This is the first period after the New Year, so Liu Zaishi wanted to pray for a big year at first, and there is such a habit here.

But Liu Zaishi knew that Kim Jae-ho believed in the saying that a man had banknotes under his knees, so he did not take everyone to greet the New Year.

Just took everyone to say Happy New Year and bow.

"Yay! Haha, I am determined to be funny this year~" Jin Zhiguo laughed.

"What's wrong?" Haha laughed, his hair was permed, and it looked quite funny.

Everyone, you say a word to me, the New Year is still noisy.

Only one person was silent.

Kim Jae-ho.

"Why is Jaehiro so quiet? Is it inflated by taking too many awards? Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Many times after he said his own words, he subconsciously went to look at Kim Jae-ho, and when he complained, he didn't expect that Kim Jae-ho just kept smiling, as if he had changed a person.

"No, no, just a few, a few." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What a few, almost half of the prize was taken by you." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Hey~ I can't say that, you guys take a lot~" Kim Jae-ho laughed, "Yes, Best Actress~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

"Yes, Best Actor." Song Zhixiao responded with a smile.

Everyone knows Kim Jae-ho very well, and as soon as he praises him, he is immediately happy and talks more.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho has always been paying attention and laughing, he feels that his participation is very high, but his previous participation is "too" high, so it seems that he is a little taciturn.

It's like some people, usually say a hundred words you don't listen, and even find him annoying, as a result, he is quiet for a while, you feel that people are sick.


Everyone also began to boast about each other, calling each other by the name of the award, as if they were superpowers before.

Then everyone celebrates happily and circles together.

Looking at everyone's commercial tout, a man is bitter alone, forced to laugh, out of place.

"Brother! Don't cry! Be strong! Kim Jae-ho looked at Ji Seok-jin and shouted.

"What! I didn't cry! Chi Shizhen felt embarrassed, it was nothing.

"You're lying! The ground is wet! "

"Where is it wet!"

"Don't cry! You are also outstanding! Dry daddy! Isn't it just that you are the only one who did not win the award! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"I didn't cry !!" Chi Shizhen was crazy, "Yay! Before you spoke, I didn't feel so miserable. "

"It's like I just said." PD said, "Last year, the seven of you worked hard together and ran together, and we prepared one for Chi Shizhen, who did not win the award. "

"Oh?!" Chi Shi was shocked.

"Great, brother! You don't have to cry! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"I said I wasn't crying!"

"Please award presenter!"

PD is quite formal, and the award presenter is naturally a guest, there are enough two award presenters.

is the male and female protagonists of the recent hit drama "Salaried Chu Hanzhi", Li Fanxiu who plays the male protagonist and the female second Hong Xiuxian.

Although the male protagonist looks serious, he reveals a sense of humor, and Hongxiu Hyun is just one word, beautiful and vulgar.

It's so good to look at this person, I don't know if it's an RM filter, or a styling problem, it feels better than seeing her elsewhere.

All of a sudden, everyone forgot about Chi Shizhen and welcomed the two of them very happily.

Kim Jae-ho patted Ji Seok-jin's shoulder with a cheering look.

Originally, I thought it was nothing, but as soon as I saw Kim Jae-ho like this, Chi Seok-jin felt that he had something...

But he is also very happy, the portions are guaranteed!

"For the first time in the history of the performance, awards were presented in the empty field." Li Fanxiu said with a smile, "It should be a very memorable award." "

"That's right, who will give awards in the wild!" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Hongxiuxian said directly: "Because of the cold, it was directly revealed." "

"Don't, don't be so fast, be grand." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, Brother Shi Zhen finally won the award once! Please! Li Guangzhu shouted.

Chi Shizhen himself only felt humiliated.

A more fun thing than teasing Lee Kwang-joo, teasing Chi Shizhen.

Chi Shizhen finally loosened Li Guangzhu's sleeves, and it started over there, everyone opened their mouths one after another, and Chi Shizhen couldn't beat it.

"Please! Stop it! Chi Shizhen shouted, his mentality exploding.


The nose brother is too funny, even the guests feel it.

"SBS's Acting Awards this year, so Hyun announced." Li Fanxiu said.

"No, it's still senior, come on."


Everyone complained that the appetizing scene that can often be seen at the award ceremony is like an advertisement before RM ends every time.

But all of a sudden, the atmosphere was baked up, and everyone stood upright.

"Well, SBS's Acting Awards this year, RM's Chi Shizhen!"

As soon as Li Fanxiu finished speaking, Chi Shizhen immediately looked shocked, "Me? "

Everyone also congratulated him, "It's you!" Elder brother! Acting Awards! Your efforts are recognized! "

"Really?!" Chi Shi was stunned.

Liu Zaishi, the original winner of this award, was about to die of laughter because he looked at Chi Shizhen's expression head-on.

Foot acting.

That's an exaggeration.

"Why is it so unnatural?!"

Of course, Chi Shizhen himself thinks it's very good.

What was even more unexpected was that the guests actually presented the award, which was really the same as the real and real replica of the trophy, and Chi Shizhen was amazed when he got it.

Liu Zaishi looked at it and couldn't tell what was different from his own.

The production team is really attentive, it is too warm.

There were even writers who rushed up and gave him bouquets.

Chi Shizhen has a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a trophy in the other, mixed feelings, and has a feeling that he has really won the award.

This heavy love is a little caught off guard.

It's so real, I didn't think of it before.

"Okay, here's an acceptance speech!" Liu Zaishi said.

Li Guangzhu also raised the support card behind him.

He can also be photographed by the camera just by standing behind Chi Shizhen.

Chi Shizhen said: "Thank you, first of all, the award by Li Fanxiu Xiu and Xiu Xian Xi is very ... Well, because it's a live broadcast, time is tight. "

At this time, Haha was making a urging look in front.

Everyone laughed and coaxed him to leave, and Chi Shizhen insisted on saying the acceptance speech.

"Brother! What about the person you are most grateful for?! Kim Jae-ho reminded.

"Thanks son! Thanks to my wife! Thank you for your support! "

"What about me!" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Chi Shizhen didn't look at him, and waved at the camera with a smile: "Thank you!" "

That's the end of it.

"Let's ask the two awarders in the middle." Liu Zaishi sorted it out.

"Brother! Please go to the middle! Jin Zhiguo said.

Chi Shizhen stood in the middle, and then was driven to the side, "Isn't the winner in the middle?" "

"It's over!" Liu Zaishi said ruthlessly.

The warmth of society is only a momentary thing.

Chi Shizhen stepped aside, and the stage was for the award presenters.

"Why are you with two busy people today?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Hit dramas are normal in filming.

"Today is Chu Hanzhi, the competition to unify the world." PD said.

They have a special affection for Chu Han, just like the Chinese characters they also use now.

After all, this is their history in itself, and before 1910 it was serious history.

But now, there is a feeling that independent generations of great-grandchildren are boasting about the glory of their ancestors, and it is okay to insist that this is their history.

But you say, hey, what kind of history, it's yours, then it won't work.

Have you ever seen a branch go back to the main house and take something casually and say that it is their own, and others will approve of it?

Especially the kind of branch that has been independent I don't know how long has been irrelevant.

Beating you to death on the spot is already considered mercy.

It is better to develop your own history and look at the present.

But this time it was for propaganda, so I can understand.

"First divided into two teams, realistic outpost battle, trial battle, after the world war, the team that dominates the world wins."

"Every time at this time, I want to say that there are people who are not familiar with Chu Hanzhi."

He said, looking at Haha.

Haha looked down and didn't look at him.

"Yay! Ignorant, don't pretend to understand! "

"What's wrong with me?" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"I might think it's window paper or something." Li Fanxiu said.

In fact, there is one such historical novel here, called Chu Hanzhi, but I searched it and did not record it.

Liu Zaishi's meaning is that some people don't know what the production team is talking about.

"The overlord of the Chu State is the Jin Ultimate Kingdom." After PD finished speaking, everyone clapped their hands.

Life is a masterpiece, death is also a ghost.

The overlord of Western Chu who came to Jin Zaihao did not agree, Jin Zhiguo was the most similar among them.

"King Liu Bang of Han is Li Fanxiu." PD said.

Because he is also playing this role in the play, it is very reasonable.

And then there are detachments.

Kim Zhiguo's team, Kim Zhiguo reunited with his two younger brothers after a long absence, Kim Jae-ho is a general, and Haha is a strategist.

Kim Jae-ho is very happy, and the closest time he has been to the general since he was a child was chess.

Haha is also very satisfied that he is a strategist, after all, ordinary strategists are the smartest.

Then there's so-hyun, whose character is peerless beauty.

In every historical drama, there will definitely be peerless beauties, after all, ratings guarantee,

As for the opposite, Liu Zaishi is a strategist, the color of the country Song Zhixiao, and what makes Kim Jae-ho most unhappy is that Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin turned out to be generals.

"Reasonable, I'm one top and two generals opposite." Kim Jae-ho changed his mind.

"I am a full general, he is a deputy general." Chi Shizhen said.

"What?" Li Guangzhu is stupid, do you still have to fight for the right and vice of this?

Just like fighting for captainship every time, Chi Shizhen is particularly persistent about these things.

First of all, of course, the two armies called for battle before the war.

"It's funny, the person who is going to the battlefield, look at the one who is wearing, wearing a hat and perming hair." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

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