Song Zhixiao squatted down directly and laughed miserably, "It's too shameful!" "

Kim Jae-ho kept his posture still, but because of everyone's laughter, he couldn't hold back himself after a few seconds, and laughed directly.

Then he also covered his face and squatted down.

What a shame!

Unlike what he imagined, the latter lines were added by himself in order to look more handsome.

It can only be said that animation is animation, reality is reality, and some things are very cool in animation, reality is done, it is simple, shame to explode.

Of course, after adding special effects in the later stage, it will make people's blood boil.

Everyone was laughing, only Li Guangzhu felt frightened, "No!" Jin Zhiguo will kill me when he comes out!" I'm going to die! "

Everyone laughed even more.

Regardless of the follow-up, Li Guangzhu left quickly.

"What! If you already know, don't wait, just tear them up! Liu Zaishi regretted it.

The main thing is that the maze has several entrances and exits, which is the most important, if this is not the case, Chi Shizhen will not be able to enter through another entrance immediately after going out.

But if there is no Ji Shizhen, in fact, Kim Jae-ho has already completed the task, and all the accidents come from Ji Shizhen.

Ji Shijin is now leaning on Kim Jae-ho, very comfortable, and has the feeling that he has bet right.

Everyone scattered and ended the battle before Kim Jae-ho's ability was realized.

It's really a link and a link, and Kim Jae-ho's ability can't be achieved without a link.

Kim Jae-ho knew that the superpower could not be too strong, so under the premise of summoning Kim Junguo, he set a limit of ten minutes, you must know that he has played for I don't know how many ten minutes now, so he feels that this should not be too strong... Right?

The production team did not expect that Kim Jae-ho would choose to summon Kim Zhiguo, knowing that Kim Zhiguo had been sulking in prison for a long time.

When it was about to win, it was reset for no reason, and then it was inexplicably eliminated when it was about to start over.

Fortunately, when I came to the prison, I found that I was alone!

When did he suffer such humiliation.

It's like after training a very strong number every day, suddenly the number is stolen, the equipment is gone, and when I finally get it back and decide to retrain, the game is closed, and I won't play it for you...

Suddenly, a voice was heard in the audience.

"Affected by the effect of the 'arrogant hypothetical', Jin Zhiguo is resurrected!"

Haha, who was hiding in a corner, was directly stunned when he heard this: "What?!" "


It's outrageous!

"Oh, isn't Kim Jae-ho invincible?!" Haha holding his head.

He originally planned to go out, but now he doesn't want this, how long can he hide, the world is too heavy, and he can't breathe.

Some people were sad, and some people were happy, and Jin Zhiguo directly clapped his hands and shouted: "OK! "

"So I can go out now, right?" Kim Junguo confirmed.


Jin Zhiguo, who was confirmed, smiled evilly.

He moved his neck a bit, which was later accompanied by the sound of clicking bones and the roar of a tiger.

It's just a person, there is a feeling that the tiger is out of the cage...

He's just one person!

A man who appeared with his own special effects returned to the battlefield.

"My brother!" Kim Jae-ho greeted him very happily.

"My brother!" Jin Zhiguo also opened his arms.

Brothers and friends, the two hugged together, sharing the joy of the moment.

"Brother, I miss you so much!" Jin Jae-ho said with a smile, looking as if he had completely forgotten that Jin Zhiguo and the group had found his hatred in a row just now.

"Me too! Oh, what's going on? Jin Zhiguo asked.

"The production team didn't tell you, my superpower, I immediately remembered you as soon as I got it, brother, we have to work together!" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Of course, I will definitely assist you well and help you win!" Jin Zhiguo is very happy.

"It's like a fish in water! With your help, why don't I win! Brother, kill it! "

"Of course!"

The two points held hands.

Two people make the strongest combination!

Can only say two words, no solution!

One person is pleasantly surprised by Jin Zhiguo's help, and the other is pleasantly surprised that he can return to the battlefield.

Kim Junguo was actually resurrected with ability, Kim Jae-ho left a mental eye, deliberately did not say anything about ability, in an attempt to deceive the production team, let them add their own ability, so that their false words do not look so strong.

"The time is ten minutes." PD said, "If Kim Jae-ho is eliminated, Kim Ji-guk will also be eliminated." "

The two nodded to show that they understood that Kim Junguo had to spend more attention on protecting Kim Jae-ho.

"And Jin Zhiguo can't tear up the name tag and eliminate other members."

"That's fine." Kim Jae-ho has a very good attitude.

"That's all."

Very good, the production team did not mention the price!

Sure enough, more restrictions are good!

"Brother, we only have ten minutes." Kim Jae-ho reminded.

"Ten minutes, that's enough." Kim said.

Kim Jae-ho took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth hooked irrepressibly.

He shook his head, this momentum, really different, too fierce!

"It's worthy of being a brother! Indeed, enough! Who do we start with? "

"Is Li Guangzhu still alive?"


The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Li Guangzhu, danger!

Then Liu Zaishi and they saw two people shouting and running, chasing Li Guangzhu in front of them who was fleeing in embarrassment.

It's so arrogant!

But dare not speak angry, at least not in person.

After Liu Zaishi complained, Jin Zhiguo suddenly looked back at him, and he was almost scared to death.

That look seems to say, the next one is you.

Then I heard Kim Jae-ho shouting: "Brother Zaishi wait for me!" Wait to play with you~"

Liu Zaishi: Brother, we don't have an appointment!

Is this a madness before?

Kim Jae-ho let go of himself directly.

"Nope! It can't go on like this! Liu Zaishi felt great threat and fear.

According to Kim Jae-ho's daily thoughts, Lee Kwang-joo is to help Kim Chengguo avenge it, if it is only ten minutes, the next one must be himself.

How did it suddenly turn into another game?!

No, you have to find a way, you can't sit still!

When he was undecided, Liu Zaishi hurried to find Zhixiao, which was nearby.

"Filial piety! Zhixiao, come here, let's discuss. Liu Zaishi said.

Song Zhixiao also came over with a smile.

"Did you see what you just saw?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"See, it's terrifying." Song Zhixiao said.

"We've got to figure it out!"

"No, now you can only hide until ten minutes later." Song Zhixiao said.

"Can't hide ah, Jin Chengguo has headphones." Liu Zaishi said.

"Yes, it may not be my turn." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"But I can't! Having said that, the next one is me! Liu Zaishi was anxious.

"Then I can't help you Oba." Song Zhixiao looked like he couldn't help, and even had a hint of gloating.

"Oh, Zhixiao can't do this! Forgot the candy you gave me? Liu Zaishi said.

"No, that's it, Oppa, you use your ability." Song Zhixiao said.

"When they find me, move them and Haha Shizhen together?" Liu Zaishi said a very damaging method, this is the Dead Daoist Immortal Poor Dao.

At that time, Kim Jae-ho will definitely attack Haha Chi Shi Zhen first in order to save time, so that he can delay time.

"That's a solution, but we can't hide like this all the time, can we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oppa, let's fight back!" Song Zhixiao said.

"How to fight back?"

"Bring everyone together and decide the winner." Song Zhixiao came up with a bold idea.

"You're right." Liu Zaishi thought for a while, and also felt that such a victory was too despicable, "But this is too dangerous, right? "

"Oppa, listen to me." Song Zhixiao leaned over to chat carefully.

Liu Zaishi listened, cow!

"It's worthy of you, well, that's it, do I use it now?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to use it later." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

At this time, the voice of "Li Guangzhu, out" came from the radio, which was very terrifying, and I didn't know what Li Guangzhu had suffered.

Encounter the revenge of one of the strongest and pariahs.

But Liu Zaishi didn't want to know either.

"You're right, I have to hurry."

"Don't yet, run first, wait for them to come, so that you can delay time, anyway, your ability can be used whenever you want." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.


Liu Zaishi was in a hurry, and he didn't have much thought anymore.

Song Zhixiao is still calmly facing it now because he has nothing to do with himself.

To put it mildly, as long as she is far away from Liu Zaishi, how can she drag these ten minutes over, that is, it may be a little troublesome to tear off Kim Jae-ho at that time.

Kim Jae-ho would never list himself as the first choice, after all, he is just a sexy, beautiful, gentle and generous weak woman.

It's like she didn't list Kim Jae-ho as her first choice just now.

But in fact, Kim Jae-ho's ranking, after Yoo Jae-seok is Song Ji-hyo.

This can reduce a lot of troubles, if in the end and Song Jihyo singled out, Kim Jae-ho does not know whether to win or not, if you seriously tear up the result and be eliminated, it will be too ugly.

Therefore, he planned to tear off Song Zhixiao immediately after tearing Liu Zaishi off.

"Brother, let's go, go find Brother Zaishi." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Good." Kim Junguo also knew that Kim Jae-ho was pressed for time and set off immediately.

It is rare to be reborn, it is rare that the younger brother gave himself such an opportunity, he can't fail him, and he must do his best to help him.

And I don't know why, when I was not eliminated before, I didn't feel this way when I cooperated with Song Zhixiao.

Now, there is a feeling that whoever wants to tear can tear whoever you want.

Probably because as long as he is on the same team as Kim Jae-ho, everyone will not think of forming an alliance to eliminate him first.

But someone will always think of it.

Just when they were about to catch Liu Zaishi, Liu Zaishi shouted to Song Zhixiao: "Zhixiao, don't look here!" "

Song Zhixiao was already smiling.

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