Seeing Kim Jae-ho's appearance, everyone was also very happy and confident, and the next stage played very well.

A variety of dazzling positions, dances, personal singing skills, harmony, especially prominent is April's voice, a girl's voice can be described as thick.

Her harmony is a cushion, and the heaviness of the whole song is different, too fierce!

Sure enough, Kim Jae-ho did not choose the wrong person, and she was selected because of her singing skills.

There is another May, the singing skills are not weak, and what is more peculiar is her voice, which is very unique and charming.

Suddenly, the feeling of the little sister who was a trainee disappeared, replaced by them shining stars on the stage.

There are two people who sing a little worse, but Kim Jae-ho learns from each other's strengths and makes improvements under the original very good arrangement, covering up their shortcomings a little and amplifying their strengths.

Their advantage is that they dance, and they dance really explosively, and Kim Jae-ho looks envious.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but jump along, but he didn't take his five younger sisters off-track, and he almost forgot about it just by watching Kim Jae-ho jump.

The uncle quickly controlled him and hugged Kim Jae-ho in the back, preventing Kim Jae-ho from jumping, Kim Jae-ho kept jumping along with the music, and the uncle also jumped along and made his sisters happy.

This factor still has to be withheld, no matter what happens, the stage is the most important thing and cannot be influenced.

Be professional!

I feel the difficulty of professional singers at once, and I feel the sinister society in advance!

Then there is January, she is more outstanding is a great figure and a big voice!

The façade is responsible, the beginning of the throat, a jump, a small waist twist, directly calm the field.

That's it at seventeen, and it's even worse in the future.

The dance is also well choreographed, the range of movements is good, the sense of strength is full, the position is super complicated, and the movement matching is very outstanding.

This kind of dance, people who have been mixed with rice circles for a long time know, there is a characteristic, that is, expensive.

Now I still choreographed and rearranged, and I heard that the choreographer heard the new song and overnight adapted this dance that took two days to rush out.

In their words, such a good song cannot be destroyed in their hands, and they also have a lot of inspiration.

This is a pain for these younger sisters, who have practiced the dance with great difficulty, and now they have to retrain, and their debut is far away.

But now it seems that it is already very good, that is, there will still be some problems, but it is not big, and when the time comes, the camera shakes on the stage and it will be much better.

As soon as it was over, the two men let out the most wolf howls.

"Yes, yes! Everyone has the feeling of being mixed up. Kim Jae-ho looked even more tired than they were.

The five girls who were panting also laughed, which is a very strange description.

But this song is to be cool and have a mixed feeling, that fearless feeling of being dry.

This is also the current tentative style of this group, after all, it suits their style, after all, it is also a person killed from many trainees.

This is not to say that other people are weak, but they have already been screened when they enter the company, and such rich companies will not mess around in this regard, they are stronger inside.

"How?" The producer asked.

"Very good, is this really underage? How do I feel like I can't beat any of them? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"As a guy, when you want to beat the problem, you have already lost." The uncle complained.

"Hahaha~ Kim Jae-ho is more loose~" The producer laughed.

"You see, people can chat a lot, let's study hard." Kim Jae-ho said.

Uncle: "Does impudence mean chaos?" "

"Leave him alone." Kim Jae-ho said, "This is already very good, better than I thought, is this really the song I changed?" Sure enough, it has to be the best dancing and can arrange for the debut. Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Hearing his words, the sisters were very excited.

Seeing them like this, the producer who was afraid that they would float said: "The gap is still very large, although they all have potential, but they are only potential, and they still need to continue to practice." "

"It's okay, people now like to play with the cultivation department, just let others see their potential, what we have to do is cultivate well, and you yourself have to cheer up."

"It will definitely be!"

Everyone just likes this feeling of a little rebellious girl, heroic and sassy, of course, their appearance, any feeling can do...

This regiment is a victory for Yan Gou.

"Thank you PD, thank you Teacher Jin!"

After taking the lead in March, everyone also bowed.

"Is Hye-so the captain?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes teacher, I'm the oldest." She said.

"The oldest is only ninety-four..."

"Yes, teacher." March laughed.

"It's over, I'm old!" Kim Jae-ho supports.

"Hahaha~" The sisters all laughed happily.

Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt the pressure of Song Ji-hyo.

This is true when the age difference is too large, and there are rarely any thoughts of the opposite sex, only as younger siblings.

This also made him know better how courageous Song Zhixiao was when he confessed and how many difficulties he faced, which made him love her more.

One thing worth mentioning is that April is a Chinese person.

Of course, she herself is also angry and beautiful.

Before the uncle said that he liked April the most, he looked good.

As I said before, the singing skills are also very good, that is, the dance is a little worse, but it is very hard.

When Kim Jae-ho went to the company to rub his brother's dinner one night, he saw everyone leave, so she practiced there alone.

Of course, the company health care is full and will not leave her with injuries.

Children who go abroad work very hard, this is the intention to return home with glory, compete for breath.

However, Kim Jae-ho did not take special care of her, they were all treated equally, and if they wanted to be honored, they would kill themselves, and he was very good to himself as a trainee, without partiality.

That being said, there are characters suitable for this type in future plays, and he will definitely think of her first.

Well, the practice room is also finished, and the debut can be put back on the agenda.

Every day there will be cameras to film their lives, and every day they will have five minutes to talk to the camera themselves.

On the one hand, it can be used as a documentary to linger, and on the other hand, it can train them to face the camera and will not be strange.

In the future, when they become famous, these precious records from many years ago are good memories, and they can earn a wave of money by cutting them... Ahem, of course, that's not the point.

There will be a team to cut the preparation before the debut to the debut into a dead debut documentary, narrow the distance between it and the public, and update a short paragraph every day.

It is the content in addition to the stage, so that when it comes to debuting, there will be a feeling that the child I have been watching grow up has finally debuted.

Today's more important paragraph was filmed and edited by the uncle as the content of this week's "Kim Jae-ho TV".

This propaganda is not ordinary.

A weekly video this week.

"Hello everyone, today is a cover of the lyrics written and composed by an eighteen-year-old genius girl, I personally think it is very good, I don't know if you have guessed what song it is?"

In the picture, Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Wait, the picture goes down a little." Kim Jae-ho said.

The uncle lowered the camera a little further.

"Can you take it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"What? Your head? "

"No, my guitar! Very expensive! Get more shots! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't worry, your head and guitar are inbound." The uncle reached out and compared OK in front of the camera.

"Let's get started."

After saying that, he plucked the strings, and in addition to this, the audience heard a gradually louder female voice.

Some people immediately heard it, this is Li Zhijin's "Grab My Hand"!

It was her self-composed music when she was eighteen, and it was fantastic.

This is someone else's eighteen.

Kim Jae-ho kept smiling and playing the guitar, and soon the first lyrics came out, it was Lee Ji-jin's very loud and powerful voice, as if the sun nestled in his ears suddenly bloomed.

"Obviously you also have feelings, obviously you are also in the heart, you have to look at the color to when, say your heart don't pretend you don't know, just according to what you think in your heart, just grab my hand like this, quickly grab my hand."

This large part in front of this is Lee Zhijin's voice, Kim Jae-ho did not speak, just kept smiling and paddling, oh no, paddling the guitar.

Everyone expressed understanding, after all, Kim Jae-ho likes Lee Zhijin very much, this is for everyone Amway, play the original song, of course, it is very good to listen to, but everyone is not here to listen to this!

In the next sentence, he finally spoke, "When I turned back by chance, you, who looked at me opposite me, appeared in my dreams every night. "

The voice is still Kim Jae-ho's voice, very unique, until the chorus "Obviously you also feel it!" "

When Kim Jae-ho roared out, everyone shouted: "Comfortable!" "

Just listen to this!

Kim Jae-ho sings really well, his high notes have a very comfortable feeling, and it is very refreshing to listen to ~

Then came the main song, "The vibrating sound of my phone startled my heart." "

Everyone originally thought that this was the sound of the soundtrack, but the camera suddenly slowly zoomed away, that is, more and more things were seen.

Next to Kim Jae-ho, a bright girl wearing a pure white dress appeared in the camera.

Li Zhijin!

Groove! Dream linkage!

It turned out that instead of playing CDs, I moved the ones who sang CDs!

Then at the beginning, Kim Jae-ho is not paddling, but Lee Ji-Kim is singing!

Ma Ya ~

But today, Li Zhijin's style feels particularly good-looking, better than her previous ones, with loose hair, and a more pure goddess look.

This is of course because Kim Jae-ho's royal makeup artist helped with styling.

That's actually the main purpose of her coming.

Kim Jae-ho has been pointing at the side, and then this shape came out, and Kim Jae-ho felt comfortable in an instant.

Of course, even if he doesn't, he will become like this in a year or two.

She will also have a volg with makeup over there, and Kim Jae-ho will help hit on the M station.

That's right, it's the check-in video.

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