Minzhen's back is very good-looking, and he looks good when he looks back, and Liu Zaishi and Haha are like following two sunflowers behind, only staring at Minzhen.

It is the locals who drive, they are just the people in the car.

In this way, three people sit in the last seat, and all three people can enter the camera at once, neatly.

Actually, it's better this way.

Haha their team, Minzhen is naturally in the middle, so that the rain and dew can be even, and the two people will not be jealous and there will be no contradictions.

As for Kim Jae-ho, Ji Seok-jin sat in the middle.

For no reason, it's just sitting like this.

It's like grass on the side of the road, when it gets there, it grows there.

Kim Jae-ho looked in a good mood, after all, he had just seen Brother Long.

"I learned a lot of Cantonese, Chinese well, you can just follow me today."

"So try to win today?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"No, I plan to eat and drink well and have fun today." Kim Jae-ho gave them a smile, as if he had given up on treatment.

"No, we're going to win today!" Chi Shizhen looked at him and said.

"Brother, know that the team is invincible, why should we win!"

"There is a chance! As long as we work hard! There will always be a chance! Yikes! We want to create a legend in Xiangjiang, why should we be so discouraged! We can do it! Chi Shizhen clenched his fists.

"That's right!" Li Guangzhu's fighting spirit ignited and stretched out his hand.


Chi Shi Zhen continued: "Touch! "

Kim Jae-ho immediately followed: "Kim Jae-ho is the most handsome!" "

"Oh..." Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen were immediately deflated.

"Aratho Alasho!" Kim Jae-ho compromised.

"Must touch!" Lee Chi.

“cross!" The three shouted together.

"This is the slogan of the two of you, this is not good, you have to think of a new one." Kim Jae-ho still has a lot of requirements.

"What?" Chi Shizhen asked, Li Guangzhu had already begun to think.

"Add my name, Kim Bitouch, cross!"

"Secretary Kim?" Li Guangzhu immediately thought of the same sound, Jin Bitouchi and Secretary Jin are very similar.

"Hahaha! This is good! Yikes! Just call it Secretary Jin Cross! Chi Shizhen immediately laughed.

"Agreed!" Kim Jae-ho also said.

After all, all three people participated in this play, although Chi Shizhen only played soy sauce and said a line, but it can be regarded as a participant, and under the strong recognition of this identity, the three immediately agreed to this proposal and made a little modification to it.

They came at once.

Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand with a serious expression: "Kim! "

Chi Shi leaned forward: "Secret!" "

Li Guangzhu: "Book! "

The three shouted "cross!" together. At the same time, they raised their hands high and froze, and if they hadn't paused for a second and immediately looked like fools, they would have looked quite handsome.

So a very strange slogan was temporarily used, and the barrage broadcast at that time also had a very apt description of the team: three fools.

Originated from a very classic movie, their description in this issue is probably "Three Silly Troubles in the Pearl of the Orient".

And many later barrages called this barrage reasonable and vivid, and would add words such as "hahaha laughed at me" and "named the ghost" after it.

It's really very interesting for the three of them, in fact, Kim Jae-ho doesn't think that Ji Seok-jin and Lee Kwang-joo are bad, but the strength in the game is a little bit of a problem, but if it is out to play, Ji Seok-jin and Lee Kwang-joo are the best choice, more interesting than other groups.

Now the question is that they want to win ...

On the other side, Bi Twenty was ready to open his live broadcast room as usual, and unlike the anchor who gave up before, he did it more successfully.

Now every day is a fixed time broadcast, he has fun, water friends are also happy, he also enjoys the feeling of chatting with many people, and feels that every day is very fulfilling, very lively, so he does not feel tired, but looks forward to it every day.

And he is in Xiangjiang, using the overseas version of MMP live broadcast, and the overseas version is in cooperation with local companies, not just alone.

Of course, the overseas version will not be said to be an overseas version, but a version that has been adjusted to a certain extent according to the national culture.

Because of the large investment, friendly environment, and very good viewing experience, the anchor has no tips every day and has a little income, so it also quickly seized the market with the M station, and many new anchors and new viewers settled in.

Bi Twenty is also one of them, just like his name, he is just twenty, of course, every year after that, he may also be just twenty.

Even so, it is better than the eighteenth year.

Today, as soon as he opened the game "Ordinary Me", he habitually nagged with the barrage first.

"Yesterday this game seems to have been updated again, I don't know what content was updated this time, this game is really too conscientious, the update is more like an online game, but only charge a money."

"And the update of this game will have a big change from time to time, and the golden silly is really awesome, an eternal god."

At first, everyone called Kim Jae-ho Kim Shin, derived from a certain anime character, and in some ways very similar to Kim Jae-ho.

Later, for a series of reasons, the golden flash turned into the golden fool.

Of course, only domestic ones will call it that.

In the eyes of some gamers, this is just a nickname, after all, Kim Jae-ho's game is too fragrant, and the most important thing is that he is now the boss of many streamers.

Of course, most people only feel that Kim Jae-ho is the prince of the group, and they do not regard him as the real boss, just ridicule.

But Bi Twenty knew that Kim Jae-ho was the real boss.

He originally liked Kim Jae-ho, and now he has this relationship, and he worships Kim Jae-ho even more, which is the same as a certain DNF player who will hang the head of a man surnamed Ma behind his back.

So it's no exaggeration to say that he is a fan of Kim Jae-ho.

Because of the relationship between speaking Cantonese since he was a child, watching Xiangjiang's comedy movies and TV series since he was a child, Bi Twenty is a rather humorous person, and he has a very fluent Gangpu, and he also likes to sing very much, and he also sings Kim Jae-ho's songs, the difficulty is super high, the accent is funny, it is simply a death singer, every time he sings everyone asks him not to sing, but he doesn't care, but sings more vigorously, and also clips out the video of his singing to torture the audience over and over again, which is why he quickly became popular.

He plans to continue playing the single-player game that has recently exploded, and even the god old roll has put aside to play this pixel game without a plot, because this seemingly simple pixel game is so good!

Because of the problem of the game, there is no pressure to push the flow, unlike the old roll, which can hardly be pushed, and the paste is fatal.

More importantly, the game content!

There are super many skills and equipment, there are super many types of monsters, and the refresh is random, the playing style completely depends on the skills you explode, the randomness is full, and the degree of freedom is too high!

Maybe others shout Demacia every day and rush to the hard monster, while you collect ingredients every day to cook, and study the effects of various recipes every day.

Such a very high degree of freedom makes him go on as soon as he plays, and because the degree of freedom is too high, sometimes he doesn't know how to die, and if he forgets to save it, he is afraid that he will be angry to death, and he would rather reopen.

Of course, the effect of the show is also full, and many viewers just want to see how he died.

After dying many times, this time I finally played a little longer.

Because of his skills, he has been playing the trap flow method, that is, arranging a lot of traps, and then attracting monsters to take away in waves, which is very cool and very obscene, but very safe.

Yesterday, he wasted the power of nine bulls and tigers to fight an elite monster, but he didn't expect to burst a skill called "luring incense", which actually attracted monsters within a certain range into the set range, so that the lot of time he spent on pulling monsters before can now be shortened a lot!

If it wasn't too late, he would definitely have tried it on the spot.

When I sleep, my brain is still full of operations, and although this game has no plot, it unexpectedly has a sense of immersion, feeling like I am in another world.

It was a feeling he hadn't felt before.

After hearing that there will be a plot later, he is worried about whether the game will become less interesting because of the plot.

But the idea is completely superfluous, the plot character background setting, just to make the world more realistic.

There is no main story in this game, that is, where you go and do something, the plot that can be triggered, is the backstory of this world.

For example, the Lord of the Rings, when people are sending rings to defend the city and siege the city, when they are leading the legion to fight for ideas, if you don't take those tasks, you may not even know what happened over there, but when you get there, you find that it is already dilapidated and seems to have experienced a big war.

For players who have been fighting monsters, it may be playing, and suddenly a group of orc armies pass by or suddenly the tree around you grows legs and goes in a certain direction together, which has no effect on you.

The plot setting just adds to the interactivity of this world.

Of course, these real-time calculations will have to be encountered in the next sequel, and the plot of the first version does not have these things.

And don't look at these settings think it's very hardcore, in fact, it's much simpler than the old roll, especially the operation, in fact, the keys of the button mouse, the hand is disabled can be played, press very cool, even if it is used to vent is also possible, very in place.

It can only be said that Kim Jae-ho understands what the player wants too well, and he does it all on his G-spot, which is very high and very comfortable.

Today he plans to try this skill, but don't underestimate this skill, he feels that this skill will become the core of his system, and then he will continue to be an ordinary hunter in this mysterious forest, and then, hunt divine beasts!

As soon as he thought that the divine beast entered the scene where he had arranged for a long time to trigger the trap, he was full of energy, and he only felt that the monster hunter was just that, and he was the real monster hunter!

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