It's just that the gap between them and the red team is too big.

Their team really won the least, and the combination of Dumb Agua plus ignorance and stunned melon is too difficult.

Song Zhixiao's ace feels like being assimilated by them.

Kim Jae-ho was the first to enter Gongpyeong Port, and when they saw the Hong Kong character, they didn't know what awaited them ahead.

"Wow~sea~" Yizhen's nasal voice came out, looking very happy.

The scenery of the sea will always have a bonus of romantic attributes, giving everyone a buff of good mood.

"There!" Liu Zaishi found out.

"This one is really too conspicuous." Kim Jae-ho smiled.

A very classic staff member dressed in yellow held a large purple sign, which can be said to be clearly visible from hundreds of meters away.

"Oh, this wind, very obsessed with my flesh." Kim Jae-ho shivered.

It is clear that they are all dressed so thickly, and it is outrageous that the wind can still drill into the clothes.

"Really, it's so cold." Yizhen also held hands.

"I didn't know it was so cold if I didn't get out of the car." Kim shrunk away.

Liu Zaishi: "Wow, it's because of being by the sea." "

All three put on masks of pain and walked next to the little brother.

"Oh, why do you wear so little, isn't it cold?" Kim Jae-ho scolded as soon as they met.

The staff's clothes are pitifully thin, and it seems that there are only such styles of overalls.

"It's just that it's cold to look at." Liu Zaishi said.

Kim Jae-ho crossed his hand and said: "Don't hold up the sign, hurry up and get dressed, let Zhao PD hold it, he has a thick skin and can resist cold." "

The nearby staff all laughed when they heard this, and only Kim Jae-ho dared to complain about PD.

PD is speechless, don't you feel cold with such thick skin?

No, this seems to admit something...

Kim Jae-ho's hair was blown up,

"What are you going to do now?" Liu Zaishi hurried to the point, if you do a task in such a place, this in itself is a punishment, right?

"Okay, now you can get on the boat." PD said.

"Oh, that's too unusual, isn't it?" Liu Zaishi was dumbfounded.

"It's strange that this kind of weather is not blown by boat as Lee Kwang-joo..." complained Kim Jae-ho.

Lee Kwang-joo was once again reduced to an adjective.

"Then again, we haven't seen the light beads so far." Liu Zaishi remembered this.

"It's okay, I feel like I'll have to see it when I don't want to."

"That's true, too."

"So what boat are we on?" Liu Zaishi still has a little expectation.

PD pointed to the side with his hand, and everyone understood everything when they saw it.

"Ah, this wind and this wave, how can you sit on this?" Kim Jae-ho was stupid.

The boat is very low, there is no protection at all, this is not an open-top, this is directly removed the body.

PD smiled and wanted this effect.

"I've confirmed with them, don't worry." PD said.

Kim Jae-ho is not at ease, he knows how hard humans can fight to make money...

"But thankfully, I can swim now." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh, this kind of thing can't even swim over there..." Liu Zaishi looked into the distance.

"So is it still too late to write a will? Can I wait for Zhixiao to come before I set off, I don't want to die alone. Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's okay, it's not that I am still with you~" Liu Zishi said with a smile.

"Then I'd rather die alone."

"Hahaha~" Yizhen almost laughed silly.

A few people put on life jackets, originally a little apprehensive, but they talked about Yizhen like this much easier.

The best way to eliminate tension is to make some excessive jokes, such as they are afraid of danger, and now they directly assume that they are going to die later...

In fact, everyone also knows that the program group dares to let them do this, the security must be full, this trust is still there, and there are more people who guarantee their safety than they do.

In addition to a lifeguard on board, there will be a boat following them.

Not to mention, the boat is driven by the old drivers of the nearby fishing villages, and usually they will go to sea alone even without such a lineup.

The three people hugged tightly, Ye-jin in the middle, and Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Jae-ho left and right to protect him.

"Oh, the water is so salty!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

This means that the splashed water can already taste salty, and this is just the beginning.

"It's okay to be angry, if something happens, just cry, they will let us go." Kim Jae-ho said.

Although it is difficult now, Yizhen still laughed when she heard this, how this feels is not comfort, but to make her cry out quickly to understand.

She doesn't cry, she's strong.


The three of them wailed in unison, and a wave hit and splashed water as if it were raining.

They are still good, hands can be forbidden to the collar, the front VJ hands have to carry the camera, but also have to stand up, and have to shoot, who would have thought that VJ turned out to be a special profession, at this time in addition to themselves, they also have to protect photographic equipment.

The boat was shaking violently, Kim Jae-ho's eyes could not be opened, and now he was extremely insecure, feeling that he would be thrown down the next one who swayed.

He kept holding the hand next to him and grabbed Yizhen to protect her, because Yizhen was different from them and had no place to help, and Liu Zaishi did the same thing.

Although they work hard, their practicality is not particularly great, after all, if they can support it steadily, they will not be so afraid.

Now the three of them can hardly stand up with the shaking, because they feel like they are going to fall at any moment, so they are like this.

Kim Jae-ho was scared to death, although he had a hunch that it would be miserable, but he didn't know it would be so terrifying.

"What is this! I'm kidding, I don't really want to drown! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Oh, blame you for talking nonsense!" Liu Zaishi shouted, "Oh! "

"Brother, you guys grab me!"

"Yay! What are you doing?! Liu Zaishi was shocked.

Kim Jae-ho said and lay down, supporting the hull with his arms, which was much more stable than holding it.

"Just hold on to me! Promise you too, stuck in my foot! Be persistent! Come on! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"It's really crazy!" Liu Zaishi couldn't laugh or cry, this is something that people do?

It won't be to this extent!

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, lying down is much more comfortable than floating outside, and he will die of cold if he falls off the boat in this situation.

Not long after he finished speaking, the ship suddenly quieted down and moved steadily.

Kim Jae-ho looked up and saw the captain looking at him calmly with a smile on his face.

Kim Jae-ho: ...

"Ah~ the sea is really unpredictable~ the wind and waves say that small is small~" Kim Jae-ho said while getting up casually.

Kim Jae-ho even wrote the song at this moment, and the chorus is: The weather is so good today, it's better to hurry up at this moment.

"Hahaha~" Yizhen almost laughed miserably.

It was really suddenly embarrassing.

In fact, there were bumps at the beginning, and then it was very relaxed, no wonder the captain said that he could sail the boat.

He said he could open it.

Soon, the ship landed.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, and they were very happy after seeing the land.

Such a person cannot be a man of One Piece.

It is also very difficult to get off the boat, because there is no special reason to build a port, so everyone has to wade in the water to log in.

However, the production team has already prepared, water boots, an artifact that refused to be worn even if the shoes were wet when he was a child.

Kim Jae-ho was the first to get dressed and the first to rush ashore.

"Is this what land feels like?" Kim Jae-ho seemed to suddenly understand why his ancestors had gone ashore in the first place.

The shore is so fragrant!

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho went ashore, and the others also came ashore one after another, Kim Jae-ho supported Ye-jin.

"Nu Na be careful, here, step on here is more stable."

"Thank you, it's so sweet, it's so good."

Disembarked from Liu Zaishi.

"Angry, let's go over there and take a look."

"Yay! Leave me alone? Liu Zaishi roared.

"Be careful, a lot of stones, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it if I fall."

Kim Jae-ho intimately reminded Ye-jin that he didn't care about Yoo Jae-seok behind him.

丨, what nonsense, he himself went ashore, Liu Zaishi is so strong and needs to be helped, the ladies.

A few people came to the front of a row of houses, which looked like abandoned rough houses, with doorways but no doors.

"Welcome to Taoli Island." PD handed over the mission letter, and Kim Jae-ho took it.

Very nice name, very poetic, peach and plum all over the world, praise is the serious teaching teacher.

But this island is unknown, and it is not omnipotent at a certain time, so remote that no information can be found.

But everyone doesn't know, and the program team also knows that everyone doesn't know, because it's just a small island, the kind that can be seen at a glance.

"This place was originally a makeshift house built for oyster picking, but it is not actually a house where people live, so there are ramen supplies prepared in each room, and when a certain team member shouts 'Taoli Island', he can collect five kinds of supplies."

You can see that ramen over there is really a very versatile food reserve.

If the food reserve here is ramen, the parents are really going to explode.

But over here, it's a normal thing.

"Ah, win, when it comes to lung capacity, it is Zaihao!" Liu Zaishi felt stable when he saw it.

"Really?" Yizhen surprised.

"Yes, I'm still a singer, I didn't expect it." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"No, no, I know, I just don't know your lung capacity." Yizhen quickly explained.

"It's all to blame you for not releasing the album well, ah, release the album well, you kid." Liu Zaishi teased.

If it was another singer, it would not be good to say this, but if Kim Jae-ho was, they all knew what the reason was.

Obviously there are a lot of singles, just don't release the album, each song is the existence of the title song, just don't release the album, fans are looking forward to it, just don't release the album.

If fans hear Liu Zaishi's words, they are afraid that they will be moved to death.

It's like a writer who often doesn't update and is urged to update in reality.

Of course, a writer like me who constantly updates diligent writers will not have this kind of thing.

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