"Yay! What are you wearing? "


Kim Jae-ho suddenly saw haha, haha was wearing a white lace T-shirt, really very spicy eyes.

And he himself is still secretive, a shy look.

So shy, you wear clothes!

He was so surprised because he didn't see Chi Shizhen look when he completed the task, which can be said to be charming and moving.

Next is haha their team, obviously they arrived later than Lee Kwang-joo, but now they have surpassed them, which is really amazing, Kim Jae-ho seriously suspects that Lee Kwang-joo is selfish in the picnic link.

Xiaoxian went to draw the card, and the draw was seventy-three points, which is a good score, you can not focus so much on singing, you can get the bells and whistles at the whole time.

For example, when Lee Kwang-joo and they first arrived, they saw Kim Junguo singing and dancing "Girls' Generation", not Girls' Generation, but the song called Girls' Generation, a song by Lee Seung-chul's predecessor in 1989, and later covered by Girls' Generation.

This is a matter of 07 years, the first album, before you know it, it was already four years ago, of course, no matter how good this song is, it can't cover up Kim Junguo's spicy eyes for singing and dancing this song.

"What is this!" Li Guangzhu shouted directly, he never expected that he would see such a scene when he first came, it was terrible!

Liu Zaishi's blood pressure was raised, and he really wanted to do it, of course, a glance at Jin Zhiguo when he was close was enough for him to dispel this idea.

Jin Zhiguo continued to dance this song unscrupulously, really enthusiastic, and it was the most terrifying thing to dance better than Xiaoxian next to him...

The main thing is that the sky-rushing enthusiasm adds too many points, and the dance teacher has to add points to this enthusiasm.

Kim Jae-ho just saw the back and had a feeling that he was going to crack, fortunately, soon Xiaoxian spoke, it was still very comfortable, just look at Xiaoxian's words...

But when Jin Chengguo spoke, everything changed again.

"Oh! Yes! Several boys exclaimed in unison, it's hard to top!

But not to mention, Jin Zhiguo's voice and Xiaoxian cooperation are also not at all inconsistent, his voice is so good that even the harmony is almost integrated, and there is no problem at all in joining the girlhood with his voice.

"The age of muscles, the age of muscles." Kim Jae-ho complained.

The target score is seventy-three, and their score is seventy-four, which is only one point away, and it is not as good as one hundred.

Next is our Ikeishi Zhen and the Dance Queen, because Ike Shi Zhen took the Dance Queen to strange places with his own greasy charm, and the tasks after that also went to strange places.

Still unsuccessful, it was Liu Zaishi and Yoona's turn, it turned out to be ninety-one points, it should be over when they saw the score, but they still challenged, and sang the cold face of Jessica and Mingxiu.

Liu Zaishi is worthy of being an old Maiba, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he was very confident and sang out all the inner flavor of the original song.

As long as it is a song that does not need to be sung, Liu Zaishi can sing very well, Yuner is also very hard, playing super fun, and in the end it is broken, although it is very good to sing, but the score is only seventy-nine points.

Yoona immediately realized how well Kim Jae-ho sang them, and the male and female choruses can be 100%, of course, one of them is the original singing...

"Hahaha seventy-nine~!" Kim Jae-ho was still laughing, when suddenly a gust of wind blew over, directly stretching his mouth wide.

"Yay! Did you do it on purpose? "Kim Jae-ho is stupid, so seize the opportunity to rectify him?

"Are you all right?" Kim Jae-ho cared.

"It's okay, wow, so strong!" Taeyan really felt this power, and it was really no joke.

Of course, the punishment that is too weak is not interesting, it has to be interesting to the extent of Kim Jae-ho, and a slow motion in the later stage can do a lot of things.

"Please, don't slow motion don't take screenshots, please!" Kim Jae-ho clasped his hands together, he was very scared, he just wanted the production team and netizens to raise their hands, most of his ugly photos came from these places, it was too terrifying.

Of course, the later stage will come with an ultra-clear slow play and spread every frame screenshot of the process on the entire screen, after all, the later stage is still the devil's post.

Smile .jpg from the later stage

When it was Li Guangzhu's turn to sing, it was a hoarse and miserable, and the brothers became a piece because it was so funny, and Yu Li was also playing crazy, and the doglegs danced hard, and he didn't care about the image at all.

Li Guangzhu was exhausted until he sang back, obviously his mouth was moving, but there was no sound, as if he was silent.

The final score is also very real, sixty-eight points, only the heart, no results.

"It's up to us, Oppa." Taiyan was eager to try, but he didn't expect that there was still a chance.

"Who smokes?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Last time it was me, this time you come."


Kim Jae-ho one draw, forty-three.

"Oh, this can't be sung well!" Liu Zaishi immediately reminded.

"Of course, we're not fools." Kim Jae-ho said.

"How do you sing then?" Taiyan asked.

"You can just sing well, and at the end you can sing one or two fewer sentences." Kim Jae-ho said.

Tae-yan didn't know what he meant at first, but out of trust, Kim Jae-ho said she would do whatever she said.

After contact, I knew that Kim Jae-ho was unexpectedly very reliable, of course, the main thing was that she was also quite convulsive sometimes.

They sang the classic song "Nagging", and as soon as this familiar prelude was released, you didn't look at the screen to know what the song was.

"Don't go home so late, stay away from alcohol, how to be disobedient like a ten-year-old." Taiyan Meimei's singing voice came out, and everyone was surprised that she actually sang normally, and it was very good.

But that's just the beginning.

Because the original singer was that woman, Taeyan was also a little stressed and sang very seriously.

Just when everyone was enjoying Tae-yan's singing, Kim Jae-ho's voice suddenly cut in.

"It's really ridiculous, who cares who calls a child, it's really ridiculous~"

Kim Jae-ho's voice is as ridiculous as the lyrics, every sentence is in rhythm but every word is not in tune.

The brothers just stood up at Lee Kwang-joo, and now they are falling down again, because Kim Jae-ho is smiling and looking at the camera with a serious smile, but the singing is completely out of tune!

The most terrifying thing is that Kim Jae-ho still maintains a damn smile, "Dafa! Yoona clapped her hands and laughed.

Almost everyone in the audience fell down laughing, only Kim Jae-ho was left alone, and when it was Tae-yan's turn, she didn't stabilize at first, just sang a word and laughed directly, and couldn't hold on.

But after all, it was the home of the female emperor, and soon she continued to sing.

"Nope... Ha ha... Bad words of the mood..."

"I don't understand the mood in which I can say nice things." Kim Jae-ho is serious, and his eyes are sincere to death.

"So be it..."

"So be it..."

The two looked at each other.

"Hahaha~" Taiyan felt that he was about to die.

It's so hard for her!

Everyone knows what Kim Jae-ho is going to do, because KTV's judgment is whether the tune is right or not, he directly runs out of tune and lets Tae-yan sing normally, which is very close to forty.

But the truth is this truth, Kim Jae-ho is also working very hard, it can be said that he is trying his best to go out of tune, you can refer to the local pig version of the nagging plus the ten years of the god.

After Tae-yan adapted, it was very terrifying, it was really a sentence of heaven and hell, especially when it came to the high note, and it was as if he was watching Uncle Xiugen's "The High Pitch Must Not Come", and the strength that was finally mentioned in Taeyan was immediately unloaded by Kim Jae-ho.

"Ah! So depressing! Liu Zaishi beat his chest frantically and shouted: "Enough! Stop singing! "

"Stuck machine!" Li Guangzhu was hoarse.

"Is this punishment?" Chi Shizhen complained.


This is not the end, Kim Jae-ho is not affected by them at all, still focused, the treble is not enough, he can even have an upgraded version - "The High Tone is All Broken", it sounds as uncomfortable as someone scratching the glass.

"Ah~ it's a long time!" Xiaoyuan sighed that she never knew that "Nagging" was such a long song.

Of course, to some extent, Kim Jae-ho can be said to be very powerful, after all, to sing this effect, normal people can't do it.

Decent people who do such immoral things!

The most deadly thing is that Kim Jae-ho is very serious throughout the whole process, and he does not laugh, so he can say a professional sentence.

"Is it necessary to do this?" Haha people are stupid,

"Ah~ how good to sing~" Kim Jae-ho himself was very satisfied.

"What a fart!" Liu Zaishi has nowhere to complain, if this degree is good, then the aesthetic is afraid that it will collapse directly, if nothing else, the music conservatory in this world is afraid that it does not need to be opened.

But it doesn't matter, what matters is how many points.

I saw only two numbers displayed on the screen: 68!

"It's over! I sang so well! Kim Jae-ho was quite annoyed, and everyone almost vomited when they heard what he said.

I didn't hear you wrong, right? Do you think it's because you sing too well?

Believe in your evil!

Don't dare to say anything else, this time is definitely the worst time to nag and be hacked, Taiyan was not deviated, has proved her strength, self-control is quite strong.

"Oh, Ouba did a great job!" Yoona didn't blame Kim Jae-ho for being washed by the wind, but Kim Jae-ho praised Kim Jae-ho since he gave a thumbs up.

"Ah~ I'm not that good~" Kim Jae-ho scratched his head and smiled shyly.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho did a very good job in this thing that he did not do well, that's for sure, it is directly a nagging of an artificial magic revision, but it is conceivable that this song will definitely become a classic version if it is broadcast.

Yun'er is quite envious, sincere, but unfortunately, she can't think of such a thing, otherwise she can rely on this to get affirmation in her artistic ability.

Kim Jae-ho was praised to the limit, he just came up with this idea with such a casual turn in his brain, in fact, he went for the task, but he didn't expect his score to be so high.

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