Kim Jae-ho wanted to exploit the gap, but was caught by Kim Zhiguo, and Song Zhixiao had no way.

In the face of their strong attack, Jin Zhiguo alone actually blocked four people, on the one hand, the place is too small, on the other hand, Jin Zhiguo is really too strong, he now does not care about the name card, his hands are freed, it is simply invincible.

"Yay! What a thing! Yes! "

The four people rushed in desperately, but they were hugged by Jin Zhiguo alone, the muscle lines on their bodies were clearly visible, and they clenched their crowns and blocked the four people from the outside.

The mentality of the four people collapsed, did they hit the door?

Don't talk about them, the haha who saw this scene in the back were stunned, this Nima is a person?

A person was stunned to block this door tightly, which brought him a strong sense of security.

The new Chicheng is frightened, what is this?

Ma Ya, it turns out that the gap between people can really be so big?

When he saw Jin Zhiguo on TV before, he didn't think about it, and he was just one person left and right, but now, he panicked, and his strength to eat milk was useless, and he couldn't move.

The battle situation did not last long, Jin Zhiguo directly let Song Zhixiao over, and then pressed Jin Zaichi City Liu Zaishi three people to the ground, it turned out that one person held down three people!

"Aaaah! My hand! "

The scene is simply Asura hell, Liu Zaishi and Jin Zaihao screamed, they regret it now, Chi Cheng is next to him, because he is too speechless to feel funny, he has no strength to smile, his face is red and he can't get up, he feels that there is a mountain on his body, and there are three views under the mountain.

Jin Zhiguo stacked the three of them together, holding them down deadly, and still had leisure to shout to the haha behind him: "Stop her!" "

This also needs to be said, haha also blocked the front of the door, and then Song Zhixiao began to pull his hair, "Yay! Get out of the way! Don't get out of the way yet! "That's not polite at all.

"Ah! Yes! "

Haha also began to scream, he is too difficult, your uncle's, you let Kim Jae-ho over, how to let Song Zhixiao over.

Haha looks like now, pitiful, weak and helpless, but he still blocks the door, because there is his most important person behind the door - BOSS!

BOSS, I'm really trying, do you see?

Jiang Xi: What do you say? Louder! I can't hear you!

Jiang Xi was blocking behind the door at this time, listening to the sound behind the door with her ears, there were two worlds inside and outside the door, but she also had a feeling of precariousness and was very afraid.

Is this the world of RM?

"Don't rush, don't rush! Let me go! Jin Zaihao wailed, he had long lost his spirit at the beginning, Liu Zaishi was still struggling, Chicheng had given up, the floor, very comfortable.

Even if you do all the calculations, it is better for him to reduce ten times with one force!

Jin Zhiguo stood at the door, like a god of war, what kind of little people, all folded up for me!

Kim Junguo is as fierce as if he is stacking a murder book, Kim Jae-ho they are as confused as if they were annihilated, it's too difficult, what's going on, aren't they invincible? Shouldn't it be to fight according to Jin Zhiguo and destroy them directly? This script is wrong!

I should be on the ground, not on the ground.

There is no way, Kim Jae-ho and a few of them can be said to have fled from the desert, and even Chicheng has a feeling that they have come to life.

"It's too strong!" He sighed.

"You know how hard we usually are?" Kim Jae-ho's words were full of sadness.

Chi Cheng nodded, now understood.

"Brother, your button has fallen off." Kim Jae-ho suddenly said, everyone looked at Liu Zaishi, Liu Zaishi himself also looked down, and his belly button was exposed...

"Yay! Is this a person?! This is already the Nth time he has complained, he is too difficult, he covers his stomach embarrassedly, no wonder it feels cold and squishy below, so comfortable.

Quickly summon the costumer to come and make up for it, otherwise it will be offensive.

All three can see the embarrassment on each other's faces, this time, a big defeat!

"So what now?" Chi Cheng asked.

"You have to do it! Now it depends on whether Zhixiao succeeds. Kim Jae-ho said.

The fact is that no, as soon as Jin Zhiguo is liberated, Song Zhixiao will be gone, people respect you, you can't be presumptuous, some people just rely on the respect and quality of others, unscrupulous, and finally cool.

But it is still necessary to go up, and it is necessary to go on hard, now the two teams can't figure it out, then there will be no way to do it later, anyway, they can't tear their own.

"I'll go see the situation first!"

Kim Jae-ho walked alone, Yi was bold, as soon as he approached, Kim Junguo and Haha also saw him, and suddenly rushed over, and before Kim Jae-ho could react, he was already caught.

"Why arrest me? And you can't tear me off? "Kim Jae-ho panicked instantly, bad, won't be discovered?

But no, the two brothers Kim Junguo and Haha smiled and pressed Kim Jae-ho in the corner, and then Haha suddenly saw a cover next to it, and when it was opened, it happened to be a small space, which was a place to put the fire hose.

"Brother! Inside! Tuck it in! Haha shouted.

"Yay! Other! How can this work! Am I not to lose face? Other! Please! Save me some face! Kim Jae-ho struggled and couldn't, and the two people pushed him closer step by step.

This is not able to tear him up, decided to limit him in other ways.

Song Zhixiao came to the rescue when they heard the news, and when they saw such a situation, they rushed directly to the rescue, this is a BOSS!

Kim Junguo also panicked, and hurried back to guard, just when Kim Jae-ho and they were about to charge again, suddenly, PD told them, "Black team BOSSOUT!" The black team was eliminated. "

Everyone was confused, what's going on?

Not long ago, Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu were observing the situation from a distance.

"What's wrong with them over there?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"Or let's take a look." Chi Shizhen said that he is not a boss, he still has momentum.

"Shall we go? We are the boss, if we get caught, something will happen. "Li Guangzhu has already experienced despair and does not want to go through it again, he is too scared.

"Afraid of what!" Chi Shizhen walked forward, Li Guangzhu suddenly, saw his name tag, just glanced, can no longer move.

Some kind of throbbing surged from the bottom of his heart and rushed straight to the braincase, at this moment, his seemed to begin to beat strongly, there was only one thought left in his mind, suddenly, his hand began to move on its own, tearing and pulling, Chi Shi Zhen turned his head.

What are you doing?!

"Li Guangzhu, OUT!" PD next to him said.

"Huh? What the? Li Guangzhu suspected that he had misheard.

Chi Shizhen smiled to the point that it was not possible, you see this whole thing~

He patted him and said, "Yay! Why are you tearing me up? Hahaha~"

He's been acting for so long! Just for this moment!

That's cool!

On the other side, as soon as he heard PD say this, Kim Jae-ho didn't want to turn around and run, and secretly cursed in his heart, the shaft is not enough and conspiracy!

Can't this Nima help it?

People who were already confused, saw Kim Jae-ho suddenly run, even more confused, what is going on?

Six faces confused!

Even Song Jihyo didn't react for a while, everyone thought that Kim Jae-ho was very normal, because Lee Kwang-joo was eliminated, and the black team was eliminated, it may be that Ji Seok-jin tore Lee Kwang-joo's name tag, so Kim Jae-ho slipped away.

Then why is it just Kim Jae-ho running, and Song Ji-hyo not running?

Haha suddenly thought of something, and clapped his hands: "Ah! I know! "

"What?" All eyes are watching.

"It must be Kim Jae-ho who is the BOSS, and then Lee Kwang-joo tore Ji Seok-jin's name tag, so Gwang-joo was eliminated!" Haha truth.

"How is it, it's not~" Song Zhixiao is still acting.

Everyone watched Song Jihyo acting so obviously, they couldn't even suppress their smiles, and instantly understood why Kim Jae-ho ran.

This wave, this wave, is called thief's heart deficiency.

"Yay! Is he a BOSS?! Liu Zaishi looked at PD, PD smiled and said nothing, he didn't say how the light pearl was eliminated just now, this is even more impossible to say.

Liu Zaishi and the people of Chicheng are stupid, what is going on?

Have they been scammed all along?

Heart on fire!

"Yay! He..." Liu Zaishi looked at PD's smile, gritted his teeth, and suddenly realized, he is such a quality person wants to swear words, he is really an actor!

After Chi Cheng knew what the situation was, goosebumps rose, "Can you still play like this?" "

His own BOSS was actively exposed, and his boss acting skills exploded.

Is this the gap between friend and foe?

No wonder Kim Jae-ho wants to run, if he doesn't run, he is afraid of being killed!

On the other side, after Li Guangzhu knew the truth, people were stupid, "How can this be!" I'm the hero! Today's hero is me! "

He was hoarse, incompetent and furious, and did not want to face it.

As for Kim Zhiguo, he has long caught up, haha stayed to guard, the camera in the stairs was used, but only a few were used, Kim Jae-ho was caught without running a few floors, the process can be said to be worth mentioning, especially miserable.

"Why are you looking at me? Such a good view, be happy~"

When Kim Jae-ho said this, everyone was on the roof, this is the legendary lavender place, this is already at the end.

"Ah, I really didn't expect it to be Kim Jae-ho." Liu Zaishi sighed again, such a high place, I really want Kim Jae-ho to feel the speed and passion~

"Completely deceived, you guys~" Chi Shi was triumphant, wanting to cross his waist.

"Yay! What does it have to do with you? Liu Zaishi smiled.

"If it weren't for me, would the light bead be fooled?" Chi Shizhen wanted to fork his waist, but he was broken.

But they are not today's protagonists, the protagonists are now sitting in their place, the table in front of them suddenly blows, a mechanism rises, and three golden rings are displayed in front of everyone's eyes, making people clearly understand how rich and powerful RM is to have a year-end reserve.

Today's winner is the Golden Final National Team, in fact, except for the black team, they are all winners, and it can barely be said that it is a happy ending.

Chi Cheng is also full of harvest, it simply opens up a new world of variety shows, it turns out that variety shows can still be filmed like this, which also makes him have a great impression of this program form, but it is too exciting.

It's a pity that I didn't win today, and if I have the opportunity in the future, I must win that hand!

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