"Got it, ah, know the filial piety, don't worry, you will definitely win." Liu Zaishi was full of confidence.

Liu Zaishi embarked on the journey again, returning to the smoky stage just now, and the cautious grasshopper sensed that something was wrong.

The intuition of herbivores made him look in one direction, and sure enough, a shadow popped out of the darkness, and Liu Zaishi pulled his legs and ran, without the slightest hesitation.

In order to take a clear picture, the white light shines, and Minxiu's appearance is as terrifying as Shura.

It's scary!

Whenever you see it, it's so terrifying.

"Yay! Yikes! Come on! Liu Zaishi said to Quan Lie, and Quan Lie hurried to follow.

It was clear that the person chasing was not himself, but Quan Lie was also very afraid, and after filming to confirm that it was Minxiu, the camera immediately shifted, and then ran wildly.

The sense of substitution is very strong.

RM's VJ This is really the ultimate profession.

Not only the requirements of time, but also psychological pressure, especially Liu Zaishi's VJ.

However, this is not the hardest time for him today.

Facing Liu Zaishi, Brother Min Xiu rushed directly as soon as he saw it, and the very long distance was suddenly closer, and he was almost there when Liu Zaishi opened the door.

But Liu Zaishi is a grasshopper, and the grasshopper's movement speed is also very fast, if it can be converted with the size of a tiger.

After a few turns, Liu Zaishi had already disappeared from view.

But he forgot one thing, the others disappeared, but his smell was still there.

Liu Zaishi was just about to open the door and hide in, when he turned his head, he saw Brother Min Xiu appear in the far corner.

The person concerned can only say that he is very desperate, because there is no way to escape.

He took the initiative to meet and handed his back to Minxiu.

Meaning, I don't resist anymore, you just tear it.

Hurry up, it's quite busy.

"Do you know how I found you?"


"It smells good."

"Does it smell perfume?"

Brother Min Xiu nodded, "Your perfume smells quite strong." "

Then Liu Zaishi was pressed against the wall by Minxiu, and as soon as he let go, Liu Zaishi slipped from the wall to the ground.

"Brother, why are you always like this! Please, why do you want this! "Liu Zaishi has collapsed.

Although it has been twice, when I encounter it again, I am still very weak, uncomfortable, and desperate.

"I'm the one who annoys me the most." Min-so said the same thing, "I have something I'm curious about. "


"This time I caught it again, there are two lives left, and the one that is now attached to your back is the smallest one."

He said.

In fact, after tearing it off just now, he thought of it, because the name tag on Liu Zaishi's back was too small, unless there was a smaller one.

But basically impossible.

Because the production team had already shown him the size of the brand before the start, and that was the smallest.

"One more is missing." He pondered, "The production team seems to be playing with me." "

He looked at PD on the side, and PD shivered.

Liu Zaishi wanted to laugh but held back, "How to play?" Now there are two more, right? "

Minxiu's gaze looked over one by one from the production team, his eyes were deep and dangerous, and the people who were seen by him couldn't help but snort.

Suddenly, his gaze stayed on Quan Lie on the side.

"Come here." He said suddenly.

"Me?" Quan Lie was frightened.

"Me?" He repeated it again, as if hoping that Brother Min Xiu had said something wrong.

"Ah, you are from the production team, and I don't want to eliminate you." Liu Zaishi was very relaxed.

"Give him the camera." Minxiu said.

Quan Lie immediately did so, very well-behaved.

Looking at Minxiu staring at him, Quan Lie couldn't help but take off his hat and wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Why is it so hot all of a sudden?

As soon as he raised his head, Brother Minxiu's face was getting closer and closer, and he was so frightened that he moved his head back and then his eyes immediately looked away, not daring to look.

It was the biggest crisis his career had ever faced.

He glanced at Brother Minxiu's eyes again, he was looking at himself correctly, and it was very terrifying.

He immediately felt the same fear of Kim Jae-ho and Liu Zaishi, original, as if it was about to crack.

Looking at Quan Lie, who was trembling, Liu Zaishi faithfully recorded it with the camera and said, "Brother, he doesn't have that." "

However, Minbao is a man who will not be influenced by others, and he directly searches for Quan Lie.

I saw that under his coat, there was a name tag.

Quan Lie directly sinner mode, how can I not tell at this moment, he has a big deal.

He sat on the ground, his head almost lowered to the ground.

"I knew so." Brother Minxiu is so powerful, he even thought of it like this, and it was terrifying.

It's amazing, how can the average person tear off the last name tag first to realize this matter, but he guessed it just by seeing the last name tag.

Sure enough, it was a surprising hunter, and this kind of trick was easily visible.

"Who are you playing with?" Brother Minxiu's words made Quan Lie feel like he had committed a crime and was caught.

Don't talk about him, Liu Zaishi was dumbfounded next to him, the road he had never imagined, he never expected such an operation, he himself felt surprised.

"Ah, Zaishi, the next special will be called, RMVJ hunting."

When he said this, Quan Lie was held in his arms like a child and did not dare to move, looking very desolate.

"Next time, PD hunting."

This reason is that the production team betrayed him this time, which can be imagined to be wonderful.

But it's a pity ah, there is no such special, to be honest, I want to watch it.

I even thought of hiding a name tag on VJ, and the production team is also very good at playing.

This moment can be said to be the explosion of the program's effect, which is the result of the talent show and the production team, and it is impossible to do without either side.

This should be the setting used by the production team to prevent Minxiu from killing too quickly, and they were immediately shocked.

Of course, all of Minxiu's anger was directed at Kwon Lie, and now Kwon Lie is sitting on the ground and being disciplined, he is really pitiful.

Liu Zaishi's camera was pointed at Minxiuge's VJ, and he was now smiling.

"You... It must be very happy to be with Brother Minxiu. "

Today's most relaxed VJ is him, follow Brother Minxiu, you don't have to worry about anything else, just follow and run.

"Stone again." Brother Minxiu's gaze returned to Liu Zaishi's body, just as he relaxed his vigilance.

Seeing that the target had shifted, Quan Yeol quickly wiped his sweat in the corner alone, looking like wiping tears.

"There's only one last name sheet left, you and I will try to come at full speed."

Liu Zaishi knelt on the ground speechless, "I was already doing it with all my strength before." "

He had already used all his strength just to survive, let alone escape.

Brother Min Xiu was amused by his words, and suddenly opened his blood plate and came towards the camera.

"Aaaaaa Liu Zaishi was really frightened.

Minxiu left without nostalgia, and flicked Liu Zaishi's name tag with his hand, very handsome.

In this issue, he is the only handsome, and he is enough.

At this age, a man can be so handsome, really, absolutely.

What made Liu Zaishi feel gratified was that there was no tickling link this time, and it was all up to Quan Lie to divert hatred.

"You drink some." Liu Zaishi handed the water over, and he was already a comrade-in-arms who shared the tribulation.

Quan Lie took a sip and handed it back, Liu Zaishi shook his head and said, "I don't want to drink it." "

Then Kwon Lie drank it in one gulp.

"Yay! Really drink it all ah you! "

I'm just pretending, how come you really finished drinking! This unlucky child!

"Ah! Really, this kid, why are you so scared with Brother Minxiu! "

Kwon Lie: Aren't you afraid?

"You're more scared than me, what should I do!"

Kwon Lie: I don't want to either!

He honestly grabbed the camera, and even if he was tortured like this, he didn't forget to work.

Not a family, not entering a house.

Two people can only be said to be five or five.

Just been trained by Brother Minxiu, Liu Zaishi like this, drizzle~

Liu Zaishi slowed down and said: "No matter what, the final winner is decided, let's go first!" "

What remains now is Chi Shizhen, who is still shouting there, as if he has been forgotten.

As long as he is rescued, Liu Zaishi can escape.

But the problem is that his location is not easy to find, although he has revealed to Liu Zaishi that he is in the bathroom, but where this bathroom is, is a problem.

All the members have to be sent to the car, otherwise Liu Zaishi may really leave this big brother and leave.

He was the first to come but was locked up the longest, and he was also an old unlucky bastard.

The revenge that has lasted for several months is now coming to an end, and whether the revenge is successful or Liu Zaishi has found a way out and successfully escaped, it depends on now.

Who the hell will have the last laugh?

Who is the winner in the end?

Write now.

"Yay! Run faster! Do you want to be caught by Brother Min Xiu again? Liu Zaishi asked.

Almost all the places Liu Zaishi could go had already run away, and it was very strange that he couldn't find Chi Shizhen no matter how he looked for it, and he suspected that this eldest brother had lost it.

Of course, the world is, as long as you work hard and keep working hard, there will be results.

Liu Zaishi eliminated all other places through the elimination method, and finally found the bathroom.

As soon as Liu Zaishi arrived nearby, Chi Shizhen sensed that when the two of them met, they said that they were going crazy.

"Oh, crazy, why are you here?! How can I find this! "

"I've been locked up here for five hours!" Ikeishi also complained.

For five hours, he was the first to come, but the longest to be held, and he did almost nothing today, just sat here.

Because there was no time, Liu Zaishi didn't rap this time, and directly untied Chi Shizhen's rope, and the two went to the final exit together.

He also put together the password, which is the date of the betrayal.

Now Liu Zaishi can finally go to the last place with the rescued members, he has wanted to go for a long time.

But now is the most critical time, and there is still a person behind him, so he is more cautious.

If it were found here, everything would be too empty.

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