When Fuko looked at Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji also saw Rock Lee along his gaze, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

‘Look at his clothes, but it is a commoner! ‘

‘commoner’s bloodline innate talent, even if you work hard, the achievement is not likely to be higher than me with Byakugan! ‘

‘hateful, Uchiha Fuko even ignored me to pay attention to such a commoner! ‘

‘I will make you regret it! ‘

Hyuga Neji gnashing one’s teeth, but also secretly put Rock Lee on it.

On the stage, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s performance is finally over, and the children on the training grounds are slowly moving towards the teaching building under the command of Chunin Teacher.

Fuko staying calm and collected followed the crowd into the classroom and went to the teacher’s office to wait for him.

After more than an hour, Seino Shin came back with a bunch of textbooks.

“Fuko ?haha, you come to see me.” Seino Shin was overjoyed, thinking that Fuko really gave him face. He came to see him every year, and other teachers were all envious and hateful to him, and his mentality was inflated. It is.

He shouted Fuko into the office loudly, for fear that others would not know.

Fuko smiled bitterly and said: “Teacher Seino Shin, I came over to ask you about a new student.”

Seino Shin patted her chest and said, “No problem, even if it is wrapped around me, what is the name of the newborn?”

“Rock Lee.” Fuko said.

Rock Lee, Lee, Fuko has always appreciated him. Although there is no innate talent of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, it is Taijutsu genius, and it is a natural drunken expert. It is an innocent unpolished jade, after being carved by Guy. After the demonstrator extraordinary talent, how can genius, Fuko not be tempted?

“Rock Lee? I am understood, I will ask now!” Seino Shin ran to other offices and asked.

After asking for a lap, I finally found Lee’s Class Teacher, Inoshita Zhongzheng.

Fuko immediately took care of Lee in Inoshita.

Inoshita’s real expression is very calm, laughing hehe’s expression that he is a Teacher, will surely be exposed to the rain, will definitely not be thick, let Fuko not go to the evil road.

But my heart is bubbling, thinking: ‘Rock Lee, this is definitely a super genius, otherwise, how can Uchiha Fuko Lord of name shakes Ninja World come to me for him? Ah, great, my class has finally appeared a super genius! ! ! Hey, Seino Shin, this scoundrel is not a lucky two-year Lord Fuko Class Teacher. Every year, I ran to our office to brag about it. This time, my luck is coming, hahaha. ‘

Fuko knows that Teacher is to face, naturally he will not promise him in person, but he knows his current status. Since he said, Inoshita really can’t treat Lee, so he didn’t say much, he talked. I will leave a few words.

The next period of time, with Fuko’s face, Inoshita Zhongzheng said that it was nice, but in the end, he was particularly concerned about Lee. He asked me how to open a small stove and teach him how to resize Chakra. Seal, also teaches Three-Style Jutsu, the teaching course is called a full!

If Inoshita is really stocking other students, then Lee is definitely at the direct disciple level, and he takes home a bed and teaches him how to manage it.

Inoshita really wants Lee to grow up quickly. It is best to break the record left by Senior Kakashi from the ninja Academy Graduation for half a year so that he can press Seino Shin in the Academy!

What I really did in Inoshita, the scene fell in the eyes of other students.

There is a student who can’t understand it, and he sneers at Lee and disdains.

There are also things that do not hang high, such as Bai Fumei every day.

Hyuga Neji, while squatting and provoking, hopes to prove his noble bloodline by defeating Lee!

At the same time, in his opinion, this is also the ‘declaration of war’ for Uchiha Fuko!

After all, if there is no Uchiha Fuko, trifling a commoner orphan, how can I get so much care from Inoshita?

And if he defeated Lee, it is not playing Uchiha Fuko’s face!

Excited to think about it!

On this day, Hyuga Neji challenged Lee again.

He also challenged it a few times before, but it was all stopped by Inoshita, but this time, Inoshita did not appear.

In the past few months, Inoshita has really invested countless energy in Lee, but the harvest is very few. Now, Lee is also able to master the skills of Refining Chakra, its training speed is slow, even those in the stocking state. Both can’t compare with, in just a few months, there has been a trend of lowest ranking, and this is still in the case of his spare no effort to open a small stove!

Inoshita really has to wonder if Lee is a super genius.

“Rock Lee, what’s wrong, don’t you dare to accept my challenge?”

In the class, Hyuga Neji blocked Lee’s way, a pair of Byakugan smashed to the biggest, staring at him with scorn.

Lee hands clenched, yelled: “Teacher said, can’t fight in Academy!”

In the past, Inoshita really used this reason to help Lee reject the challenge of Hyuga Neji.

“If you don’t even dare to fight, what are you doing ninja!” Hyuga Neji proudly yelled.

“Ninja is not for fighting!” Lee yelled.

“Commoner like you is not worthy of ninja!” Hyuga Neji said with a sneer, “You should have already noticed this. No matter how hard you try, you can’t surpass me because we were born. It’s already doomed to it!”

Lee clenched the teeth.

The student next to me met and couldn’t help but squat.

“Lee, accept his challenge, haha, let him know the results of your period of time!”

“Yes, you are the only student in our class who accepts Special Care from Inoshita. How can I beat Hyuga Neji?”

“Down with Hyuga Neji, Lee!”

These squatting students are all stocked by Inoshita. They usually don’t understand Lee and get that many care. Hit a person when he’s down is not altogether inexcusable.

Sitting in the window of the window every day, looks-at this scene is a little uncomfortable, I thought this group of people is really, everyone is student, how can you bully Lee?

She hesitated whether she was going to stand up for mediation, but she also had doubts in her mind. Why didn’t the Teacher Inoshita come out this time?

“What’s wrong? So many people look-at, are you going to do a tortoise?” Hyuga Neji continues to provoke, “commoner, if you dare not fight, I advise you to give up the road of ninja early because you are not worthy!”

“Hateful…” Lee angry The hormones in the kidneys burst and his eyes burn like a spark. “Okay, I accept your challenge!”

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