Song Zhixiao unconsciously began to nod to the rhythm, showing a smile and listening carefully, this is a song that can make people feel happy.

The sweet lyrics have a feeling of being healed, and Song Zhixiao suddenly feels that this is probably the ultimate romance.

After the last lyric ended, Song Zhixiao immediately clapped his hands.

"Oh, how can I blow my hair if you say this!"

"How's it going, does it sound good?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It sounds good, and it's a little touching."

"Just a little?"

"Very touched~ I feel that the songs you write to me can be released as an album."

"This can, the album name is there, it's called "To Song Zhixiao"

"No, your fans will be jealous of me if you do this."

Song Zhixiao heard the sound of plucking the strings again.

[She said that my singing made her unable to blow her hair, she said it sounded good and a little touched.]

She said that my song can be released on an album, saying that the name cannot be called to Song Zhixiao

She said my fans were going to be jealous of her, and I said yes, then change the name

The name can't be too high-profile, it has to be a little stylish, it has to be able to express my heart, and it has to be sense

It was a bit bit difficult, but I thought about it right away

If you can't call it to Song Zhixiao, then call it to dear you

Oh, it's the same, dear you and Song Zhixiao mean]

Song Zhixiao's head was slightly sideways, the corners of her mouth were hooked, and her heart was sweet, now she can only be very grateful to the original self and chose to confess.

The feeling of being in love, or the feeling of happiness, I don't know, anyway, the heart is warm, there is such a throbbing, called except him, everyone else is just like this.

The hair is a little wet, but the night is a little warm.


Although he just started to fall in love, Kim Jae-ho has not been in love, after all, Song Jihyo has to go to work, but there will be a day off when RM.

Sometimes there is no vacation for a day, and I have to go to filming just after recording.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't have much personal time lately, after all, there are too many things to do this month.

Then in January, Dongfang Shenqi also asked him if he wanted to go to their tour as a guest or something, it was a tour of the island country next door, and Kim Jae-ho was a little hesitant at first.

The main thing is that it is really too busy, and that time is next January when the filming of the new drama begins.

But the tour lasted until March, and the two big brothers who invited him were Dongfang Shenqi, you think everyone invited you, you think that your fire family will invite you Oh, just have a good relationship with Kim Jae-ho and say whether you want to go there as a guest.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho doesn't quite understand what the artists here want to go to this place to prove what they are for, but it seems that they regard this as a high honor, and there is a feeling of becoming a benevolent if they don't succeed.

Kim Jae-ho thought of going over to play when he thought of it, after all, people invited him, and he agreed.

Kim Jae-ho feels that he can sing anywhere, just be happy, of course, the good place is bigger and more noodles.

Of course, the main reason is that his achievement is too simple, so there is no such feeling, like other singers are spelled out, the experience is different, the attitude to things is different.

Just like Kim Jae-ho, he cares more about whether he is happy or not than the recognition of others, probably because he has been an otaku for too long, and he does not particularly care about other people's opinions.

Giving back to fans is a good thing, doing this kind of thing makes him happy, and he is willing to do it, even if it is hard and tired.

But when it comes to going to a very big stage to prove himself, even if he is tired and tired, he does not have such an awareness.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho thinks too much, people are not so bitter at all, after all, it is the Eastern Shenqi, they are not to prove themselves, but have been active here, have always been fierce.

Oriental is very fierce in the island country before, and then 11 years later the two officially event, only one year in both countries have won the champion of various lists, this tour has achieved remarkable results, fierce batch, ten consecutive weeks in other countries to win the weekly sales champion, and will also be here to develop the tour after that.

Kim Jae-ho just knew about them, and thought they had been developing locally, and didn't know that they had been developing over there.

So this tour is stressful for them, but not so much, and there is no problem for Kim Jae-ho to be a guest in the middle.

As for Kim Jae-ho, he is honest about his popularity over there, but it seems that there are quite a few fans over there, of course, people dare to invite him.

He doesn't speak Japanese, so he can only sing some English songs and spend some work and so on, and he will think about how to do it all and talk about it when the time comes.

As for games, "Ordinary Me" has become more and more popular since its launch, and anyone who plays games must have heard of this game.

In just one month, sales became the top three in sales this year, the other two being Old Roll Five and Mission 8, which is almost impossible for a game of this size, but he just has to rely on gameplay to top it.

And this is just the beginning, now there is not even a plot, and the server will be updated in the next month.

That is to say, this game can be online in the back, and for this kind of game, the fun of online is simply that.

Now the people in the group are also bursting liver, there is no way, this is just the beginning of the plan, and when this game is almost perfected, it will try to come out of the second generation.

It is always on the road of evolution, probably because it is a person who comes in the future, Kim Jae-ho's plan starts in five years, and with the iteration of the device, the game will continue to catch up with the process.

The game has no plot, but even if it does, the plot can't be compared with this year's old roll 5.

Of course, the volume of the two is not the same.

Kim Jae-ho is also going in this direction, and now he is filling in the frame.

Wait for the second generation version, there will be a plot, go in the direction of the ordinary at the beginning, the epic later, all the mythical beasts will have a plot, all continents will have a story background, this will be a very grand world, and the degree of freedom is also full.

I won't go into detail about this, but this is probably another book.

In addition to the game is the album.

It's not a joke, this kind of thing is no joke, "To Dear You" says to do it, and it has to be done beautifully.

He now has a lot of fragments in the creation library, some were written before they were together, some were written after they were together, and there were quite a few scattered ones, and he now has to sort them out, polish them, turn them into songs, and then make an album to give to Song Zhixiao.

This will be the most serious album he has done so far, and there is no one.

Although he made a total of one in total...

Set a small goal first, do his eight songs, because she is her birthday in August, the eight songs are just right, not too much, not too little, not too tired...


The dazzling morning light shines, the autumn maple leaves are beautiful, one day in autumn...

Enter a car in Silent Park.

It was Liu Zaishi who got out of the car.

Autumn's man, Liu Zaishi.

"Hey, Igu~ it's cold." Liu Zaishi, dressed in autumn clothing, stepped out of the car and walked straight in the direction of the production team.

When you get to a pavilion, the pavilion for the shade becomes purely ornamental at this time, and it is just right as the background.

Liu Zaishi took the task, the task was simple and straight to the point.

"Team up to compete, the guest's car will wave the flag when it comes, and the guests will become a team when they are satisfied and get on the bus."

The same task was repeated in the mouths of different people, because today everyone did not start together, but scattered in different corners of Anyang.

The most famous here is Jin Zhiguo, Anyang, and An Yang.

"If you're satisfied with me, get in the car, or just drive away?" What should I do if I drive away? Song Zhixiao, the deadly autumn woman, asked the production team.

Although this possibility is small, it still exists.

The other man didn't think that way.

"What if I'm not satisfied with the guest? Can I not get in the car? Kim Jae-ho asked.


Now the main PD is directly following Kim Jae-ho, not to say that there is any special care, but the man who has the most power, ready to line up with him at any time.

Sure enough, today is another day of the line.

"Yes." He said.

"Then what if I don't get in the car and he pulls me into the car?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"That's your thing."

"That's kidnapping, right?"

"You can sue him."


Now there is not even much nonsense.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho just waited bored.

Unlike others, everyone else is in a particularly conspicuous place, and Kim Jae-ho is alone in a small alley, and there is not even a passerby around.

Kim Jae-ho also thought that everyone was like this, so he didn't say anything, he absolutely didn't know, everyone else was in the park, on the open roadside, at the entrance of the community, the most beautiful place.

The surrounding green grass, autumn trees, autumn scenery, do not need to feel specially, you can see it.

And Kim Jae-ho squatted on the ground, and he had to feel it carefully to know that the autumn atmosphere around him was around.

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and I say autumn wins the spring dynasty." Kim Jae-ho looked at the alley and said.

"Oh, is this an ancient poem? Huaxia's? PD was shocked that Kim Jae-ho could say such a literate sentence in his mouth.

As for Wow, this is influenced by Kim Jae-ho, many of Kim Jae-ho's current language habits have been passed on, and everyone has followed suit, which has become a popular term.

As for the specifics, you can see "Kim Jae-ho Golden Sentence Collection".

"Hmph~" Kim Jae-ho hooked a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, three points of ridicule, three points of thin coolness, and four points of carelessness.

Damn, he pretended to be again!

Thoughts in the hearts of those around you.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho also remembered these two sentences, and the ancient poem did not rely on his personal cultivation, but on the ruthlessness of the Chinese teacher in the third year of high school.

Fortunately, not only the English teacher, but also the Chinese teacher was quite cruel to him.

"Hey, every time I squat on the street like this, I feel very handsome." Kim Jae-ho said.

Sangyo is curious, when did you think you were not handsome?

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