"Then I'll show you the map again."

"Wait a minute, where did Rongdong come from on the map!"

As soon as Kim Jae-ho asked a question, the PD immediately opened, without giving them time to discuss.

Yes, but you don't want to.

This time, the map is much more than the last time, and the operation of PD is much more noisy, and you can't see anything when you move.

Finally, under Wu Yanxiu's coquettish offensive, PD released water, allowing Liu Zaishi to see what it was.

"Rongdong is a persimmon!" Liu Zaishi said.

Both Sangju and Yeongdong are famous for persimmon cakes, and although apples are also famous, they should be followed by the content of the textbook.

Kim Jae-ho and they continue to suffer, but this time there is a clear goal, so it will be faster.

Unlike them, Jin Zhiguo's side was cool this time, walking all the way and eating all the way, and even using funds to eat a bowl of bibimbap.

Kim Jae-ho is suffering, Kim Ji-guk is eating broadcasts, although slow, but people are happy!

Surprisingly, although Song Zhixiao left late, they were all right, so they passed in one go, and they didn't even get hit by the board, and jumped directly to the first place.

Putting the three people together happily in circles, Li Guangzhu wanted to cry.

There is such a thing, they are really getting stronger!

"Ah, Zhixiao, our team is good!" Chi Shi was proud.

Song Zhixiao immediately said, "Where is it good?" Oppa, it's just that I did a good job. "

"How can you do well!" Chi Shizhen was speechless, but the refutation was invalid, and Song Zhixiao didn't care at all.

But even so, they were happy.

Who would have thought that the team that thought it was the worst at the beginning would now really run to the top.

There is no counterattack.

It's still a day of expansion.

"Brother, I will discredit Brother Chengguo today." After Li Guangzhu finished speaking, he also shouted: "Guangfanda! "

Chi Shizhen in the front row laughed, while Song Zhixiao was eating and driving with one hand.

"Okay, the mission is passed, put the special product in the bag."

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho also passed the task, very quickly.

When they left, there were melon-eating masses around them, all uncles and aunts, who felt that they were all here to buy vegetables.

Then there is Jin Zhiguo, they came slowly and the wrong one, everyone set off, they have to buy another one.

Haha, who was beaten, was busy and conscious, just like Kim Jae-ho.

If he usually had to fight with Liu Zaishi for half a day, but after the last bungee jumping, he found that when some things are inevitable, take the initiative and simply be very handsome.

Interestingly, in the link of looking at the map, PD just took it out and came to them, Jin Zhiguo grabbed the map, took it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, until he saw cool.

PD Khan came out, and struggled to get the map back into his hand.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, they are last, and you can put some water.

After Kim Jae-ho arrived, he received a new task, and exchanged five specialties bought at the Plaza Market with foreigners.

Smoke the country though.

When Kim Jae-ho and they smoked, Lee Kwang-joo on the other side was fighting with people on the street, although they were two dances, but the momentum and expression were indistinguishable, and even Lee Kwang-joo was better.

Being able to dance such a dance on this street and have a very good expression, Li Guangzhu is also a genius to some extent.

After all, ordinary people want faces.

"How do you change dried yellow croaker?" Wu Yanxiu is already worried.

As PD said before, they have to exchange five things in their hands for five things, and they can't exchange money.

And the things in their hands are very strange souvenirs.

Say it's a specialty, no matter how special, until you don't buy it in particular, he is just a member of the category.

It's like Musang King, before you particularly buy it, it's just durian.

And they also bought a little, this kind of thing, how to exchange with others, those who are willing to exchange are kind people ...

"Dried yellow fish is already the best we have here..." Kim Jae-ho looked at the contents of his backpack.

A persimmon, a persimmon cake, a walnut, a pack of kelp ...


"This should be easier to find, right?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It should be." Liu Zaishi said.

"Want to see what else is." Wu Yanxiu said, "Oppa, can I see what else is?" "

PD panicked, this is not the PD just now, so this is the first time I have seen this.

"Nope." He defended himself.

"Oba, just take a look~" Kim Jae-ho said coquettishly.

"Nope." PD is a lot more simply a lot.


"You definitely can't do that, what's the use of your name Oppa!" Liu Zaishi complained.

Everyone started looking for it.

"How is your English?" Wu Yanxiu asked.

"Mine is not good, Zaiho seems to be very good, right?!" Liu Zaishi said.

"It's okay, brother, you go to talk first, if not, I'll come." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Wouldn't it be okay for you to come directly?"

"That's not interesting, after all, I'm a language genius, overkill."

"What kind of language genius are you!" Liu Zaishi vomited, and his face was gone.

"Then without me, can you communicate with them normally?"

"How hard is that!"

"Then you try."

"Try it, try it."

The three people immediately couldn't wait to look for foreigners and happened to see one.

"Quick! Elder brother! Chat with him! "Kim Jae-ho arched directly.

Liu Zaishi was naturally not vain, and he walked up directly.

"Hi~excuse me~"

The foreigner took off his headphones and smiled that he could chat.

"Where are you from?" Liu Zaishi asked while his hand went up and hit his shoulder, and the wave narrowed the distance between the two sides.

The eldest brother said that he was a beautiful countryman.

The three people immediately regretted, but it is a pity that it is not more than two hundred years ago, otherwise this little brother would have met their requirements.

"We must find an Englishman." Liu Zaishi explained.

"Brother, you speak Korean." Kim Jae-ho snapped a reminder.

"I know!" Liu Zaishi continued after speaking, "Is this where you are going? My English is not very good. "

The little brother was confused when he heard this, and he and Liu Zaishi smiled at each other.

This embarrassment is about to break through the sky, and Kim Jae-ho and Oh Yan-so are about to die of laughter next to them.

Liu Zaishi is not using the normal speaking speed, but the rap speaking speed, probably because he is too embarrassed, so he finished his thoughts to his eldest brother.

But fortunately, although the little brother did not understand, he could accept his thoughts and shook hands with Liu Zaishi.

Liu Zaishi was very worried, so many things he wanted to say could not be understood by others.

He immediately turned around and said, "I gave up, come on." "

"Hello, our task is to find an Englishman, and then what he just said is that he very much hopes that his heart will be passed on to you."

"Oh?! Yes, thank you, what is the intention? "

"I don't know, but it looks like he likes you very much."

“...... Oh, thanks. The little brother froze, and then smiled, looking even more embarrassed than just now.

It seems that something very bad comes to mind.

"What did you say?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I said that you like him very much and hope that your heart can be conveyed to him." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, I just won't say, it's too depressing, you tell him I'm sorry, thank him for wasting time talking to us."

Kim Jae-ho looked at the little brother: "He said he loves you." "

"Yay! I understand this! Liu Zaishi split directly, and quickly explained to the little brother what he meant, but the problem was that he didn't know how to say it, so he was very depressed.

"He said the depth of his love for you." Kim Jae-ho was still next to him.

“no! no! Liu Zaishi quickly made a gesture to stop it, and then quickly thanked him for leaving.


"Yay! Don't translate indiscriminately! Liu Zaishi scolded.

"Whatever, I conveyed your intentions very accurately." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's love, but it's not that level!"

"Also, what is heloveyoudeep?!"

"The depth of his love for you."

"Is that what you said?!"

"yes, how else would you say it?"

"Hiss... Not anyway. Although Liu Zaishi didn't feel like this, he didn't know the right way, which was very sad.

I didn't expect that the biggest difficulty of this task came from teammates.

After looking for several people, they couldn't find what the team wanted, so the production team urgently revised the rules.

As long as you are a foreigner, it is too simple.

Then Kim Jae-ho grabbed a foreigner and mysteriously leaned over and opened his backpack.

The expression seems to say: Look at my big baby~

The foreigner actually looked inside, and Liu Zaishi was about to die of laughter when he looked at it next to him.

Because it's on the same street, you'll meet other teams.

As soon as Li Guangzhu met, he asked in English: "Where are you from?" "

"I'm from kicking that, how are you~" Kim Jae-ho immediately used his classic mantra.

"What about you, where are you from?"

Li Guangzhu smiled and said, "I come from a beautiful country. "

"Oh, that's just right, I have something here that you want to change?"

"What a coincidence! I also have something to exchange with you! "

PD just looked at them, how long can they act.

What for? Is the production team a fool?

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo are also very regretful and did not reach a deal, so they can only go to find others.

After there was no nationality restriction, the change of things was still very fast, and I came to a chef while walking.

The chef happened to be the chef of the restaurant next door, so he promised them bread in exchange.

No one expected such a good thing.

But what makes Kim Jae-ho more uncomfortable is that he can't eat something, and it happens to be inside the restaurant, so he goes to the toilet.

Left Liu Zaishi to talk to the chef, because without Kim Jae-ho, Liu Zaishi was very uneasy.

"So what are you doing?" The chef only asked now.

"Eh... We are RM..." Liu Zaishi said in Korean: "Filming..."

And then there is no then.

The first second I left Kim Jae-ho, thinking about him.

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