Why didn't anyone bother, because everyone was together.

"What are your abilities? I know yours, take his, and he will die. "

Kim Junguo pointed to Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin and said.

It means that they are one-minded superpowers, in fact, it is to complain that they are close together, like brothers.

Li Guangzhu and Ji Shizhen also thought it was quite interesting, but suddenly, Li Guangzhu saw Kim Junguo's headphones.

"Brother, why are you wearing this?"

Everyone then found out that Jin Zhiguo wore headphones, and suddenly understood what his superpower was.


"It seems that someone told him that we are coming."

You see, even Chi Shizhen guessed it.

Everyone has already begun to want to laugh, especially Liu Zaishi, who laughs very hatefully.

His smile is the kind of "small sample, seen through it~" ridicule, full of mockery.

In the face of everyone's malicious smiles, Jin Zhiguo also hurriedly denied it: "It's not~"

Then his next sentence was: "Zhixiao is coming Zhixiao." "

"How do you know that!" Li Guangzhu immediately asked.

"Someone must have told him!" Chi Shizhen also knew.

Jin Zhiguo is showing his own feet and does not fight himself.

Because he didn't see Song Zhixiao at all, Song Zhixiao came from behind him.

Jin Zhiguo didn't care anymore, and he knew that he couldn't pretend and wouldn't pretend.

So a big earphone, if it is later, it is good to have that kind of miniature earphone, now this one is too big, stuffed and exposed a large piece.

Hidden, that's impossible, even Li Guangzhu can see that there is a problem with this headset, like a fly on rice, even if you don't mind, you will clearly feel his presence.

Jin Zhiguo did not panic or rush to respond, perhaps he knew for the longest time that he could not hide this fact.

He was just curious, was only his own superpower so obvious?

He was also curious about what other people's superpowers were.

So that's probably why we're here now.

"Where is Jaehiro?" Song Zhixiao walked over with a smile on his back, although he was wearing the same clothes as everyone, he could also see his delicate figure.

Unlike several other people, even if they know that they have superpowers, when everyone looks at her, they still feel that she is not a threat, and they have the feeling of a very well-behaved girl next door.

It's different from Jin Zhiguo, who wears the same coat as everyone else.

Even if his super powers did not give him a combat bonus, everyone felt that his combat power was overflowing.

"Over there, alone." Jin Zhiguo said it easily, and even rushed to answer, causing everyone to laugh.

"Your superpower is too obvious, isn't it?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Jin Zhiguo himself is happy.

But what everyone didn't realize was that when Song Zhixiao came, she didn't hear everyone's discussion of Jin Zhiguo, which means that she didn't see Jin Zhiguo's headphones, nor did she determine Jin Zhiguo's ability.

But when she came, the person who asked was Kim Junguo, not everyone.

It seems to have long known that Kim Junguk gave the answer she wanted.

Everyone is wary of each other, although it seems that everyone is normal, but everyone knows each other, everyone is superpowered.

The unknown is the most terrifying, so everyone did not act rashly in an attempt to test the abilities of others.

Everyone has a feeling that they are very handsome, although they are not really capable, but they have a strong sense of substitution, after all, the production team gives them the ability, they are very confident.

Just like Batman, although he does not have superpowers, but he has the ability to pay money, so rounding is also capable.

And the incompetent among them, Zaihao, what are they doing now?

He's dancing.

Or rather, not dancing.

Doing the action.

"It's so fast! How is it so fast?! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

He is trying his best to keep up with the actions of the rogue rabbit, and the rogue rabbit is the animation on the screen next to him, as long as he follows this animation to do the action, there are points.

Haha also played this when he first entered the scene just now, so the production team naturally compared the two of them.

The same action, haha done, looks relaxed, he does it, looks busy, and all four limbs obviously have their own ideas.

When I got to the back, I couldn't even tell which hand was and which was my foot, and I was very busy.

But it was so busy, and I only got more than two hundred points.

"Why is this so, like this? It's too hard! So fast! Yikes! I'm tired! "

Kim Jae-ho's mouth is busier than his body, and he is the interpretive type.

Just looking at it, I feel that my limbs are a little cramped, what can make a man move like a puppet.

Kim Jae-ho originally thought that he had practiced dancing for a while, although he did not practice much, but this kind of game should be hand-to-hand, but he never thought that he was far behind.

It's so hard!

It's hard or the same thing, it's too tiring!

Everyone didn't think it was good to dance before, but a comparison... Hahayyds!

Just like Kim Jae-ho pulled the bodyguard to sing before, even the aesthetically tired immediately felt that his voice was heavenly.

Kim Jae-ho originally thought that his dance level was the level of a normal person, but now it seems that this is not the case...

"Come on! Kim Jae-ho you can do it! After passing this level, it is a bright future! "

After finally scraping together a thousand points, Kim Jae-ho fell directly.

Tired and miserable...

The main thing is that out of his ten actions, only one is valid, and the rest are invalid.

It's a little better at the back.

I don't know anything else, but he knows that when this device was first set up, it was definitely not for this purpose...

Haha came to do an easy fifty-second project, and he was stunned to play for a few minutes.

Sang-yoon wondered if he would have the strength to compete for something else next.

But surprisingly, everyone did not come to interfere with Kim Jae-ho, if someone came to interfere with Kim Jae-ho, he would have to do it again, which must be another level of tiredness.

But now, it's finally done.

Just when Kim Jae-ho was panting on the ground, PD waved his hand: "Mission passed!" Okay, now the location of the next mission! "

Kim Jae-ho: ???

"And?!" After he shouted these words, he collapsed, accompanied by a cry of sorrow.

Everyone at the scene felt this despair.

There are one and two there are three, Kim Jae-ho remembered, PD once said that you can only get it after completing a series of tasks, it's really a series of tasks!

"After completing the mission, will I still be able to compete with them alive for the strongest?"

Kim Jae-ho looked at the ceiling and was already thinking about life.

However, why hasn't Kim Jae-ho been bothered until now?

Because the other side has not yet adjourned.

Chi Shizhen at this time.

"You pick it! Pick it! "

He opened his arms and faced the menacing Jin Zhiguo, not panicking at all.

He even said, "Please, please take it off quickly!" "

Jin Zhiguo is also the first time to encounter such a situation, he is not afraid of death at all, does today's antelope think that he has lived enough?

However, because it is a superpower special, Jin Zhiguo does not dare to act rashly, but instead goes around in a circle to tear Song Zhixiao.

Song Zhixiao was taken aback, and directly turned around and dodged, Jin Zhiguo did not succeed, or she was just tempting, or a threat.

"Zhixiao, tell brother about your superpowers." Jin Zhiguo is approaching step by step, which means, if you don't tell me, you will be gone.

Li Guangzhu immediately came over and said, "Tell me too." "

Jin Zhiguo immediately switched targets and chased Li Guangzhu directly, and Li Guangzhu quickly greased the soles of his feet and disappeared immediately.

So, what is Lee Kwang-joo's ability?

He was actually incompetent at this time.

When a man is trying to dance for his abilities, he is playing.

Hey, there is ability, I don't look for it, I just play ~

Since he was driven away, he also reluctantly went to find it.

His activation task is simple and clear, that is, something is in a corner, you go to find it, find it and use it.

Compared with Kim Jae-ho's gorgeous mission synopsis, it can be said to be simple.

This is probably for fear of making it complicated, Li Guangzhu can't understand, he may not find it if he understands it, he can't finish the task if he finds it, and he is eliminated without getting the ability...

For example, Kim Jae-ho, who is more meticulous and has a relatively strong ability, can build hard.

Now that he has completed the first stage of his mission, he is setting off to find a second mission point.

The mission tips this time are also simple and clear.

"Taking pictures with yourself, this should be a place to take pictures, which is easy to understand."

"It's too difficult, this task, oh mo oh mo ~ is it necessary? Am I not the strongest in the first class? Is it necessary to do this? Isn't it the strongest of the first session? "

Kim Jae-ho spread out his hand and shook his head, indicating that he did not understand.

But that sizzling feeling is about to overflow, even if the camera brightness is adjusted to the lowest black paint, you can feel it.



He found a row of machines, machines that could be used to take pictures.

"Oh! Got it! Kim Jae-ho hurriedly walked over, "That's it, what is the task?" "

"Ten successful photos in a row."

"That's easy!"

He immediately began to try, the machine was the size of an arcade, there was no reflection of Kim Jae-ho's appearance, but there was a magnifying glass constantly moving.

Kim Jae-ho's head has to move with this magnifying glass, and then suddenly the words of laughter will appear, and at the same time take pictures, at this time, your face must be inside the magnifying glass.

The face is all inside the magnifying glass, and it succeeds.

Needless to say, Kim Jae-ho's face moved with the magnifying glass one by one, which looked very funny.

And, tired.

After succeeding once, Kim Jae-ho looked at the camera.

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