But Kim Jae-ho is quite confident, their team has no shortcomings, is very balanced, and he has the highest winning percentage in RM, you have to believe in science.

"Yoona, don't take it seriously, he's crazy." Liu Zaishi said.

The two girls also smiled, did not say anything, gave them a step, after all, such a thing can not be taken seriously, just talk about coaxing.

"When the time comes, you will choose clothes for us, no, there is no time." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't think about details! Don't say it, say too much and it will come true! "Liu Zaishi is afraid, how can I make a big deal in the first place.

"Hahaha~" The two girls are about to die of laughter, really unconscious younger brother, Liu Zaishi is too difficult.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, today the god is a little intimidated, if it is usual, he may immediately agree, and the kind that he also raised himself, may be driving, more concerned about safety.

If you don't stimulate a little bit of this win, how interesting it is, he is tired of winning.


"You can't lose on purpose, you can't count on purpose." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Of course!" Yoona immediately replied, and Taeyan also agreed, it is at a lively age, and their desire to win or lose is also quite strong, otherwise they would not be able to come to this point.

"Something big is going to happen today..." Liu Zaishi said uneasily, not trying his best to win, but having to win, "If you win, don't you have a ring, then wait for Yoona and Tae-yan to give it to them after they have boyfriends." "

"Boyfriends can't be, it's unstable, at least you have to get married, otherwise it's not a loss to break up." Kim Jae-ho said that there are too many strange things in this circle, marriage is not safe, or you have to be the kind of public for several years before getting married.

"Dafa~" Yoona smiled until she wiped her tears, these two people are too powerful.

Taiyan also smiled a little tired and asked, "Does Oppa want to eat, I brought chocolate." "

"Of course! But I don't eat pure bitter, I want to eat sweet. Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's sweet~sweet~" Taiken used a cute tone.

"Is there a girlhood sweet? I don't eat without me~"

"In Hao, there is no such chocolate in the world because it is too sweet." Liu Zaishi suddenly attacked.

"Aaaah!" The girls screamed.

Even if it wasn't the first time, they were still oiled and really couldn't relax for a moment.

Today's drive is different, today's time feels particularly fast, and when he is about to get off the car, Tae-yan is making some expressions in front of the camera, because Kim Jae-ho said that this camera will be released when the time comes.

"Yay! Don't listen to him and do strange things, really, you taught you badly in girlhood. Liu Zaishi stopped speechlessly.

Taeken stuck out his tongue.

He looked to the left, and Yun'er was actually changing her expression.

"Why are you like this! Yoona! You are a girl group! Liu Zaishi was crying and laughing.

Yoona smiled embarrassedly, but I heard that it would turn into an emoji, so she was also quite curious.

They don't mind if it's ugly or not, it's funny.

Liu Zaishi can only sigh that they really have no baggage, Kim Jae-ho doesn't feel anything, he himself is also such a person, but he doesn't make expressions, this kind of memes come out very strange, very ugly, he doesn't want to be ugly.

Come all coming, is it appropriate not to leave a few black photos?

Now his own emoji packs are in a set, it's really very difficult to top, you say if it's good-looking, then forget it, that's stunned is not to pick out a picture that he thinks is good-looking, all of his ugliest, ugly and most distinctive picture, and then accompanied by some words, similar to "Zaihao feels so tired" "died on the spot" "scared me to death" "I'm so handsome!" "Are you kidding me?" Wait, each one is a famous scene.

The most amazing thing is that there is a very magical one, that is, with three words: "How are you?" "Then the expression looks very lewd, that is, I want to cry when I see it.

Of course, from someone else's point of view, that is to want to laugh when you see it.

This is from the Huaxia special he has been greeting people at home Chinese, those have been edited into a ghost animal, the click is very high, except for Kim Jae-ho himself, RM is almost a hand.

After a few people got out of the car, they found that they still had to go inside.

"We seem to be the first to arrive." Liu Zaishi said.

Because of this atmosphere, everyone is very rich, Tae-yan took the lead and jumped and walked, and then Kim Jae-ho followed, and then the four of them walked like this together, looking very lively.

Because the scenery of the lake park is also very good, the picture looks very leisurely, but this surplus is quickly broken, because they see the staff holding the flag.

"It looks like Heopa!" Yoona laughed for the first time.

Kim Jae-ho quickly arranged for the two to stand together, and after standing together, it felt more like it.

"Ah, does the program group have special requirements for recruitment?" Kim Jae-ho died laughing, how can such talents always be found.

The little brother himself held back a smile, honestly held the flag, and did not move.

Even this damn professionalism is very similar to Liu Zaishi, basically Liu Zaishi after losing weight.

The god himself also wanted to laugh, or the first time to see this, a few people did not stay much, after all, looking like the god, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing is really very ambiguous...

Several people found PD, PD directly handed over the task letter without saying a word, it was very simple, rode the bicycle to the lawn, opened the picnic box, spread the cushions, ate the picnic, each team of CP fed each other, sorted out the picnic box according to the original visit, and had to go back and forth within three minutes.

Then PD also said some details or requirements, although very demanding, but the men were in a very good mood.

"Hehe~ picnic with Girls' Generation~" Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok looked at each other and smiled, and then excitedly held hands and waved, the girls thought it was funny but their attention was still on the task.

"What if I don't come back within three minutes?" Taiyan asked.

"One more time." PD said, "Go! "

Everyone immediately began to act, Kim Jae-ho said: "Anyway, you can come again, or the first time, let's take our time and familiarize ourselves with the process first." "

"Oh, you just want to have a serious picnic, right?" Liu Zaishi debunked.

"Brother, don't you want to?"


"Hehehe~" The two laughed lewdly again, and Yoona laughed: "Oppa hurry up!" "

"Hey~coming~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"You're calling me, not you!" Liu Zaishi was speechless.

"Oppa!" Taiyan found a bicycle and hurriedly urged Jin Zaihao.

"Here it comes~"

Riding the bicycle very easily, the feeling was completely different from the last ride, Liu Zaishi said to Yun'er excitedly: "Yun'er, are you happy?" "


Liu Zaishi was also very happy, and just when he wanted to say something, he saw the golden and gold combination next to him.

"Yay! What are you guys! He immediately complained.

I saw that on the bicycle, it was Tae-yan riding in front, and Kim Jae-ho was sitting in the back, using a lady's sitting posture, and I don't know why it looked very harmonious, as if it was a matter of course.

Just now, Tae-yan was too anxious, so he rode up first, and just when Kim Jae-ho arrived, he sat up directly.

"What are you guys?" Liu Zaishi couldn't laugh or cry, he could do it so naturally?

Kim Jae-ho held the box, grabbed the box with one hand and the cushion with the other, and said with a sigh: "Brother, envy ~ Taeyan rides well!" "

"Of course~" Taiyan said proudly.

She rode it steadily, and she looked even more reliable than Liu Zaishi.

Liu Zaishi quickly accepted this setting and rode to the destination together.

"Can I grab my waist?" Kim Jae-ho felt very insecure.

"Of course." Taiyan said very cheerfully.

"Isn't it going to be meaty?"

"It won't!" Taeken retorted with a nasal voice.

"Oh yes~ yes?"

"I'm losing weight, hum!"

But Kim Jae-ho also said this, just grabbed the clothes, suddenly felt not as good as just now, so Tae-yan rode very steadily, so he still grabbed his own cushion, anyway, he can jump at any time.

Even if it is mission time, riding a bicycle in the park makes everyone feel very good, and it is the dream of many boys and even girls to be able to sit on the back seat of Taiyan's bicycle.

But Kim Jae-ho was attracted by the color of the water in the distance at this time, which is wonderful!

Heavenly King Laozi is almost treated like this, right?

They are Meizhi, and so are the other teams.

Haha and Jessica are simply, haha will make, Jessica will hold, a song and a harmony is simply two children in the car, there are a lot of highlights, and they are with the Jin Zhiguo Xiaoxian team, the contrast between this movement and silence is very obvious.

Xiaoxian and Kim Jiangguk are obviously the same kind of people, and Xiaohyun is simply on par with Kim Jae-ho in terms of safety awareness, and he is very worried about haha's attention, after all, he is driving, so it is easy to make trouble or not look at the road if he is not concentrated.

And her fears, which will soon prove valid, are justified.

As for the other side, Li Guangzhu and Ji Shizhen were really happy.

Li Guangzhu smirked almost the whole time, others came to record the show, he came to fall in love alone, I can't see Yu Li laughing, I see Yu Li is also laughing, it's hard to look at each other, it's a smile to the endless, and I have to cover my mouth and be shy there alone.

Yu Li doesn't hate it when she sees it, it's good to have a person who likes herself so much, anyway, Li Guangzhu doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, Li Guangzhu's current state is not to take the initiative and not resist.

Chi Shizhen: "Guangzhu, we must win today." "

"I will definitely be very serious today." Li Guangzhu looked serious, he really carried it, after all, their team was relatively weak.

As long as there is Chi Shizhen in a team, then this team can be said to be relatively weak, after all, this brother has been running for four years and has only torn no more than ten name cards.

This amount is a matter of four periods for Jin Zhiguo, and he used four years.

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