"Yay!!y Soul back!! Don't look at the beauty!!! Kim Jae-ho shouted nervously, if he fell down with his luck like, something would definitely happen.

"Stop looking at her! Look at me!! Look at me!! I'm my teammate!! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Brother Dog only then came back to his senses, looking back at the teammate he was holding and laughing embarrassedly, other teammates like Kim Junguo, they were also amused when they heard Kim Jae-ho's panicked scream, and this time Kim Jae-ho was even more shaky.

Originally, he was going to stand up, but now he is squatting and touching Jin Zhiguo's head and does not dare to move.

Fortunately, Jin Zhiguo is relatively stable, even if he is laughing, it is only a slight shaking, otherwise he is even more panicked now.

You won't understand what it's like to stand on someone's shoulders, if you want to experience it, you can just find someone to stand on, shout, and squat! Then just stand up, and if he doesn't hit you, you'll probably experience the feeling.

However, because of the problem of time, Kim Jae-ho was not allowed to stand on it for so long, so he also found his balance and wanted to get back on his feet.

However, at the same time that the blue team was concentrating, a figure also sneaked to the back of the blue team, and the face was like a swollen face, which was obviously Chi Shizhen's face.

Seeing that almost all of his teammates had succeeded in scaring Brother Dog, he also wanted to give it a try, so he quietly sneaked behind the blue team, standing next to Brother Dog, behind Jin Zhiguo.

Now Kim Jae-ho has stood up, but standing tall is even more unstable, and the dog brother suddenly saw such a funny face next to him, and he was also shocked, which is successful to some extent.

But because the dog brother was startled and let go of his hand, he originally grabbed Kim Jae-ho's right hand, but now Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt that his right hand was not supported, and he was already nervous and panicked instantly.

And when people lose their balance, they will subconsciously look for a support point, and Kim Jae-ho in panic looks back, suddenly finds a support point, decisively grasps this last life-saving straw, and directly supports it.

I saw Kim Jae-ho bending back in an extreme posture and pressing on Ji Seok-jin's head, and then straightened his waist and returned to balance.

In the back, Chi Shizhen felt like he had suddenly been slapped with a big slap, and suddenly his head was pressed, and then the whole person sank, and a huge force came from the top of his head.

Immediately followed by a sudden thrust, directly pushing his whole person back, he fell straight back as soon as he raised his head, and sank into the water with a snap.

And this whole process seemed to the onlookers to be about to fall, and Kim Jae-ho, who was in danger, pushed Ji Shizhen's head and maintained his balance again.

"Oh!!!" The people of the red team exploded when they saw it, and there was a traitor among them, and it turned out to be an enemy!!!

And the undefeatable Kim Jae-ho's little heart is plopping down, and he feels that he is a thief in this extreme operation, and his confidence is greatly increased in an instant.

Suddenly, it seemed to have found his motor nerves, and the whole person was so stable that he couldn't do it.

"Come on! Count to three hops!! "Kim Jae-ho wants to take advantage of this rhythm to jump out quickly, after all, the pressure on Kim Zhiguo for such a long time is also great.

He is almost the weight of the whole person concentrated on Jin Zhiguo.

"Come !!" Jin Zhiguo also shouted this promise, and the two seemed to reach some kind of tacit understanding at this moment.

"One !!" Jin Zhiguo squatted up.

"Second !!" Kim Jae-ho is adapting to this rhythm.

When counting, Kim Jae-ho is also very stable, although his heart beats very fast, and the people below are also undulating, but he stands very steady,

I have been familiar with this rhythm and frequency, and I am looking for the highest place.

This time, he was extremely serious, and even his eyes were different...

"Three !!!" The people of the blue team shouted together at the same time except for Kim Jae-ho Kim Dynasty, as if the power of faith was poured into Kim Jae-ho alone.

Kim Junguo gritted his teeth and used his best strength to go up, Kim Jae-ho immediately followed the rhythm to find the highest point, suddenly exerted power, his whole person jumped like a first-class athlete, and almost folded himself on the railing.


Kim Jae-ho almost rolled in the air, and then fell handsomely into the water.

A railing still lay quietly on it, never moving.

It worked...

"Ye Ye Ye Ye !!!!!!!"

The people of the blue team instantly cheered and celebrated wantonly with their hands raised.

The red team looked lost, almost speechless, looking at Ji Shizhen who came over, and immediately thought that if it weren't for him, Kim Jae-ho would not have found a balance.

Chi Shizhen didn't know why, just came out of the water and walked back to his team, he was immediately scolded by the head and face, and his innocent expression showed that he didn't know what happened just now.

Obviously I went to scare the dog brother, and I succeeded, but I was suddenly pushed into the water, and when I came out and returned to the team, I was scolded again, speechless and speechless, like I was so depressed that this is the first time these recordings.


The blue team continued to cheer.

Kim Jae-ho just came out of the water, and his back was a little painful because he had just slapped the surface of the water, but it was acceptable, but just wiped a handful of water on his face, and he was suddenly surrounded again.

The members of the blue team rushed over excitedly, directly lifted up the confused Kim Jae-ho, and then threw it away, celebrating this success in this way and "rewarding" the great heroes of this time.

This is very common in football, fortunately they do not choose to stack arhats, otherwise Kim Jae-ho is afraid to drown.

But he also wanted to die now, and just came out of the water before he could slow down, he was thrown into the water again, and in the process he only had time to scream and fell head-on

He almost wondered if he had failed his teammates to punish him, but Kim Jae-ho, who endured the hot pain in the front, saw the pole that was still on the railing, and knew that he had succeeded, and his teammates looked as happy as if they were sick.

Really heartache to the point of suffocation, Kim Jae-ho rubbed his hot chest, secretly cursing his unconscionable teammates.

But in fact, this feeling is not bad~

Because this height was carried out several times and failed, Kim Jae-ho's success directly established the victory of Kim Jae-ho and their team.

Three golden pigs in a row, all of them Kim Jae-ho and their team, the red team seems to have no chance of winning, but RM is fair, and overturns often happen, so the red team is disappointed but also quickly corrected their mentality and began to dump each other.

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