Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't want to take away a lot of honors that others should take, and then he is a newcomer first, and the second he looks at the shortlisted for the Newcomer Award are some singers he doesn't know and don't know well, so it's easier to start...

The producer felt better when he heard it, so the pressure on the judges was not so great, after all, there were so many singers shortlisted, and Kim Jae-ho put a lot of pressure on them.

Of course, they say so.

Yes, but you are only shortlisted for the Newcomer Award, whether you will win or not is still unknown, and then invite him to perform.

Of course, everyone knows that Kim Jae-ho will definitely win that award, this is just for their face, very humorous.

Kim Jae-ho also had a request not to advertise that he would also go

Because of the tight schedule, Kim set off after a night of rest and had to go to rehearsals in advance.

Very long advertising time, very excessive.

The meal is almost finished, and the awards have not yet begun.

But it's already already over there, and the red carpet takes two hours.

Today is still a coquettish position, step by step, he alone has walked for a long time.

Today is a light pink suit, a white shirt, the suit has an embroidery pattern, very good-looking, and wears gold-rimmed glasses, and there is a chain on one side, there is a kind of noble prince and Sven scum.

Pink suits, he now has a variety of styles.

He was the first to come, the first to enter, the first to sign.

Five o'clock to seven o'clock was red carpet time, and he had already come to rehearsal.

It starts at seven o'clock and the live broadcast begins.

Equipment, when the time comes, the setting of the stage must be confirmed last, because there are more things.

After all, this is his first time attending the awards ceremony this year, and he has come to do his best.

The seats were arranged by the staff, and Kim Jae-ho sat next to Lee Ji-eun at first, and there was FX next to him.

What Kim Jae-ho didn't expect was that he came early was also a problem, and many artists he didn't know, but as long as he saw or knew that Kim Jae-ho was here, he would come to say hello to him, and the chat was often interrupted.

Can't say it's annoying, after all, it's people's intentions, and several of them debuted earlier than themselves are called their seniors, making Kim Jae-ho a little embarrassed, and it's not good to point it out on the spot, so he said in circles.

Ji Eun and Crystal Song Qian were about to die of laughter, but they didn't expect that just sitting next to Kim Jae-ho was so funny, like watching TV.

Then they also called Kim Jae-ho senior, making Kim Jae-ho also cry and laugh and enjoy it a little.

Kim Jae-ho's dressing style and makeup have always been several years ahead, making him very outstanding in a group of stars, just like he turned on a beauty filter.

As long as it is very white, there is a very bright and fresh feeling, so everyone can easily see him here.

Many people who know are here tonight, and even the dog brother has come and insists on pulling a chair to sit with him, and Kim Jae-ho is very suspicious of his real purpose.

Of course, only temporarily.

And Xuanya also came to say hello, tonight she is going to perform "Troublemaker", and the dress is also very cool.

Even Kim Jae-ho saw a familiar face, the man who "said he was an islander", he also went to greet him with a Chinese, the man was also startled, at first he thought it was his own person, but soon knew who this was?

The horror is that his dialogue with Chinese turned out to be very smooth, and he felt better than himself, which was outrageous.

When I went to say hello to the golden sohyun, I accidentally met the southern Guili, who was very beautiful, and the white dress was very comfortable even with the eyes of later generations.

Ooh! Is this the woman who beat the third in the world in Tekken 7?

Worship the big guy!

Is this the hand of the big guy?

Is this the third hand in that game that a set of combo beats in the human world?!


This enthusiastic Gyu-ri was embarrassed, and looked at so-hyun with a help-seeking look, of course, she also knew that Kim Jae-ho had no malice.

There was nothing astringent in that passion, but something else, something she didn't know...

A feeding frenzy?

Of course, I don't hate it, I like it a little.

Of course, so-hyun was also very surprised to see Kim Jae-ho, and would actually say hello to himself.

You must know that you were completely unaware before.

And he also asked for his own signature, which should be his own signature.

But why is the signed pen and paper so good, and it looks like there is more than one?

Kim Jae-ho raised his glasses and smiled.

Don't ask, ask is to buy goods.

Under the recommendation of the dog brother, Kim Jae-ho also went to meet the chicken buckle, and Kim Jae-ho also wanted to learn from him a few songs, so his attitude was very enthusiastic.

When I finally left, I left after doing rapper movements with Chicken Buckle, which was a very cordial fist, which can be said to be bells and whistles to some extent.

After meeting a lot of people, Kim Jae-ho returned to Ji-eun and they continued to be a little fan brother, oh, fan brother.

Song Qian and they are very envious of Kim Jae-ho, and their popularity is so good that they even take the initiative to get to know people, which makes them feel like pins and needles.

Sitting in your place all the time, I feel like a waste.

Such a red person works so hard, what reason does he have to sit?

In fact, Kim Jae-ho is rare to come and meet more people, if he is allowed to do this often, he will definitely sit directly in place and wait for work.

The mentality is different.

He is now more like those fans mixed into the artist circle.

Soon Girls' Generation also came, they sat together, and Girls' Generation came over as soon as Kim Jae-ho sat down.

All of a sudden, it was like blowing up a girl's nest, very enthusiastic, very happy, after all, there has already been cooperation.

Then there was SJ next door, and Kim Jae-ho knew a lot of people.

He cursed himself secretly.

Take less signature paper!

Hey Issy!


Especially when I saw 2NE1, it was uncomfortable!

Kim Jae-ho had a good greeting, and everyone was willing to make friends with him, but after just chatting for a while, it was already very close.

Aside from Kim Jae-ho's background and status, Kim Jae-ho is also a very comfortable person, a very interesting person, the kind of person who does not lose money after making friends and will not pit you.

Of course, background and status are his stepping stones, otherwise he can't be so comfortable, and even funny artists can't.

Kim Jae-ho took all the signatures of SJ last time, it was given to him by a prodigy, this group originally had a bit of a comedic feeling, and next to it was Girls' Generation, so it was very lively.

The people next to them unconsciously looked here, and they didn't know whether they were envious of Kim Jae-ho or someone else, or that atmosphere.

"Then go ahead, I'm going to get ready." Kim Jae-ho greeted with a smile.

"Okay, but Oba, did you go so early?" The president asked.

"Yes, Oppa, there's still a lot of time, right?" Xiche also asked in that tone.

"Yay! You shut up! "

"Ah~People are so scared~" Xi Che looked scared, holding his fists side by side under his mouth with his hands, and his eyes were pitiful and quite flat.


The girls next to them are about to die of laughter, is this something they can watch for free?

Obviously so many years older than Kim Jae-ho, but he looks like he is even younger than Kim Jae-ho.

In short, after having a good time, Kim Jae-ho will be ready to go to work.

"Hurry up, hurry up! It's time to start! Song Zhixiao wore homely clothes and jumped directly onto the sofa with a bowl.

Seeing this, the younger brother also quickly picked up the bowl and hurriedly picked up the dishes.

"Why is it so urgent?" Auntie asked.

"Brother-in-law is going to be on the show!"

Auntie: "??? "

The uncle was suddenly stunned as he ate.

"Yay! Don't talk nonsense! Song Zhixiao was immediately anxious.

"Look, I'm going to be on this show tonight, right, my brother-in-law?" The younger brother asked.

"Yay!" Song Zhixiao directly picked up the food in his bowl and stuffed it into his brother's mouth.

Eat your stuff and don't talk so much.

"Is it? Let me see. "Uncle came over.

"Kim Jae-ho is going to be on this show?" Auntie asked.

Song Zhixiao: ???

But also, they would watch every RM, and sometimes they would tease her and ask her when she would bring it back for a meal.

What the? Not really together? It's okay, it's normal for friends to come to the house for a meal~

Then as soon as there was an intimate interaction, he looked at Song Zhixiao with a smile, and from time to time he knocked on the side, so that Song Zhixiao had to close the door when he chatted on the phone.

And she always felt that there were a lot of people eavesdropping outside the door...

She doesn't dare to say it now, a little embarrassed...

But they have acquiesced.

"But I heard that he can't drink, that's not good, you like to drink so much."

"It's okay, this can be practiced." Song Zhixiao said.

"What practice? What to practice! I mean you quit drinking for me! You see people don't drink it! Do you like to drink like words so much? Still girls. "

Song Zhixiao: ???

It's over, I feel that if I bring Kim Jae-ho to meet my parents, Kim Jae-ho will take off.

Regardless of these, Song Zhixiao looked at it seriously.


After a very pressing opening now, the stage is presented to everyone.

There are no bells and whistles, it seems to be directly the beginning of a stage.

The dark stage is full of light, and the light effects tell everyone that this set is really expensive, arousing everyone's sense of expectation.

A faint light lit up in a very dark place, and you could vaguely see a figure on the stage.

The audience was silent, because it felt like something big was going to happen later.

A drum beat suddenly came, very powerful, and it seemed to knock in everyone's hearts.

As soon as this drum came out, everyone's goosebumps stood up!

New fans are still confused, and old fans have already begun to scream.

Isn't this the "Believer" that has just been on the hot search recently?

Although there is no sound source yet, everyone knows who is on the stage, it is the man.

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