"Huh?! Oh! Right! Minzhe also reacted immediately.

"Hurry up!" Song Zhixiao has already stood up, she is also a beauty, and the desire to win or lose is also full. You don't even need Kim Jae-ho to remind you.

Kim Jae-ho immediately stopped, one step was very smooth, and then as soon as the car got out of the car, the three people pulled their legs and ran, stuffy and rushed, directly surpassing Liu Zaishi and them.

"Ugh!" Yizhen also hurried to run.

Liu Zaishi was still complaining about Yizhen's desire to win or lose too strong a second ago, and now it is not an ordinary persistence.

I can't stop it.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho really is! Oh art treasure! "Liu Zaishi is bored, didn't he say that he would help himself today?

This is helping to be lonely.

Brother Minzhe ran happily, it turns out that this game is played like this.

It's so exciting!

I really can't relax for a moment.

Kim Jae-ho has been exercising anyway, and he can't run Ye Zhen, so Ye Jin basically can't catch up, but she works very hard.

Even if her heart was about to explode, she ran quickly, making a strange panting sound, and it was outrageous when she released it later.

Kim Jae-ho was directly a wave of extreme sprints, the first to rush in front of the banner brother, he did not make a strange panting sound, because when exercising, Kim Ji-guk taught him the method of breathing, at first very diaphragmatic, now used to it.

For example, a small trick, use the tongue against the upper incisors, so that when the air enters there will be a cushion, it will not be particularly dry.

There is also the difference between nasal inhalation and mouth exhalation, the frequency and mode of inhalation and exhalation, and the movement of various parts of the body.

So exercise is really a discipline, and the wrong way of exercise is better than not exercising.

That's why some people can't run their knees for a while, or even scrap them directly, and some people can run marathons with better knees than people who don't run.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Yizhen greeted Liu Zaishi in front, and Liu Zaishi was forced to rush over if he didn't want to run.

No way, the beckoning of beautiful women is too deadly, soft and cute.

When the task is in hand, it is directly shown to Brother Minzhe, it is rare to come once, and this kind of thing that gives weight still has to be done.

"Answer the call on the jump table and get tips."

"What is it? What is a jumping platform? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Over there." PD pointed up, "There will be a hint up over there." "

"No, it's bungee jumping! Stupid Pig Jump! I'm going to die! Brother, can you? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I can't either..." said Minzhege.

"Look, the first time I saw Brother Minzhe show a bad face! Brother Minzhe will definitely be afraid if he jumps down! Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, why did I jump..." When this kind of crisis happened, Minzhe Ge's reaction was still very fast.

Kim Jae-ho quietly gave up such a good opportunity to himself.

What a good brother!

"Brother, you rarely come once, this is a good opportunity to perform, let people all over the world see your heroic posture in the air."

"What if I cry on it? Isn't the whole world seeing me crying? "

"It's okay, RM's camera is not so clear, it will definitely not be able to shoot."

"Don't lie to me, I just read it yesterday, it's clear!"

Song Zhixiao looked at the two of them with a smile.

"There are only two of us on the team!" Liu Zaishi shouted, we have not spoken, why are you talking?

"But what about Brother Shi Zhen?"

Everyone burst out laughing immediately.

The picture that everyone imagined is playing out on it, and Chi Shizhen is already on it.

If nothing else, it can now be said that it is difficult to ride a tiger, as the first person to come, he went up, and then was told to jump down to get a hint, after all, it is definitely up ah.

But he couldn't get down...

Ikeishi Zhen above failed because of the supermarket, and the second team that arrived began to prepare.

Because of the guest's foot pain, Jin Zhiguo's back pain, haha timid, can jump is able to jump, but he is not an older brother~

So Kim Junguo and Haha looked at Lee Kwang-joo with a smile.

Li Guangzhu felt that something was wrong as she listened, and her face changed suddenly.

"Brother, is it really me? Is it really me? Li Guangzhu asked uneasily.

All that answered him was a smile.

Li Guangzhu's vision is very fast, and he is very self-aware at this time, haha just said that the guest's feet hurt and he couldn't jump, and he suddenly realized that it was himself.

No way, my brother has no human rights.

Li Guangzhu's whole person was not good all of a sudden, directly panicked, couldn't believe it, he just came to record a show, why did he suddenly have to do free fall from a height?

"So so!" Haha this little clever ghost has another idea, "We fairly let the VJs vote on the camera and film the person who wants to bungee jump." "

Then everyone unanimously pointed to Li Guangzhu.

Everyone seemed to have heard Lee Kwang-joo's exclusive music.

The old unlucky bastard, the old group bullied.

Li Guangzhu was also speechless, his breath was shaking cold, when will his younger brother be able to stand up?!

I already knew that when I was spinning in circles, I shouldn't have hugged Kim Ji-kook to death, and I should have kicked Song Jihyo away and hugged Kim Jae-ho.

Wrong...... It doesn't seem to be much better...

As soon as he got on the elevator, Li Guangzhu's expression was already wrong.


Pitiful expression, in this world, Lee Kwang-joo dares to recognize the second, no one dares to recognize the first, Kim Jae-ho can't either, at most it is a tie.

The elevator rose slowly, and Li Guangzhu's appearance seemed to be slowly getting older with height.

Height is proportional to age.

After coming out of the top, Li Guangzhu's appearance was completely unsightly, and he wanted to laugh when he saw it.

But there is good news after coming up.

PD said: "Prompt the person to take the phone, just go and get it. "

Li Guangzhu said: "So it is not necessary to bungee jump." "

"Hurry up and get your phone." Kim said.

Li Guangzhu walked over, and as soon as he approached, he prompted the personnel to rush out without turning back with his mobile phone, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't think of it.

Li Guangzhu was scared to death, just looking at it, he had a sense of déjà vu that he jumped with him.

"Why?! Why is this so?! He was hoarse.


Of course, so that he jumped down and took it.

Come all come, don't jump and want to go, then it's not for nothing?

Soon, when Li Guangzhu didn't react, he was already equipped with a bungee jumping suit, as well as a camera.

Seeing his brother so miserable, haha comforted: "Guangzhu, look at brother, don't you often say that the protagonist is quite RM?" Your protagonist should be today. "

It's not so much comfort as brainwashing, hypnosis.

This is for fear that Li Guangzhu will not dare to jump, so he came to do ideological work.

Haha mouth, deceitful imp.

Li Guangzhu didn't say a word, as if the walking dead, stumbling step by step to the edge.

Take a step and you're below.

At this height, even if there is water, can swim, and fall without protection, it will have an accident.

Kim Jae-ho was below, and he also saw this scene, his eyesight was very good, and Li Guangzhu's dazzling red was very conspicuous.

"Light bead, light bead!" Kim Jae-ho pointed up.

Everyone goes to see.

"Oh Duo Ji..." said Yi Zhen worriedly.

Just looking at it scared.

"Brother, it's up to you." Kim Jae-ho said.

Minzhe: ???

"I can't either... It's really not okay..."

"You see, any light beads do."

"Ah, this height." Minzhe raised his head, feeling scared just thinking about that feeling.

"If we don't go up, we can only know that filial piety is coming." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I can." Song Zhixiao said immediately.

"Oh, how can we two men let a girl come! It's so unspeakable. Brother Min Zhe reprimanded.

"Then brother, you come."

Brother Minzhe immediately looked at Zhixiao, "Zhixiao, aren't you afraid?" "


What does this guy do? How can there be such a reaction that funny artists have?!

Song Zhixiao is also crying and laughing, she really can, and even said that she likes it a little, and she will play when she gives money.

But as Kim Jae-ho said, this kind of opportunity cannot be said without giving guests.

So their team of lovers began to do the ideological work of Minzhe brother, similar to "Think about your daughter, she is doing such a difficult thing, don't you want to cheer her on?" Show her how cool her dad is! "

As soon as they sang and sang and reconciled, they were stunned by what Minzhe said, and they also felt that it made sense, and even a little hot.

"Yay! Don't fool Brother Zhe! Liu Zaishi couldn't see it.

"Brother, you don't want Sister Yizhen to jump, do you?"

Likes to come out, huh? Send you a fatal question.

"It's not..." Liu Zaishi didn't know what to say, you want to say you don't want to, you don't dare to jump, you want to say you think, and it's a little too humiliating.

"Is there a hint for jumping off??" Yizhen asked.

"It seems that it is, otherwise Li Guangzhu would not be there." Kim Jae-ho also knew that Lee Kwang-joo was timid.

Once when the person he liked looked at him, Li Guangzhu was stunned to stay on the high altitude and was ugly, and finally he was rescued, if he likes it, the princess is indeed true love.

In such an impetuous society, at such an age, it is really difficult for such people to meet.

You like him, you work hard, you keep trying, and then he likes you too.

The world is so beautiful.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be as beautiful as the princess, and you are a girl chasing a boy.

Now Li Guangzhu is still suffering on it, to be honest, if he jumps directly, he is not so afraid, there is a saying called a hundred, like Li Guangzhu has been on it but torture.

It's one thing to know, it's another to do it.

Some people know that it will be difficult to change their lives in this way, but in the end, the real change is only when they are fired, and at that time, it is already difficult to change.

The only thing that made Li Guangzhu happy was that many people below were watching, and under the guidance of his good brother Haha, they were cheering themselves on.

If it were usual, Li Guangzhu would definitely respond very happily, but today, he couldn't laugh.

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