Obviously, when Christmas hit Li Guangzhu, he was even more joyful.

To be honest, Kim Zaihao prefers the Dragon Boat Festival to Christmas, because he can eat zongzi, he likes to eat all kinds of traditional zongzi, sweet and salty and dipping in sugar.

So he has always felt that the battle of sweet and salty tofu brains is very boring, because children fight, he wants them all.

Sweet, salty and spicy, he likes it, of course, it has to be done well, and everything that is not done well tastes for nothing.

His favorite among the rice dumplings is the salted egg yolk meat dumplings.

In the past, during the festival, his mother would be busy cooking a large pot of meat dumplings all day, the ingredients were quite sufficient, and the meat was eaten in large gulps, which was very enjoyable.

Of course, now I can't eat it, and there is also a Dragon Boat Festival here, but it's not interesting, there are no rice dumplings.

"Then I know what you want most." Kim said.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Love Letter of Zhixiao."

"Is there any in this?!" Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up and looked at Jihyo.

"Nope." She said, "How could there be such a thing. "


Song Jihyo was also happy because he wanted to open the gift, but he also pondered in his heart whether to write a letter to Kim Jae-ho.

I really didn't think about it before, after all, if you like it, just call directly.

But she thought about it, Kim Jae-ho has actually been writing love letters to her, and the lyrics of that song are love letters.

They are in love when they grow up, and love letters are rare, because there are more ways to convey love, all kinds and variety.

But sometimes, romance is still the old way is more classic.

For example, sending flowers, sending love letters, classic styles will never go out of style.

Pull away.

Everyone received their own gifts, some very large, some small.

The packaging is very exquisite, it is a rectangular box, everyone's wrapping paper is different, it can be said that the group has spent a lot of effort.

Opening gifts is always in a good mood, and Kim Jae-hoichi opens it, which is a very good-looking hiking shoe.

"Woohoo! Look good! It turned out to be a serious gift! Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

The production team has a black line, what is a serious gift...

But it is true that this time the gifts are all serious and useful winter products, and they are full of practicality.

The most exaggerated thing in haha is directly a down jacket, and Zhixiao is a hiking bag.

"Good-looking, good-looking!" Kim Jae-ho was full of praise.

This decoration is a style that Song Zhixiao usually does not wear, so there is a different feeling, very youthful.

Song Zhixiao still has acne on his face, plus a very young bag, he looks very young.

Liu Zaishi's is a hat, Kim Jae-ho Kim Ji Guoji Shi Zhen's are all shoes, different styles, and Li Guangzhu's is also a bag.

Seeing that everyone had received gifts, PD said.

"From now on, there is also a card given together, that, it is best for you not to be known by others, and you must not be seen by others."

"I'll take a look~" Kim Jae-ho stretched his neck to see Kim Junguo's, Kim Junguo subconsciously pressed his backhand, and Kim Jae-ho's neck was almost gone.

Just as Kim Jae-ho begged for mercy, PD said: "From now on, the second generation of the strongest battle begins!" "


Everyone was shocked, this information was very shocking, a little caught off guard.

It was clear that everyone was playing at Christmas, and suddenly told everyone that they were going to choose the strongest, and an atmosphere of slaughter struck.

All at once everyone went into combat mode.

"Then I don't have to participate, I'm already the strongest." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What do you say, you stole it last time you won, right?" Chi Shizhen said.

"I remember, you tore my name tag." Song Zhixiao said.

"Ah, you won by betrayal!" Haha, this betrayer screamed loudly.

"What kind of strongest person is this!" Liu Zaishi complained.

"What, you have to maintain due respect for the strongest of the generation." Kim Jae-ho crossed his arms and was very proud.

It is already full of hatred, everyone is already fighting spirit, and this time it is necessary to win.

The last time, it was filmed in the broadcasting bureau, and the whole building let everyone run, which was also very exciting at that time, and at the end it was a very fast serial elimination,

Kim Jae-ho finally had two famous tags, so he deceived Kim Junguo when he was about to end the battlefield and directly tore him off.

Then Yoo Jae-seok was torn off by Song Ji-hyo while mocking Kim Junguo, and while Song Ji-hyo was having fun, Kim Jae-ho tore her off.

It really ended all at once, a very wonderful first strongest battle.

Everyone also knows that not the strongest person can be the strongest, and the most faceless person can also be...

So everyone is not convinced, he can be, he can be, everyone feels that they have a chance, so the fighting spirit is full.

Of course, after all, he won, so Kim Jae-ho felt that this time was not a problem.

As the record holder for "the first to go to jail the most", I don't know where his confidence comes from.

Everyone looks at their cards very carefully.

Kim Jae-ho also looked at a corner.

RM 2nd generation of the strongest battle, RM who have been given unknown abilities, make full use of the abilities granted to you!

It turned out to be a superpower special!

Kim Jae-ho liked this special, very enjoyable, very middle two, he remembered that it was Brother Gou's doppelganger technique that won.

Ah, the doppelganger technique is too good, divine skill! If given to himself, he has the confidence to solve the battlefield very quickly.

Just as he was thinking, Liu Zaishi suddenly stood up and asked: "That, this ability..."

He said, suddenly stopped and turned back.

It's realizing that you've said the wrong thing.

It is clear that this is a person whose mouth is faster than his brain.

Everyone was shocked, "What ability?!" "

This is a leak!

"Is it capable?" Kim Junguo asked.

Liu Zaishi froze as if he was frozen.

He still wanted to be round, but the circle couldn't come back, and it directly became a stammer.

But in fact, the content of everyone's card is the same, this is just the production team to deceive everyone.

"We are the golden man... Werewolf? What's going on? Haha asked.

"XMAN Wolverine! What a golden werewolf. Liu Zaishi was quite fluent at this time.

"Yay! You give me quiet! Haha and Liu Zaishi quarreled.

Kim Jae-ho is very sad, his best friend quarrels, no matter how much he persuades, they just refuse to fight.

Everyone is very excited when they think that they have their own abilities, which is probably the reason why superhero dramas endure.

It's so fragrant~

Excited hearts trembling hands, everyone went to be empowered one by one in the order of entry, haha is the first.

The clothes were also changed, the clothes he wore were yellow, and the bottle of drink on the table was also yellow.

There was no other RM around, and this drink was prepared for him alone.

If nothing else, the bottle is very good-looking.

He picked up the bottle, "The task is all the same." "

They have already answered the preparation time for changing clothes just now, everyone has the same task, this has been said before.

He looked left and right, only himself.

"My ability, my ability... The person who rewinds time. "

This is written on the bottle, and the special effect of Bollingbling will be added to the bottle later.

Haha held the bottle and said with a smile: "Just now Zaihao has been talking about the strongest thing, no, the strongest must be me this time!" Whahahaha! "

Haha laughed arrogantly, there was no power at all.

If Haha is the strongest, then the way to win must be betrayal.

But now it's different, he has superpowers!

From now on, he is the one who turns back time!

The way he won, became unpredictable.

This is probably the charm of superpowers, there are no weak abilities, only weak users.

From the moment he drank this drink, he, it was different...

In addition to drinking water, I also had to record an opening, dry ice was pervasive, green light shone, haha did a few actions that he thought were very handsome.

His ability can only be used once, but it is powerful enough to take time back an hour.

This can change the whole pattern, refresh in an instant, and he has a skill that can change the ending.

Of course, this skill works for everyone, not the kind of skill that knows what happened by yourself after being reborn.

Therefore, this skill can be called a public welfare skill that temporarily saves lives.

The next one is Jin Zhiguo, and the skill that Jin Zhiguo possesses is the sixth sense enhancement.

The most uncomfortable thing about him before was his sixth sense, that is, his instincts.

Or the ability to reason, he can vaguely feel the truth of the production team, when others are still confused.

Then there's his reflexes.

Every time someone else wants to attack him, even if it is a very fast and sudden sneak attack, as long as the first blow is not successful, he will definitely be able to dodge.

Of course, the official explanation of the sixth sense is that it can receive information through channels other than normal senses, and can predict what will happen, which has nothing to do with the inference accumulated by the previous experience of the person.

So the ability given to him this time is that someone tells him the location of others in real time.

The ability is not enough, and the manpower to make it up...

"Oh, how else can Kim Jae-ho play in this case?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile, "So that I am not afraid of his sneak attack." "

He suddenly realized that this might be the strongest ability.

To be honest, although everyone thinks Kim Jae-ho is very dish, only he knows how tricky Kim Jae-ho is.

As long as Kim Jae-ho exists, he has to be vigilant, because you don't know that corner, there will be a Kim Jae-ho there waiting for you to enter his attack range.

It is very tiring to be vigilant all the time, so Kim Jae-ho puts him under a lot of pressure every time.

Let's just say that the pressure of several other people combined is not as great as the pressure that Kim Jae-ho alone gave him.

Because Kim Jae-ho's primary target must be him.

But now he can rest assured.

Everything is small, and under his headphones, there will be no escape!

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