In fact, such anchors are still a minority, most of the anchors are now developing very well, as long as they are a little popular, there will be a certain subsistence, at least a little income, just like the full attendance of writers.

Speaking of full attendance, I don't seem to have ever taken it...

Of course, whether a writer is diligent or not, it is impossible to see whether he has won full attendance.

Now the live broadcast of M station is suitable for video association, and some intentional videos will also increase fans and help live broadcast, and live broadcast can also allow people watching live broadcasts to see your videos.

So it's a two-way street.

At first, they were going to be separated, but then they came together.

Because the welfare is very good, it has attracted a lot of anchors to settle in, and now there are even artists, and I will strengthen cooperation with artists in the future.

Step by step stable development, do content, do quality.

Now it can maintain no loss, even if the investment is so large, mainly because Kim Jae-ho provides a very good operating model.

Basically, most of the money earned, Kim Jae-ho took it and reinvested it, he looked at the later stage, and now it is just the beginning.

He has a very long-term vision.

He actually likes this feeling of slow development, and he can get a lot of fun from it.

As for the weekly song is a cover of a more classic song once a week, Eminem's song is very good, and the accompaniment is also available, but he doesn't have to, hey, just come by himself, just play.

He can also fine-tune it, and the results are fantastic.

Because it is not for profit, there is no copyright or other problem, it is completely to give back to fans.

As for the new song, Kim Jae-ho plans to wait for the RM replay to finish in two days before releasing it.

It doesn't matter, anyway, he himself can hear it at any time ...

Kim Jae-ho's high voice is very explosive and infectious, and there is a very shocking feeling when he listens to it, and he himself did not expect the effect to be so good.

He himself was frightened by himself, originally this song was about faith, to be very powerful, he directly pulled full of strength, feeling that he was already the strongest of human beings.

He subconsciously touched whether his head was bald, how could he be so strong, he listened to being infected by himself, as if he was on a buff, his heart was plopping and burning.

Originally planned to be a BGM, on a whim, he made a miracle, although he did not create it himself, but he would like to call it the best of the year.

However, when he wrote this piece, he still modified it according to his own ideas to look what he wanted.

He also wrote the exact original, but he felt that something was wrong, so he changed it according to his own ideas.

It's as if the original song is just an epic, 90% perfection, and then after he changes it, it becomes legendary quality, 100% perfection.

Of course, this is his personal idea.

When the uncle inadvertently heard it, he unconsciously sighed with a "wow", which is this extent.

Of course, he looked at Kim Jae-ho with a very puzzled expression in the next second: "You wrote this?" "

You must know that the uncle has heard Kim Jae-ho's original singing a lot, and such a reaction is very exaggerated.

This is also the point that makes Kim Jae-ho very inflated, and he is very happy with this version.

The version issued is still free to listen to, but copyright costs money, so it will not be without income, but ordinary people's words can be listened to if they want, as long as they are not used for commercial purposes.

And Kim Jae-ho's songs can also be used casually on the M station, do BGM, do all kinds of second creation, after all, it is his own family.

There are too many places to spend money now, especially movies, and he doesn't know how much it will cost to do it for the first time, and he really wants to fill the configuration.

At first, the drama "Secretary Kim" just wanted to make a transition, but he did it very carefully, and then all the configurations were full, and now it's a mess, basically the best of the year.

It will be broadcast in two months, and fortunately it will not be able to catch up with the various awards at the end of the year.

Kim Jae-ho is very happy, so that he does not have to refuse a lot of award ceremonies.

But what he doesn't know is that there is another operation in this world, called winning awards before it is finished.

And there is also a very weighty award, which will be presented in April, and Kim Jae-ho has been shortlisted for more than one drama.

Kim Jae-ho found that his musical ability is getting stronger and stronger now, if it was just an introduction to divine skills at the beginning, now he has a bit of a sense of integration.

In the past, I could reproduce, create, and adapt, but now I have my own understanding and can see where a song needs to be improved.

It's the kind of progress from being able to write papers to being able to change papers.

Then there is the game, recently to release a relatively large online game, after accumulating a very rich experience in page games, it can now be said that it is a hand-to-hand.

This online game Kim Jae-ho is only responsible for finalizing, most of the settings are not made by him, this is the product of the company's natural development and the culmination of all previous page games.

It's hard to say whether it's fun or not, but what you can know is that all the elements of the game are taken from the market that has been successfully verified.

This is not a game that Kim Jae-ho finds fun, but a game that the market finds fun.

It is also a hodgepodge, there will be any element.

And the ordinary you have recently come up with a new way to play.

It's a new skill that is called Unity.

Before, you could choose a pet to fight with you, but now with this skill, the number of pets you can tame and accompany in battles will increase.

Then the heads-up turned into a group fight, and even the owner only needed to shout "Ula" and the pet companions rushed out.

Just imagine how exaggerated it is when your pets are all mythical beasts.

Of course, if you don't open the modifier, it is too difficult to achieve this level, and it has to be a big post.

This system is more similar to summoners and tamers, and other classes are no worse than this, after all, the pets you can tame are definitely the ones you can beat.

However, this can bring players a lot of fun, strong or not strong is one thing, handsome or not handsome is another.

Who doesn't want to have several partners behind them, although it is a single-player player, but most people like their partners more.

Now basically the updates are small updates, and then the second part will have a qualitative improvement.

The second part will make the story very large, there will be a main plot, and not only humans, the background will be a bit similar to the grand background of the multi-racial melee of "Warhammer".

Kim Jae-ho wanted the effect of playing as a random person in this world, with different origins, different ethnic characteristics, different beliefs, and different cultures.

The kind of freedom and randomness is that each new world may encounter different events.

Even in the end, you can take your forces to fight another force, or you are just a small soldier in this Wuyang and the feeling of charging with a large army.

Each time you open the file, you can choose your own body, or you can directly random, play a person inside, you may just be a farmer, and then watch the sky eat every day, your game experience is just similar to "Tenho no Saki Inahime", rushing for food.

From time to time, you have to encounter some natural disasters and man-made disasters, and you have to do it when you pick up a hoe or surrender directly to pay for it, or even be captured or killed.

Of course, it can be archived.

And the events after archiving are different, that is, originally the robber will come, you read the file after archiving, he will not come again, or it is an orc who comes ...

Of course, it depends on where your forces stand.

You can also become a graduate mage and go ploughing the fields, water yourself, make your own sun, etc., and then whoever will destroy whom.

So this department may be busy with this game in the next ten years, constantly enriching the gameplay and expanding, just like Warcraft.

In the future, when it is more mature, it may also release an online game version, but there are no such plans at present.

This can be regarded as a fun for Kim Jae-ho, a small dream of a single-player enthusiast.

The money earned elsewhere will be invested in this place to hatch, and one day he will be able to play the game of his dreams.

In addition, another game he wants to play is also in the works, which is equivalent to the pure text version of this game, which is relatively less engineering.

However, these two games seem difficult, but the completion level is actually very high, so it is worth looking forward to, and it may be playable in the next few years.

And pixel games have a very powerful advantage, that is, they are optimized and can be played by very scummy computers.

So now some people have a new computer, but the new computer configuration is not good, so they will consider playing games that do not require high configuration, and Kim Jae-ho's games are basically all they can try.

This is the same as Minecraft and Terraria at the beginning, you don't need a good computer to play for a long time, so many people are willing to try it, try it, and fall into it.

That's the ultimate goal, anyway, just do it slowly.

Interestingly, there are already calls for figurines now, especially for creatures such as mythical beasts and more beautiful shapes, and there are already people who want to buy figurines.

Now even the setting set has not been done, and the background of the story has not yet been released.

What's even more outrageous is that there are now several big guys, guessing the story setting according to the model, and guessing quite accurately.

He plans to recruit the UP masters of the M station to think about the story setting, and then choose the good one.

In this way, his author library will be very large and imaginative, and resources will be used when they have them.

After a busy week, it's time to go to RM again.

Before departure, Kim Jae-ho ate a good meal of buckwheat cold noodles before departure, and also ate it with sauce shrimp, and the shrimp looked crystal clear and very delicious.

Eat a bite of shrimp and a bite of noodles, beauty and nourishment~

The coolest thing is that he doesn't have to think about anything, infinitely, until he is satisfied.

The power of the day is there.

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