Kim Jae-ho was exhausted and had to live without resting, but he quickly threw off Ji Shizhen and ran desperately.

Chi Shi Zhen also laughed and caught up.

This group of people is, no matter what they do, they are very happy.

His purpose is not to get rid of these people through the maze, but now it seems that it can't be done, the plan really can't catch up with the changes, who knows why Chi Shi Zhen came here?

In fact, it was Ji Seok-jin who felt that Kim Jae-ho could not get out of the maze so easily, so he walked around and saw Kim Jae-ho.

This can only be described as shit luck.

Re-arriving in the open area, Kim Jae-ho was caught halfway through the run by Ji Seok-jin, and Kim Jae-ho confronted him.

Chi Shizhen was not in a hurry, he just shouted.

Ike Shizhen: I'm waiting for my teammate, what are you waiting for?

Liu Zaishi and they arrived immediately, but they didn't want to run halfway through, because in the distance, Jin Zhiguo came.

Kim Jae-ho: I'm waiting for the thigh, what are you waiting for?

"Brother, help!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Hurry up! Tear off Jae-ho, and Kim Jianguk is also eliminated! They are twins in one! Song Zhixiao shouted.

Jin Zhiguo never thought that this term would be used on his body.

After all, he had used this term to describe Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu before.

As for why Song Jihyo knows, Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguo are not surprised, because they both know that Song Zhihyo knows a lot of information.

The others listened and rushed over, now compared to the speed!

"Ouch!" Kim Jae-ho was terrified, so he wanted to lean on Kim Ji-guo, and now only there gave him a sense of security.

But Ji Seok-jin is not a vegetarian either, so he quickly grabbed Kim Jae-ho.

What I never expected was that Kim Junguo was faster, and now it was Ji Shizhen's turn to run, but Kim Jae-ho wouldn't let it.

A dog has his day!

"Brother! Fast! "

Surrounded by Liu Zaishi and them, Jin Zhiguo still withstood the pressure and tore Chi Shizhen off.

Then Kim Junguo quickly protected Kim Jae-ho and blocked everyone else out.

Now that the fight has begun, there is no question of position.

Haha doesn't know about the matter of ten minutes, he only knows that his life will be sad if others are eliminated, so he tried his best to eliminate Kim Jae-ho.

Haha is like this, not to mention Liu Zaishi, directly front-on.

This issue, like the previous one, has people who challenge Jin Zhiguo head-on.

But Kim Junguk is not alone, and Kim Jae-ho, the two are horns of each other, resisting wave after wave of attacks from the opposite side.

I don't know why, the way Kim Junguk protects Kim Jae-ho in the back is very similar to a classic game "Eagle Catches Chicken".

The scene is very exciting, Liu Zaishi and Haha both find an opportunity to rush in and want to tear Jin Zhiguo, and Jin Zhiguo is desperately protecting it.

Song Jihyo, who has never shown anything, seized the opportunity and secretly went around the back to attack Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho's name tag was touched by her and almost disappeared.

Kim Junguo was so frightened that he directly grabbed Kim Jae-ho's name tag with his hand and pinched it to death.

This is not Kim Jae-ho's name brand, this is his name brand!

Take your life into your own hands!

He also had to guard against his name tag from being stolen.

Kim Jae-ho was caught and attacked unscrupulously, and Haha and Yoo Jae-seok were numb by him and were almost eliminated several times.

This is the fiercest battle so far, you come and go dozens of times, and no one has been eliminated!

Chi Shizhen looked at the side and regretted that he had missed such a battle!

However, if there is one more person, Kim Jae-ho will be dangerous, and now he is only barely defending.

After all, Kim Jae-ho is only good at sneak attacks, and this experience has not been experienced a few times, and so is everyone, so it all depends on reactions.

If it is martial arts, the description of the battle will become like this.

The fierce fist wind hit him, he was shocked, sideways to avoid the fatal blow, the two of them got closer and faster, shocking and shooting, swallowing the sky.

Seeing that Jin Zaihao was about to get involved in the whale Bowancheng, Jin Zhiguo condensed his breath and refreshed, his eyes were bright, his right hand made a move "pipa to cover his face", and a move left and right, Liu Zaishi hurriedly turned sideways and divided the palm, so not intense!

Song Zhixiao waited for the opportunity to move, and for a moment he couldn't find a good entry point, and he was very anxious, and he didn't know when his forehead was already rippling with fragrant sweat, like a morning dew moistened with water apricots, coquettishly attacking the appearance of a closed moon flower.

The description of the appearance is really fragrant, and just the words "sweat and look good" can water so many words.

They are in a hurry, Kim Jae-ho is even more anxious, time cannot be delayed, otherwise ...

At this moment, the radio came, upsetting the balance for a while.

"The 'arrogant hypothetician' ability has failed, note that the 'arrogant hypothetical' ability has failed."

Kim Jae-ho chuckled in his heart.

"Failed!" Liu Zaishi and Haha looked at each other in surprise, and Jin Zhiguo also sighed, Jin Zaihao was afraid that it was over, he had tried his best.

But at this time, the radio suddenly came from another sentence: "Time is suspended, the price of the 'arrogant hypothetic' takes effect, and Jin Zhiguo will be resurrected without any ability, rejoin the battle for the strongest this time, and the game will continue to start in a minute." "

"What?!" Kim Jae-ho exclaimed.

"What is this?!"

Everyone was stunned, even Song Zhixiao, "Why don't I know this?!" "

In fact, it was in order not to let them know, and the production team deliberately did not say it.

I just want to surprise them.

"This price is too serious, right?!" Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

"Yay! It's all to blame on you, what a big deal! Liu Zaishi complained, "Look, now it's retribution!" "

"Jae-ho, I'm rejoining, aren't you happy?" Kim smiled.

"No, brother, I'm very happy!" Kim Jae-ho laughed harder than he cried.

"You don't look very happy."

"No, I'm very happy."

"Stop lying, you're about to cry." Haha laughed.

Jin Zaihao silently walked to Liu Zaishi's side, Liu Zaishi did not tear, and the two of them didn't need to look at it to know what it meant.

There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

Several people formed a faint encirclement of Jin Zhiguo.

They will face the firepower of Jin Zhiguo.

But Jin Zhiguo is not easy, after all, four people surround him.

The war was about to break out, but all five were actually tired.

The intensity is too high.

The next time, it must be the last time, because everyone has no physical strength.

On the other side, Ikeishi Zhen also returned to prison.

Sanjin Palace.

"Ah, why are you here alone, they are so fierce outside now!" Chi Shizhen said.

"Brother, has something happened?" Li Guangzhu asked.

After listening to Chi Shizhen's description, Li Guangzhu was stupid, he stayed in prison for ten minutes, how could he feel like a world away?

It seems that I am playing another game outside, how many shots I missed!

"Brother, what does that price mean?"

"I don't know, it should mean that big words will have a price."

"It turned out to be like this hahaha~" Li Guangzhu listened to it and felt that the production team was alluding to someone.

In fact, this price is very large, after all, the ability to resurrect Jin Zhiguo to help is too strong.

Kim Jae-ho just happened to be restrained by Liu Zaishi, otherwise he could be completely killed if he used it well.

They will not be fooled by Kim Jae-ho, if anything else is fine, this kind of hard power will definitely have to pay him a big price.

The plot originally thought was that Kim Jae-ho eliminated a lot of people with Kim Jiguo's ability, and then when there were only one or two left, it was suddenly announced.

Then the two brothers turned against each other and competed for the position of the strongest.

Kim Jae-ho's sneak attack skills can be played casually, and for this production team, he also gave Kim Ji-kook's ability down, giving Kim Jae-ho a very good environment.

But he never expected that Liu Zaishi would use that skill to drag out time for a long time, allowing him to eliminate Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen.

So now this situation is also something they didn't expect, although it is different from the script but very exciting.

It's just RM, why did it feel like a battlefield.

This time there is only a head-to-head confrontation, nothing else, and Kim Junguo will face the joint attack of the other four RMs.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's okay, thank you for resurrecting me." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"So why the hell are you using this superpower?!" Liu Zaishi questioned.

"I refused to answer any questions until my lawyer came." Kim Jae-ho said.


Yoo Jae-seok Song Zhihyo Haha is a victim, and Kim Jae-ho himself feels innocent, and he didn't expect this.

No wonder he didn't tell him the price in advance, it turned out to be waiting for him here.


Kim Jae-ho looked at the PD who was busy next to him and scolded secretly.

This is no longer like a great enemy, this is a great enemy, and everyone is ready to fight.

As soon as the broadcast rang, Jin Zhiguo quickly rushed, and the four people were startled, and the first reaction was to flash first, and then Jin Zhiguo ran out...

"Escape! Don't let him escape! Song Zhixiao was the first to react.

Everyone thought it was ridiculous, Jin Zhiguo actually escaped?!


But it's true that Jin Zhiguo is not a fool, why should he be 1v4 with you?

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Jin Zhiguo suddenly turned around and pounced on the person in the front, and Liu Zaishi, who ran the fastest, bore the brunt of the attack, and was taken directly to the ground without warning.

Everyone heard an exclamation "whoosh", and then Liu Zaishi was almost on the ground.

Three seconds, just three seconds, before others arrived, Liu Zaishi had already been eliminated!

All of a sudden, the military hearts of the three people were scattered.

"What?!" Haha shouted.

"What kind of wrestling scene is this?" Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded.

The falling method full of power was simply terrifying, and Liu Zaishi was on the ground all of a sudden.

Jin Zhiguo, who tore off Liu Zaishi, continued to rush forward, this time the target was stunned haha, haha scared ah yell, scared!

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