"No, the weather is nice." Liu Zaishi said.

"Indeed." Kim Jae-ho looked at the very clear blue sky and white clouds.

"What were you talking about?" Haha asked.

"She said she couldn't trust you, you would lie to me." Kim Jae-ho said.

"How is it possible, I'm your dearest brother!" Haha patted his heart, "You know what to tell me." "

"What, the dearest is obviously me, don't tell him, tell me." Liu Zaishi competes for favor.

Just now, Kim Jae-ho and they talked so much and understood everything, and the two of them talked for so long, and nothing came out, so they were pulling each other and wanted to take advantage of each other.

Haha and Liu Zaishi are both ghosts and spirits, and they will definitely not say what they see so easily, and these two cowards actually didn't see anything just now.

Not even as much as Kim Jae-ho saw.

A few people did not continue to fight, knowing that they would not get more, so they broke up unhappily.

And Brother Chi Shizhen has long seen that they have nothing and left early.

Kim Jae-ho's goal is still Kim Ji-guk and Young-he, in fact, it is mainly Kim End-guo, Young-ho feels very slippery, and he didn't say it so simply.

Soon Kim Jae-ho found Kim Ji-kook.

"Brother." Kim Jae-ho immediately greeted him.

"Oh, in Hao~" When Jin Junguo smiled brightly, his eyes narrowed into a line, but don't get me wrong, he actually saw clearly.

It's like a battlefield, you have the biggest field of vision, you think you see more, but in fact, for you who are very dish, it is just more distraction.

Jin Zhiguo always stares at what he needs most, focused.

Recently, I was watching a drama in which a big guy turned into a househusband and found that the reason why he is strong is because he is very focused on what he has to do.

Speak sonorously, live with a sense of ritual, be a hundred times more invested in what you have to do, and do one thing to the extreme.

I don't think about things that I plan, I don't think too much, as long as it's something I want to do, I do it immediately and finish it seriously.

Sometimes life is not so difficult, don't think about how big the goal is every day, in fact, what should be done now, everyone is clear.

However, people tend to make easier choices.

For example, Kim Jae-ho, now he can obviously go to the white-haired MR Qing, but he found Kim Junguo and wants more detailed tips.

Kim Junguo is the man who eats popcorn.

So he knows everything.

"Brother, have you read all the tips?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I've seen it all, what's wrong? Didn't you see? Jin Zhiguo asked.

"I'm scared to death."

So Kim Jae-ho told the story of his fall in mid-air again, because it was told for the second time, so it was much smoother, polished a lot, exaggerated a lot, and had a lot more comedy effects, after all, it was a screenwriter.

The Kim Junguo who spoke seemed to be on the scene, and his mood changed with Kim Jae-ho's every word.

"But even so, I saw a lot, brother, let's form an alliance, they all said they didn't see it, just you see it now." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's in it for me that I tell you?" Jin Zhiguo asked, a very rational man.

"That's for sure, brother, you are my dearest brother, and I will definitely help you when we ally with you!" Kim Jae-ho looked sincere.

"I also remembered that every time it was my dearest brother who was the first to say that he would form an alliance and solve me first." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Isn't that it! That's all the more an alliance! If you think about it, if I help you, they will definitely not think of dealing with you first. Kim Jae-ho said.

Logic genius.

Jin Zhiguo had to admit that although what he said was outrageous, it was unexpectedly reasonable.

"So, brother, how about I invite you to tofu? Tofu flowers, but delicious. Kim Jae-ho smiled and looked at the stall next to him.

"I think you want to eat it yourself." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"It's worthy of being my dearest brother, and he really understands me." Kim Jae-ho smiled and said, "Let's go." "

"Can you understand the words there? How do you know to sell tofu flowers? Jin Zhiguo was curious.

"Is the language genius called in vain? Say that I'm Chinese very powerful! "I'm studying Chinese day and night." "

This statement is really not deceptive.

"Why do you do that kind of thing, you don't want to be a translator." Jin Zhiguo felt very strange, "And aren't you usually playing games?" I haven't seen you learn. "

"I don't usually study when I receive people." Kim Jae-ho said, "I was very attentive when I was studying, and I couldn't focus on both. "

"Haha~ So you play games when you receive people?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"No, they all said I didn't play games, I haven't played games for twenty hours!"

"We've only been here for twenty hours, have we?"

"So yes."

"Forget it, what are these words?"

The two people had already walked, and Jin Zhiguo pointed to the Chinese above and asked.

"You can understand this, right? Mountain, water, landscape tofu flower. "

"So what's on top?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Stone grinding, which means tofu ground with stones, this kind of tofu is relatively primitive, not made by machines." Kim Jae-ho not only translated, but also expanded his knowledge.

"Awesome!" Jin Zhiguo can be described as impressive.

The aunt next to her happily watched the two foreigners studying Chinese here, which was very interesting.

"Tofu flowers, very delicious, very sweet." Auntie said.

"Tofu flowers?" Kim Junguo said with a very thick accent.

"Yes, tofu flower." Auntie thought he understood, "Do it yourself." "

"What did she say?" Kim Junguo asked.

"How do I know, I'm not a translator." Kim Jae-ho looked at him strangely.

Kim Ji-kook: ???

"Come two, this one." Kim Jae-ho gestured his finger and said Chinese.

"Two?" Auntie also compared her fingers and learned to speak Chinese, with a thick Cantonese accent.

"Yes, yes, yes." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

On how to pretend that you don't know much about Chinese, you probably ask questions in Mandarin in Cantonese-speaking areas.

But the aunt was also surprised, and directly compared: "OK! ok! "Then I went to work.


Auntie's answer made the two burst into laughter.

"We said Chinese she answered in English hahaha~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"This is Xiangjiang!" Kim Jae-ho said in English.

The two people walked in to a shady place to find a place to sit, but as soon as they entered the door, Kim Jae-ho immediately said: "Ah! The ground yelled.

"What?" Jin Zhiguo looked curiously to this side.

Kim Jae-ho immediately stretched out his hand to block Kim Junguo's eyes.

Jin Zhiguo grabbed his hand with his backhand and twisted it down.

"Aaaaah! It hurts! Wrong! Wrong brother! "

"Want to die?" Jin Zhiguo looked at him funny, then glanced over there, and was immediately stunned.

"What the hell?!"

On the other side, Minzhen Li Guangzhu also met haha, Minzhen immediately greeted: "Hahahahahaoba~"

After she passed, Haha immediately pulled her off and asked her to share information, but she who had already shared it with Li Guangzhu knew that even if she shared information, others would not give her anything.

So she didn't say it at the first time, but walked to Haha's side.

Because she suddenly approached, haha subconsciously turned her back to a safe place, this is PSTD, afraid that she would tear the name tag.

Self-cultivation of a qualified RM person.

But Min Jung-cai is not rare in his name, she has other plans.

After a quick leap over haha, she started running.

Everyone looked over there, and a yellow man wearing a white wig was also running.

"That's right, that's right!" She shouted, and began to accelerate.

Seeing this, Li Guangzhu immediately chased over, haha was still stunned in place.

"Is that Mr. Qing?"

Rong He is a new force, after seeing it, he rushed over as soon as he saw it, joined the roundup, and jumped over directly pressing the pillar when he encountered the guardrail, as if flying.

This kind of action, which is only seen on TV, actually appeared in front of him, and he was also handsome and very dashing.

Because of his speed, the quality of this chase battle suddenly increased.

But what people didn't expect was that the chased person suddenly threw off a few of them, and kept moving around, doing his best, and finally was caught by Rong He.

The "hyenas" hurriedly surrounded them, especially Song Zhixiao, who was very smart and waited for Ronghe to catch it.

Liu Zaishi also came, but he came over to find out what everyone was doing.

"Are you a young man?"

"No, I'm MRG." He said.

"Then how does he prove it, whether he is tall or green?" Minjung asked.

"His surname is really Gao." Li Guangzhu gave a very powerful answer, which made Minjung give up asking all of a sudden.

That's right, this is our drag prince Dongwan again, this time he disguised himself as MR Qing, just to confuse everyone.

But he was alone, so it was a little shabby.

Everyone was also very disappointed that this was not MR Qing.

They didn't know that the real MR Qing was appearing in front of the two people at this time.

Kim Kim brothers.

"Oh?! MR Qing?! Jin Zhiguo looked at the golden-clothed and white-haired man sitting in front of him in surprise.

There is such a thing, just want to eat something, and even found the person you want to find?

It's like an employee trying to touch a fish, and the project is completed by touching it.

Kim Jae-ho was also immediately stunned, the impact of the yellow-clothed grandfather was nothing more than seeing salted tofu brain here.

"Brother, I'm not still dreaming, am I? Will you hit me and try? "

Jin Zhiguo grabbed his shoulder and shook it violently, "It's true!" I'm not dreaming! "

"Enough is enough! Stop! Brother and my brain pulp are almost shaken by you! Kim Jae-ho's voice was all in one by one, because he was shaken.

Jin Zhiguo smiled and let him go.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes were confused and complained: "I let you hit me, didn't let you ruin me..."

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