"Oh! It doesn't seem to be..."

But when he turned his head to look, he felt that there was a problem, and simply went straight forward to take off his glasses.

At this time, this girl, not only has a good figure, but also the color of the clothes is very bright and conspicuous, haha saw that it was unusual, and he immediately recognized it as soon as he took off his glasses: "Shen Shijing!" "

"What did you say?!"

The men immediately gathered around like hyenas, not caring about the strange car aunt at all.

"It's Shen Shijing!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

"Ugh!" Shin Sejing was frightened by these men, and it was the first time that so many men came up to her eyes to look at her.

The welcome of the RM can be said to be too warm, Shin Sejing can't escape, was grabbed by Li Guangzhu's shoulder, they met because of the previous "Highkick Through the Roof", it can be said that they are very close relatives, so Li Guangzhu is very enthusiastic, and finally a guest came up to know him.

Everyone hugged Shen Shijing and ran, like a cat that smelled fishy, and pushed him when he passed by Song Zhixiao, which can be said to be very disgusted.

And Kim Jae-ho did not follow, he stood next to Song Jihyo, his attention was completely attracted by the "Aunt Che" on the side, only to see him fanning on the side, like a watching lively, pompously shouting: "Wow! Shen Shijing! Oooo

Song Zhixiao also saw it, and they all laughed until they squatted down, looking as if they had not been discovered, and they were still immersed in the role.

Everyone still looked at Shen Shijing, still not very convinced that it was really her, and it was too good-looking.

She is actually difficult to find, it is really the writer's clothing, exactly the same, but the figure is too good, and the clothes are really too bright, the star because of the relationship of the profession, even if you want to hide yourself, it is actually easy to find.

If you dress up a little, just like ordinary people, others can't find it, then you have to doubt your profession.

Shen Shijing is now single, and he just ended his relationship with the man who was exposed for less than a year two months ago, and "Blue Salt" starring her was also released this month, which can also be said to be publicized.

This movie is the kind of movie that likes to hear about the black club, the big brother wants to retire, but because he has the right to inherit, he returns to everyone's sight, and then the female killer lurks by his side waiting for the opportunity to kill him, and then falls in love with his kind of movie, the ending is very warm, not to mention how good-looking, but it is also okay, steady.

is that Shen Shijing's style in the movie is really difficult to say, black not to say, kill Matt kill Matt ~ washing and shearing blowing and blowing blowing ~

It's not as good looking as her current set, of course, it is also needed by the character.

"It's really beautiful~" Haha sighed, "I really saw it by chance." "

"Brother, what are you? You look at people! Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"It's not discovered yet..." Cha Taehyun looked unhappy, looking like a hot and tired aunt of unknown nationality, Kim Junguo proudly said why he found out just now.

Cha Tae-hyun looked at him in disgust, he was blind all over his body, and he was recognized with so much makeup.

In fact, he was not recognized, he himself had to stand in front, and he was still taking pictures with his mobile phone, it was difficult not to be noticed, it was difficult to have such arrogance as an aunt.

"Welcome our Jeju Island special guests Shin Se-kyung and Cha Tae-hyun!" Liu Zaishi clapped his hands in welcome.

"Yay!" Everyone is really enthusiastic this time, there is no stylized feeling before, especially Li Guangzhu, who is enthusiastic.

"Brother, just now Guangzhu shouted Shijing, Shijing, because he was too shocked to hear it." Haha laughed.

"Nice to meet you~" Sekyo remedied.

"I'm super familiar with Shijing!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

"No plain language! To add the last name! It's called Miss Shin Se-kyung! Haha reprimanded.


"His teacher said that he often sends messages to Shijing." Kim said.

"I love messaging." Shin Se-kyung said.

"It means not very familiar." Kim Jae-ho translated next to him.

"We know each other very well! What a lot! "Li Guangzhu is stupid, he now looks like a liar who likes to show off, very embarrassed.

Shin Se-kyung looks very happy, and really seems to be not very close to Li Guangzhu.

"We Taixian seem to be a little quiet~" Liu Zaishi noticed Che Taixian who was fanning his fan irritably, this is the professionalism of half of Jiangshan.

Everyone is very enthusiastic about Shijing, for fear of missing a glance, and does not care about Che Taixian next to him, making him look like he is left out.

"Just talk when you get out of the car." Kim said.

In fact, everyone doesn't care, Che Taixian, this old fritters, will look at it by themselves, it's difficult to think without a lens, or Shijing is more important, old reality.

"The clothes are good~" Kim Jae-ho nodded appreciatively and looked at Sekyung.

"Because it's pink~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.


Shijing's smile has not stopped, it is too interesting for these people, but don't say just now, even now, she is dressed in pink clothes, very conspicuous, just like a black and white painting, other colors suddenly appeared.

Kim Jae-ho also has no pink today, white top and black shorts, walking is a simple style, don't look at it is very simple, very expensive!

The material is very comfortable to wear, cool and cool to wear this summer, the only pink is his necklace, that is, the chain, pink, also very good-looking.

Everyone welcomed the two guests very well, as the opening of the day, except for a certain aunt, they are very happy, people in strange places are always very excited, and it is another day of travel.

"Start the game now." PD Road.


"First of all, the two guests will team up separately, and Shijing will choose first."

Shijing thought for a while, and everyone quieted down, as if waiting for something very important to decide, but she didn't think for long, and said: "With Zaishi..."

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi thief was happy.

“OK! I know you're here to make sure of the shot, now choose who you want! Haha said confidently.

Liu Zaishi smiled, this is obviously his personal charm, you are jealous!

Kim Jae-ho is also very calm, he has such a high level and has such a good relationship with Taehyun Brother, he should be on the same team as him.

"Now it's Taehyun's turn."

"Then I choose ignorant filial piety." He grabbed Song Zhixiao's wrist and pulled him over who was caught off guard, as if robbing people, the old audience, and then put an arm around the shoulder of his best friend Jin Zhiguo, and then held Song Zhixiao.

"Zuo Zhiguo, right Zhixiao, it's so good~" He said with a smile, his face full of invincibility!

"How can this work!" Liu Zaishi immediately broke out dissatisfied, this is also too strong, right?

"I like strong!" Che Taixian's face was gone, and he directly picked the two strongest people.

At this time, a faint voice came from the side, "Brother, where did I make you dissatisfied?" "

When everyone saw it, Kim Jae-ho looked at him with a resentful expression.

"Hahaha~" Cha Taixian immediately burst into laughter, and everyone also burst into laughter, this sentence is really amazing.

Kim Jae-ho stood a step closer, tilted his head, and emphasized again with an unhappy face: "Brother, where did I make you dissatisfied?!" "

"Hahaha~ It's not..." Before Cha Taehyun could make an embarrassing explanation, Kim Jae-ho said again: "Please return the wine I gave you last time, thank you!" "


Everyone is dying of laughter, one by one they can't stand steadily, Kim Jae-ho is really too talented, what devil?

Cha Taehyun is dying of laughter, or this kid is interesting, but it really can't be chosen, this kid is interesting, there are still problems, he came to win today.

But no matter what, it can't change the fact that the Taehyun team is extremely strong, Song Zhixiao plus Kim Ultimate Kingdom, really a tie dog can win... Of course, this is not to say that Cha Tae-hyun is a dog, although he is indeed a dog.

As for the wine, it is still impossible to return it, it is impossible to return it if it is poured, and it is his who sent him.

Kim Jae-ho felt very uncomfortable, without the most shameless team, the next may be a little difficult, alas, can only barely make it difficult and Shin Se-kyung a team ~

"Brother Guangzhu, come here!" Shen Shijing said suddenly.

"What?" It's not just Kim Jae-ho, haha is stupid.

"I actually lost to the Pearl of Light?" Kim Jae-ho is a little skeptical of life.

"Objection objection!" Can't believe it.

"Isn't that normal?" Li Guangzhu said with a sigh.

"Maybe I'm standing too close to you and she misunderstood, I'll stand away and you can take a look?" Kim Jae-ho said and moved away from Haha Chi Shi Zhen.

Haha is also right when you look at it: "Yes! I'm too close to Brother Shi Zhen, we are completely different! It's all because of this brother! "

Chi Shizhen: "Ah! Do you want to die? "

Am I not self-respecting? Chi Shizhen, who was disliked by his two younger brothers, wanted to kill.


"Good! Then you are the Chi Ha Hao combination! Liu Zaishi said with a smile.


This lineup, completely shabby, is directly three strong kings with mouths together.

"But brother, you are really not suitable with them~" Big brother Jin Zhiguo said, his teammates are his favorite teammates.

"Yay! So which team am I suitable for? Chi Shizhen asked with a soul.


Everyone was almost laughed to death by him, and they really asked for ideas.

The atmosphere of the detachment was so pleasant because of these people, even Cha Taixian, who was irritable before, laughed until his makeup was almost spent, and the laughter simply dispelled the scorching heat and brought coolness to this place.

In fact, Shen Shijing's choice is also very reasonable, one is Liu Zaishi, who looks safe, and the other is Li Guangzhu, who is very familiar.

"Give each team a resort fee." PD Road.

PD took out three bags, which were given to different people in different amounts, Li Guangzhu they were the least, haha and Kim Junguo were the same.

Because Haha and Jin Zhiguo found guests before, there was a reward.

As soon as everyone pulled it out, it turned out to be a gold coin that was not real gold at first glance, and it was written on it that ranged from 1RM10RM, which is the currency that can only be used during the Jeju competition.

This is another new attempt by RM to transform the concept of cash into the concept of game currency, which can dilute the existence of money, which may be beneficial for younger audiences, and is a good attempt.

Of course, whether it can be meaningful depends on the back.

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