"Why are you beautiful again?!" Kim Jae-ho asked.

As soon as Xue Li wanted to answer this question, a group of men on the opposite side asked questions through the fence, and she was asked at once, and a lot of questions came at once, and Shirley didn't know which one to answer.

The look of confusion is also very good-looking.

Just like Song Zhixiao said later, because she has been messing with this group of boys for a long time, she is also happy to see the female guests coming.

"Where did you go when you delivered the tea?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Hahaha~" Shirley wanted to laugh when she thought of that issue, and she also watched it after that issue, which was very funny.

They drank flower tea under the guidance of the production team and went home, and they themselves did not expect that their sisters would replace them the next day.

Those looks ridiculously dead.

Everyone is envious of Shirley joining Kim Jae-ho's team, and at the same time they are looking forward to their teammates, especially Song Jihyo.

If it were such two younger sisters, Song Zhixiao would also be happy, but she had an intuition that her teammates must be boys!

Kim Jae-ho himself doesn't know why he is like this, today I think Xue Li is particularly beautiful, maybe the style?

Just today, this look looks like a sister next door, very innocent, I didn't have this feeling last time, this time I have a feeling of amazement every glance.

It's so pretty!

Kim Jae-ho looked at Haha excitedly, and could see that the other party's mood at the moment was the same as his own.

As soon as Shirley came, she stood directly next to Song Jihyo, and Kim Jae-ho and Haha were shy there.

Kim Jae-ho wanted Haha to stand next to Xue Li and give him a place himself, but Haha was even more shy and did not dare, and the little eyes were staring at the floor, glancing at them from time to time.

Of course, Xue Li saw the small movements of the two people here, and she thought that the two of them were particularly interesting.

Now it is the turn of Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo to be nervous, and the guests have not yet come out, and the two people have already begun to talk nonsense.

It's all content about how nice you will be to your teammates.

Excited hearts trembling hands, everyone has a hunch that today will be a good day!

The next one to come out turned out to be WG's Zhaoxi!

"What's going on! What a good day! Kim Jae-ho shouted and began to sing, "How blue today ~ it just so happens that the wind is so perfect today~"

Those who can sing also sing along, and good days will sing good days.

Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo twisted Xiao Man's waist in a daze, and then hurried to meet him.

Zhaoxi herself did not expect that the greeting would be so enthusiastic, and she looked a little dignified, but don't get me wrong, she was also happy.

"Zhaoxi really hasn't seen him for a long time?" After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, the three people began to bow to each other.

"What is this?! This is also too embarrassing hahaha! "Kim Jae-ho was about to die of laughter.

The three obviously didn't know what to do, and they felt grand at each other.

"What should you do if you see it like this?!" Haha scolded depressedly.

"Ah, you want to guide him, what if you are so embarrassed!" Kim Jae-ho also hates that iron is not steel.

"It's not..." Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo were a little cramped.

So many guests have come, and this is the first time they have seen this nervousness.

This is the white moonlight in the hearts of many people, and it is very personal, and now she is only nineteen years old and has baby fat, cheek flesh, of course, there will still be a little in the future, and it will not be obvious in the back.

But this is also her specialty, and she also has the title of steamed bun because of this, that is, the bun face.

It is the ideal type for 10,000 years.

As for why, you will also know a general idea after watching this issue.

Faced with Liu Zaishi's question, Zhao Xi didn't know how to answer, and looked stunned.

"Really, you have to make the guests comfortable!" Kim Jae-ho complained, "How can it be so inconvenient!" "

"That's right, people feel embarrassed!" Haha said.

"Oh, you two really talk a lot! Aren't you afraid to look at Shirley yourself? Liu Zaishi complained to Haha.

Haha immediately stopped talking, looking like a little boy.

Shyness and shy~

In fact, Zhaoxi is originally a more introverted type, but this type is actually the type that likes to talk the most, provided that he is familiar.

She looks more Buddhist and keeps laughing.

"The next one is the EASY combination."

As soon as PD finished speaking, they began to get nervous, and Li Guangzhu had already brought in to meet his date.

Kim Jae-ho is still on the line with Liu Zaishi, and the two of them sing and reconcile very fiercely.

Although it can't alleviate Zhaoxi's embarrassment at once, it looks much better.

"They're so talkative." Shirley said with a smile.

"You have to get used to it, your eardrums will be bombarded by them today." Song Zhixiao gave early warning.

"Yes?" Shirley said with a smile.

"Yes~ But don't worry, they're not bad people." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Will you be unhappy if I follow Ho Oba as a couple?"

"Why am I unhappy?" Song Zhixiao asked knowingly, looking very dashing.

"I saw her cry just now." Kim Jae-ho interjected.

"You're crying!" Song Zhixiao glanced at him, "Xue Li, you can relax, you can do whatever you want, don't worry about me, if he bullies you, you can directly hit him, or tell me." "

"Okay Ernie! It seems to be on the same team as Ernie! Feel good and secure. Shirley said with a smile.

"You smile so good, how can you look so good?" Song Zhixiao sighed.

"Oni, you look better!" Shirley's little mouth is sweet.

Of course, the two did not have long to chat before they were interrupted, because the new guest came out, it was Xiaojing!

A song "Goodbye" sings and cries countless people! This year is not right, last year participated in the immortal famous song won many championships, is an absolute singer power.

Of course, she is not only good at singing.

But then it was caught in the scandal of school violence, and later it was clarified, there was too little information to evaluate, but the actual behavior was known, money was given, and it was reconciled.

But whether it is true or false, the company's public relations ability, how to say, is not public relations, better than public relations.

Such an important thing, they even dared to PR and say "I can't remember clearly", really, it turns out that the work is really simple, and some professions can be done by individuals.

You don't need to have the business capabilities, you just need to know the process and stay in that position.

During this time, there were a lot of school violence on the Korean Internet, and the vast majority of stars were victims, of course, some of them were real stone hammers.

But rumor-mongering is really a mouth, originally pounding this kind of incident, it is kind, but actually use this kindness to make money... Human nature really is... There's a lot of room for improvement.

I don't know why, people seem to be more and more terrifying, of course, maybe people are like this, but now there are more people who can surf the Internet, and the pressure is greater.

When arguing, everyone only thinks about expressing their own views and putting themselves on the commanding heights, not to solve problems more effectively, pure venting is often not desirable.

The consequence of this is that over time, when others refute it, you will naturally feel that you are right and others are wrong.

Then as soon as the anger came up, contempt and ridicule followed, and then it was garbage time, at this time even people watching the excitement would stand in line, and some people did not even understand what people were talking about.

The Internet is that when a person decides that you are bad, he will attack you unscrupulously and want you to die.

And there are more and uglier people around him, and even he himself is even more unbearable, and his tolerance is ridiculously high at this time.

Pull away.

Seeing their teammates, the three of them acted more embarrassed than Liu Zaishi and them because they were not familiar.

"Who am I on a team with?" Xiaojing was a little confused.

"We us." Chi Shizhen said.

"Ah, this ah..." Xiaojing's disappointment was not just an expression, it was directly expressed.

"What's wrong! We've been trending lately! Chi Shizhen said.

"It's because of weakness." Kim Jae-ho added.

"Oh yes?" Xiaojing was even more disappointed.

"What?!" Li Guangzhu wanted to beat people on the spot, did you talk like that?

"Because I'm new, I'm looking forward to it, and with the Oppas, I really... I am not going to rely on you. Xiaojing said.

"Why did you say that when we first met!" Li Guangzhu is stupid, is the current newcomer so sincere?

Chi Shizhen said: "We won in Xiangjiang, and we have always been ahead!" "

"Oh yes?" Filial piety accident.

"Of course!"

"That's because I'm there." Kim Jae-ho added.

Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin directly killed them, and Kim Jae-ho quickly hid behind Xue-ri.

Xue Li was anxious, and Zhang Da set out to protect Kim Jae-ho from Lee Kwang-joo and them coming over.

Because of Xue Li, the two people also gave up quickly, originally making a show to express their embarrassment and anger.

"Xue Li, whatever you want in the future will be directly said, it will be given to you!" Kim Jae-ho said gratefully.

"I can give you my life!" Haha immediately competed for favor.

"She doesn't want something so weird!" Kim Jae-ho complained.

"What's strange!" Haha laughed.

Anyway, Shirley was happy to be caught in the middle, which was so interesting.

"Zhixiao should be with two men." Chi Shizhen said.

Zhixiao has long felt it.

"Are you the only one on your team?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

The other men quietly pricked up their ears.

"No, I'm alone." Shirley said with a smile.

The other men were very disappointed.

"What's wrong? Disappointed? Am I still not satisfied when I come? Shirley asked.

"No, I just want to know in advance who the guests are." Kim Jae-ho said quickly.

"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter who comes, you are our teammate." Haha said.

Shirley just smiled happily and was a little satisfied with their attitude.

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