Everyone was about to die of laughter, they didn't expect Yu Li's art to be so good, of course she was joking, and Li Guangzhu also knew.

The main thing is that the last time she came to Li Guangzhu, she had already expressed her position, and she met again for so long, and she still had a good impression.

Of course, if it is Li Guangzhu, Yu Li does not know.

"Did that light pearl choose Yu Li?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Li Guangzhu nodded slightly, and then he was almost shy to explode, "I'm really dying!" "

"No, it's just a day together!" Liu Zaishi reminded.

Yu Li responded: "Let's run happily together today~"

"Yay!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

"We want to remind you that this is a game, not love." Liu Zaishi said.

It's like they're already together.

Kim Jae-ho said: "Saying that, Kwangjoo has already thought about what kindergarten the child will go to. "


"I didn't!" Lee's rebuttal was unconvincing, and his smile had betrayed him.

The thoughts of several men are as obvious as on a white shirt, but this feeling is still very much liked as a female guest.

As long as they are together today, it is as good as being together in their eyes.

Next is Jessica, everyone is already very familiar, but it is just as happy to see.

Then there is the new guest Xiaoxian, "Hello everyone, I am Girls' Generation Busy Inner Xiaoxian. "

Wen Wen's quiet appearance is really the first person everyone has seen, just like the feeling of a girl with good grades in the class, everyone likes it, it is a powerful goddess with a crush.

However, Kim Jae-ho as sweet potato flour, he did not have any ideas.

From his point of view, this is a sister-in-law...

Of course, shows like "I Knot" are generally until the point ends, and after the end, it really ends, and everyone defaults to the fact that it is just a past, or it is considered to be together, and then break up.

Everyone has nothing to do with each other, and when they meet, they are good friends.

Next is Xiaoyuan, and everyone still warmly welcomes.

"Maybe there's someone here you want to be a CP with him?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Yes." Hyo Yuan nodded.

Chi Shizhen rubbed his hands greasy: "Is it right in front of you?" "

It can be said that he is quite confident, confident men are the best-looking, but a little greasy, Kim Jae-ho listens to it for Hyo Yeon.

Next is Yoona, who is already a contestant like Jessica.

There are advantages of being on the spot, there is no need to be limited by the lens, you can see whoever you want, as long as your skin is thick enough, it is to look wherever you want, especially real.

This time Yun'er feels different from the last time, after all, last time it was black and linen, Yoona was sneaking attack and running, not a team didn't even say a few words, everyone didn't look at it, this time the sun was shining and face to face, it was very enjoyable, like a fan meeting.

Yoona: "I'm here for the second time, the memories I gave me last time are very fun, and I want to be happy ~ today." "

Li Guangzhu excitedly shouted: "We are also very happy!" "

"Give me quiet." Haha immediately taught a lesson.

"You worry about other people's feelings." Liu Zaishi added.

"Just now Yu Li Yu Li, now Yun'er Yun'er." Kim Jae-ho is also a yin-yang monster.

"Flower heart, flower heart." Chi Shizhen laughed and killed. These words were like a knife, directly inserted into Li Guangzhu's heart, and the enthusiasm was immediately extinguished. When there is nothing, there is also the illusion that I have sinned, feeling that I am not fit to live, and standing here is torture.

The changed expression made the girls on the other side laugh miserably. Second, this is too miserable, right?

But why is it so funny?

Li Guangzhu has such a charm, the appearance is high and low, like drifting, very handsome when handsome, can really be ugly when ugly, and the expression is invincible, just look at it and want to laugh.

Some people are really born to eat this bowl of rice, and forget that he is now just a model who wants to be a good actor, but I don't know why he is going farther and farther on the road of comedian, and the more he is bullied, the funnier he is, he is really the most special one.

Because others are bullied will feel miserable, he is bullied and feel miserable and will feel very funny at the same time, rm so many people also feel this way for him and Kim Jae-ho.

But Kim Jae-ho is because he usually likes to pretend, bullying him feels very enjoyable, but Lee Kwang-joo usually does not pretend.

Anyway, Kim Jae-ho felt that he already had an inner taste, which was not obvious before, but now it has gradually become what he used to be familiar with.

In fact, the current girlhood is not what Kim Jae-ho imagined, after all, Kim Jae-ho has seen them a few years later, and they were more beautiful at that time, and they should be more in line with everyone's aesthetics.

There is no doubt that they will be more beautiful in the future, but now they have a different feeling, as a fan who has always paid attention to them, Kim Jae-ho knows that there are many difficulties in the road after that in addition to glory.

But these difficulties are not necessarily bad things, Kim Jae-ho does not intend to interfere, some things, he will intervene, some things will not.

Looking at their smiling faces at the moment, he believes that they will always go on, in their way, now is the girl's generation, the future is the girl's generation, and it will always be the girl's generation.

Of course, he is a little worried, he is just a passerby, thinking about this thing has a feeling of superiority, which is probably the inferiority of the reborn, after all, they have the opportunity to change other people's lives, in the way they like.

Of course, this is not important, what matters is the beauty of youth and the performance of a bunch of old color critics.

To be honest, since the girlhood, everyone's smile has not stopped, as long as the eyes are not blind, they will automatically smile, and they don't know that they will be more beautiful in the future.

In the future, if nothing else, the girl's generation will visibly turn white, and in the later version of the "one white covers three ugly" god religion, the vast majority of artists will go in this direction, and a few years ago, it was popular tanning, and everyone will feel very sexy.

So now everyone is not as white as the back, but they are still young and lovely, and girls' generation is the top match of the girl group in recent years.

Perhaps sensing everyone's fiery hearts, it was raining again to calm down.

"Because of the rain, let's hurry!" Liu Zaishi said, "We directly enter the time to exude charm, as long as the boys do it, the girls can not do it." "

Kim Jae-ho was strange, "I've always been in a state of charm, why do I want to enter?" "

Kim Jae-ho spread his hands, his extremely narcissistic appearance was almost beaten by the group, he meant that he didn't need to do anything, he was usually in a state of divergent charm, yes, he was so confident.

Very arrogant, really think that a man's fist has no strength?

But his words were very brilliant, and it made the girls laugh all of a sudden.

"All right, music, let's go!" Liu Zaishi ignored him, continued the process, the music was bouncing music, Kim Jae-ho chuckled, pressed his hat, and walked out step by step with coquettish steps very confidently, which directly attracted screams.

Compared to handsome, the cause of screaming seems to be much more important than others.

Before he came out of this aftermath, everyone saw Kim Jae-ho start to make strange poses at the point where the music was strange.

“.. Yes! What a thing! "The girls can't bear to look at it directly, it's too burning, it's too burning!

After Kim Jae-ho suddenly made a pant leg on the ground, he was forcibly invited out of the scene by the boys who couldn't stand it, and he couldn't let him pollute other people's eyes.

"What! I haven't started jumping yet! Kim Jae-ho shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Drag it out! Fast! Drag away! Haha shouted.

Li Guangzhu kicked this "dirty" person with his foot next to him.

Liu Zaishi blocked Kim Jae-ho in the middle, waved his hand vigorously and crossed, as if to purify this air, and as if to say that he could not broadcast, anyway, he understood the meaning he wanted to express.

Before the girls could slow down, the next Li Guangzhu came, and while everyone was not paying attention, he showed his shoulders while looking at the girls with deep eyes, which he thought was very handsome.

Just as the girls were screaming, he suddenly began a strange dance, a dance of unknown meaning, anyway, he didn't seem to know why he felt more excessive than Kim Jae-ho.

Just when they thought that this was all, Li Guangzhu suddenly threw away her coat and began to squeak and dance, it was the first time everyone saw such a dance, anyway, Yu Li was already laughing so much that she wanted to cover her stomach and couldn't stand steadily. (Money is good)

In the next second, he was dragged away, Liu Zaishi continued to come out to clean up the scene, as if the NG-like picture made the girls directly scorched the earth, and gave a thumbs up after the dance to show approval.

But the brothers do not approve.

Girls' generations are happy to die, how is this RM all talent?

One or two are very strange, just dragging away one person, dragging away another person, everyone ends up dragging away, too engaged.

Everyone just rested for a few seconds, Liu Zaishi stood up, really for a moment, and soon, Liu Zaishi, who was showing off his flexible crotch, was also dragged away, which seemed to have become a process of suffering.

The girls were already laughing until they had no strength, and for the first time they knew that laughter could be so tired that they couldn't control it.

Before he eased up, haha jumped out with his crotch, and the next second he was dragged away, and the more and more outrageous dance made the atmosphere white-hot, a little in a strange direction, Liu Zaishi quickly controlled the field, let everyone do some gentle advancement together.

Along with the music, the five male guests clapped their hands while moving forward, and after about the same time, it was the turn of the girls, and everyone came and went, full of feelings.

When the staff saw it, they showed a relaxed smile.

This is normal, what was that just now?!

But it turned out they relaxed too early. _

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