"Brother! I know! Li Guangzhu said, "Put this first, then put this." "

Then he ate it in one bite.



The three people were so happy that they flew, the surprise came too suddenly, without any preparation, even Li Guangzhu himself did not know that it could be done, Shen Shijing almost cried, his eyes were wet.

"I thought Sekyo won the grand prize." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

But no matter what, I was really happy, but I didn't expect it to be Li Guangzhu, really famous, he wanted to cry.

Jin Zhiguo looked envious on the side, and he knew it long ago to see how they did it.

Liu Zaishi received the task, looked at it, and the next stop was to go to the beach.

"Then go ~ eat slowly~" Liu Zaishi waved happily with his opponent, looking full of grace, but actually mocking the blow.

The blue team didn't want to respond and greeted mechanically.

"But, Kim Jae-ho, why haven't they arrived yet?" Liu Zaishi suddenly remembered.

"Already gone." PD said.

"What?! Already gone? "

Both teams are stupid, both doubt their ears, not yet arrived, but already gone?

"Yes, already gone." PD nodded in confirmation.

"Why did you just leave?"

The six people went from being confused and then feeling a strong sense of crisis, and the two of them even kept gagging and interfering with each other, and as a result, the people had already left.

This scene is particularly familiar.

Not long ago, Kim Jae-ho, who had finally scraped together three mission items, was late to them, because there were no more people sitting there, so they sat down in a nearby place, just like the Kim Junguo before them.

As soon as I sat down, I saw that there were two packages.

"Choose what?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Is this still optional? Laughed! Kim Jae-ho sneered and waved his hand: "It's not that there is no money!" Both wants! Ouch..."

Then his braincase was knocked, and Chi Shizhen: "Ah! Save some flowers! "

Jia Zhen said: "Only one can be chosen. "

"If you hear no, quickly choose one." Ji Seok-jin said, because in fact, the two of them are casual, Kim Jae-ho is more concerned about this aspect, and just like Kim Jae-ho said, they are rich now, and this twenty can be chosen by him at will.

"Octopus eats often, eat sea urchin." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Haven't you eaten?" Haha asked.

"If you haven't eaten this kind of food, will the seaside be much more delicious?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Definitely, it's freshest." Chi Shizhen's tone was like selling seafood.

"Then the sea urchin set." Haha said.

Then the food was served.

"Is that all? Ya brother! Did you eat it secretly?! Kim Jae-ho questioned.

"Nope!" Jia Zhen quickly clarified how he could do such a thing.

Then he resisted Kim Jae-ho's skeptical eyes and brought the food plate to plate, haha and Ji Seok-jin also quickly suppressed their smiles and began to remember, Kim Jae-ho did not, a move in such a short time, will not be used twice.

The sea urchin is yellow and clear, and looks appetizing.

"Oops~ the program team still did some personnel~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

PD smiled, dare I don't do personnel before, right?

Well, I'll show you!

As soon as Kim Jae-ho's words fell, Haenyeo came over and directly interrupted his action of picking up chopsticks, and the three people hurriedly said hello, and Haenyeo nodded and started, and Liu Zaishi they said the same.

As soon as they listened, Haha and Chi Shizhen were stunned, "What? "

Haenyeo was also accustomed to this face, directly repeated it again, and then did not give a few people time to react, turned around and left, still dashing.

"Auntie, can you say it again?" Haha pleaded, but to no avail.

Then they received the task.

"How can you know this!" As soon as Ji Shizhen finished speaking, he saw that Kim Jae-ho had words in his words.

"Okay, I'll write it down." Kim Jae-ho said, "I repeat! Hurry up and remember! "

Then Kim Jae-ho began.

"Dafa!" Haha said in surprise, this child actually wrote it down for the first time under such a situation just now, and Ji Shizhen also wanted to sigh, but he was afraid to interrupt Kim Jae-ho's train of thought, so he also quickly remembered.

Kim Jae-ho's short-term memory is nothing to say, this is the English teacher called his name on the stage to dictate and practice every class!

"Did you write it down?" Kim asked after repeating it twice.

"Write it down! The first one is rice, right? Haha said immediately.

"Yes, it should be four things according to the structure." Kim Jae-ho said and began, "The sea urchin must have... Gu Sheng Ge? He looked at Brother Shi Zhen.

"I don't know! See what I do? "Chi Shi Zhen is drunk, do I always know everything?

"This!" Kim Jae-ho clamped up the conch.

"Why?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"It looks delicious and a lot." Kim Jae-ho's reason directly left the two speechless, but it made sense.

"That last feeling is shrimp!" Haha said.

"I feel that it is shrimp that is definitely not, it is not so simple, the middle two of rice shrimp are so difficult? No way! Definitely a trap! Meat and vegetable combination, I feel like a dish! "

He picked up the leek and put it on it, and then took a sip, and before Kim Jae-ho could taste it, PD suddenly said: "Success!" "



Three people directly stupid, this succeeded? Three out of four are blinded, and they were all hit at once?

PD directly handed over the task letter of the next station, and when he got the task letter, he didn't believe it: "Wow! Are you sure? It's true? Not some hidden camera, right? "

Then Ji Seok-jin directly grabbed Kim Jae-ho's collar: "Yay! Are you a spy? Did you take the task? "

Kim Jae-ho swallowed hard, "How is it possible!" Is a spy so obvious still called a spy? "

"Oh, let's go quickly!" Haha said, to be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that he had a script, which is also too lucky, right?

"What a go! I haven't eaten yet! This is the first bite! "Kim Jae-ho is stupid.

"Yay! Why do you do this every time! Chi Shizhen died laughing, this scene was all too familiar.

"Wow! Daihatsu! Haha scratched his braincase, still feeling terrifying.

"Don't make a big deal, hurry up and eat!" Kim Jae-ho quickly ate it, it was not the first time, so he had experience.

The three big men divided all the meals into three portions, ate them, ate them and left, they didn't even think about another one, because they had already done the task and there was no lead in eating again.

After dividing the points, it was really enough, just like bibimbap, what umami basically set off without tasting it, which made Kim Zai-ho depressed all the way.

"Oh, I already knew that I would ask for another octopus set before leaving." Kim Jae-ho beat his chest and felt remorseful.

"Hurry up and finish the task and go back to the hotel to eat, you are really hungry and can buy something to eat on the side of the road." Chi Shizhen said, "We should have a lot of time. "

"This can't be! Eating shops is not for nothing, you must eat seafood here! I'd better endure it... Ah~" Kim Jae-ho said with a bitter face.

In fact, I am not very hungry, but I just feel that I have lost a lot.

They all still think that when they finish a plate, they can be refilled for free, just like the last roast.

"But anyway, we're ahead now, so hurry, we can win!" Chi Shizhen suddenly came to fighting.

"Victory! Snap! Win! Snap! Win! Snap! "

The three people shouted, determined that this one would turn over against the wind, who said that their team was weak?

The three of them were immersed in the joy of winning the jackpot and arrived at the mission point, a beautiful place with emerald-like sea water and white sand, except for too many people, everything else was fine.

However, the program group gave everyone a whole place to come out, and everyone could run to the task point, which was a pier, and a yellow man was received there.

"First pick the boat you want to take."

Right next to it, there is a sign standing there with the boat and the price written on it.

The price is uneven, the gap is relatively large, the simplest lifebuoy is only ten yuan, and the most expensive motorboat gets one hundred and seventeen.

"Choose what?" Chi Shizhen looked at the four tools laid out below.

"Brother, I want to drive a speedboat." Kim Jae-ho looked at Haha.

"You only have this time to shout offending sincerely." Haha laughed, and then looked at Chi Shizhen: "How is it?" "

"How much money do we have left?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Two hundred more." Haha counted and said.

This scene is as warm and moving as if the son wants to buy toys, and the father and the male mother are discussing the economic situation.

Because the front is too economical, now their economic situation is very good, you can consider starting.

"But this one is too expensive, right? With this we run out of money. Chi Shizhen said.

"But buying this we can save a lot of time ah, this is all here, don't take a speedboat when can we take it, just now we were successful, now we can't take advantage of this opportunity to chase after the victory, wait for everyone to catch up!" This is an investment! Investment is not waiting for anyone! Miss the time and you're gone! "

"Oh, he's right!" Chi Shi Zhen's ears were soft, and he was fooled as soon as he flickered.

"How about we choose a speedboat?"

"Good." Haha is also in favor.

So big a speedboat, so big one! Which man can not be hungry when he sees this, and the speedboat is too fragrant compared to the others!

In fact, the two masters also want it, and Kim Jae-ho is firm in their ideas.

"Good! Then we're going to speed up the boat! Haha said.

"Ah~It's so handsome~" Kim Jae-ho made a fangirl.

Haha was very arrogant when he said this, and the person who paid was the thief handsome.

"Hmph~ Isn't it a speedboat? Buy! "Haha immediately acted, Chi Shizhen smiled helplessly, this is spending everyone's money, okay...

Just after they decided, PD handed over a mission letter.

"Get the lifebuoy on the speedboat, dry the air in five minutes and put it in the bag!"

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