That is to say, the current traffic popularity of this drama is all supported by Kim Jae-ho alone, so everything that appears in it is an additional surprise.

This fills everyone's sense of expectation, and so does freshness.

The most exaggerated thing is that SBS actually cooperated with Kim Jae-ho to do this, not promoting this TV series at all, which really requires a lot of trust to do.

It can only be said that at the beginning there may have been opinions, but now, the top of the SBS has laid flat ...

Because the things related to Kim Jae-ho are really too fragrant, you can use this money to do more things elsewhere without spending money on publicity, which is too fragrant.

By the way, the reason why it is useless to have an opinion is that the m.m.p is already in control ...

As a private broadcasting company, it adopts a joint-stock system, although Kim Jae-ho does not have shares, but the company does, spending a lot of money and some means to slowly encroach on this company, and unknowingly controlled it.

For M.M.P, if you want something stable, then come yourself, although it is a conscientious enterprise, but with the right you can speak conscience, otherwise you have to do what people want you to do, which is too unstable.

Now there is a special department responsible for reviewing the content of the program, and the rules are much stricter than before, of course, Kim Jae-ho has also contributed a little effort, after all, this is very important.

For example, the most important point is that the content is not involved in politics, and the sensitive content is not touched, no matter how big the coffee is, it is not deleted.

Several audits to fully ensure that there are no loopholes,

The most important thing is that you can't use all locals, you need people of different ideologies.

It's easy to do, it's costly...

But Kim Jae-ho insisted on this, so the company could only complete it as required, after all, for their size, this is small money...

Not only that, but after having more power in the future, more things will be done, such as ideological guidance.

Because the root is no longer right, so it must be corrected.

This company has become a group, and it is still going in the direction of a two-word one, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Talk too much, talk far, back to the plot.

I saw Cha Taixian in the picture in a suit and leather shoes, dressed very formally, standing in front of the big screen to make a report.

In front of him were all high-level officials, and the most central and opposite were Li Yingjun and Secretary Kim.

That's right, this time playing the second in command of the company, Lee Young Joon's good brother Park Woo-jin is Cha Tae-hyun.

No one knows this news, confidentiality has been done very well, first of all, from the age, temperament on the car Taixian are very in line with this setting, the workload is not large.

Although he is not the protagonist, Cha Taehyun immediately followed after seeing the script, in his original words, because it will be very interesting.

In this drama, Cha Taehyun's setting is also very much, in addition to being a good brother, he is also Kim Jae-ho's emotional military master, of course, he himself is also a mess in this regard, has a wife of nine years, but every time they meet, they are either sprayed or beaten and then divorced directly.

It is equivalent to the bronze teaching gold game, so there are a lot of interesting plots.

Cha Taehyun has a unique sense of decadence, which may be the legendary decadent handsome, and he will feel very happy when he sees it.

And he who just won the best actor for the movie "Happy Family" to participate in this TV series is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, even if there is no protagonist handsome and a supporting role, it feels like his weight is not less than the protagonist.

For details, you can refer to "Producer".

It's like just appearing in this plot, after saying his own lines, Li Yingjun found his loophole, and he was stunned for a moment and immediately took out his mobile phone in a hurry to ask why this data is like this.

That instigated look is simple, at this time he will not rob the protagonist's feeling, but will not lose his own characteristics, very well handled.

It also brings out Kim Jae-ho's aura, creating a very good sense of tension and oppression.

After Kim Jae-ho left, the secretary automatically followed, and the high-ranking people breathed a sigh of relief, they didn't give any opinions, it was all decided by Kim Jae-ho, it was completely output, and they didn't give face at all.

It can be seen that Li Yingjun's personal ability is also full.

Where so many old men are there, Kim Jae-ho can't do this just by having the power.

Everyone does not even dare to give opinions, or they can't give it, and it's already very good to be able to live today.

It seems that Kim Jae-ho also added a domineering president character to himself, the only problem is that other people's domineering presidents will feel very strong and domineering.

But Kim Jae-ho's domineering president, but what he did, did not have that feeling, majesty is majesty, but everyone thought about his narcissistic appearance before, they couldn't help but laugh.

Not to mention this, Cha Taixian listened to the high-level complaining, and suddenly said: "Oh! Vice President! "

All stand up!

Everyone who had broken their mouths before immediately shut up and stood up, they were scared, and one person had taken off his glasses and immediately put them on again.

"Oh, not him." Cha Tae-hyun said, "I'm sorry I was mistaken. "

"Oh..." everyone immediately relaxed and wanted to swear.

Aren't you doing things?

With a smile and a glance at them, Cha Taehyun left proudly.

This is because I can't get used to hearing their complaints, so I scared them, and this kind of evil fun Che Taehyun is very interesting to play.

Just listen to the barbell-like laughter of the girls.

Next is Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo continuing to perform, inside the elevator, Kim Jae-ho corrects Song Ji-hyo's pronunciation, and then he also hardens his mouth and continues to strengthen the impression of arrogance and narcissism.

Kim Jae-ho also said that his stomach would not be hungry when he focused on his work, and his stomach would cry out in the next second, but Secretary Kim was professional and she would not laugh out loud.

As soon as the elevator opened, the scene switched instantly, and Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo both changed into clothes to go to the banquet.

Kim Jae-ho is also okay, that is, the more formal clothes will not be so fancy, it is a "general" expensive black suit.

Song Zhixiao was stunning, wearing a red off-the-shoulder dress, elegant and light luxury, fashionable and sexy, and the design of the shoulders was noble and elegant.

At the moment, she is simply the most beautiful girl in the world.

Everyone can't wait to kick Kim Jae-ho, a dog thing, away, and then replace him as the man next to Song Jihyo.

After watching RM for a long time, I forgot that Song Zhixiao can still look like this, it's so beautiful!

Who is this not a goddess?!

The president made a baboon sound.

"It's so beautiful! Wow! Yoona's eyes sparkled.

"Good figure!"

"Why can you be so plump so thin!"

"Am I not?"

"Ouch~" Everyone looked at the proud president in disgust and wanted to hit someone.

One second he was still wearing professional clothes, the next second it became like this, who can withstand it!

This scene switch is too slippery, Kim Jae-ho has really improved!

It's only ten minutes, I don't know how many sets of clothes have been changed, and none of them are cheap, no scene is inexpensive, and this crew is really not short of money.

"I will see this configuration even if I don't speak." Toxic spit.

"Hahaha ~ Indeed."

"It's so pretty!"

The clothes of each scene can go to the red carpet, and Kim Jae-ho's aesthetic is really good, and the clothes are very good-looking.

Still that sentence, the ornamental is full.

Wearing good clothes, going in and out of very good places, and meeting people who are very good-looking, this is simply an adult fairy tale.

This scene is attending a banquet.

Secretary Kim held Kim Jae-ho's hand, and reminded Kim Jae-ho that he needed to pay attention to the people he needed to pay attention to while walking, which can be said to be the secretary's excellent business ability.

Next, Kim Jae-ho is crazy to show language ability, and Kim Jae-ho speaks all kinds of languages very fluently, like a local, especially Chinese.

Huaxia netizens said that seeing foreign stars for the first time said that Chinese are more standard than themselves, like locals.

Without a trace of accent, Huaxia netizens praised and certified it.

Some netizens doubted whether Kim Jae-ho had lived here, or was a person here at all.

But it's just a word, so it's very standard and normal, or Kim Jae-ho details crazy, anyway, it's blowing up.

Then continued narcissism, and then Secretary Kim on the car suddenly proposed to resign, so there was the first scene.

Li Yingjun was suffocated, why did he resign.

After all, what is there to be dissatisfied with being able to follow such a perfect boss?

He couldn't figure it out when he wanted to break his head, and one shot was of him in bed, puzzled, and then insomnia.

So this drama is called "Why Is Secretary Kim Like That", which is the reason.

The next scene is tomorrow.

Among the staff in the vice president's office, there is a female scene that is particularly heavy.


This is a very key role, and even has a special emotional line, and Lee Yingjun's bodyguard, there are a lot of laughs, Kim Jae-ho added and deleted a lot, if you act well, it can definitely add a lot to this drama.

Played by Wang Baola.

At first, Wang Baola was still reserved to read the script, and as soon as she heard that Cha Taixian also starred, she immediately said yes.

After all, she originally entered because of Cha Taixian, and Cha Taixian felt that the script was good, and she would accept it even if she challenged herself.

She just couldn't understand why Kim Jae-ho thought of herself.

This Wang Baola is the one who became crazy when he saw Shixun in "The Prisoner is You 3", and those paragraphs are very classic.

Kim Jae-ho thought for a long time and didn't think of a suitable role for this role, and felt that there was no taste in substitution.

So after being entangled for a long time or choosing, he was not sure whether to choose her at first, after all, this was seven years earlier than her starring in this drama, and he was afraid that she would not be able to act that feeling now.

In the end, Kim Jae-ho took lipstick and applied it to her, and he realized that he was thinking too much.

Time does not change the essence of a person.

She has this talent, she has this talent, not because she is young.

Kim Jae-ho pointed a little, and the taste was right.

Kim Jae-ho has the feeling of gathering military generals after being reborn in the novel Three Kingdoms.

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