As for the above them, well... Let's put it this way, the leaders are sentenced... This seems incredible to us, too exaggerated, but they have been like this all the time, it has become a tradition.

Pulling away again.

On the other side, haha has been found, and Kim Junguo is saying that he loves him.

Generally speaking, when he says this, it is Jin Zhiguo who wants to do something to hurt him.

"Zhixiao, look, if you eliminate me, then you have no way to take Brother Zhiguo." Haha tried to turn against him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Zhixiao started to move, "What I will do, you can just look at it." "

This person has her own calculations, she seems to be fearless, and she doesn't seem to worry about Jin Zhiguo at all.

Jin Zhiguo grabbed haha, Song Zhixiao was responsible for tearing, Jin Zhiguo was still gentle, after all, he was his younger brother, and he couldn't be ruthless after all.

It was the same when Kim Jae-ho was just now, he was only responsible for controlling it, and others were responsible for tearing it.

Seeing that a good superpower special had to be ended by strength, Haha suddenly took something out of his pocket, raised it and shouted: "The one who finds time!" "

Time Dominator haha activated his abilities!

Song Zhixiao covered his mouth for the first time, but he took a step slower and was finished by him.


She who had always looked calm immediately panicked, and directly glanced at Jin Zhiguo and scolded: "It's dangerous!" I didn't say don't let him talk! "

She got angry and even scolded Kim Junguo...

Jin Zhiguo didn't dare to say anything next to him, as if he had made a big mistake.

Then suddenly a group of people rushed out, all wearing black suits, looking like they were forced to graman.

Song Zhixiao is angry to death, in addition to her previous ability, she also has the ability to rebound.

As long as she tears haha, she will automatically win!

Everyone thought that she only had one ability, which was her greatest strength, but now, she is completely finished.

Stupid beep!

She was very angry and kept scolding, and Jin Zhiguo was just glad that she was taken away, otherwise she would be scolded miserably.

Jin Zhiguo is the kind of perfectionist who is very demanding of himself, so he is less scolded, and his resistance to being scolded is low after all.

Especially when he really did something wrong, it was okay for others to scold, and Song Zhixiao scolded that it was really scary.


On the other side, before the people in the prison could finish talking about Chi Shizhen's new topic, a group of fierce men rushed up and dragged them away.

Several people who had been chatting happily in the prison were all confused, and they were not very clear about what was happening now.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up! Even he has a share!

He originally thought that he should have eliminated himself so early, but he did not expect that it was because of his chain reaction that everything was ahead of schedule.

Especially Ji Shizhen there, because the first time was Kim Jae-ho tearing, so he accelerated the process.

Haha's ability reversed back to an hour ago, when Kim Jae-ho had not yet been surrounded and suppressed, Ji Seok-jin still had three lives, Lee Kwang-joo's ability had not been used, and Liu Zaishi also returned to the battlefield.

Everything is directly reset, haha ability changes all situations!

All over again! All reborn!

Lee Kwang-joo sprinted to the place of the death note for the first time, found his ability, and then wrote the name of Kim Jiangkook.

"Jin Zhiguo out!"

"Ugh!" Jin Zhiguo heard the direct collapse.

Everyone knew that Li Guangzhu unleashed his abilities.

He was still discussing with Liu Zaishi and Song Zhixiao to eliminate Chi Shizhen first.

Chi Shizhen hid directly this time, and he didn't wave everywhere.

Kim Jae-ho changed his mind, and he also felt that he had a chance to compete for the strongest, after all, Kim Jae-ho only used a third of his ability to do it.

Too fast!

Everyone has become extremely skilled, and all regrets have become experience.

Kim Zhiguo was the first to enter the prison this time, and everyone was happy, especially Kim Jae-ho, even Song Jihyo was happy.

"Finally used it correctly!" Kim Jae-ho nodded a thumbs up, he had rested for so long, and now his physical strength has returned.

Liu Zaishi found him and immediately rushed over, but it was too late, and Kim Jae-ho had already taken the opportunity to complete the task and directly yo-yo.

Without Kim Jiguo, with so many obstacles, Kim Jae-ho is confident that he can escape under anyone.

Liu Zaishi chased Kim Jae-ho away, which is also very annoying.

"Oh, do I want to use my ability to bring Kim Jae-ho here?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Chi Shizhen also walked out, and Jin Zhiguo is safer without him.

"Just do that, just let all of us surround Kim Jae-ho."

"Oppa, haha Oppa is no longer capable." Song Zhixiao reminded.

Haha As soon as the ability took effect, he slipped away directly, and he didn't think about it, also because he didn't have the ability.

"Yes, now is the opportunity!" Chi Shizhen said.

"But, Oppa." Song Zhixiao said to Liu Zaishi, "In this case, there are only four left..."

When she said this, Li Guangzhu suddenly rushed forward and wanted to tear off Song Zhixiao, but Song Zhixiao dodged at once, and then chased Li Guangzhu and pounded.

"Sorry! Not on purpose! Li Guangzhu quickly apologized, "It's so terrifying!" "

"What a paub!" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

His frightened little expression also laughed at everyone, he deserved it, and after eliminating Jin Zhiguo, he swelled, and actually came to attack Song Zhixiao.

Fortunately, Song Zhixiao, who was originally in a state of war, has been observing the surroundings, otherwise he would have suffered heavily.

Song Zhixiao said regardless of previous suspicions: "Ah, you came just right, you also listened." "

"What?" Li Guangzhu immediately listened carefully, and now he listened to whatever she said.

Just beaten, honest.

In the future, there will be this section of Li Guangzhu's beaten special.

Now there are only three people listening to Song Zhixiao, Chi Shizhen, Liu Zaishi, and Li Guangzhu.

And what Song Zhixiao said: "We must solve two people first, one is Zaihao, and we can't let him do the task." "

"What is his ability?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"I don't know what the use is, but the name of the ability is the arrogant hypothesis." Liu Zaishi said.

The other two had not heard this and laughed when they heard it.

"Hahaha~This name suits him very well~"

Compared to Chi Shizhen's immortal bird, Liu Zaishi's dominator of space, the dominator of time and Li Guangzhu's death note, this name is full of irony and selfishness.

It feels like a writer is targeting Kim Jae-ho, or not a writer, it's some man who has a lot of power.

"But I can't really guess what ability I have." Chi Shizhen said.

"It's really hard to guess." Liu Zaishi said.

Song Jihyo knows, but she doesn't say, anyway, these people know not to let Kim Jae-ho complete the task, after all, his ability has infinite possibilities.

"And who is the other one?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"It's you, Oppa~ You have three lives now." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Yes! He now has three lives! Li Guangzhu also remembered that Chi Shizhen was now in a state full of blood after the time was reversed.

Liu Zaishi, Li Guangzhu, and Song Zhixiao immediately looked at Chi Shizhen with bad intentions, and Chi Shizhen never expected that the clown turned out to be himself.

Everyone realized that Kim Jae-haha those are easy to say, now Ji Shizhen is the strongest, and the further back he goes, the stronger he gets.

If there are only two people left, he is invincible.

Chi Shizhen also knew this truth, but he couldn't hold back his commotion and wanted to come out to make fun.

All of a sudden, Lee Kwang-joo and Yoo Jae-seok rushed up, intending to eliminate him first and then go to Kim Jae-ho.

However, Chi Shizhen was not a vegetarian, and he rushed directly to Song Zhixiao.

Aren't you trying to tear me apart? Come on!

Chi Shizhen is really a model for my generation, and he is not soft on girls at all, and he uses all his abilities.

In the end, he fought one of his famous brands and tore off Song Zhixiao.

Song Zhixiao was directly stupid, she never thought that her ability would be used here.

"What!" Song Zhixiao didn't know what to say, her skills were reserved for Jin Zhiguo, and it turned out to be used on Chi Shizhen.

What a crime!

Chi Shizhen lost two name cards at once, and everyone was stupid, fortunately he ran fast, otherwise the remaining name cards would have been gone.

Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu are both lamenting that Song Zhixiao's superpower turned out to be this, and there is a chance to rebound.

"Fortunately, I didn't succeed just now, otherwise I would have gone directly to prison, and I would have died." Li Guangzhu was afraid.

"Hahaha~" Liu Zaishi felt funny when he thought of that scene.

"Stop chatting, hurry up and chase him." Song Zhixiao was speechless, when was this time and still chatting, Chi Shizhen ran away, annoying these people.

"Then you don't have the ability now, do you?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"You guess?" Song Zhixiao smiled slyly, no one knew what she was still hiding.

Li Guangzhu and Liu Zaishi did not directly eliminate her, but followed Chi Shizhen.

In fact, the priority should be Kim Jae-ho now, but Song Jihyo subconsciously does not want to eliminate her, on the contrary, she wants to see what Kim Jae-ho looks like after completing the task.

After all, he likes the person and just wants him to be good.

Some people say that after confessing, the positions of boys and girls will be exchanged, that is, girls will become more like boys.

That can only say that you met a scumbag.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen ran halfway through, and suddenly heard three shouts: "I'm here!" "

When he saw it, it was Kim Jae-ho's voice coming from inside the maze.

He immediately went to check it out, and the inside was confusing, separating the road with very nice walls, creating a maze feeling.

But Chi Shizhen heard the sound before, so he knew where everyone was.

Like Song Ji-hyo, he also has a good impression of Kim Jae-ho and a prison war friendship.

So I didn't think it would be dangerous, so I went straight in.

Even if Kim Jae-ho eliminated him once before, he could explain to him that he had no choice.

However, the first thing his loving brother said when he saw him was: "Hey, brother, what are you doing!" "

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