Looking at Lee Kwang-joo's smirk, Kim Jae-ho secretly scolded himself, hurting himself for being ugly in front of Girlhood.

The more Kim Jae-ho thought about it, the more angry he became, glared at Lee Kwang-joo, and began a new round of chasing.

The brothers were more mature and began to process the ingredients, Kim Jae-ho really bought it all, they asked Kim Jae-ho to buy it, and bought a lot of other things.

"What is it?" Kim Junguo asked.

"This is a mill, and Ho Oba said to make potato pancakes later." Jessica explained that she had always remembered it.

"Will he do it?" Kim Ji-guk was suspicious, and glanced at Kim Jae-ho, who was chasing Lee Kwang-joo like a fool.

I have to say that Li Guangzhu's long legs really have an advantage, although the running posture is very funny, Kim Jae-ho is stunned and can't catch up.

Soon Kim Jae-ho gave up and came back to study tonight's dinner, he didn't have any program effect tonight's meal, very serious.

"Sika, you can not be in a hurry to fried rice, let's make seafood soup first, that time is long." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Is there anything you want me to help with?"

Jessica asked here, haha came back over there, and showed off their nicknames as soon as they came back, but they were happy.

What's even happier is that the meal over there in the girlhood was also made, and it was very successful, and Haha couldn't help but complain: "Can you teach my mother?" If only my mom could do this, and I wouldn't want anything else. "


Ms. Kim: Dirty Ha family!

"Now each team has thirty minutes left, please prepare the food of each team in thirty minutes." PD said.

"Ah, really!"

"In thirty minutes, hurry up and make soup, Sika and I will get something else, you guys will make soup first." Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't know how long the whole pot of soup takes, anyway, just make sure that he makes it cooked.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Haha was also anxious over there, "Take out all the materials first." "

Haha cooking is still possible, control is also possible, now behind the next door, people's soup has begun to cook, they have not yet fired.

"Sika, you help me grind the potatoes first." Kim Jae-ho also began to direct, and this kind of repetitive and inexperienced work was best given to her.

"Okay! Want to peel? Sika asked.

"Let's eat it yourself, just scrape it with a spoon, you try which one is fast."

Kim Jae-ho himself is dealing with the ingredients to be used in fried rice, and when the squid beef is bought, he has asked the enthusiastic stall owner to deal with it, and Kim Jae-ho is still quite smart.

Fried rice is made first, and then potato cakes, as long as fried rice can be made, it doesn't matter if the potato cakes are made or not.

Unlike Kim Jae-ho and their orderly manners, the seafood soup side can be said to be chaotic, because of the impatience, as long as it is a processed ingredient, they are all poured into it, to some extent, this is called a big stew.

"Do you want to release it now?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"Let go!" Chi Shizhen put the squid into the water that has not yet boiled, although it is processed, but it has not been cut, this is a whole squid put into it.

"Yay! Elder brother! Gotta cut it first, right? Kim Jae-ho took a look and felt that something was wrong, isn't the fresh squid always put last?

"It's all the same, it's good when the water is boiled, this is originally a hot one to eat." Chi Shizhen said.

Jin Zhiguo looked worried, but felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with what Chi Shizhen said, after all, there are still raw squid, of course, the premise is that it is fresh and clean.

Kim Jae-ho didn't care, he didn't hold out much hope anyway.

"I'll help you, it's about stir-frying, right?" Jin Zhiguo took the initiative to help, because there was a mess over there and there was nothing to help, so it was good to eat and watch the miracle.

"Yes, brother, you know what, Sika likes very meticulous people who can do housework, I think you are very suitable." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh? Is it true? Liu Zaishi's ears seemed to be able to discern useful news, and before Jin Zhiguo could come out of his shyness, he rushed to ask.

"Yes, there will be a good impression." Sika nodded.

"Yay! Sika, how do you see Oppa? "Haha on the other side shouted while opening hot sauce, it should be said that it is very exaggerated to open hot sauce.

"Oppa is also very good!" Sika laughed.

"Yay! Bounce! Taeken punched Haha.

"I'll just ask." Haha laughed embarrassedly.

"Hurry up and work!"

Taiyan gave him a blank look, man!

Haha immediately stopped saying anything, and quickly concentrated on his own affairs.

"The topic moved away from you, isn't it very disappointing, brother?" Kim Jae-ho touched Kim Junguo and smiled.

"Whatever! Is it going to put kimchi? Is this a good level? Jin Zhiguo said.

"Oh yes~ ripped off the topic~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

Sika smiled and didn't care, Kim Jae-ho said in her ear, Sika immediately understood, dipped some flour and then put her back hand next to Kim Junguo, and called: "Oppa!" "

Jin Zhiguo subconsciously turned around, and Jessica's finger was on Jin Junguo's face.

"Sika, what are you doing~" Jin Zhiguo laughed in a panic,

"Oh~shy, shy~hahaha~"

Several naïve men watched this scene happily, and Liu Zaishi said with a smile: "I can't bear to erase hahaha~"

"I don't have it!"

All Jin Zhiguo can do is ignore them, after all, he can't kill them on the spot.

And unexpectedly, in a good mood.

Jessica is very satisfied, or Kim Jae-ho has more ideas.

The love line is a thing that is never tired of variety shows, and it is important to use nature so as not to make people disgusted.

This is killing two birds with one stone, Jessica has weight, Kim Junguo is happy again, and Kim Jae-ho secretly praises his ghost talent!

"Ah, brother, you have to invite me to dinner when you go back!"

"Please! Two meals please! Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.


It's so true, I just said no, and now I'm going to have a treat.

Guangzhu suddenly came to Kim Jae-ho and said something, and Kim Jae-ho immediately said: "Do you know what Guangzhu said to me?" "

"What?" Everyone was immediately curious.

"He said I'll take three meals."


"Yu Li, how about two meals for you?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

“ok!" Yu Li immediately cheerfully compared OK.

Everyone is very happy, and the guests who can do the effect of the show are really fantastic.

Of course, no one takes it seriously.

"Jessica Rush!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Rush Rush!" Jessica happily stir-fried the fried rice, after all, this used to be her masterpiece, although it is no longer what she originally imagined.

At the end, sprinkle with cheese, wait for the cheese to melt, and then make a nice plat.

"You taste it, is it delicious?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Jessica tasted the fried rice seasoned with garlic hot sauce, and her eyes lit up: "Oppa! "

"How?" Kim Jae-ho is also a little nervous, which is related to whether he can eat well tonight.

"It's delicious!" Jessica cheered, "Dafabet! "

"That'll do!" Kim Jae-ho breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, this degree can't be unpalatable, it's strange if it's not delicious." Jin Zhiguo watched the entire production process, the ingredient list was taken out and cooked and eaten, everything was delicious, and it was impossible to put it together and stir-fry it was not delicious.

Of course, seafood soup is not necessarily, and the water has not boiled until now ...

The other side is full of energy.

"Fantastic! We won the ingot! We must win! Huai Ting! "Haha, I'm very hi alone.

However, no one paid attention to him.

"Oh, why don't you shout Huai Ting?"

"We're working very hard." Xiaoxian said that the girls in the vicinity of Haha are all doers, so they don't pay attention to tool people.

Haha immediately realized: "Did you call me in to summon me?" "

"No~" Xiaoxian soothed the tool man's mood.

"You didn't call me because you loved me, did you?"

"Of course not because I love you." Xiaoxian looked at it and laughed.

In the face of such an honest face, haha is also helpless to smile, really not vague with you at all.

But Haha is still very powerful, the dish is spicy stir-fried pork, and he is also very responsible in completing his task as a tool man.

"Yay! The fried pork belly over there looks delicious! Chi Shizhen said.

"Brother, doesn't this fried rice look fragrant?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It is!" Jessica echoed.

"What are they doing? Hurry up and be your own team! Jin Zhiguo scolded angrily.

Chi Shizhen didn't expect to be jacked by three people with a word, but he didn't care at all, "No, their colors look good!" "

"You just like to eat pork belly, we have beef and squid here, the color is the same." Kim Jae-ho said.

"That's true, too." Chi Shizhen also felt that it made sense when he heard it.

"We still have cheese, you'll know how delicious it is." Kim Jae-ho poured the fried rice on the plate, like a certain o.

"Wow! Daihatsu! Jessica's exclamation attracted everyone's attention, and she saw that the fried rice was perfectly wrapped in cheese, and it looked like the fried rice had a filling.

"Good, perfect!" Kim Jae-ho also did it for the first time, but he didn't expect to succeed the first time.

"Wow!" Yoona also felt great when she looked over there.

"We're going to come on!" Xiaoxian is a person who is never discouraged.

Since others have done well, they should work harder, and in this regard, she lives more thoroughly than most people.

She has her own piece of paradise.

Just right, the seafood soup opened.

"No, what if it's too fishy?" Chi Shizhen said as soon as he opened it.

"It's not because you put seafood directly in and cook it," Mr. Kim said.

"Why did you put it in so quickly!" Liu Zaishi also said.

"But what if it's really too fishy?" Chi Shizhen said.

"Turnips, put turnips in." Jin Zhiguo also hurried to find a way.

"Cut!" Kim Jae-ho smiled confidently and rolled up his sleeves, "This time it's my turn to appear!" "

He said it so quietly that Jessica heard it.

I saw that Kim Jae-ho walked very sneakily to Liu Zaishi and touched him, and Liu Zaishi immediately understood in a second, and looked at his eyes hard.

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