Although they didn't know what happened, just stopping this description was enough for them to laugh.

"What do you mean?" Haha asked.

"It seems that Brother Zaishi and Xuan'er are in the same team, and we are going to chase them." Kim said.

"Yay! I knew it! Haha said immediately.

"You know a fart! Get in the car! "Kim Jae-ho scolded with a smile, it's just an afterthought, don't say what you know in the car.

There are too many onlookers in the place where they get off now, which affects the traffic, so they still have to hurry up and leave, and they can't affect people.

"Wait a minute, Brother Shi called again." Haha said.

"Listen to it." Kim Jae-ho turned his voice down.

"Haha, what are you doing~" Liu Zaishi first probed it.

"Brother, we're going now." Haha said.

"Where are you, have you eaten?" Liu Zaishi continued to talk nonsense and tempt.

"Not yet."

"Do you have a megaphone now?"

"Open, let's say hello~" Haha said.

Liu Zaishi is stupid, are you afraid that others will not know?

Immediately, what he was most worried about happened, Jin Zhiguo: "What do you want to say?" What secrets do you have to tell haha! "

As soon as he said this, Kim Jae-ho immediately guessed: "Brother, it must be that Haha brother is also from their team, and now he is trying to find a way to contact him." "

"Huh?!" Haha instantly grand, what does it mean?

Liu Zaishi was taken aback, and he really wanted to hang up immediately, but wouldn't such words confirm Kim Jae-ho's words, "In the Dragon Bar Zhuhyuk was also eliminated..."

Kim Jae-ho immediately became coaxed when he heard this: "He panicked, he panicked!" It's time to change the subject! "

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! Liu Zaishi's voice suddenly came out of the phone.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Shut up!" Liu Zaishi roared.


This was embarrassed and angry, but then Liu Zaishi still passed, saying that it was to ask them about the mission, and everyone thought that this was probably to test what they were doing, so they didn't feel anything, anyway, they probably knew some information.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zaishi fell silent, and the party is now regretting it, very regretful.

Damn Kim Jae-ho!

Kim Jae-ho is just habitually talking cheaply, and the first offender is Kim Ji-kook.

The sound is turned up, and then the music is played and the dance is followed.

On the other side, Xuan'er is also a brain pain, what kind of teammate Oh, she is too difficult for her, fortunately, she thought of an idea, that is, to text him directly, which should have been done in the first place.

Haha immediately fell silent after receiving the text message, the expression was not right, the little eyes were big doubts, this really gave Kim Jae-ho a guess, crazy looks, and then hurriedly replied and stopped immediately

Kim Jae-ho looked at the rearview mirror haha expression and said with a smile: "Brother, did you receive something?" "

"Oh?!" Jin Zhiguo noticed it and immediately looked at Haha.

"Nope!" Haha immediately put down the phone, "Something else." "

His temporary acting skills are still good, and it is impossible for everyone to flip through people's mobile phones, after all, this is people's privacy.

However, Jin Zhiguo still put his hand on Haha's shoulder and said: "My dear brother, if you know something, you have to share it with your brother~"

"Definitely, my brother!" Haha happily tired in Jin Zhiguo's arms.

Brothers and sisters.

It's also thanks to haha, if this is Chi Shizhen, it would be over by now.

No one said anything, but haha there may be a problem that this seed has been planted in the hearts of the Kim and Kim brothers, as for Li Guangzhu?

"Your eyes! Nose! Mouth! You have gently touched my hand, even that little fingertip~"

Li Guangzhu's incomparable investment in the last treble is even more expressive, really showing the feeling of hoarseness, it sounds like the "you" is no longer alive.

Because the original singing is around, he is unscrupulous, after all, he fed Kim Jae-ho before singing.

Haha didn't care, and immediately followed after hearing this sentence, just because there was no reason to change the topic.

The two death soprano are also harmonic, it is simply a death duo, and the two professional singers are stupid to listen to, if they sing like this, they may have to quit the singer circle on the spot.

Kim Jae-ho only felt funny, anyway, it wasn't him, he didn't care, and his voice was already inside, after all, it was not an accompaniment, he was afraid that he would join and disrupt their rhythm.

It's good now, it's funny.

In fact, he was about this level in his previous life, and he may not even have this level, close to five-tone incompleteness, and no one can say anyone.

Haha is also an old spy, instantly put what happened just now in his heart, now if you want to find a chance to leave this team, it is best to give them a fatal blow, and suddenly he will become an inner ghost.

A few people hurried to catch up, and finally got together with three other people.

"Did you also vote for elimination?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, but it's all the same, Brother Zhu He was eliminated without casting." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

Zhu Hyuk: ...

"From now on, everyone is a chase team, from the mission team of secret activities, to retrieve their name tags."

"Let us find those two people so many people?" Chi Shizhen smiled.

"Look down on whom!" Kim Jae-ho crossed the waist.

"They should come and get us!" Chi Shi pointed out.

One old and one small are not ashamed to speak and output in turn.

Listening to their shouts, everyone laughed, only haha couldn't laugh, he looked at the mission letter in confusion, trying to think about what he should do now.

Haha: I'm in the wolves...

I am the mission team, but now I am a pursuit team, so, I am chasing myself?

I chase myself?

"You don't know the movement of the mission team." PD said, I don't know where your confidence comes from, of course it can't be so simple.

"I don't know how to find it?"

"There is a tracking device in the car, and you can only use that to find it."

"We have detectives here." Haha pointed at Jin Zhiguo.

"Interpol." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Jin Zhiguo turned his back and smiled.

That's right, that's me.

Whether it's brain or body size, it's well deserved.

"We have prepared separate cars for you, and if you don't find them, you won't have a name." PD said.

"So what if we don't want names?" Kim Jae-ho suddenly asked.


"What do you say, how can you not have a name." Chi Shizhen said.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't understand a little, meaning that there is no benefit for them to win, except to get back the name?

Why do you take it, this is not his real name in the first place.

"There will be a reward in the end." PD can only say.

"That's good." Kim Jae-ho was relieved.

PD thought about it, here is indeed their problem, they actually prepared several tasks, one task after another, table tasks in the task.

Just like at the beginning the dice task is a table task, and then Xuan'er secret mission, the next is the same, on the surface, the pursuit team and the mission team are two tasks, in fact, these two tasks are not critical, they are just divided into squads, the real reward is in the end, whoever finds that first whose squad wins.

They originally thought that everyone would know by then, but they did not expect to be discovered by Kim Jae-ho.

Fine or he fine!

Monster-like intuition.

But in fact, it's just that Kim Jae-ho, a person who is not profitable and can't afford to be early, wants to reward, and he really hasn't thought about it so much.

First of all, he had to know what he was for.

Everyone was divided into a small team, Kim Jae-ho naturally wanted to team up with Song Jihyo, just look at it and laugh, both of them think so, in this way he is the driver again.

Haha and Kim Ji Guo Joo Hyuk three people became a team again, and then Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin, and the easy brothers reappeared.

Joo Hyuk is a guest, Kim Junguo can't drive, can only be haha to drive, the inner ghost can drive okay, if haha deliberately goes wrong, they don't know what's going on.

They have a positioning to see Liu Zaishi where they are.

It's not enough to see, you have to drive to catch up, after all, it will move, this is not navigation, just two points on the map, this is the same as many film and television games.

Now it is still assisted by hardware, and there will be no such trouble in the future, just use the app.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo also got into the car quickly, and they also changed into Hwang Chengcheng's coat, which is considered the costume of the pursuit team, because they felt hot, so both of them took off, and inside was a white sweatshirt, by the way, the sweatshirt did not have a hat, also called a sweatshirt.

The simplest difference between sweatshirts and long-sleeved T-shirts is thickness, sweatshirts are thicker, of course, today's merchants like to add labels, so these two things will come out if you search.

But this is not important, do you still need to know what family and species this dish is?

"Seat belts." As soon as Kim Jae-ho got into the car, he reminded that he was not the kind of person who went to open the door as a gentleman, and Song Jihyo didn't like that, they didn't even have a nickname until now, they were called at the beginning, and now they are directly called by name, which makes them feel more comfortable.

"You too, drive safely." Song Zhixiao buckled his seat belt and reminded.

"Don't worry, I will live with you for two hundred years." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"How can a person live for two hundred years?"

"So I'll count it for the next life."

"And what about the next life?" Song Zhixiao has already kept up with the rhythm.

"That depends on how you perform in the next life."

"Is it okay to do whatever you want in this life?"

"That's true, if I look like you, I'll walk sideways."

"You look good too!"

"Thank you~"

"You're welcome~"

It's probably just a daily conversation between two life winners.

But there are only two of them in the car, so it doesn't matter.

"They're talking about mountains now." Jihyo looked at the phone, in addition to the points, but also had to compare the map to see how to go, Kim Jae-ho is very good at this kind of thing, although he is not familiar with this road, but just look at the navigation.

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