In a certain location, suddenly stand still and maintain the existing posture, and then wait until a certain time, continue to move, blend into the surrounding crowd, just like a normal person.

This kind of performance art is obviously Kim Jae-ho's idea after seeing the humanoid sculptures around him.

Although I understand, I still think it is strange.

"What are you doing?" Chi Shizhen came over with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho did not answer him and continued to maintain his movements.

"Really, what kind of mission is this? Am I going to destroy? "

"Oh, talking to you, really, crazy, you're really weird, yay! Answer me! "

Kim Jae-ho's hand scratched his butt, made small movements, and then continued to remain still.

Chi Shizhen also felt funny when he saw it.

That is, Kim Jae-ho, if others do this kind of thing, they will definitely be sanctioned immediately, because it is too strange.

This must not be seen by other pábhu, otherwise he will definitely join, if it was before, he will join too, but he has something else today.

In addition to the black-clad ones, only Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin remained, if it were usual, Ji Seok-jin would definitely join and attract more Pabu, but he said a few words to himself and left.

Walked in a hurry, seemed to be fleeing.

After knowing that Ji Seok-jin left, Kim Jae-ho's mouth ticked.

That's right, he is such a maverick man, as a perfect man full of sensuality, such performance art must not be understood by the world.

Performance art is to stick to your own ideas regardless of what others think, what others do.

He couldn't move, and now, he is also a sculpture, the same as the "brothers" next to him.

He, don't move.

That's right, it's that art.

"In Hao~Come here~"

Kim Jae-ho immediately turned his head: "Hey, ah! Elder brother! Why are you here, aren't you going to make a movie? "

"No, you come over first and say something."

"Okay brother~"

Kim Zai-ho ran over, talking to the big devil of Xiulu who came to record yesterday, and today he is also wearing a black suit, sunglasses, and a black hat like the balloon people, looking very handsome.

Of course, there are balloons on hand.

Kim Jae-ho can be regarded as knowing who these people are covering, that is, covering Xiulo, and there is a high probability that Ye-jin is also there.

He immediately thought that today it should be the production team to use the easy brothers as a pretense, and then show the road they are the real guests, the production team is too bad.

Kim Jae-ho, who suddenly felt that he had the ultimate intelligence, followed Xiulu to the corner, and the real Sister Yizhen was also there.

"Brother, do you have any special tasks for me?" Kim Jae-ho asked, "Then you can find the right person, I am too good at this!" "

"yes, I'll look behind you." Xiulu said with a smile, looking amiable.

"What's wrong?" Kim Jae-ho turned away.

Only a tearing sound was heard, and Kim Jae-ho's name tag was torn off.

Kim Jae-ho: "??? "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho wanted to speak, his mouth was covered by so-ro.

"In Hao! I'm sorry! Xiulu said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, we don't want to, what to do, I'm so sorry." Yizhen also laughed.

The younger brother, who had always been so good to herself yesterday, now actually tore off his name tag with her own hands when the other party was most looking forward to it, and she herself felt that she was very evil.

Kim Jae-ho: Hmm!!

And then it was taken away.

What's going on?

Just this morning, before Chi Shizhen and them received the task, Yizhen and they had already arrived.

The whole process of the easy brothers taking over the task, they all met, just like Kim Jae-ho thought, they are the real guests today.

Everything today is for them, even Chi Shizhen and them.

When Chi Shizhen and they get the special solution given to them by the production team on the RMs, Yizhen and their task is to eliminate these people.

In other words, Chi Shizhen is simply responsible for marking, just tool people, migrant workers.

However, for such a simple task, they all grinded and rubbed it, no, after Ji Seok Jinichi marked Kim Jae-ho, they came immediately.

Kim Jae-ho thought they were here to rebel against him, but they ended up assassinating themselves.

But now Yizhen and they all dislike Chi Shizhen for being too slow, and it took so long to eliminate a paboo.

That's right, I believe everyone also thought of it, just now, Ji Shizhen didn't notice it at first, but after saying two words, he immediately noticed that Kim Jae-ho, a fool, just happened to be motionless at this time, and didn't look at him, isn't this the best time?

So he directly gave up the program effect and sprayed away, of course, this also produced a greater program effect.

Kim Jae-ho was eliminated inexplicably and lost his mind, and when he reacted, he was speechless, and he was immediately taken away, and he couldn't say his "last words".

The clown turned out to be myself.

But he was taken away like this, and some people still saw it.

"What's that?" What happened to Jaehiro? Liu Zaishi, as the only witness, immediately shouted.

Kim Jae-ho also wanted to respond to him, not to tell them anything, just to simply want to smell bad.

But the two little brothers who escorted him next to him were too fierce, did not give him this opportunity, and did not let Kim Jae-ho say a word.

So far, although there is no broadcast.

"Kim Jae-ho, out!"

Liu Zaishi immediately anxiously wanted to tell others this information, and the first person he suspected was of course Li Guangzhu, but could he do such a thing as Li Guangzhu to sneak up on Kim Jae-ho?

Thought about Kim Jae-ho's sunny smiling face.

Well, it can be done.

Ji Shizhen and Li Guangzhu were the first to join Liu Zaishi, after all, this is the scene of the crime, and they are the perpetrators.

After fooling Liu Zaishi over, Chi Shi was proud, no one knew that he did it, and he was happy.

Finally a thing, their killing is about to begin!

Of course, they don't know that they are making wedding clothes for others, and they are still putting this pleasure on hold.

During this period, Haha, who had been wandering around, also found his own balloon.

"Why are you the only one there?"

Some balloons, at a glance, are right, lonely balloons, look pitiful, so, just step on the explosion.

A prompt burst out inside, and the prompt was the pronunciation of "town".

Just like before, Xiu is Xiulu, this town, is Yizhen.

Liu Zaishi immediately thought of Chi Shi Zhenhe and Li Guangzhu, in order to fool them, when he saw Li Guangzhu, he said that it was Yizhen and Xiulu.

Originally, he was a fool, but he never expected that he guessed the correct answer, just like writing the wrong program but running the correct result, and it was a bug written on purpose.


Liu Zaishi himself didn't know that his words startled the production team, and they thought he had found out.

Look carefully to know that it is only to deceive fools.

"No wonder!" Li Guangzhu's acting skills at this time are quite good.

In fact, acting and lying are two concepts, now more inclined to lie than acting, some people have good acting skills, but if he wants to lie immediately in reality, but he can't do it, even if he does, it is full of loopholes.

This time lasted a long time, mainly because Li Guangzhu and Ji Shizhen did not move for a long time.

Kim Jae-ho was so bored in prison alone that he composed a song called "Boring".

When a person has the ability to have experience, the so-called creation is just the reality of the inspiration in the mind at that time, depending on the state at that time.

The inspiration came and thought of a sentence or two, and it was difficult to write the song later, because the state was not right at that time.

The initial inspiration is the best, and the subsequent fillings are all about maximizing the restoration of the ideas at that time.

Hobbies have always been difficult to write, and a poem has changed to feel at ease.

Kim Jae-ho never lets himself be bored, so this kind of time is very special for him.

The song is more relaxed, in English, similar to the style of "Thelazysong".

This is the first time Kim Jae-ho has created an English song in front of everyone, so it can also dispel a lot of doubts.

Of course, he will not be bored for too long, because soon Liu Zaishi will also come to accompany him.

Dong Duxiao immediately turned into a crosstalk, and PD had already moved the stool.

Liu Zaishi was also eliminated by Xiulu.

"That is to say, brother, you were eliminated by Brother Xiulu alone?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, it suddenly rushed up and tore it off." Liu Zaishi recalled that the scene at that time felt outrageous.

"Hahaha~ That brother, you are too dish! I was torn off by Xiulu and Yizhen. "

Liu Zaishi sighed, not that he felt powerful, but he felt that his self-esteem was suddenly a little damaged.

"What, Yizhen was also watching at that time."

"So did she do it?"


"That's not the end, I'm Brother Xiulu grabbed and then tore off angrily, ouch~ It seems that I am more powerful, I want two people to move, and then Brother Shi you almost have something~"

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's stunned look, Liu Zaishi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, so angry!

"Yay! I saw the way you were arrested at that time, hey, it's miserable. "

"Hey, Ichiko~"

PD is speechless, what is there to argue about this?

Sure enough, it was a topic in prison.

The comparison is not how fierce you are, but how hard the person who grabbed yourself is.

Anyway, the two prison regulars are already in place and the game officially begins.

To be reasonable, two spies, five people, two and a half rounds to solve the battle, they were stunned to drag to the group performance and added a batch.

On the other side, Jin Zhiguo, who had completely guessed what Chi Shizhen was doing, directly found Chi Shizhen and began to search his body.

Chi Shi did not dare to move, and directly opened his hand to cooperate.


Jin Zhiguo immediately found a special prop that I heard was very expensive today, the legendary solution spray, from Chi Shizhen's pocket.

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