"It's true! Where are you now? You follow and navigate to us, by the way, your name plate is still with me, I will give it to you when you come, so that your team wins. Haha said.

"Wow, really fake?" Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo looked at each other and were very surprised.

"Definitely! Why lie to you, anyway, you were looking for us, you were sincere enough, right? Really, trust us. Haha said.

"Yes, Jae-ho, you are very critical! Let's just win together. Liu Zaishi was halfway through speaking, and the phone hung up.

"Hello? Feed?! What a thing! "Liu Zaishi is stupid.

"Hahaha, hang up as soon as I hear your voice." Haha almost died of laughter.

"Oh, really." Liu Zaishi was so angry, he thought about so many words and didn't say it, he thought about it in vain, so angry.

"But will he believe it?" Xuan'er asked.

"It will definitely come, he was originally going to come to us." Haha said.

Liu Zaishi drove the car, thinking that there were fewer people parked there, and these conversations could be heard, and they did have a plan, and it was not as simple as they said.

The other side.

"Go?" Song Zhixiao asked, "I feel something is wrong." "

"There must be a problem, even if you want to win, why take us to win." Kim Jae-ho is very clear about himself.

"Then not going?"

"That's not okay, you still have to go." Before Kim Jae-ho's words fell, the phone called.

Song Jihyo was happy when she saw it, and she spread it out to Kim Jae-ho to see: "Light pearl." "

"Take it." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

As soon as he picked it up, Li Guangzhu was very anxious: "Hey! Where are you guys now?! "

"Almost there, what's wrong?" Kim Jae-ho knew he was acting as soon as he heard it.

"Yay! Don't go over, join us first! There is something very important for you! Li Guangzhu's tone was very anxious.

"What's the matter, can you just say no?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Nope! It is not clear on the phone, where are you now?! "

"Let's go locate there, you go directly there to find us." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't go!" Before Li Guangzhu's words fell, Song Zhixiao hung up the phone.

"Well done!" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Oh, there must be a problem." Song Zhixiao already knew, Liu Zaishi looking for them may not explain anything, but Li Guangzhu immediately looked for them, that can explain a lot of things.

"It must be that they need you to accomplish something." Song Zhixiao said.

"Ah~Then I have to enjoy it~" Kim Jae-ho didn't scream for a long time, he forgot this feeling of being needed.

"You don't know if it's a good thing, you're happy." Song Jihyo gave Kim Jae-ho a blank look.

"If you don't get there, you will have to protect me, and if they rob me, you remember to separate them and don't make them too excited." Kim Jae-ho hissed.

"You're beautiful."

"Oh, sometimes it's really bad to be too good, too many people need me." Kim is in Haomizi, he has already begun to carry it, and he will enjoy it later, just like the haha at the beginning, he is too envious.

"Hey, why didn't Brother Chengguo call yet?" Kim Jae-ho asked, it doesn't matter to others, Kim Junguo is the key.

"He won't get used to you."

"Not necessarily, maybe he doesn't know yet." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

He had already begun to look forward to it, really, he didn't expect that today was so happy, he had to remember this day, he was very happy.

On the other side, Li Guangzhu held the mobile phone, "Hang up!" Ay! "

"Yay! They all say that you should not be too anxious, they must know it. "Chi Shizhen also obeyed Li Guangzhu's tricks.

"The one before was also seen at once, and this one is too."

Li Guangzhu looked at the phone speechlessly, wanted to say something but couldn't say it, in pity this brother really did the best, just looking at this picture and wanting to laugh, this is simply, a natural artist, basically there is no bad look with his variety show.

But this has been exaggerated, Kim Jae-ho saw the location of Liu Zaishi, it turned out to be in a parking lot, although the car was parked there, but there was no one.

"Why is there no one?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"It's like, you see, VJ is there." Kim Jae-ho pointed to one of the cars.

Kim Jae-ho opened the window and looked at it, and suddenly several black shadows directly ejected and rushed over.

"Not good!" Kim Jae-ho shouted in horror and quickly closed the window, but the window was not a door, not closed when it was closed, and Liu Zaishi directly stretched out his hand.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Elder brother! Didn't you say a good team?! "Kim Jae-ho is going to be reasonable, he can't figure it out, what the hell is going on?!

But it's clear that others don't have that idea.

"Yay! Hurry up! Liu Zaishi shouted and opened the door, everything happened too fast, Song Zhixiao couldn't stop it, and the door was opened.

Then Haha and Liu Zaishi directly ripped Kim Jae-ho's clothes, which was planned to come hard.

At this time, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen also arrived and witnessed the scene.

"Hurry up! Fast! Ji Shizhen shouted and got out of the car, Li Guangzhu rushed over with an arrow, and suddenly Jin Jae-ho had another pair of hands on him.

"Wait a minute! What a lot! There is something to say! Yes! Pain! The hand is broken! Broken! "Kim Jae-ho panicked, directly stupid, said that he needed him, what is this doing?

"Yay! You shut up! Haha directly covered Kim Jae-ho's mouth, "Ah! He bit me! "

"Seat belts, seat belts!" Liu Zaishi shouted haha while going to unfasten the seat belt, and Ji Shizhen also quickly joined, and the situation was chaotic all of a sudden, and Kim Jae-ho was miserable.

"Drag it down! Drag off the car! "

"Who's taking my hair?!"

When Kim Jiuguo arrived at the scene, he only saw Kim Jae-ho dragged off the car by Heli, and he and Kim Jae-ho were just as confused, and they didn't know what happened at all.

"What's wrong with this?!" Kim Junguk and Joo Hyuk looked at each other, what are they doing now?

The scene can be described as miserable, this is no longer left and right for men, but left and right upper left for men, Kim Jae-ho's clothes are pulled in four directions, the quality is so good that passers-by want to ask the link.

The clothes were quickly ripped off Kim Jae-ho, and immediately no one cared about Kim Jae-ho, they all went to grab the clothes, interestingly, Kim Jae-ho was also robbing, pulling a corner of the clothes and shouting: "My clothes!" My clothes! "

Kim Jae-ho understood that the purpose of these guys was his clothes, and no matter what they were going to do, he would definitely not be able to let them succeed, so he was also robbing them.

Li Guangzhu directly bit his hand, Kim Jae-ho screamed and did not let go, but also returned a tooth for a tooth, biting and not biting angry, and pulling Li Guangzhu's hair when he didn't want his clothes, and suddenly became an Asura field.

Zhu He and Xuan'er in the car were eye-opening on the side, the scale of these people is too big, right?

What an exaggeration!

At such a chaotic time, Chi Shizhen suddenly took out something from his clothes, and then quickly ran into the car, closed the door, and drove away.

"Brother! I haven't got in the car yet! I! Li Guangzhu shouted in the back and chased the car, even when he was so tired, he made everyone laugh, it was so miserable for this guy.

Now there is no way, after all, you can't stop the car with your bare hands, variety shows still have to pay attention to safety, although what they did just now is not convincing at all.

"Yay! What did he take? Jin Zhiguo asked.

But Liu Zaishi and Haha couldn't answer that he hurried into the car, and now he still has to protect Xuan'er.

Seeing that everyone suddenly disappeared, Kim Jae-ho on the ground was blank in his eyes and shook his head: "These crazy people..."

The hairstyle that was only done this morning has now become another hairstyle, and the clothes are disheveled, and it feels pitiful to look at.

Now he has no use value, so no one cares about him.

The only one who cares about him is Song Zhixiao.

"Oh yes... You okay? Song Jihyo sorted out Kim Jae-ho's hairstyle distressedly.


"They're all badass, okay, it's okay, catch up and take revenge on them." Song Zhixiao said in a coaxing tone.

"Good." Kim Jae-ho got up strongly and returned to the car.

"I'll drive, you take a break." Song Zhixiao volunteered.

"Okay, then I'll help you watch." Kim Jae-ho is actually very relieved about Song Jihyo's car skills, she has also driven a car before, but she still has to say this, it seems that she is warmer and more reliable.

It's like saying when you go to each house with others: "Remember to send a message to tell me when you get home", which can not only ensure the safety of the other party, but also allow others to have a topic after returning home.

"Cold or not?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"It's not cold with you around." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What stupid thing to say, madman? If it's cold, let them give you a new one now, or I'll drive. Song Zhixiao said.

"It's okay in the car, let's rush over first." Kim Jae-ho said, "Originally, in the car, I just undressed... of taking off the coat. "

Song Zhixiao pretended not to hear it, smiled and said directly: "Then let's go, you see where they went." "


On the other side, Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu were excited.




Because of Kim Jae-ho's existence, this line appeared a lot earlier.

"Yay! I just said we can do it today! Chi Shizhen said.

"That's it! Brother, we must win today! Li Guangzhu said.

"Of course! Now we're smooth! "

"So what's next?"

"You haven't got your name tag yet, that's a problem! Although there is this. Chi Shizhen looked at the thing in his hand, it was an address, the address of the final place.

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