PD honked his horn directly and shouted: "It's time!" Zhiguo's revenge victory!! Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo won alone!! "


Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho immediately hugged each other and cried with joy.

It's so hard!

On this cold day, they were soaked and sweaty, and now they were messy all over their bodies, and their hairstyles could be said to be no, and they looked messy.

Everyone looked at them inexplicably, some people suddenly realized, and some people looked remorseful.

"That's it! Exactly the same as I said! Haha said.

As he said before, Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo had to stop them in order to win.

No one knows, they don't know what Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo are doing when they get here, and they don't know what happened for another minute.

Too many calculations, Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo can be said to be step by step, and it is too difficult to win.

"It worked! We finally succeeded! Li Guangzhu cried.

"Repeat!" Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand.

"Hatred!" Li Guangzhu stretched out his hand.


"You'll regret it! Abandon us! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Win!" Li Guangzhu raised his hand.

"Said it! How to lose! Invincibility! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Invincible! Yayy "

The two hold hands and rotate.

Now it is simply the pinnacle of life, and they finally won by their own strength.

And it's the secret kind, like a spy.

It's so cool!

Cool to burst!

Everyone looked at them and had mixed feelings.

"What is this!"

In the end, it was actually difficult, or careless, a scuffle made them forget these two people.

Everyone knows they definitely have something.

"Yay! It's all to blame on you! Have to grab! Liu Zaishi complained with his waist crossed.

Jin Zhiguo also sighed.

He also worked very hard, calculated a thousand calculations, or missed a step.

The main thing is that their disadvantage is too great, as long as Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo hold time, do not talk indiscriminately, and come steadily, they are invincible.

Although it almost overturned...

It was time for the final award to be presented.

"The prize is a special grade Korean beef like the Spring Festival special, because Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho win alone, so they get the grand prize, the reward is doubled, and the special grade Korean beef is doubled."

"Oh?! Are you sure?! "

Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho were stunned, looking at the four large bags of gift boxes handed over by the production team, as well as the bags.

Because the guests came for the first time, Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo gave them a bag each.

Looking at Li Guangzhu's shy look, everyone was happy.

Li Fanxiu did not answer and refused, "You give Zhixiao." "

"It's okay, she just eats with me." Kim Jae-ho is even happier and sensible!


In general, it is still a happy ending, everyone has an online IQ, works very hard, and has a lot of laughs.

No one expected that the combination of the two pábs would really win, which was simply a counterattack.

In the evening, Kim Jae-ho directly contributed his meat out and let everyone grill it together.

This kind of beef, or eat a fresh, especially delicious kind of beef is directly from the slaughterhouse to be sent immediately, so the same kind of meat, different stores, the taste may be different.

Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't eat it quickly.

Li Guangzhu also thought so, so he also contributed to eat.

I want to eat it anyway.

The dinner could be said to be a joyful one, and everyone sat and chatted and reviewed today's tasks.

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo's faces were about to burst into laughter, and they talked a lot tonight.

After everyone heard about their task, Chi Shizhen said that if he got this condition, he could also win.

Originally, the position of the light bead was his, and it can be said that the light bead snatched his victory.

Kim Jae-ho Lee Kwang-joo smiled, where is the confidence, Ji Shi-jin's words must be said soon, Ji Shi-jin objected to this.

Jin Zhiguo expressed great regret, and Liu Zaishi and they were the same.

Everyone is quite envious of Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo, such a victory is too cool.

"I'm sorry to say that I was searched when I saw you." Li Guangzhu said.

"This is not important, you might as well give it to us earlier." Chi Shizhen said.

"Give it to you early, and you will have the spare time to deal with us." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's a pity, I didn't keep an eye on them, we should have allied first." Kim said.

"Yes, I should have known a long time ago, they are so strange." Liu Zaishi said.

"We won anyway, alone!" Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo are so excited, this record can blow for a year.

Whether it is Kim Jae-ho or Lee Kwang-joo, this is not a spy who won alone, but a third-party force just won head-on.

Of course, everyone thinks that they are stealing chickens, and they definitely don't count.

The atmosphere was very good, everyone enjoyed this wonderful night together, and after eating, it was almost bedtime, and everyone dispersed.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't have to help Song Ji-hyo check the room now, and the production team now has someone specifically responsible for this.

In fact, since Kim Jae-ho's action was broadcast, everyone has attached great importance to this aspect, whether it is the hotel or the guests.

The people above really followed Kim Jae-ho's method, found the camera in the room, and then posted it on the Internet, and suddenly this hotel entered everyone's blacklist.

The current camera technology is not as good as it will be in the future, so it is still easy to find if you really want to find.

Some hotels are also wronged, because they open the door to do business, what are they doing with this thing.

Some of the cameras are made by the clerk, and some are brought by other guests, so this hotel is also unpreventable.

Now you can only check this camera every once in a while, otherwise others will call the police after they find out, and they really can't argue.

So Kim Jae-ho also let everyone start paying attention to this matter in disguise.

Idol behavior, fans show pride.

They said that if they go out on a trip, a companion can do such a thing, or if a boyfriend can do such a thing, they will really feel very safe and full of good feelings.

Kim Jae-ho has become the best boyfriend in everyone's eyes.

Doing this today means that tomorrow is to be filmed, and Kim Jae-ho has actually said that it is not recommended to shoot like this for two consecutive days.

The production team said it would consider it.

After running for a day, Kim Jae-ho also slept quickly.

He was afraid that his muscles would ache tomorrow.

And then tomorrow is Sherlock Holmes, which is going to give you an invitation.

It was originally planned to be distributed in the early hours of the morning, but knowing Kim Jae-ho's sleeping habits, PD decided to send it before Kim Jae-ho fell asleep.

After all, it is a place to rest, and you can't make too much noise.

Last time it was in the morning, and it happened suddenly, this time everyone didn't want to make things happen at night.

Kim Jae-ho's hair was wet when he opened the door, and he should have just taken a shower.

"What for? Late night snack? I don't eat supper, why do I stand so far? Kim Jae-ho looked at the staff in the distance.

Soon, he noticed the envelope on the ground.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at it and then closed the door.

Staff next to you: ???

You see that, right? You definitely saw it! So what do you mean by closing the door?!

Just when everyone was confused, Kim Jae-ho opened the door again.

"Oh, hey, isn't it scared? Just kidding. Kim Jae-ho then picked up the envelope on the ground.

Skin is just one word.

Although he was very tired during the day, he was still very capable of doing it.

"You are invited to the treasure ship, find the treasure hidden in the treasure ship, and become the owner of the treasure." Kim Jae-ho reads the words on the paper.

"Directions: Tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. on the plane to Busan and arrive at the location below,...... Vostochny Shipyard. "

"What treasure, is it the ownership of this treasure ship?" Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up and looked at the surrounding staff excitedly.

PD smiled, "We'll know then." "

Thinking about the size of the ship tomorrow, well, everyone's salaries for this year will not be able to be bought, no, the salaries of all staff members for almost ten years will not be able to add up.

You think it's beautiful.

"Is that all? Gone? Kim Jae-ho asked.

PD: "It's gone. "

"Then I'll sleep, just ring the doorbell for something." Kim Jae-ho said, "If it doesn't work to ring the doorbell, just get the room card." "

PD: "Okay. "

Kim Jae-ho went back to sleep.

The same thing happened in front of the room doors of all RM members.

All received the exact same invitation.

The focus of everyone's attention is different, some want to ask if it is a personal battle, some ask if they are going to Busan tomorrow, and some people wonder if someone is hanging here, because such a thing happened when Xiangjiang was also happening.

The next morning, Li Guangzhu was the first to get up, and it was not yet eight o'clock.

Yesterday's exhaustion caused a haggard face, and it seemed that he did not sleep for long.

His previous results in prison make people wonder if he has stayed up all night again.

But in fact, no, this time is different from the last time.

The second person who got up turned out to be ignorant, the makeup was all done, with a confused expression, it seems that there should be no objection to the world's first in appearance, right?

The meeting place is the registration desk in the lobby, and everyone will check out directly after the meeting.

"I didn't fall asleep at all." Song Zhixiao said.

The same appearance of not sleeping much, Li Guangzhu's appearance is obviously more convincing.

Song Zhixiao said that she didn't sleep yesterday, everyone didn't believe it, Li Guangzhu said that he stayed up all night yesterday, everyone would say "hard work".

Maybe you have to bow.

Of course, Li Guangzhu is very handsome, the back, the more handsome he is, as for now, it can only be said that it is very suitable for funny artists.

The two found a place to sit next to each other, and Song Zhixiao asked, "Why did you have meat on your face today?" The face is swollen, what did you eat before going to bed? "

"Ate a cup of noodles."

"Didn't you eat a lot yesterday?"

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