On the other side, Jin Zhiguo was still interviewing ahead, of course, he also knew that there should be no one on the other side, but maybe he would come back, so he looked and found that the red team was really decisive to withdraw, so he couldn't see anyone for a while.

Jin Zhiguo came back and whispered to Haha: "There is a sound in the bushes!" "

"That's Brother Xiulu." Haha explains.

Jin Zhiguo didn't react at once.

He looked across the hedge and looked over there, where Xiulu was drilling in the grass.

Although it is not a particularly difficult road, it is also an unusual path.

Xiu Path went straight to where the red team was, and a person rushed out, very brave.

"Kids! Come here! "

"Stone again, it's heavy!"

He walked forward, and the three of them stepped back, anyway, to keep a safe distance.

"Brother, the clothes are very beautiful~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Good-looking, come, come and I'll give you the clothes." Xiulu beckoned and was very generous.

"No, no, such a noble dress still looks good for you." Kim Jae-ho said with a shy face.

"Come here." Xiulu beckoned and was very tough.

Liu Zaishi didn't respond, and ran directly with two people.

Because Jin Zhiguo came over, followed by haha, with a water gun in his hand, glasses, and a hat, he really looked like a child who came to go on an outing.

Although I ran with the three people on the opposite side just now, I still don't have confidence in facing it head-on.

"Brother, let's talk first, what are you afraid of!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Ah, what if they rush over!"

"them! What are you afraid of with such a big cannon. "

"The people I hold are not confident, where do you get your confidence!"

"It's okay, now you run slower than me, even if they chase me, I can run away."

Liu Zaishi: Do you listen to this human language?!

That's how your confidence comes from, right?

No wonder you are so brave today!

Dare to think of selling me at any time, right?

"Yay! You are really... Wow! Liu Zaishi was so angry that he couldn't speak.

I wanted to swear words, but I couldn't say them, so there was nothing more to say.

Seeing Liu Zaishi and them so intimidated, Xiulu was no longer interested and didn't want to chase.


Let's go find your brothers.

Three people converged, and this attack was not caught by a person, which was a pure waste of physical strength.

The main thing is that both of their teams are too intimidating, and they don't have the mind to resist within a single nei, and they run when they meet, and they don't even meet yet, they just feel that there is danger and run.

After all, everyone is not stupid, their team is singled out, so the risk of facing it is very high, since they are all in alliance, they can definitely fight in groups.

"Ah~I really will escape~" Jin Zhiguo sighed.

Several people continued to discuss countermeasures.

Now in fact, they have fallen into the downside, after all, the opposite side has formed an alliance, as long as they find an opportunity to converge, then it will be very difficult for themselves.

There are other problems beyond that.

"First of all, we don't have weapons."

"Yes, no weapons." Haha grabbed his small pistol and felt very unconfident, after all, the opposite side is "that" weapon, and their team's small pistol looks very petite.

Xiulu's idea is very simple: "Grab them." "

"How to rob a weapon if you have a weapon?" Jin Zhiguo felt a little difficult, which was also the reason why he chose to sneak attack just now, because in fact, there are also risks, the opposite weapon is too good, even if it is a random shot, it may hit.

But Xiulu has no such worries.

"I'll go first, you guys follow."

As a soldier, he greatly improved the morale of the team.

"My brothers are terrible, very scary, I haven't seen it in my professional life or outside life, this horror is really..."

It's really very comfortable to have such an older brother.

Such a horror is opposite, he has, it is cool.

Ouch, it's so comfortable~

I really want to see Kim Jae-ho quickly, such a joy, I want to share it with him.

On the other side, there are people in their own world.

By a path, under the wall.

In one bucket, a pair of feet and a hat were exposed, as if he wanted to hide himself in the bucket.

The only one who can have this kind of thinking is Li Guangzhu.

This kind of thing, even Kim Jae-ho will not do ...


I don't know why, Li Guangzhu has a soft spot for such behavior, obviously he is so long, but he likes to fold himself, and it seems that he has a lot of fun alone.

He seems to have been separated from his teammates, wandering alone throughout the show.

Finding that it was not very comfortable in it, and after hiding for a while and no one came, Li Guangzhu came out.

Walking on the side of the road, he saw a little girl, and he suddenly had an idea.

Of course, it's a serious idea, he's a strange person, but not that strange person, although he does look like that strange person...

"Do you like water guns?" Li Guangzhu leaned down and asked.

Generally speaking, if someone asks a little girl like this on the side of the road, you can call the police if you witness it.

When Lee Kwang-joo was communicating with the little girl at the same level here, Kim Jae-ho was also close to this side.

Originally, I didn't plan to come here, but I saw Li Guangzhu on the roof of the second floor before I passed.

There's nothing to do anyway, just go over and take a look.

The map is too big, so most of the time is spent walking.

And because it is not a single-player game, it is not particularly stressful, so Kim Jae-ho has not yet activated the assassin mode, but he did not expect that Lee Kwang-joo turned on the single-player mode.

What is this guy doing?

And he is obscene on it, and it seems that he is doing bad things.

As soon as the three people walked over, Li Guangzhu beckoned to them, "Brother! Haha brother is here! "

Soon, they saw a little girl hiding her hands in her clothes and walking over.

"Hey Yigu ~ where did the little fairy come from~" Before Jin Zaihao finished speaking, Liu Zaishi already knew what she was going to do.

"Are you going to us?"

Her intentions were too obvious.

"What is hiding~ Can you show my brother?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

The little sister shook her head and stepped back.

"What's shy, if you have good things, you have to share them together~"

"You really seem perverted like this." Liu Zaishi complained for a moment and said, "Guangzhu, you won't instruct children, right?" "

The little sister's intention is obvious.

Suddenly, she revealed something in her hand, which was something that Chi Shizhen demonstrated just now that impressed everyone.

"Uncle Guangzhu is a bad uncle, don't listen to him, hey, don't go, it's okay, don't save him, Uncle Guangzhu is gone."

That's right, just after the little sister revealed what was in her hand, Liu Zaishi knew that Li Guangzhu now had no weapon in her hand, so she immediately rushed up to get him.

Kim Jae-ho is still chatting with his little sister, he doesn't care about that side at all, Lee Kwang-joo is honest, it doesn't matter if he is out or not, he is not worried at all about educating his little sister next to him.

"See no, this is a saying, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice."

"You don't touch what he used, fools will be contagious, come, take it to my brother to disinfect."

Li Guangzhu, that fool, hid on the second floor, the only way to go downstairs was to take the stairs, Liu Zaishi alone can block him, Kim Jae-ho does not need to help Liu Zaishi alone can decide his fate.

"Brother, aren't we united? Wait a minute! Li Guangzhu continued to wait for Dafa.

And because of the means he just instructed the child, Liu Zaishi decided to directly sanction, just sanction!

Kim Jae-ho didn't care at all, he cared more about the weapon in his little sister's hand, and if he could get it, they would have one more weapon.

But the problem is that the little sister still likes Lee Kwang-joo, and when she gets the thing, she says that she won't give anything to Kim Jae-ho, and she wants to find an opportunity to spray Kim Jae-ho's famous brand.

Kim Jae-ho didn't care, just slowly consume with her, anyway, there is nothing to do.

At least it's much more fun than playing with fools.

Liu Zaishi had fun with thieves, especially Li Guangzhu had many wonderful ideas, such as throwing clothes on the roof to save his life.

Of course, the result was that Liu Zaishi sprayed directly on it, making him eliminated.

They had fun, but another problem, they had just come here because they saw Li Guangzhu from a long distance, which meant that this place was very conspicuous.

And just now Li Guangzhu was still hiding, and now several of them are active on it, their clothes are still red, and everyone is looking for them at once.

That includes the Blue Team.

Just running over, I felt the momentum on them.

"In Hao! Come here! Liu Zaishi shouted.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho got a new weapon and was playing, and the girl was also coaxed away by her.

"They're coming!"

Kim Jae-ho walked up to it, "Then don't you run quickly?" "

"They can't take this castle." Liu Zaishi said.

"Huh? How did that light bead not exist? His body is still here. "

Li Guangzhu, who was squatting next to him to adjust his mood: ???

"What did you say?"

Yizhen looked at him with pity, and then didn't care about him.

The three men ignored him in unison.

Li Guangzhu suddenly felt the real feeling of being out, the mental level of being out.

People experience death twice: once to stop breathing and once to be forgotten.

Li Guangzhu was the first to really feel what this meant.

RM will go through two exits: once when you are torn off your name tag, and once when you realize that this round is no longer about you.

"How can it be the same now as last time, this time we have three people and weapons, there is only one road here, ah, we just guard this road." Liu Zaishi said.

"Also, there is a small roof here, if it doesn't work then, you will send me up." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So what do I do?" Liu Zaishi actually knew the answer without asking.

"Just kidding, don't worry, brother, we will definitely protect you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"You're trying to protect this one in my hands, aren't you?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"How come, you say yes, angry that."

"Hmm..." Yizhen tilted her head and did not answer immediately, but was thinking, as if she didn't want to lie.

Liu Zaishi was heartbroken.

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