If Kim Jae-ho had sung a song himself, that kind of old song, and then everyone would sing along with the chorus, so that it was most natural, Cha Tae-hyun almost said: "You sang with me." "

Then Brother Zaishi's task is to sing with Taehyun, and this has been completed.

Kim Jae-ho is guessing what content he will be, it should be a very difficult and great content, and he will have to clean up the car Taehyun by then.

He would never have guessed that his task had already been completed, and there was no difficulty at all.

Also as simple as Kim Jae-ho is Ji Seok-jin's laughter, for a variety artist not to laugh is not normal, Ji Seok-jin, the indoor king himself will laugh silly, do not need how to guide Cha Tae-hyun.

"Why haven't you put food yet! I'm hungry! Kim complained.

"Haha hasn't arrived yet," PD said.

"Yay! Haha is too much, right? It's 9:20. Liu Zaishi said.

"You mean that Haha brother hasn't arrived, and we'll have to wait?" Kim Jae-ho's eyes widened.

PD didn't speak, which was the default.

Otherwise, haha has not yet arrived to finish eating, then Cha Taehyun they still play a fart Oh.

"I got up at eightforty! Yikes! Kim got up in a moment, "If he was still sleeping when I arrived, he would be dead!" Hey one... Eating is not active, there is a problem with the mind! "

Kim Jae-ho went directly to the haha room.

"Hahaha~ It's broken in Haoqi."

Everyone can see that in fact, only Kim Jae-ho, a good friend of the scene, is the most suitable to call him, just when everyone is tired of waiting, it is not bad to let Kim Jae-ho treat him.

"Let's start eating now."

After PD finished speaking, everyone went to find food.

And Kim Jae-ho also met haha.

"Brother, do you know what I want to say now?"


"You now let me know what the walking dead is."

Just in front of Kim Jae-ho, haha closed his eyes at this time, taking strange steps, leaning forward with his upper body forward, opening his mouth slightly, only opening one eye to glance at when turning, and then continuing to close.

"Sober up!" Kim Jae-ho held Haha's cheeks left and right with his hands, Haha was indifferent, and his eyes were not open.

Confusion, sleepwalking, the hustle and bustle of the morning have nothing to do with him, he only cares about the illusion of the moment, nostalgia, reluctance, not moving.

Kim Jae-ho put Haha down directly on the ground with a foot, and then Haha continued to sleep on the ground, even if Kim Jae-ho, he obeyed.

When everyone in the restaurant saw them, they didn't see their whole bodies, but one hand, on the door frame, and then Kim Jae-ho, who was half-squinted and sweaty, and on his back was a haha that looked unconscious.

Haha is hanging on Kim Jae-ho's back, and Kim Jae-ho grabs his two hands and drags him with difficulty.

The picture is like in blood, the protagonist rescues his brother surrounded by tens of millions of people and returns to everyone's sight.

Such a scene with perseverance and such blood, Liu Zaishi, they almost didn't laugh them to death when they saw it, this is a fool brother, right?

Kim Jae-ho only thinks about one thing in his head, haha if he doesn't eat, then haha must arrive!

"Ah, in Hao! Guangzhu has already gone to get the meal, even if Haha comes later, it doesn't matter. "


Kim Jae-ho's expression at this moment was like being shot through the heart, and then immediately fell to the ground, haha did not care, and continued to sleep on him.

"For... What the... Not early... Say..." Kim Jae-ho stretched out a hand with difficulty, and then hung down weakly.

A moment later, when Lee Kwang-joo and them returned with food, they saw two extremely haggard people, Kim Jae-ho and Haha, and their expressions were the same at the moment.

Haha quickly sobered up, but Kim Jae-ho was not yet, and it seemed that he was in this state until he ate.

Looking at the skin everywhere smiling like a critic haha, Kim Jae-ho's mood was the same as his expression.

Everything is complete, Lee Kwang-joo specially gave Kim Jae-ho a little more, and as soon as Kim Jae-ho ate, he immediately resurrected in place, the dragon spirit and tiger were fierce, and it looked like two people.

Song Zhixiao couldn't help but help him clip things and refill them.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Kim Jae-ho continued to eat.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's eating appearance, Song Zhixiao smiled and continued to eat his own.

Li Guangzhu looked at this scene, not knowing why, as if there was a sense of déjà vu of mother and son.

Doesn't it mean that love will eventually become family affection, but this is too fast...

Seeing that everyone was eating so deliciously, PD said, "Now it's in the mission." "

And just now, Cha Tae-hyun easily completed the task of Jin Zhiguo.

Taking advantage of everyone's confusion, Shin Se-kyung and Cha Tae-hyun made eye contact, and Sekyung also knew that he should make some moves, she is not a bastard!

She looked at everyone's eyes, took advantage of everyone's attention, smeared the sauce on her chin, and at this moment she was sitting next to Li Guangzhu, everything was as planned.

But the problem is, Lee Kwang-joo can't see ...

She even picked up something to feed him, wanting to attract his attention, but did not expect that Li Guangzhu ate the food because of shyness, but did not look at her.

"Ah~don't be like this~"

When Shin Shijing fed the second time, Li Guangzhu was really embarrassed, you are doing this, like I can say it bluntly, more than a second promised to count me losing.

Haha looked at it and was almost envious to death, and he thought it was the reason for Li Guangzhu's position.

"Did you ask Shijing for food?" Haha asked.

"It was given to me by Shijing!" Li Guangzhu was speechless, of course, there was also a feeling of showing off.

Shijing looked at her directly, noticed the line of sight, Li Guangzhu also looked at her, and immediately moved away shyly, Shijing is about to die of anger, look at me!

Don't you see such a big piece of my chin?

Cha Tae-hyun couldn't stand it, and decided to give an assist: "Guangzhu, Shijing is stained with something, you help her wipe it off." "

Only then did Li Guangzhu see something on her chin and wipe it off with her hand.

Shijing immediately smiled, it seemed that it was because of shyness, but in fact, he really smiled and blossomed, and finally succeeded!

It's not easy!

"Ten minutes before the end of the meal." PD said.

"Why are you still eating regularly?" Kim Jae-ho is not happy, can't he extend their mission a little?

How is this enough?!

By the way, why haven't you found yourself yet?

Are you afraid that you will show your stuffing as soon as you look for yourself, so you plan to find the last one?

As a result, by the end of the day, none of them had yet looked for him.

In the back, because Song Zhixiao couldn't take off his glasses, so the eyes that stared with glasses were counted, and then the self-explosion induced haha, haha also helped, everyone didn't know that it was wrong to help, so almost all of them helped.

In this way, Cha Tae-hyun and Shin Se-kyung's spy mission was completed so simply, and when Cha Tae-hyun took out his small note, Kim Jae-ho knew what it was.

"Yay! I'm too easy, right?! "Kim Jae-ho is stupid, Bai has been waiting for so long!

After everyone knew it, they began to accuse each other, especially haha.

Liu Zaishi said, "Ah! You shouldn't have said it! How hard this is! "

Haha was angry, he stood up and said: "I think it's very strange, but I see you..."

Just because Liu Zaishi nodded, he did it, you still the wicked sue first?

Liu Zaishi quickly changed the topic, "Guangzhu, when was your task completed?" "

"Something on the chin." Sekyo said.

"Yay! What a monster! Li Guangzhu was so angry that he couldn't sit still, and looked at Shijing in disbelief, "This is deliberately stained?" "

"You've been playing with me, haven't you?!"

"I thought you really liked me!"

Li Guangzhu was so angry that he was so hoarse, he was shy for so long just now!

Dare to be affectionate is he alone in his own affection!

"I'm annoyed when I see you!" Li Guangzhu said and walked out, "Don't let me be wrong again!" "

Then he opened the door and went out, leaving everyone to laugh wildly, he had already expected it, and he didn't want to do this again.

Kim Jae-ho blushed with a smile, but he couldn't smash the table, he had to pay for it.

"Two of you, please come and get the prize." PD said.

The prize for the secret mission is seventy RM, thirty-five for each of the two people.

"The teams allocate the remaining RMs well and put together all the RMs to complete today's task."

Then comes the final task.

"We've got it allocated."

Everyone changed places, changed clothes, and prepared for today's task, and the one just now is not a task.

Seeing that everyone is ready, PD tells everyone that this is the ultimate mission of Jeju Island.

"First go to the RM room and enter in order of roll call." PD said.

"First of all, Kim Jae-ho." After PD finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho entered the room.

There is nothing in it, only PD.

"How to play this time? Do you want me to be a spy? Kim Jae-ho looked excited.

"Please stand here." PD pointed ahead.

"How many RMs are there now?" PD asked.

"What do you want to do?" Kim Jae-ho looked at him warily.

PD also did not speak, and directly took out the task letter.

"Now provide an opportunity to take away the RM you have collected! It is estimated that the person who will take the first place in the final task will press all the RM, and if the prospective person takes the first place, he will get twice his RM, and when he wins, he will get all the RM of RM. "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho finished reading it, he immediately said, "Do you still need to say that?" Crush myself all! "

"Are you sure?" PD was a little surprised that he made a decision so quickly.

"Hey, when the time comes, I'm the winner and double, will I give all the RMs to me and then double?"

PD is speechless, is it too early to think about this?

He shook his head, "No, all the gold coins go to you, and then get your bet double." "

"Okay, got it!" Kim Jae-ho nodded, showing a strange thief Kidd-like smile, very confident.

You know a fart!

PD scolded secretly, pretend to be forced or you can do it~

Looking at Kim Jae-ho, who went out full of confidence, PD had already expected the result.

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