Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 611 Finally Entering the Six Paths【Please subscribe】

"I won't give you much time!"

After threatening Amado, Otsutsuki Ishiki controlled Ci Xian and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Amado quickly stopped him and said: "Master Cixian, ordinary people cannot withstand your power, and they are not worthy of being your 'weapon'."

"It is indeed difficult to find a suitable 'instrument' among a group of ants."

Ci Xian affirmed first, and then said: "But this is not the reason for your failure."

Amado said: "I'm not trying to make excuses for myself. What I mean is that in order to find a suitable device for you, you need at least a higher-quality test product, such as a ninja who has awakened the bloodstain."

After speaking, Amado lowered his head and waited for Ci Xian's answer.

There are indeed people among ordinary people who can withstand the power of Ci Xian, but finding such people is basically like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If you are not in a hurry, slowly sifting through ordinary people may not be a bad idea.

Now that Ci Xian wanted it urgently, he could only leave the conflict to Ci Xian.

Compared with ordinary people, ninjas have stronger physical fitness, and ninjas who have awakened the Bloodstain are far superior to ordinary people. They can withstand greater power and are more likely to withstand Ci Xian's "wedge".

However, blood-stained ninjas are basically the treasures of each village. Capturing the blood-stained ninja will inevitably attract the attention of the major ninja villages, especially Konoha.

Although the major ninja villages still retain their original names, they know the battle in Tiannokuni. It is impossible for Konoha to do nothing after killing so many high-level officials of other ninja villages.

After listening to Amado's words, Ci Xian fell silent.

In the past, in order to hide his information, he would never take action.

However, his invasion of Konoha to seize the Nine-Tails failed some time ago, and now his intelligence has been exposed a lot.

What made him feel even more pressing was Uchiha Aozora's age and strength.

However, at the age of about twenty years old, Uchiha Aozora is already close to the Sixth Level, and his true combat power has even reached the Sixth Level.

Unlike ordinary ninjas, Uchiha Aozora's strength is not that he is strong in one aspect, but that he is extremely powerful in all aspects.

In the last battle with Qingkong, he failed because he was accidentally hit by Yan Dun.

But he had a feeling that if he didn't escape, even if he used Ci Xian's body to resurrect, he might not be able to win.

This is Uchiha Aozora who has not yet entered the Sixth Path level.

When he takes another step forward, he may be able to live in his shadow even after his perfect resurrection, right?

Thinking of such consequences, determination appeared in Ci Xian's dead eyes.

"I will find a suitable test subject for you..."

As he spoke, he looked at Amado solemnly and said, "But I don't want to hear any more excuses!"

Amado quickly assured: "Lord Ci Xian, as long as there are blood successor ninjas, I guarantee that this experiment will be successful."

Ci Xian snorted coldly, waved his hand to open a space-time vortex, and then stepped into it.

Amado stared blankly at the direction Ci Xian left, with a myriad of thoughts.

After a long time, he also left the underground palace.

The power of Kaleidoscope and Samsara Eye is Yin Escape, a power that is integrated with the soul.

Therefore, "Reincarnation in the Dirty Land" can make the reincarnated Uchiha Madara strangely possess the power of the Kaleidoscope and the Samsara Eye without the Samsara Eye and the Kaleidoscope.

After Uchiha's soul was transformed into an evil spirit by the hell realm, his eyes became the five magatama samsara eyes, and the eye power that originally existed in his body was absorbed and digested by Aozora.

Aozora appears to have only three eyes, but he actually possesses eight kaleidoscopes.

Two of his, two from Shisui from another time and space, two each from this time and space and Obito from another time and space.

It stands to reason that the pupil power of the eight kaleidoscopes must exceed the pupil power of Uchiha Madara's four kaleidoscopes, but Obito's four kaleidoscopes were estranged and rejected at the beginning, which caused the Sky Eye to stop using the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

As time goes by, the yin and yang eyes are cultivated, the repulsion of the ajna celestial eye becomes smaller and smaller, and the pupil power in Qingkong's body gradually merges into one.

At the same time, his mental power was rapidly enhanced by the nourishment of the golden water droplets, and his body penetration gradually increased while refining Bai Jue's essence and blood.

When Aozora absorbed the eye power in Uchiha Madara's body, his eyes evolved again, as if naturally, and easily broke through to the level of the Six Magatama Samsara Eyes.

At this point, Qingkong's eyes' ability to reincarnate in the Six Paths has finally fully awakened.

His Six Paths of Reincarnation and Nagato's Six Paths abilities are not exactly the same, especially the abilities in the Hell Path, Shura Path and Animal Path.

Needless to say about the hell path, Nagato's hell path is a puppet used to repair damage, while Aozora's hell path transforms the souls he kills into evil ghosts that he controls.

In the hands of Nagato, Shura Dao is the ability to generate war weapons, but Aozora's Shura Dao is a combat method, which combines the two magical powers of "Three Heads and Six Arms" and "Big and Small Ruyi".

Coupled with Qingkong's current body of steel, it can be said that only Bamenkai and Cixian can fight him in close combat.

However, Qingzong doesn't like close combat, so no one has seen his melee magical powers and skills.

The animal path incorporates the ability of "beast control" and can enlighten ordinary beasts with wisdom and train them into ninja beasts. This ability is quite interesting, but it doesn't have much effect on Qingzora today.

In addition to fully awakening the ability of the Six Paths, Aozora awakened the "Yellow Springs Hirazaka", a blood-successor-level space-time ninjutsu.

In fact, after he successively mastered the art of Flying Thunder God, the art of heavenly sending, the flying body and other time and space techniques, it is no longer difficult for him to travel in the same space. As for traveling to and from different spaces with his "divine power", he And gradually became familiar with it.

Therefore, even if "Yellow Springs Hirasaka" has not been awakened, Aozora feels that he will be able to develop it himself sooner or later. Although it is good to advance in advance, Aozora regrets that he has not awakened a novel pupil technique.

In the original work, Sasuke barely entered the Six Paths level with a six-magatama samsara eye and the "power of Yin" gifted by the Six Paths Immortal.

Although Qingkong has not obtained the "Power of Yin" now, he does have a pair of complete six magatama reincarnation eyes, so the moment six black magatama appear in his eyes, he has stepped onto the threshold of the six levels.

Then, the reincarnation power in his eyes began to merge with the chakra in his body, causing his body to mutate and evolve.

Qingkong suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

If he is not stopped, this energy will cause him to return to his ancestors and awaken the blood of the Otsutsuki clan.

In response, Qingkong directly used "Nine Breath Convincing Qi" to refine this energy.

"Nine Breath Convincing Qi" is not only a magic technique for absorbing natural energy, but also has a miraculous effect on refining foreign energy.

After refining this strange energy, Qingkong's appearance remained unchanged, but the vitality in his body continued to grow, and his chakra also experienced rapid growth.

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