It can be said that the program effect has exploded, he now looks miserable, but in fact very excited, because he already knows that this is the most suitable game for the anchor, with great randomness and space for his own play.

And after the difficulty dropped, he lived longer and began to discover other ways to play the game.

When he discovered new moves and practiced to level up, he was even more excited, what a treasure trove!

"Groove! This is the game I want! "

He was so excited that his eyes were a little moist, and when he first started playing games, he could easily experience this feeling, but after playing for a long time, the stimulation gradually decreased, and even many games were bored after only half an hour, and even some games were opened to closed from point to close, and there was no wave in the heart.

But this game made him feel what he felt a long time ago, that feeling when he explored a new world of the game, that initial touch.

He looked at the picture and said seriously: "Long gone, game." "

On the barrage, everyone is brushing this sentence, many people have gone to download the game, and Zheng, he is a little reluctant to play, he already has countless ideas for making videos in his head, the title he has thought of, just called: "Remember, the game brought you touch?" "

Kim Jae-ho finished reading it, and snorted softly, still too young.

Please say this in ten years.

This level is just the beginning...

Kim Jae-ho is still working hard, but anyway, because of this video, it may spread much faster, and when the time comes, you can contact him and do some interaction, people are so attentive, give him some noodles and tie him to the boat.

The biggest honor of a streamer is interacting with his favorite game company.

It's only the second day, and in a few days you will find more things, this game, the game duration can be infinite, now they are still holding stone sticks, but there are a variety of different forces, different races, different interfaces made of artifacts behind.

In another year or two, look at the configuration at that time, there will be two, it may be another style of painting, the money earned so far is all used for development, raise this team, and even the next few games are to raise this team, making money is not the first.

So what trends and what are the current best-selling game genres, Kim Jae-ho Na is not considered, he will only consider doing more attempts.

The next game must be a 3D game, in this era of Assassin's Creed in addition to the Brotherhood apocalypse, in two years the God Black Flag will also come out, God of War 3 has been released for a year, and the original form has been killed for two years.

This kind of fun game will still be played even ten years later, so in fact, the picture is not important, playability is important.

And this game still has many shortcomings, such as there may be nothing to do in the later stage, the map is not big enough, there are not enough NPCs, the plot is not yet, some major events are not, you can't recruit troops to become or join a force, you can't snap... Of course, the last one can not be used, and the Workshop feature is not yet available, after all, even Steam does not exist now.

Kim Jae-ho may create this feature on his own platform, and these will continue to be updated in the future, of course, many functions are not available.

"Then again, why are you still here, shouldn't you be in the crew?" The uncle asked.

"Today is a day off, I will make up my knowledge." Kim Jae-ho was reading a thousand-character text, but he felt very boring.

"Is this almost finished, is it still on holiday?" The uncle was shocked.

"Those who travel a hundred miles are half ninety, you can't keep fighting because it's the end, let them take a break, so that the quality is better." Kim Jae-ho said.

"But you still have to go to RM tomorrow?"

"Yes, so it's not very comfortable to leave it for two days." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Okay, I didn't expect that there would be a weekend off in this line." Kim Jae-ho closed the book with a snap and said with a smile, "Let's go, there are still things to do~"

"Good." The uncle nodded.


Taking advantage of the holiday, Kim Jae-ho will go to take pictures of pictorial today, it has been a year since the last time he took pictorials, the one-year period has arrived, how to do it again, after all, I always use the photos of the previous year, a little not very dedicated, and my own photos are about to become annual magazines.

I didn't expect that this would be a year, Kim Jae-ho thought about himself at that time, and he felt like yesterday, but what is different is that today's self is more handsome.

After all, the muscles are much stronger, and although they don't look much changed when wearing clothes, they can see better lines when they take off their clothes.

Of course, this time the pictorial will also have one or two that are sexier.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho arrived at the scene, everyone was stupid, "This is even bigger than my crew!" "

I saw that there were a lot of people in a very large studio, and he knew what he was here for, so everyone came to serve him.

He has already begun to calculate how much it will cost, but he won't calculate, because there are many foreigners in the venue, foreigners are not necessarily good, but there are foreigners on this occasion, it must be expensive...

"Hello ~ Kim Jae-ho! See you again! "I was greeted by a man who came up and looked very enthusiastic, like a local.

"Hey? Who are you? "

Unlike what the people imagined, Kim Jae-ho looked a little stunned.

"It's me! Forgot so quickly? I helped you make a pictorial last time! Park Shilling! Have you forgotten? You are my nobleman! "His enthusiasm is undiminished, Kim Jae-ho he can't forget, because he just helped Kim Jae-ho out of the pictorial, directly ushered in the take-off of his career, now as long as the powerful company wants to shoot the pictorial will contact him, he can look at the mood to pick it."

"Oh, it's you..." Kim Jae-ho was a little familiar with the name: "No, the one I remember having hair last time?" "

Someone next to him burst out laughing when he heard this.

Park Xianling touched his braincase awkwardly, "Oh, this ah, it's cut because it's too hot." "

"Are you sure it's not because of hair loss?"

"It's not..."

"Okay, if you say no, it's not."

"It's really not hair loss," Park Shilling explained awkwardly.

"I know, I understand, it's all men, understand~" Kim Jae-hobi wink.

You know a fart!

Park Shilling was a little speechless, but this allowed him to confirm that Kim Jae-ho was still the same Kim Jae-ho.

The agent uncle is too lazy to educate Kim Jae-ho, this guy is repeatedly taught, but he still has to say: "How do you talk?" Be respectful to people, tell the truth all day, no courtesy at all, I'm sorry Park Shilling xi. "

Park Shilling: You are not polite either, big brother!

Uncle means that he also feels that Kim Jae-ho is telling the truth.

"It's okay..." Park Shilling was already lying flat, and quickly changed the topic: "Let's come here first, let's discuss the direction first." "

After all, it is not the first time, and he is now more able to bear it.

In terms of direction, it is to wait for the concept and style to be filmed, this time there are more choices, many are already ready, that is, let Kim Jae-ho pick some he doesn't like to exclude.

Those foreigners are from foreign teams, with more powerful equipment and special effects, and the pre-preparation and post-processing this time are absolutely full.

In addition to what Kim Jae-ho doesn't like, Kim Jae-ho can also put forward the concept he wants to shoot, after all, many of the special fire effects last time were particularly good, were proposed by Kim Jae-ho himself, Kim Jae-ho is a design master, if not he is an artist, he really wants to persuade him to change careers.

But it is impossible to change careers, so this opportunity must be taken advantage of, learn more from Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho's ideas are more fantastic, he likes such freshness.

In the past year, he has also accumulated work experience and continuous learning, after all, the pressure is too great, and the subsequent work has great expectations and requirements for him, and he has to constantly improve to match his ability to match such fame.

In the past year, his team has also continued to grow, there are many more talented people, can change Kim Jae-ho's clothes on the spot, it can be said that it is a very suitable match for Kim Jae-ho, as long as he proposes to shoot, he can satisfy Kim Jae-ho, which can be described as rich and luxurious.

This time for Kim Jae-ho, he is absolutely full, for this time he has not worked for a month, has been preparing, no matter what style Kim Jae-ho proposes, they can be satisfied, unlike last time, Kim Jae-ho has to choose the clothes on the scene to play, although it also plays very well.

This time there were more than ten times more clothes on the scene than last time, and there were several sets of specially designed super expensive clothes, which were very exaggerated, and the team also had a costume designer, which could be changed temporarily.

It is rare to shoot once, of course, it must be all full, this time it must be better than the last time, twice as good is considered a loss, several times!

"If you had said it in advance, we might have operated a little better." Park Shilling said.

"You told me in advance that I can't remember, this kind of still depends on the scene." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"It's okay, just say what you think, you don't have to shoot it all at once, if you think of it, we can't do it now, we can still shoot in a few days."

"Then dare to be kind, let me see, can these be chosen?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, just pick a few you don't like, and we'll shoot the rest today."

"Then what else to choose, shoot directly, in terms of my appearance, I can control any style." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Kim Jae-ho is still so confident, really hasn't changed at all, so let's go to makeup first, I'm looking forward to it, I remember that we were stunned after makeup last time." Park Shilling said with a smile.

"Hey, didn't you stunned before you put on your makeup, don't lie." Kim Jae-ho smiled and waved his hand.

“... Yes yes yes, makeup over here. "

"If you want to shoot in particular, I do have one." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh? What is it? "

"Put on makeup first, and talk while putting on makeup."

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