Of course, it is the same to arrive early and late, and the task is still picked up at the same time.

Kim Jae-ho and Yoona were instructed to walk to a place with a large screen and a laptop next to it, and PD said that they were going to use this to watch the video.

"Will Oppa use this?" Yoona asked.

"A little." Kim Jae-ho said and looked at PD: "It's already connected, right?" "

"Yes, just press play." PD said.

"Come, Yoona, you press the space." Kim Jae-ho let out, Yoona like a curious baby, pressed it, and the picture immediately appeared on the big screen in front of him.


In fact, it was just pressing the play button, but it was enough to make Yoona happy.

Kim Jae-ho smiled lightly, he understood the principle that he could no longer get happiness from this kind of device, but he could get happiness from Yoona's smile.

And this kind of happiness is so happy that money can't buy it!

As for the video, it uses a high-tech psychedelic style, and Kim Jae-ho can even see who did it at a glance, and it is quite good.

"Mission! With a couple bracelet, avoid the hunter, if the bracelet is broken, you will be out, in the limited time, not caught by the hunter, and the last one who survives is the final victorious couple. "

"The point is, as long as you survive, you are a couple, right?" Kim Jae-ho asked after reading it.

Yoona: ???

PD: You're thinking about fart eating.

"It's just a theme, not a real couple." PD is speechless, which door are you grasping the focus of.

"So don't use such vague statements, it will be misunderstood." Kim Jae-ho said.

Only you will misunderstand!

PD was speechless, he was already thinking about whether to change it later.

"If it's true, the light bead can be imagined desperately." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Yoona also laughed, she had already imagined that picture.

"Who's the hunter?" Yoona grasped the real point like a normal person.

But PD did not answer him.

"It won't be Brother Minxiu, right? Don't do it? This issue has a girl's generation, don't mess around! Kim Jae-ho was horrified.

"Dafa!" Yoona also began to be afraid.

"Yoona, have you watched that issue?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Look, isn't Oppa scared to cry?"

"Where? Even if there is, it's just sweat! Kim Jae-ho denied.

"Oh, that should be my mistake~" Yoona said with a smile.

"Yes, Demon Clip, you be careful, the later stages of this show are terrifying." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Isn't it more terrifying if you say that?" Yoona said.

"Shhh! You have a point! "

He said this, he will see it later, and when he sees him say this in the later stage, it must be more fierce.

"Cut it, cut it out! Cough..." Kim Jae-ho changed his face epic and squeezed out a smile: "Brother, love you ~ Sang Lang hey ~"

He compared his heart and looked disgusting.

"It's a bracelet." PD handed over.

"It looks like it's going to break!" Yoona was shocked.

"It's made of paper, right?" Kim Jae-ho flicked, fluttering, "Just pull it and it will break." "

"Are we going to wear it both?"

"Yes, one hand per person, or are you going to tie your feet?" Kim Jae-ho gestured, "Like two people and three legs." "

"How can we run in that case~"

"How about being the first to go out and then resting?"

"I don't want it! How hard it is to come once, I want to win! Yoona gave him a blank look.

"Okay, alas."

"Why does Oppa look so regretful!"

"Whatever, come, tie it up." PD helped tie them up.

"I have to be helped with the set, but you can imagine how fragile it is." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Even how many are you? What should I do? Yoona was already worried, "What if the hunter comes, it's not easy to run." "

"Generally speaking, if it is the kind of Jin Zhiguo, he will be responsible for blocking when the hunter comes." Kim Jae-ho pondered.

"So what if we're like that?" Yoona asked a good question.

Kim Jae-ho groaned for a while.

"If you lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, will you let us go?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Hahaha~ The hunter is not a bear!" Yun'er was about to die of laughter, and thought she was thinking of some good idea, but she didn't expect it to be such a move.

"Yay! Oppa, you are serious! Spirit fights! Yoona's slow energy.

"With this bracelet, if you shake it, it will break." Yoona said, "How about I hold your hand?" "

"How do you run like this? I'll just grab your hand. Kim Jae-ho said and grabbed Yoona's wrist, "Like this, it doesn't matter if you run away like this." "

"Yes, it's better."

Sang Yun looked at the side with frowns, black question mark faces, and several other VJs were even more confused.

Isn't it fragrant to be held by Yoona?

This is because the object is not Song Zhixiao, so he deliberately keeps his distance, right? It must be so, right? It must not be because he is a straight man of steel, right? After all, everyone has seen how Kim Jae-ho treated Song Zhixiao, but he had to take notes and write them down.

This person has taken the initiative to hold your hand, and you still refuse, really trying to kill you! Crazy?

Ay...... Wrong!

What's the benefit to Kim Jae-ho doing that?

After thinking about it, everyone's faces changed, they were relieved, and they felt very comfortable.

It's worthy of Kim Jae-ho, well done Kim Jae-ho!


Kim Jae-ho didn't know that the people around him were now looking at him with an old father's smile, he really didn't think so much, since Yoona wanted to win, he would take her to win.

"But Oppa, aren't you weak?" Yoona suddenly asked, she didn't even have to think back, Kim Jae-ho was already famous for his weakness, as long as everyone who had seen RM knew that Kim Jae-ho was not fast and had become a label.

"Yes, so the moment we were discovered, we..." Kim Jae-ho looked at Yoona seriously, "It's over." "

Yoona: ...

"In that case, only hiding, it is impossible to run, but don't worry, in terms of hiding, I am an expert." Kim Jae-ho was proud.

Speechless, is that something to show off?

"Don't worry, just follow me today." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Yun'er raised her hand: "You can't follow if you don't want to follow now, right?" "

"That's true, but..." Kim Jae-ho looked at PD, "Can you have us have breakfast before we start?" I want to eat ramen now. "

Ramen means instant noodles, and when he says that, it's time to be hungry, and now he thinks that ramen is fragrant, and then he puts all kinds of kimchi next to it, and when it's over, he is so hungry that he loses himself.

He is used to finding breakfast in bed together, so now the body's natural reaction has a very weak feeling, of course, after this time has passed, he will not feel hungry for the time being.

"You can buy it yourself in the middle, there is a commissary over there." PD said.

"Doesn't that cost money..."

"Aren't you rich?" PD said.

"That's my own money! Not reimbursed? How can it be considered a working meal? "

Agreeable: ???

Yun'er felt embarrassed: "Oppa, wait to buy it, let's go first!" "

"I have one more question." Kim Jae-ho said.


"If we encounter a hunter, can we fight back?" Or is he invincible and we can only run? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"yes, that's a problem too." Yoona realized later.

"You can only escape." PD said.

Yun'er was deflated all of a sudden, it's over, she can't fight back, she can only run, it's too passive.

"Any more questions, Oppa?"

"No, let's go." Kim Jae-ho grabbed Yoona's hand and walked out, walking very arrogantly, and went straight to the commissary.

"Go straight to breakfast?" Yoona was shocked.

"It's okay, it won't be eliminated at first, even if it's a hunter, you have to wait and see, right." Kim Jae-ho said, "Let's hurry up and eat something at this time, and then we will have better physical strength than theirs." "

In fact, the hunter does not know that he is a hunter yet.

Liu Zaishi and Xiaoxian stretched out their hands like zombies, straight to the combination of Haha and Jessica, Jessica was immediately scared to hold the bracelet, Haha heard the sound and turned back scared and did not dare to move, but still subconsciously protected the bracelet.

People are scared silly.

"Hahaha~" Xiaoxian laughed cheerfully, this was just scaring them.

Even if you don't speak, you can be very happy, Jessica doesn't know what to say, she probably knows what it feels like.

It's fake, but it's a real horror.

But fortunately, Liu Zaishi is not a hunter, otherwise their wave would be less fierce.

On the other side, Li Guangzhu and Yu Li were walking.

"Yu Li grabbed my arm." Lee Kwang-joo is not Kim Jae-ho, and he is very positive without a princess.

"In order not to break this?" Yu Li said with a smile.

"Hmm." Li Guangzhu nodded, there is a valid reason is incense.

Held by Yu Li and walking in a scenic Western-style town...

What is a game? Today is the day of the date~

Li Guangzhu covered his mouth and smiled, there was a fountain in front of him, and the beautiful arc was like his mood, ticking and composing music.

If you lose, you will go to prison, think about it... Happy~

Now I can still run, but when I get to prison, I can't run if I want to, so I can only chat together.

Hey, hey, hey~

rm like!

On the other side, Liu Zaishi, who had just finished scaring them, was summoned by PD, and they were still wandering around confused.

"There's no one there?" Liu Zaishi was puzzled.

I didn't expect PD to take them to a small room, and when I opened the door, I saw that it was still PD.

"You were the first to get up, right?" He asked.

"Yes." The two replied in unison.

"Today's hunters are the first couples to get up."

Xiao Xian directly grew his mouth and looked at Liu Zaishi when he heard this, Liu Zaishi was not the first time, and immediately the sense of burden went up.

At this time, Xiaoxian said: "It's so interesting!" "

"No, Xiaoxian, this is a very tiring thing!" Yoo Jae-seok is already an experienced player, although he can't plan as well as Kim Jae-ho, but because of this, everything is more burdensome.

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