On the other side, Kim Jae-ho, who was taken away.

"I know I'm going to jail now, I know you guys have your job, and I know it's the rule, but..."

"Can you bring me tofu flowers too!" I haven't finished eating yet! Although I haven't given money yet..."

"But Brother Ultimate Kingdom is here, hmph, betray me, I won't invite you, you pay for it yourself!" Hum! "

Kim Jae-ho's mood suddenly improved again.

In a sense, he is also a double-standard dog, he used to think of finding an opportunity to betray others, and now he is betrayed and chattering.

He went to prison.

"Will I be the first to come again this time?" Kim Jae-ho was depressed.

Because no one thought of elimination this time, Kim Jae-ho was the first to be eliminated.

Although he won first, he was the first to go to prison.

Just him, very lonely.

He looked at the Buddha statue in the distance, solemn, solemn, and large.

"I feel it." Kim Jae-ho closed his eyes.

The surrounding staff looked at him inexplicably.

"I feel a lot of Zen, ah~good Zen~" Kim Jae-ho sighed selflessly.

Staff around: silly beep.

Kim Jae-ho actually regretted it a little, just now saw that the old man had a feeling, so he subconsciously went to the line for fun, and the old man also understood very well, and immediately followed the line, which was very interesting.

It has a martial arts feeling to get the right line, and it is very comfortable.

But it is to expose the fact that he can speak Cantonese, heck, he can't hide, his excellent talent.

However, he has always said that he can Chinese, and he is not hiding, it depends on whether they believe it or not.

"Guess who's coming first? I guess it's Brother Shi Zhen, then Guangzhu or Brother Zaishi. Kim Jae-ho said to the staff, "Guess right, can you buy me another bowl of tofu flowers?" "

"No need to guess, it's already on the way." PD said.

"Huh?" Jin Zaihao was stunned, "Brother Shi Zhen?" "


"Hahaha~" Kim Jae-ho laughed and clapped his palms.


Not so long ago.

"Oba, did you see Jae-ho?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"I don't know." Jin Zhiguo looked like he didn't know anything.

"I heard that he has been eliminated." Haha said.

"Sure enough, I knew someone would start tearing up the name tag." Kim said while trying to lead them somewhere else.

"What happens if you tear it off? Will there be guests? MR Qing. "Haha guess.

"Is it Liu Yun?!" Jin Zhiguo immediately guessed.

"Lin Xia!" Song Zhixiao also thought of other related names.

"Wouldn't you?!" Haha surprised, Brother Cheng will forget it, after all, active, if these people come, it will be really, something big will happen.

Seeing that things were speculating in an increasingly outrageous direction, Jin Zhiguo was also very satisfied and finally took them there.

Song Jihyo just felt that it was a pity, she was very lucky to know the complete task prompt from Young-ho, which was what Kim Jae-ho thought, so she wanted to inform Kim Jae-ho.

I didn't expect Kim Jae-ho to be eliminated.

Now, Jin Zhiguo has the biggest advantage, and he knows the most things.

The shots are also the most, because his every word and deed can analyze the content.

Jin Zhiguo did not take advantage of the lack of people to eliminate Haha and Song Zhixiao, on the one hand, they were not much threatened, on the other hand, he was afraid of causing panic among everyone, and then he would be set on fire.

He now knows that it is necessary to eliminate people.

Therefore, when everyone gathered together, Jin Zhiguo let everyone tear off Chi Shizhen through simple guidance.

As for why it was Chi Shizhen, it was mainly because when everyone got up in the morning, they saw a real brand hanging on Chi Shizhen's door, so he was likely to have a real brand.

Of course, he can only be regarded as lying on the gun.

Taking advantage of the fact that others were restraining Chi Shizhen, he hurriedly grabbed people's heads, but he couldn't let others tear them up.

Liu Zaishi wanted to tear, but was directly blocked by his hand, Liu Zaishi did not realize why he was this, after all, he did not know how much advantage the person who teared the famous brand had, so he directly let it go.

Of course, he soon knew.

Inside the name plate, there are words.

Not only that, PD also called: "Chi Shizhen, please give the medal to Jin Zhiguo." "

Because it was torn off by Jin Zhiguo, the medal was also given to Jin Zhiguo.

Now that Jin Zhiguo can immediately take this medal to the appraisal, he has to find a chance to get out.

There is a wisdom character in the name plate, Chi Shizhen is gone, then the only possible person now is Song Zhixiao.

However, Kim Junguo didn't think so, because he got Kim Jae-ho's name plate, and Kim Jae-ho's name tag had a road character on it.

This should indicate the meaning of the location, but he doesn't mind letting everyone draw attention to Song Zhixiao.

But fortunately, when Song Zhixiao saw that word, he quietly slipped away as soon as he saw it, because he was afraid of being torn off.

"How about we tear another person to see what it is?" Kim Junguo asked.

"And who to tear?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Jin Zhiguo looked at him with a smile, and Rong He suddenly arrived behind Liu Zaishi.

There seems to be a big "danger" word on Liu Zai's stone, generally speaking, whoever proposes the idea will suffer.

"Oh, why me." Liu Zaishi immediately stood up, tense and very sensitive.

Jin Zhiguo suddenly touched it.

"Hehe~" Liu Zaishi immediately hid and hid over there, and Rong He touched it again.

"Hehe~" Liu Zaishi half-reclined, "Then I'll be like this." "

As a result, Jin Zhiguo directly lifted his feet, which was easy.

The two small ones immediately lifted Liu Zaishi's upper body, from the rebellion and teasing of the younger brothers.

Liu Zaishi struggled desperately and directly gave Li Guangzhu a frontal thousand-year killing attack, and Li Guangzhu was also startled.

The three people let go, but did not let Liu Zaishi go, faintly surrounded him in the middle, suddenly, Haha and Minzhen also came, and suddenly Jin Zhiguo arrested Liu Zaishi again.

Everyone rushed up, Liu Zaishi saw that it was in danger, and he was also panicked, and suddenly he rushed up and rushed directly to Haha.

If someone must be sacrificed, why me?

So he thought of a way.

Only a tearing sound was heard, accompanied by a scream of haha, everyone looked at it sharply, haha has been eliminated.

But this is not the end, it is another sound of tearing the name card, Liu Zaishi has not been happy for long, his name card has been torn off by Jin Zhiguo.

Jin Zhiguo has been staring at it, obviously he has been controlling Liu Zaishi, why Liu Zaishi can still tear haha, it is because he released water.

Now the effect is out, Jin Zhiguo has received two famous medals at once, which is two tips and two medals.

Suddenly, he felt a touch on his back, and Jin Zhiguo immediately turned around, and then held his name tag and retreated.

"Brother, it's not like that." Li Guangzhu said very provocatively, explaining that he did not do it just now.

But he did it.

Only he and Ronghe know that the real medal is in the hands of Jin Zhiguo, and no one's is good, only Jin Zhiguo.

Seeing that the strongest Liu Zaishi has been eliminated, and he and Ronghe have secretly allied again, then the next one must be Jin Zhiguo.

It's a pity that Jin Zhiguo's reaction was too fast.

Or, in a hurry, he hesitated.

"No, I'll tear you apart! What's wrong! Li Guangzhu suddenly rebelled, of course, everyone could see the void inside.

This roar made both Haha and Liu Zaishi temporarily walk out of the shock of elimination.

Where did the courage come from to say this.

"Rong He, let's eliminate him together, right." Li Guangzhu asked.

"Hiss..." Rong He tilted his head sideways, his expression a little ambiguous.

Li Guangzhu: ... What do you mean?

Jin Zhiguo also crooked his neck and made a clicking sound, and his expression did not seem to be very good.

The situation turned around in an instant.

Li Guangzhu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he who was still shouting just now immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Brother, wait a minute..."

That look, everyone around laughed.

But suddenly, Rong He rushed behind Jin Zhiguo and tried to take Jin Zhiguo away in a wave!

But the extremely responsive Jin Zhiguo reacted at once, and turned around as a wave of counterattacks.

He is angry, Guangzhu is like this, you are like this, are you looking down on me?!

All of a sudden, he also opened up, and did not want to attack Ronghe directly, and the man fought one to one.

This wave of offensive made everyone stunned, and Li Guangzhu also reacted after a beat slowly, and hurriedly helped.

Minzhen, who was still laughing, also slowed down a beat, and even helped a beat, a little overwhelmed, but she also knew that she had to help.

And all of a sudden, Minzhen helped, but it was Li Guangzhu who looked stupidly next to him.

I have to say that Rong He is really very powerful, he and Jin Zhiguo grabbed each other and did not give in, but Jin Zhiguo was very violent, directly pulling Rong He to block the other people's positions.

This dazzling battle reflected the rapid changes in the battlefield, and Liu Zaishi and Haha were dumbfounded.

It's a pity that I've already been eliminated and can't join.

"Oops! Come here quickly! Brother Guangzhu come quickly! "Rong He is going to vomit, what kind of pig teammate is this?

Li Guangzhu hesitated, already stupid.

This is too scared to go on.

"Guangzhu, go up and help!" Liu Zaishi couldn't see it, so he hurriedly urged.

"It's not that I don't help..." Li Guangzhu also wanted to help, but he didn't dare, he didn't know how to help.

Just when everyone was about to die in a hurry, Jin Zhiguo suddenly rushed up, and Li Guangzhu shouted in fright: "Brother! Elder brother! "

Li Guangzhu couldn't help but retreat, almost scared to death, Ronghe and Minjung couldn't restrain Jin Zhiguo at all, and Jin Zhiguo rushed to Li Guangzhu in an instant.

After shaking his body in front of him, he ran away.

Lee Kwang-joo is just a pretense, his real goal is to go to the appraisal with medals and tips he knows.

Because Kim Jae-ho's tip is "way", it is likely that you will see a location after getting together.

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