reached for the phone, and Chi Shizhen immediately held his hand and said, "Oh! Already chosen! "

Everyone immediately helped to coax, Liu Zaishi also suffered his own consequences, and there was no way to kill him now that he was besieged.

Liu Zaishi was directly stunned, "I'll touch it!" "

There is no way, Liu Zaishi can only choose glasses, "It's crazy, it's really crazy, no matter who looks at it, it's used for going through the scene!" "

Liu Zaishi's mentality collapsed.

He prefers to choose a mobile phone.

It's Kim Jae-ho's turn.

"Which one do you want to choose?" Kim Jae-ho asked, this trick again.

Li Guangzhu was also honest and said directly: "I want to choose a mobile phone." "

"Then I'll choose a wig." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really?!" Lee Kwang-joo was surprised, and he thought Kim Jae-ho would cut off his beard.

"Well, your choice must be bad."

Li Guangzhu: "Just now, Brother Shi also wanted to choose this!" "

Kim Jae-ho: "Oh, your choice must be bad. "

Liu Zaishi crossed his waist angrily, you said that Li Guangzhu even counted, and even took me.

Li Guangzhu picked up the mobile phone very happily, and it was all over in a moment.

"No, people nowadays generally don't put mobile phones, who will put mobile phones!" Chi Shizhen said.

"That's it!" Liu Zaishi said.

What Chi Shizhen means here is that the staff will not put their own mobile phones on it, so it is very reasonable to choose mobile phones.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care so much, in fact, just now Song Jihyo gave him a look, and Gao Ya, all gave Kim Jae-ho a color, let Kim Jae-ho choose a wig.

So if Lee Kwang-joo had chosen a wig just now, Kim Jae-ho would have changed his rhetoric and continued to choose a wig.

As for why he asked Li Guangzhu, he purely wanted to amuse him.

He believes that Song Zhixiao will not lie to him, even if Song Zhixiao thinks of his male CP, Gao Yala should not.

Everyone has no grievances and no hatred, there is no need.

So this probability is elegant, otherwise it is Song Zhixiao's.

To be honest, it's okay with anyone, not a man, he doesn't want to be an old unlucky bastard, and his reputation is now very bad.

Old unlucky bastard, racestar, prison regular, infirm, good-looking paboo, foodie,...... Wait a minute.

He only admitted the last two, the others did not want to be carried, and the others were handed over to others.

"Now ask the owners of the items one by one." PD said, "If it is a lady's item, the lady will give confirmation. "

Kim Jae-ho sat on the far side, so he was the first, he stood up, picked up the wig, and said: "Who is the owner of this wig, although it should be a person with very serious hair loss, but it doesn't matter, life is still very exciting." "

"Hahaha~! They are all actor idols! How can it be said that they lose their hair! Liu Zaishi crossed his waist and scolded with a smile.

Everyone just thought it was funny, Kim Jae-ho said very little, but a word amused everyone.

Kim Jae-ho learned from the experience of the last time and plans to be a quiet artist.

It's to interrupt less when others are talking, unless you can't help it.

This is probably the first funny artist to correct himself because he talks too much.

"Okay, the owner of this wig, who is it, please give me a gentle answer."

Kim Jae-ho said very seriously, and all four looked at him with smiles.

Xiaomin looked around, raised his hand and stood up and said, "I, it's me who lost my hair." "

"Oh, look!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

Li Guangzhu was directly stupid, he used to be so close to Xiaomin, and now he is so far away.

Kim Jae-ho immediately cheered: "WOW! tarago! Sensitize Go! While saying the words of support, he danced the rolypoly dance, which was the dance that Xiaomin danced at the beginning of the scene just now.

Xiaomin watched and danced along very happily, and was very satisfied with Kim Jae-ho's memory of his words and dance.

Everyone is happy, why is it obviously a dance idiot, but what kind of girl group dance you will? And also danced quite well.

PD motioned for the two of them to stand together, and Kim Jae-ho immediately left the chair and mocked the crowd: "Pabs then I'm leaving~" and then looked at Jihyo, "I'm sorry Zhihyo, this is work, and I don't want to." "

"Then why are you smiling so happily?" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.


Kim Jae-ho was indeed very happy to go to Xiaomin's side, and then shook hands with Xiaomin.

He likes Xiaomin, it should be said that he likes tara, July recognizes brother tara is about to fit, and the fit in ONOFF before is super funny.

"I just want to choose Oppa." Xiaomin is very excited, now in this circle, the most discussed by the female idols is undoubtedly Kim Jae-ho, not to mention anything else, her heart beat too fast when Kim Jae-ho came over just now.

So handsome!

After all, at this age, as long as you meet a good-looking opposite sex, you will immediately look at him with the eyes of the object.

The three guests are like this, just blocked by the chair, and now Kim Jae-ho looks more realistically, as if he is glowing.

It can be said that Kim Jae-ho suddenly raised their aesthetics.

However, Kim Jae-ho will not turn into light, so he immediately replied: "Say Oppa again? "


"Hey~ today Oppa took you to win~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Don't believe him! He was the first to go to jail! Haha shouted.

"You shut up, you guy CP!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"I'm not a man!" Haha looked at the thing in his hand madly, "This must be used by girls, right, elegant xi!" We'll go down together! "

Gao Yala originally wanted to answer, but when she heard the latter sentence, she laughed so much that she couldn't speak.

Absolutely hahazi.

When it was Ji Seok-jin's turn, Kim Jae-ho stood bored and went to get a loaf of bread to eat.

"Can you get one for me too?" Xiaomin said.

Of course.

Kim Jae-ho directly took the whole plate.

"Is this enough, do you want to bring these too?"

"Don't need so much hahaha~" Xiaomin felt that it was too exaggerated, but at the same time he could feel full of love.

"Yay! It's my time! Chi Shizhen shouted, why did you grab the camera after your time passed?


Everyone is happy, they just like to see the nose brother eat up.

That's not it, Kim Jae-ho and Xiaomin, this handsome man and beautiful woman standing together, a whisper word has to be filmed, let alone such a big action.

The two quickly apologized, and Jin Jae-ho put it back after letting Xiaomin take a piece of bread, fawning: "Brother, don't you take a bite?" "

"What to eat! Now is not the time to eat! Chi Shizhen said, "Blind date! "

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho smiled and returned to his place.

Seeing that the two of them were eating so fragrantly, everyone was also eager to move, knowing that it was not their own Song Zhixiao also took a piece and ate it.

After sorting out his emotions, Chi Shizhen also began.

"Today is also greedy." Chi Shizhen said, "Who is the owner of this lipstick?" "

Several beautiful women looked at each other and smiled, and PD suddenly said: "It's mine." "

The whole audience boiled in an instant, every time on a blind date, Chi Shizhen was an old unlucky bastard, this time he never expected that he would not even be randomly assigned on the wheel.

Kim Jae-ho was amused, while the few people behind Ji Seok-jin were happy.

Only two people are unlucky bastards, and now there is only one person, of course happy.

Kim Jae-ho was eating bread, and Ji Seok-jin directly choked him at this moment, which is too exaggerated and believes in science.

As long as you trust Chi Shizhen when you go on a blind date, he will never let you down.

PD also defiantly took out the lipstick and applied it, it was so annoying!

"How do you use ladies?" Chi Shi was furious.

PD: "My lips are precious! "


"Brother Shi Zhen, please stand here."

Ji Seok-jin could only scold and stand on the other side, and Kim Jae-ho's side was still empty.

"Although Brother Shi Zhen is very unlucky personally, he is lucky for RM as a whole." Liu Zaishi said very incisively.

The next one is Jin Zhiguo, and it can be seen that Gao Yala has begun to get nervous at this time.

Bowing his head shyly, Jin Zhiguo is really the ideal type for many people.

Of course, all the beauty was biased by Liu Zaishi's words: "Enhui won't come, right?" "

From the beginning to Ms. Enhui.

Of course, when Gao Yala stood up, nothing mattered.

Gao Yala is undoubtedly the most popular guest now, haha sad, the boys wail Katano.

Kim Junguo thought that he couldn't believe that he had arrived at Ji Shijin, and Kim Jae-ho immediately said: "Brother! Happy on my side, you are not over there. "

"Yes!" Jin Zhiguo, who was originally supporting Ji Shizhen, immediately let go of his hand, and ran to Kim Jae-ho with happy quick steps: "My brother!" "


The two of them bounced happily together, and the two of them were already people in the upper circle.

Chi Shizhen hit the second critical attack, very uncomfortable, Liu Zaishi and they asked Gao Yala over and over again if it was true, hoping that she could tell everyone that it was actually to tease Jin Zhiguo.

But unfortunately, this is true.

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