"Yoonhee! Look at me! Liu Zaishi swayed like a duck and strode up.

"Brother, don't be embarrassed in this kind of place..." said Kim Jae-ho helplessly, his brother didn't feel very smart.

Liu Zaishi didn't care: "What a shame!" Yoonhee! Be like this! Do it boldly, not like that, like this! "

"It should go this way! Look at me! "Jin Zaihao took eight steps of Wang, and he imagined that he was very domineering.

Li Yunxi didn't want to speak, smiled and hurried up the stairs, her two teammates were strange, she didn't want to be so strange.

The two old urchins were happy after running up, I don't know if it was the terrain or the teammates, and now they seemed to have drunk a lot of wine.

"Ah~ brother! Look at that! Jin Zaihao pointed into the distance, and Liu Zaishi also saw that the winding Great Wall went to the other side of the sky as if there was no end, and you could also see the banner of three taels, which was very majestic.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the low wall next to him, a little disappointed, he imagined that this wall had to be several times taller than him, but it didn't, it was just him so tall.

But in this way, you can see the enemy in the distance, and this whole thing is actually a wall, he is standing on the top, think about the ancient times, if the enemy wants to do something, see such a high wall, how explosive the mentality must be, how desperate it must be.

Moreover, the Great Wall is not a simple isolated wall, but a defense system with the city wall as the main body and a large number of cities, barriers, pavilions and landmarks.

Of course, as a tourist, Kim Jae-ho will only say: "Wow! I'm really awesome! "

And then it's gone, the limit.

Oh, and something he would lament.

"Ah~ I already feel tired..."

Liu Zaishi complained, "Ah! I'm already tired before I start walking, it's so long, ah~Dafa~"

The two people walked in front and soon walked to the flag, and Kim Jae-ho left behind alone and hurried to arrive.

"Wait for me! How can you go so fast! "

Liu Zaishi looked back and said with a smile: "Oh~ you are still there"

"What a word! We are the first team brother! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Maybe I'm so happy that I forgot to have you." Liu Zaishi glanced at Yunxi with a smile, "Ah, how happy it is to have us Yunxi today~"

"Brother, you look like an old rascal."

"That's a handsome scoundrel too."

"Oh, brother, how do you feel changed today?" Liu Zaishi said frivolously.

"Probably because Yoonhee is here."

"It's understandable, but I don't know if my sister-in-law understands it."

"Oh, what sister-in-law! Hurry up and get to work. "

Li Yunxi didn't say a word the whole time, but it was all her shot, she was enough to laugh there, and the camera could be as close as she was.

"Is that the flag?" Lee Yoon-hee asked.

Liu Zaishi looked at the yellow staff and received the task, Liu Zaishi was just about to read it, Kim Jae-ho said, "Read it to Yoon-hee, it's true!" Who wants to hear your voice! "

"It's okay..." said Li Yunxi with a smile.

"Yay! You go out into the street and ask, who doesn't want to hear me! Liu Zaishi raised his waist arrogantly and rolled his eyes.

Despite this, Liu Zaishi also gave the task to Yunxi to read, Li Yunxi was not satisfied with normal reading, and he had to read two old men in a variety show to be satisfied.

But Li Yunxi also did this unexpectedly very well.

"It feels a lot refreshed all of a sudden." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"That's it~"

The task is very simple, that is, the task is divided into sections, one by one, a task has only one chance to challenge, and if it fails, it has to go to the next section, until it succeeds, you can go to the next station.

The first task is to do it here, kicking shuttles, old traditional projects, all three people kicked a total of more than 30 successfully.

Kim Jae-ho took the shuttle: "This is the kind of shuttlecock that is difficult to kick!" "

Liu Zaishi smiled when he heard this: "It seems that he is very good at kicking shuttles, false power, false power." "

"What a hypocrisy! Thirty I'll kick it alone! "

"No kidding, sports idiot~ If you can kick thirty, I can kick sixty!"

"Hah! I laughed! What do people who can't hit a piece of paper say~"

"Yay! What a matter of turning off the pieces of paper! "

Although it was just the beginning, Li Yunxi was used to the quarrel of these two childish ghosts, so dense that she couldn't interrupt if she wanted to, but it was very interesting.

"Or should I be the first?" Lee Yun-hee said.

"Good." The two said immediately, and then took a step back to give her space.

Yoon-hee Lee: ...

It was collected quite quickly...

She has a feeling of being played, but it doesn't matter, she has to kick anyway.

"You're kicking on the Great Wall now." Liu Zaishi emphasized.

"It's a real honor." After she said that, she began.

"Stand around, don't kick down..."

Before Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, Lee Yoon-hee screamed, and the shuttlecock was already below.

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly rushed over and looked down, "It's gone, I can't see it!" "

"What should I do? You'll pick it up later, right? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, we'll take care of it." PD nodded.

"This level is useless even if you stand in the middle, the result you start on the left and fly out on the right." Liu Zaishi complained.

"Oh Oh Oh..." Lee Yun-hee blamed himself very much.

"It's okay, it's the guy who designed the game who has a problem." Kim Jae-ho glanced at PD, but unfortunately, the thief was not there.

"Here, apologize." Kim Jae-ho said as the three of them held hands and bowed together: "I'm sorry!" "

"Wait a minute! You just want to hold hands! Liu Zaishi scolded with a smile.

"You are a bloody mouthful, made out of nothing, fabricated out of thin air, imaginary out of thin air! How am I such a person! "

"You let go of your hands first."

"Just let it go! Hum! Kim Jae-ho said and threw Lee Yoon-hee's hand away.

Li Yunxi was already laughing so much that he couldn't take care of himself, completely diluting the sense of self-blame just now, these two people were really funny.

When she knew that she had made the same mistake before, she was relieved, not that she would be like this alone, just like Kim Jae-ho said, this is the pot of the program group.

It is normal to kick shuttles in this kind of place and fly below, they may think that this is a traditional Chinese project, want to have some Chinese characteristics, and the starting point is good.

"It's up to you." Liu Zaishi said.

"That's a little bit better." Kim Jae-ho asked for the one in Liu Zaishi's hand.

"Don't kick it down, I'll use it later." Liu Zaishi handed it over.

"If it goes well, you'll be fine." Kim Jae-ho crooked the corners of his mouth confidently.

"Come on."

"If you pass here, will you just leave?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Let's talk about it first!" Liu Zaishi is ready to play.

Kim Jae-ho pulled his pants and started directly, real men just don't have these bells and whistles, just start dry!

"One, two, three, four... Five Six Seven"

"That's not counting! Failed! Fail! PD stood up and shouted excitedly.

"What? Why doesn't it count? Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Huh? What's wrong? Kim Jae-ho, who kicked more than a dozen, looked confused about what happened.

"It doesn't count with your hands!" PD and several writers shouted.

"Who used his hands? Yikes! I flew out without using my hands! Kim Jae-ho quipped.

What the hell is going on? The case repeats itself!

Just now, when Kim Jae-ho kicked to four, the shuttlecock flew to the edge of the city wall and saw that it was about to fall, and Kim came back with his hand in a hurry, and then continued to kick, and when he continued to kick, he was already in a thick-skinned state.

"Yay! This is the wall! And also did not catch! Just take a shot! Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Very handsome, very powerful." Lee Yun-hee said.

Kim Jae-ho, who was quibbling, heard this and Li immediately put on a smile, "Oh? Is it? Is it handsome? "

"Pinch ~" Li Yunxi said with a smile.

"Yay! Is this the key now?! Liu Zaishi smiled angrily, can you have a little breath?

Of course, if it was him himself who was praised, he would definitely laugh even more exaggeratedly.

Kim Jae-ho was really extreme just now, and it was also Tianxiu who could continue to kick after shooting back, just now Lee Yoon-hee could only watch it fly out and couldn't do anything, only after experiencing it did he know what it felt like.

"In this way, one person takes a step back, everyone is at fault, even if I am twenty." Kim Jae-ho proposed.

"You didn't kick twenty in total!" PD is disgusting and broken.

"Ten! Ten is always okay, right? Kim Jae-ho said.

PD nodded in agreement, and Kim Jae-ho immediately said, "Good!" "

He was originally thinking of ten.

"Oh, how can ten be!" Liu Zaishi has an opinion.

"Then count four." PD said.

"Ten, ten is good." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"You're a!" Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Oh, how many do I have to kick if I have to play ten? Yunxi kicked three, I'm going to kick seventeen! "

"Yunxi, you go and beg him." Kim Jae-ho started again, "Just say, please, Lord PD, well~ people want a few more~ that's it." "

"Yes, yes!" Liu Zaishi agreed.

"Qiu Qiu you PD adult~" Lee Yoon-hee was driven to the shelf by ducks and hardened, even so, the picture is picturesque.

"Look! He smiled! He smiled! Shy~hey~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

I saw that under Li Yunxi's attack, PD was directly defeated, covering his forehead and smiling shyly.

"So happy, so let's make a whole, even if two are good or not, then Brother Shi only needs to kick fifteen."

PD thought about it, "Good! "

If you work for my benefit, then I will also give you face, not to mention two more.

"Yay! Really succeeded?! Liu Zaishi was stupid, he really could, PD was old, but he tilted his head, "But fifteen..."

It's also a bit difficult...

"It's okay! It's only fifteen! You are half of the country! It's God, God! "Kim Jae-ho just enlivened the atmosphere, but he didn't expect Liu Zaishi to be hi directly.

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