It may be that I haven't been on the stage for a long time, but the last time was quite cool, and in the next few days, Kim Jae-ho occasionally thought about it and felt enjoyable.

Although he can go to the stage every day, Kim Jae-ho does not want it.

Occasionally it is called cultivating emotions, and going there every day is called work.

Work Click!

Having a regular job a week is fine.

That's right, it's RM.

Kim Jae-ho happily went to work.

I also have to bring my passport this time, so Kim Jae-ho is looking forward to it very much and wants to go to China.

I didn't expect to really go to China, and the production team said that they wanted to go to the beautiful Xiangjiang.

Kim Jae-ho is wearing a more languid outfit in light blue today, the blue starlight scarf seems casual but in fact it has been done for a long time, the big fisherman's hat covers half of his face, and he wears a black mask.

Always high-class, today is a visual kei atmosphere beautiful man.

Li Guangzhu looked at it with a feeling of crushing her appearance, and felt that the airport should be dressed like this.

But he quickly forgot about it, and the place he was going to today was too much for him to look forward to, so when he got out of the car, he forgot another thing.


There will always be one or two such people.

Looking at Lee Kwang-joo, who rushed back, Kim Jae-ho smiled.

He is different, the uncle has already prepared it for him, and he will give it to him when he gets off the car.

This kind of thing does not need to be remembered.

This is probably the margin of the broker's reliability.

With his pocket in his pocket, Kim Jae-ho walked like he was taking a pictorial newspaper.

From the moment he got out of the car, he felt that countless cameras were pointed at him.

Pat me pat me ~

The corners of his mouth under the mask hooked a confident smile, pretended not to care, and continued to walk coolly.


Li Guangzhu hurriedly ran by, and his back could be seen that he was happy, like a silly child.

I don't know why, Kim Jae-ho, who was originally very calm, also ran.

Well, the silly kid became two.

Three years old, one more year is not like it.

The two of them ran inside happily, then boarded the plane with everyone, and the next time the camera turned on, it was time to get off the plane.

There are also a lot of pick-ups this time, and at the awkward time of three o'clock in the afternoon, there are people waiting for them, which is much better than the last time.

They are now inside the immigration office, where they pick up their luggage, and there are many girls taking pictures next to them.

"This is my first time in Xiangjiang." Liu Zaishi said.

Everyone is actually similar, but Zhixiao has come five times because of the pictorial.

"So is it a match today?" Kim Junguo asked.

This terrier is so cold that Liu Zaishi doesn't know how to pick it up.

Because of Song Zhixiao's wearing problems, black clothes with red hats.

"But now something is wrong! I can't do it with Ultimate Country 2G! Liu Zaishi was crazy.

He may not have imagined that the era of 5G will soon come.

Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Ji-guk are amazing, Kim Jae-ho likes to give others new mobile phones, but he uses them very old.

Liu Zaishi doesn't think it's necessary, Jin Zhiguo feels that his mobile phone can still be used, and he is reluctant to change it, even when recording the bear child, they are still using the flip phone.

Of course, it is precisely for this reason that they can become such pure people, purer than most people.

After all, even children now want to play with their mobile phones all day, and many people hold their mobile phones and play for a day.

In fact, it is also a work reason, and the general work can not change the mobile phone.

Of course, basic call contact is still needed, and now Liu Zaishi and they can't even do basic calls, so it's more uncomfortable.

At this time, two people suddenly came from afar, and everyone was very happy when they saw it, after all, it was Ronghe who came.

Then there was Lee Ka Min-jung, the older sister of '92, who starred in Perfect Radio with Lee Kwang-joo.

"Yay! Ronghe! Liu Zaishi immediately shouted with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly went to greet him, he hadn't gathered with Rong Ho recently, he was too busy, basically when chatting, the two people were 108,000 miles apart, and they were busy with this big star.

The band is very fierce, can always perform, the god of the scene, just like Kim Jae-ho's performance before, there is a band, so the atmosphere is very good.

Lee Kwang-joo went to greet another guest, Min-jung and she had just filmed a play called "Perfect Broadcast", and the GIF of the bandana crazy response was from here.

In general, I haven't seen it before, there is no need to make up for it, it's not very exciting, there are Li Guangzhu's shots are interesting, and there are relatively few.

There is an interesting place that Kim Junguo and Brother Dog even made a cameo appearance in this movie.

After the boys moved away from Ronghe, they looked at Minzhen here, and they were suddenly confused, and they fried the pan when they saw the female guest.

Chi Shizhen wanted to shake hands, but was stopped by Liu Zaishi, and Chi Shizhen was very mad.

Haha laughed next to him: "Look at Zhixiao, then look at Minzhen, and then look at Zhixiao." "

Song Zhixiao immediately turned badly, and wanted to seriously injure this man on the spot, but unfortunately he was pulled, and Kim Jae-ho Ming had already blocked the back road of haha.

It's not about defending his girlfriend, it's just that he simply wants to see Haha being beaten.

Liu Zaishi once again showed off that he and Minzhen were very familiar, and after everyone complained, the groove became Jin Zhiguo's arm secretly exerting force.

Suddenly found that the print on Kim Junguo's clothes was Batman and Robin, and the clothes seemed to have been washed many times.

But he wears everything the same, because his muscles make everything he wears a style.

The style of the tights...

Minzhen sighed that Jin Zhiguo's muscles were really big, and Liu Zaishi complained that his legs were on his arms, not because of jealousy.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho also joined, Kim Junguo quickly ripped off the topic, saying that Ronghe won the Golden Record Award, and it was won by other countries.

This is something to be proud of, after all, they have been working very hard in the market over there, and now they have finally made results, although the official debut of the mainstream of the island country was in October, and now it has been about two months.

This doesn't count, they have been active before, so the mainstream debut is really just a process.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho has not been worried about this, after all, Young-ho's difficulties come from his team members, and Kim Jae-ho has been brainwashing him and making him solo himself.

However, the words of the band solo are not interesting, but Kim Jae-ho still suggests that he do so.

Everyone is very happy for Rong He, after all, Rong He has been like a family member and has come so many times.

It's not the beginning yet, so PD asked everyone to go outside first.

But Haha obviously has his own ideas, holding the mobile phone to take a picture with Minzhen.

Of course, everyone also took the opportunity to take a photo with Minzhen, after all, the opportunity is rare.

Kim Jae-ho is also a gregarious man, so when everyone surrounded Min-jung, he also quickly took out his mobile phone and took a photo with Song Ji-hyo.

Song Zhixiao thought it was funny at first, but as soon as the camera shot it, he immediately cooperated.

The two leaned their heads together and took their first group photo in Xiangjiang.

This picture was also used in the later stage, because it was so good-looking that it was put on the screen for a second, CP fans were ecstatic, and they liked the sensible production team.

It wasn't a problem to be inside the immigration office all the time, so everyone moved outside.

Just like last time, there were many security guards who came to open the way, and Kim Jae-ho recalled the story that happened with everyone.

Remember that it was also like this at that time, and even more security guards, and it turned out that there was no one along the way, it was very embarrassing, it was simply executed in public.

But this time it seemed a little different, the security guards looked very serious, and one of them was still talking to the headset.

After walking far, they knew why.

I saw that outside the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, everywhere they could see, it was all people!

And everywhere they could see their support cards waving at them, and the sound even passed directly through the floor-to-ceiling glass, and they could hear it very clearly.

Everyone was so moved, the security guard finally had a role!

Of course, I can't think of this now, and everyone has been overwhelmed by greater emotion.

So many people, not giving money, even on Mondays, many people may have taken time off, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, there were so many people!

And I don't know how long they've been waiting, but when I met the RMs, they were very enthusiastic.

Everyone's mouths burst with laughter, I can't believe that there is such popularity, Kim Ji-guo directly stopped Kim Jae-ho and haha, although Kim Jae-ho was restrained, he still responded very positively.

Those who said that they were going to take the cool boy route today are now directly in Bengbu, shouting: "I love you!" "

In Cantonese, local fans scream wildly, the person he likes has learned his own language, and it is not humble love all of a sudden, he also loves us seriously!

Today's security guard is different from the relaxed before, today's staff work very intensely, a row of people with their own flesh to fight the surging crowd in front of them, against this boundless enthusiasm, some have to take time to look back.

There is no way, to keep everyone safe.

The people in the back squeeze hard in front, just want to see their favorite stars, or want the stars to see themselves.

Fortunately, the fans in front are very sensible and stand well, and they can restrain themselves at this time, which is really great.

Countless nods, countless bows, countless gestures, all of which seem to be unable to express RM's mood at the moment.

Perhaps at the moment, everyone is RM.

Life, in the sense of the soul, is made up of countless touches.

There are countless touches at this moment.

Kim Jae-ho looked carefully, not only the flowing crowd in front of him, but also the places that could be seen in the distance were full of people, and even in very strange places, people also went up.

Not only their support, but also VJ's, Quan Lie's, Agreeable's, and even Dongwan's.

Such a big airport, directly stuffed with people.

It is at this time that everyone can feel the huge popularity, and everyone does not even know whether they are worthy of this like, whether they are worthy of such a liking.

However, this huge gift also proves that RM succeeded.

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