A week later, Incheon International Airport, there are a lot of reporters waiting here, because cj Entertainment announced the second trip of the “Girl’s Generation Travel” is the airport. Like the “Jin Bingwan’s Law of the Jungle”, the opening of the program is set in the lobby of Incheon Airport. The connection has been very good after three phases of broadcast, especially the second phase of the battle, and the big chaos after the end of the third period makes the program look full..

The three phases of Girl’s Generation’s program broadcast, the average rating of each program is about 6 percent, which is absolutely perfect for limited TV Station. The staff of the program group is also full of confidence after seeing the ratings. In particular, the program is the main pd personally served by Lee Yoo-ro, which makes the program Mi-rae develop towards the TV Station ace variety trend.

On this day, Lee Yoo-ro wore a thick jacket with a suitcase and a hat. The staff arrived at the airport early and waited for Girl’s Generation. The reporters waiting at the airport began a simple interview with Lee Yoo-ro before the arrival of Girl’s Generation.

“President Lee, where is the location of the Girl’s Generation?”

In the face of reporters asking about the work, Lee Yoo-ro also unequivocally answered the reporters. “This time our trip is Japan’s ice world Hokkaido. Everyone who has seen our program knows each. The first phase of the tour will mainly introduce the local scenery and food. The broadcast of the Japanese program is just on the eve of the Seolnal “spring festival” holiday, so the main purpose of this time is to install the program for everyone Seolnal “spring” The festival is a reference for overseas travel. After all, our program is a variety program of travel nature.”

“President Lee, the first destination of this Girl’s Generation Travel has achieved excellent ratings. Many media are saying that you recently planned to promote travel programs? Just like 14 15 years, you Greatly launch a gourmet program, the same as the music program? Every year your program will set a center of gravity?”

In the past two years, Lee Yoo-ro has launched a lot of food and music type programs, which is very popular in the market. So this year, I suddenly saw that Girl’s Generation joined cj Entertainment to start the main types of travel, which made everyone start to guess whether the program focus of this year’s cj entertainment will be around tourism.

In fact, it is because in the past two years, cj entertainment has become a weather vane of Korean programs under the leadership of Lee Yoo-ro. Many TV stations that imitate the focus of cj entertainment programs, such as sbs follow the filming of the food program “Bai Zhongyuan” The ratings of the three kings that are now available on Saturday can even be called “no pick”. This made everyone see the program focus of ‘following soup’.

“Oh.. Our company does not have any program center and focus. The planning of all our programs is not considered from the producer’s thinking, but from the needs of the audience. Do you still have not found these two? Is our program all such a style in the past? Now our country’s life is gradually improving. I am not saying that everyone’s income is rising, but the demand for living standards has increased…”

“For example, when we used to have 15,000 pieces, most of us would choose fried noodles and sweet and sour pork. But now it is 15,000. Most young people will choose a good decoration, the environment. Yes, the delicious western restaurant eats a spaghetti with a salad. This is our requirement for living standards, the same money, we know how to enjoy it. Just like we used to have 100 million Korean Won deposits, we want to travel. Most people will choose Jeju Island?…”

“And now the discounted tickets are more and more, 100 million Korean Won we can go overseas, go to China / China, Japan / Ben, go to our neighboring countries to feel different styles, look at different scenery, enjoy not The same food. This is the change of our thinking with the times, and also the changes we have made to the standard of living. So we can’t just think about how to make fun of the audience. It is not easy to smile. We are responsible for funny, funny, “The Comedy Alliance” is not enough?..”

“Now, you can’t let the audience go with the program thinking. The variety program you shot is not what they need, and the natural ratings are not high. So now the producers who need our program are starting to follow the needs of the audience. Everyone is now In the discussion of food, ok, we make food programs to provide you with more, better, more professional program recommendations. Everyone needs to have fun after eating and drinking? Ok, we make some music type of variety program, And it’s not a constant singer, nor is it that the previous popularity will become a ‘ticket’ music program, but rather than pure power (masked), or surprises, reversals (seeing sounds).

“The lifestyle of the masses has changed. We have moved from the digital age to the intelligent age. Why doesn’t the form of the program need to change with the times? The way people used to play is only TV. Now? Really, how many young people are there? People are willing to watch TV? Because there is a rich network now. It is a variety of live, with a variety of food, beauty, beauty and we compete. We still do not change our mind, the survival of TV Station will be more The harder it is. So, we have only one purpose for making programs now, to understand the needs of the people!!”

Lee Yoo-ro’s words made a lot of media contemplative. The interview at the airport was like his speech. It was not only inspired by the reporters, but even the staff of Lee Yoo-ro. They have also been inspired.

At this time, a reporter mentioned: “President Lee, but now our national economy is not good. Many young people don’t even find a job. You don’t recommend everyone to travel in your own country to improve the people’s livelihood economy. Want to recommend everyone to spend abroad?”

Lee Yoo-ro smiled and looked at the reporter who asked the question: “Oh.. You shouldn’t ask me about this production program. You should ask Blue House. To improve the people’s livelihood economy, it is not what our TV Station can do. The emergence of television is to provide you with consultation, entertainment and entertainment. It is not to improve the people’s livelihood economy. Moreover, your eyes are too short. If the domestic people are just like you, then the Korean economy will never improve.”

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