
Two living treasures, so disgusting these two people.

Several people got off one after another, and Kim Jae-ho did not get off in advance without being the last one.

"How, what is it this time?" Kim Jae-ho got off at a roadside.

PD delivers the assignment letter directly.

"Find out the hint hidden in the balloon, and if combined, all the secrets will be revealed!"

The following sentence is that the more balloons that break without prompting, the more balloons will gradually increase.

Kim Jae-ho didn't care about the balloon at first, but he was stunned as soon as he entered.

"No, how many balloons are you guys making?"

I saw that balloons could be seen everywhere in almost the entire shopping street, very, very many balloons, and not one by one, but piled up one by one.

"Even if you blow with a tool, you have to blow for a long time, right? Wow, big production! "

Everyone was stunned to see it, and asked them to find a hint in such a pile of balloons, which is that the production team spent a lot of effort to increase their workload to control the time to find the full prompt.

Could it be that inside the balloon is a hint that Chi Shizhen is a spy, in that case, to reduce Chi Shizhen's burden as much as possible?

In order to protect the spies, it can be described as painstaking~

Kim Jae-ho shook his head, thinking about what to do so much, can you just find it directly?

He Kim Jae-ho is a good hand at finding things.

Kim Jae-ho picked up a balloon, shook it, then looked through the light, put it down, picked up another one, and continued to look.

"What are you doing?" Liu Zaishi, who came over, asked, followed by haha.

"See if there's any hint in it." Kim Jae-ho looked at him strangely, why do you have to ask all this?

"Yay! If you find it like this, you won't find it next year! Liu Zaishi smiled angrily.

"Then how else to find it!"

"Poke! Just now the production team gave the needle, didn't you have it? Haha asked.

"Using needles is too wasteful and environmentally destructive, right? I don't do this kind of thing. "Kim Jae-hao is awe-inspiring.

But as the person who knew Kim Jae-ho best, Liu Zaishi thought for a while and said, "Ah, shouldn't you be afraid?" "

"Hah! It's funny, what's there to be afraid of in a balloon? Am I afraid it will hurt me when it explodes? It's funny~"



The sound of a balloon exploding came, followed by the sound of Kim Jae-ho screaming.


Kim Jae-ho is very rare to jump out of place a meter away, his expression is distorted to the end, and the stress response can be said to be full.


"Yay! I'm just scared! "

Kim Jae-ho: "Who is not afraid of your sudden prick!" "

"I'm not afraid~" Haha's expression was calm.

"Are you two coming so far just to make fun of me?" Kim Jae-ho questioned.

"That's right."



On the other side, Song Zhixiao is happily playing with balloons, and a person can also be cute and loved.

And here, Liu Zaishi and Haha are very happy playing with Kim Jae-ho, and they think Kim Jae-ho is cute and lovely.

There was a scream of Kim Jae-ho on the shopping street, and Liu Zaishi and Haha were very happy chasing Kim Jae-ho balloons, specifically pricking him next to him.

Kim Jae-ho was annoyed: "Can you not be so naïve?" "



He just wanted to be alone and quiet, was it so difficult?

"Oh, what are you doing?" Chi Shizhen came over and asked when he saw that this side was so lively.

In fact, he also saw what Liu Zaishi was doing, and the purpose of his asking was just to join this happy big family.

So soon the ones who ran after Kim Jae-ho became three people.

Kim Jae-ho didn't know why he wasn't a spy and was being chased away, but he knew that these people were real dogs.

The brothers chased him for a while and let him go, after all, he still had to do the task.

"Oh, even if you prick it with a needle, it's too many balloons, right?"

Several people looked at this vast sea of balloons, and they didn't know what to do.

I don't know, but I still have to work hard.

Kim Jae-ho quickly found Kim Ji-guk and Song Ji-hyo, or the sense of security brought by his brother and girlfriend.

The painting style of these few people is different.

"Well, according to the information, it would be too simple to do only this task today." Kim said.

When Liu Zaishi and everyone shouted difficulty, Jin Zhiguo actually said such words, which was really powerful.

"Simple?" Kim Jae-ho glanced at the vast sea of balloons.

"Because you just need to tie the balloon, there is nothing else, I feel that there is something else." Jin Zhiguo's intuition is accurate.

"Yes, there may be prisoners who will have a mission during this time." Song Zhixiao also said.

"It could also be that there are spies, and the hint is who is a spy, and then we have to be stopped." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's also possible."

Jin Zhiguo nodded, just in time to see Li Guangzhu walking over.

"Isn't there anything in there?" Jin Zhiguo eyed the very critical bag in the last mission.

This bag was carried by Li Guangzhu from the beginning.

"Nope." Li Guangzhu has already looked for it, and to be honest, even if he finds it, he will destroy it.

"Confused." Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Jihyo and suddenly said.


In front of so many people suddenly shouted like this, although his expression was as calm as possible, Song Zhixiao felt his heart thump.

Suddenly called like this, the sweetness is too high!

But Kim Jae-ho really didn't mean that.

Kim Jae-ho pointed to her shoulder and said.

"You have dragonflies on your shoulders."

Song Jihyo subconsciously followed what Kim Jae-ho said, and then she went crazy.

"Aaaaa!!a What to do!! What to do!! "

She screamed, she moved, and she almost shot the dragonfly to death in this instant.

The people around looked at Song Zhixiao, who suddenly went crazy, and they were also in a hurry and were startled.

Some people don't know what happened, like Li Guangzhu, who has been shouting something.

Some people laughed because of Song Zhixiao's first appearance, but they still hurried to help, of course, they couldn't help much.

Some go directly to help but don't know how to help, and even think that bugs may be more afraid.

"It's okay, it's okay! Flew away! Kim Jae-ho chased after him.

Song Zhixiao is discolored and frightened, and the bug is the deadliest blow to our ace strong woman.

If the sky is not afraid, the earth is not afraid, but the insects are afraid.

Even though the bug flew away at the first time, Song Zhixiao still ran ten meters away.

The men panicked.

"Is Zhixiao all right?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"It's okay." Song Zhixiao just looked like something was wrong.

"I didn't tell you if I knew it earlier, it's better if I ran away secretly." Kim Jae-ho was a little remorseful.

Maybe if he didn't say anything, Song Zhixiao didn't know that there were insects that stayed on her today.

"It's okay, I don't blame you."

"Are you really all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, go find something." Song Zhixiao does not want to slow down the progress of the task because of his own affairs.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho himself is afraid of dragonflies, he also feels that the thief is terrifying, let him touch him dare not touch, so he just chased the bug is really brave.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not care, he knew that Song Zhixiao was afraid of insects to remind him, but seeing Song Zhixiao's tearful appearance was also distressed.

After a small episode passed, everyone continued to do the task.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo go together.

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Song Zhixiao shook her head, she was much better now.

"You're really afraid of bugs."

"I'm scared the most, bug." Song Zhixiao is now walking very carefully looking left and right.

"It seems that the next time you come out, you know, wind oil essence is more convenient, next time apply a little."

"Well, it's okay, it's just that I'm afraid of it." After Song Zhixiao was frightened, his voice was soft.

"Hahaha ~ too, so many people came to you without incident, are you Hanxiang?"

Although he didn't know what Kim Jae-ho was talking about, Song Jihyo still gave him a blank look, "Want to die?" "

"No, it just proves that your charismatic bugs like you."

"I don't want this kind of like!" Song Zhixiao pricked the balloon in retaliation.

Kim Jae-ho was afraid, as if he was stuck on himself.

In fact, he is really not afraid of others sticking balloons, that is, don't get too close to himself, he is afraid that the fragments will bounce into his own and even his eyes, so he is very careful.

Song Zhixiao's previous pale face now looks much better.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu followed the others to a room, inside was Haha and Jin Zhiguo Liu Zaishi, at this time the three people were looking at the balloons on the ceiling and worrying.

In terms of their height, it is a bit difficult to reach the balloon above, but the more difficult this place, the more likely it is to give a hint.

At this time, in order to prove that he worked hard to be a good person, Lee Kwang-joo jumped very actively and took down a balloon, and his height was finally useful.

Haha said ruthlessly: "You have to jump like this three hundred times, three hundred times." "

Not to mention three hundred times, thirty times is a challenge for his knees.

Several people quickly gave up.

Ji Shizhen and Li Guangzhu, who had the opportunity to get together, discussed countermeasures.

The tension and uneasiness of the two people cannot be said to be obvious, but can only be said to be self-evident.

They have a task, but for so long, they have not started, they are looking for a suitable time, as for when, do not ask, ask is not the time has not come.

The program team expressed understanding, but this is too grinding, right?

Not to mention the program group, even Liu Zaishi felt too strange.

Liu Zaishi was walking and found that the name brand moved, he was scared to turn back, and when he looked back, he saw Jin Zhiguo, which was even more frightening!

"Yay! It scares me to death! "

But fortunately, Jin Zhiguo was just joking with him, otherwise Liu Zaishi would already be gone.

"Hahaha~" Jin Zhiguo only found it interesting.

"Yay~ Do you want me to hang you there?" Liu Zaishi pointed to the sculpture opposite and said ruthlessly.

It's just that two people feel too uneasy.

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