"Because you are the second to pass, I give you the second best task."

"Hey, that team is really lucky~" Liu Zaishi pointed at Kim Jae-ho.

"Hey one ancient ah one ancient ~ someone is sour ~ what a big vinegar smell ~ ah one ancient ~ " Kim Jae-ho yin and yang strange.

Liu Zaishi bit his lower lip.

But now is not the time to align the line, look at the instructions first.

The text version...

After Liu Zaishi listened, he silently clicked it again to play.

"For reference, ours is Korean~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

"Shhhhh Liu Zaishi leaned back and took a deep breath and closed his lips, this fire is on the brain, rubbing.

Anger to internal injuries.

"What's yours?" Is it in English? Chi Shizhen asked with a smile, and then watched their reactions.

Haha the three did not speak, but their expressions were not very good.

"Oh, they're in English!" Li Guangzhu happily fell into the well, adding insult to the situation, adding fuel to the fire, and gloating.

By basing your happiness on someone else's pain, you can get double happiness.

Liu Zaishi they are angry, take the bamboo shoots!

"Ask us well, maybe we will tell you when you are in a good mood." Kim Jae-ho said with his back to his hand.

Liu Zaishi and Haha looked at each other.

"Nope! Elder brother! Nope! "Haha sadness comes from this.

Liu Zaishi looked resolute: "There is no way!" "

"Nope! Then there will be no self-esteem! Elder brother! Haha begged bitterly, hugged Liu Zaishi's thigh, and cried in a panic.

Liu Zaishi looked away and said resolutely: "Men, some things must be done, this is a man!" "

"Brother!! Woo-woo~" Haha was hoarse, and then suddenly said with a serious face: "Then you go quickly, I won't send it." "


Sichuan opera changed faces, two drama essences.

But at this time, the last team also came and missed the sitcom, but it didn't matter.

Their instructions are more pure, Chinese, soundtracks.

Haha they can still guess, this time they don't even have a chance to guess.

They only heard one word "true" because it was spoken in Korean.

"What is a real word?" Kim Junguo asked.

The three fools laughed inflatedly: "Hahaha~ It turns out that the instructions I listened to over there are Chinese ah~"


Ji Seok-jin rides Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo, and Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho laugh very exaggeratedly.

It looks like a typical template for villains.

There is no way, such a bureau, once a year, maybe not once.

In fact, the main thing is that this game is too peaceful, there is no physical confrontation, otherwise they will definitely win in Jin Zhiguo, and they will not be at the bottom now.

But in fact, today's is not counted, this is only half laughed, and tomorrow.

Now the most important thing is not this, but the next sentence.

"From now on, it's an individual battle!"

"Hey?!" Kim Jae-ho exclaimed.

He was not alone in asking such questions.

Kim Jae-ho immediately said, "Brother, take your hand away." "

Chi Shizhen: It's so desperate!

"Yay! You don't say I'm going to do it too! "

"Brother who is joking~he~" Kim Jae-ho immediately got tired of Ji Seok-jin.

"Cut~" Ikeishi Zhenya pretended not to care and crossed his hands.

"One medal for each person."

"Ours is copper, silver and silver." Liu Zaishi said.

"Ours only has gold medals, and it's the same no matter how it is divided." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Liu Zaishi was not happy to listen to Kim Jae-ho.

"There is also a difference between the gold medals, you can do it yourself, you can change it if you want, but now after the division, what you get is your own, and you can't change it again."

"So shall we change?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Change it." Lee Kwang-joo said, "Who wants me?" "

"Give it to me." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then yours is for me, mine for him." Chi Shizhen said.


Kim Jae-ho's idea is probably that Lee Kwang-joo is a stinky hand, so even if he originally won the gold medal, he would let it out, so the one who wanted Lee Kwang-joo was the best choice.

This is not metaphysics, it is science.

In addition to them, several other people are also discussing whether to change.

"This special is Xiangjiang 24 hours, take that as a reminder."

With exhaustion, everyone returned to their respective rooms.

Kim Jae-ho was already tired, but he still gave Song Jihyo an inspection, a room inspection.

Even if Song Zhixiao said that she would check it herself.

Song Jihyo has been persuading Kim Jae-ho to go to bed quickly, after all, she knows that Kim Jae-ho has a very exaggerated ten-hour sleep rule.

It can be said that he has never seen him stay up more than one o'clock, many times he goes to bed at ten o'clock, and now it is three o'clock.

This is actually the beginning of this life, his body needs to rest, in the previous life he was seven or eight hours on the line, sleep quality is sometimes very bad.

Now it's different, the alarm clock doesn't need to be adjusted, and you sleep directly until the music starts.

So why he can remember so much music, probably for this reason, is reviewing it every day.

However, this also makes him energetic every day when he is awake, and laziness is just a personal hobby.

It's really hard to stay up from three in the afternoon to three in the morning, and tomorrow you have to get up at seven o'clock.

Everyone hurried to sleep and rest.

The hallways were filled with cameras because the production team still had things to do.

They rested, but the production team didn't.

They also have to hang real signs to sleep.

But in addition to the production team, there are people who are awake.

Lee Kwang-joo.

He, did not sleep.

I saw the real sign hanging in Jin Zhiguo's room.

Smart, or rather mean.

But he's not the only one doing so.

Ronghe, did not sleep either.

He captures Lee Kwang-joo, and then the two form an alliance, and Lee Kwang-joo tells Ronghe everything.

It turned out that the two people, all night, did nothing, had been staring at the movement outside the cat's eye, and they were opposite the door.

The two of them had been watching the movement outside through the cat's eyes.

High-end bureau.

So the two high-end players together transferred the real brand of Jin Zhiguo to Chi Shizhen's room.

And to make sure that things would not change again, Li Guangzhu did not sleep all night and kept staring at the door.

This terrible desire to win or lose is very suitable for "New Journey to the West".

At seven o'clock in the morning, everyone got up, except for Li Guangzhu, who had never slept at all.

Now everyone knows that the sign is at the door of Chi Shizhen.

No one knows, the matter of Guangzhu and Ronghe.

Soon, everyone woke up, even the sleepy ghost Haha got up because of the movement outside.

Because it was an individual battle, everyone was very active and did not want to miss some intelligence.

Then everyone went downstairs to check out, and I heard that there would be information after checking out.

However, one person is missing.

Or rather, everyone deliberately ignored a person.

Kim Jae-ho, asleep.

Song Zhixiao, who was walking at the end, looked at it, "Hasn't Zaihao woken up yet?" Also, it was just over three hours. "

"Hey, Ichiko, that Pabhu!"

Song Jihyo shook his head, there was no way, so he had to go to Kim Jae-ho and knocked his door.

"Get up! It's seven o'clock! We're going to check out. "

The door had been slammed, but there was still no movement inside.

"Alas, this Prabhu." Song Zhixiao shook his lips, there was no way, so he had to go first, after all, he was already behind.

If you don't wake up in this way, the alarm clock should be useless.

As she thought, the alarm clock has done its part.

But it didn't work.

Now unless he goes in and shakes Kim Jae-ho, he won't wake up.

But no one has Kim Jae-ho's room card, unless they go to the hotel to ask for it.

But because it was interesting, the production team didn't do it, just wanted to see what time he could sleep.

Normally, it's one o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Guangzhu and Ji Shizhen still acted together because of yesterday's relationship.

Neither of the two mentioned Kim Jae-ho's matter, nor did they call Kim Jae-ho, after all, it was a personal battle.

Song Zhixiao shouldn't have been like that, but there is no way, who told her to love him.

And then there is a true love, Liu Zaishi.

When Liu Zaishi was moving in the car behind, he learned that although Li Chi and the two were in a team yesterday, no one went to call Kim Jae-ho today.

Of course, he himself did not go.

When checking out, everyone has to choose a task letter and decide on their own tasks, the task content is different, and everyone has to go to different places to do different tasks.

Only the person who solves the task knows the final place.

Interestingly, Liu Zaishi's panda mission is a famous scene.

Haha did the singing task, this is powerful, haha found one of his fans, actually sang his own song, and it was still in Korean.

He searched for a long time but couldn't find a person who could sing, and it was rare to find a fan who was still his own.

To be honest, that song, let me come I can't do it, really only his fans and more special fans, will remember the lyrics.

This is something that only happens when both sides are lucky, and it is ultimately lucky.

And I met my own fans at this time when I needed it most, and I don't need to mention how touched I am, I will cry the kind of touch.

Li Guangzhu was frantically tortured on a roller coaster, on the one hand, he was afraid, on the other hand, he had to concentrate on photographing the words that appeared on the way, and he would do it again if he didn't shoot it.

Chi Shizhen is to find the call of a specific bird in the bird park, there are so many birds in it, it is really very difficult to find it by relying on a recording.

However, it is also incredible that such a difficult thing was done by him.

Song Zhixiao wants to go to the top of the stairs with passers-by rock-paper-scissors first, which is pure luck, but there is no problem with the golden hand.

So only Li Guangzhu was tortured, screaming all the time.

And, of course, some man who didn't wake up.

Because he really can't wait, Kim Jae-ho's room is not moving at all, and everyone also knows Kim Jae-ho's special sleeping habits, maybe everyone is leaving, he hasn't gotten up yet.

So everyone went to call the door.

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