Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 608 Hidden Worries【Please subscribe】


A long cry came from the sky, and the villagers of Konoha couldn't help but look up at the huge black shadow in the sky.

Many villagers knew whose psychic beast this was, so no one made a fuss. Some villagers even taught the children around them to exercise well so that they could become a powerful ninja like Aozora in the future.

call out!

After a sound of breaking through the air, Qingkong carried a huge rock and landed on the rooftop of the Hokage Tower.

This strange stone contains the energy of time and space and cannot be sealed.

Qingkong was able to deter it into the Divine Power Space, but he found that after the strange stone entered the Divine Power Space, the power inside the strange stone would overflow, and it seemed that the power inside it would be absorbed by the Divine Power Space.

Although I am curious about how the Kamui Space will evolve after absorbing the energy of this strange stone, Qingkong still needs to use it to build a teleportation array for the time being.

With no choice, Qingkong had no choice but to carry this strange stone and fly back.

Fortunately, he mastered the "Light and Heavy Rock Technique" and added a buff to the strange stone to make it as light as nothing. Otherwise, the golden-winged roc wouldn't be able to fly so fast carrying him and the strange stone.

Kudai and Fugaku already knew about this strange stone from the letter, and they were still very curious when they saw it.

Fugaku looked around the strange stone with his Sharingan and said, "There is indeed strange energy in it. Is this the energy of time and space?"

Qingkong put down the strange stone and said: "To be precise, it is the combination of time and space energy and natural energy...or it is natural energy that contains time and space energy."

Natural energy is a collection of all attribute energies, and space-time energy is also a type of natural energy.

Jiudai asked: "Is it the dragon vein type?"

Qingkong shook his head and said: "It's different. The energy of dragon veins tends to time, and this energy tends to space."

The ninja world often discusses time and space together, but they are not the same.

Fugaku satisfied his curiosity and returned to the Hokage's office with Aozora, while Kiseki asked the ANBU to carry him to a room vacated by the Hokage.

As soon as he sat down, Fugaku asked: "What exactly is the teleportation technique you are talking about? Please explain it to me carefully."

Qingzora lay comfortably on his big chair, while turning the chair, he replied: "You can be a long-range Flying Thunder God Jutsu, which can directly teleport ninjas from Konoha to various places in the ninja world.

It's just that the time and space channel of this Flying Thunder God Technique is relatively dangerous. If the body is not strong enough, it will easily fall apart during the transmission process. "

Jiudai asked directly: "How can you make your body strong?"

Aozora thought for a moment and said: "You can test this with objects first, but I think I am the only one in the village who will not be injured after using it. Kai, Shinichi, Kakashi and other jounin who are proficient in Taijutsu should be able to use it after using it." He will only be slightly injured..."

Needless to say, Gai, both Shinichi and Kakashi have been practicing the Thunder Fire Golden Body for a long time. With their physiques, they can maintain good combat power even without medical treatment after using teleportation.

Fugaku frowned when he heard this. He still knew a few people's physical strength, so it seemed that the application range of this teleportation technique was not wide.

After pondering for a moment, he asked: "Can I use Susanoo during the teleportation process?"

If possible, Itachi and Shisui could be released anywhere in the ninja world at any time.

Qingkong was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He really hadn't thought about it.

After thinking for a moment, Qingkong shook his head and said: "This may cause the teleportation technique to go wrong and teleport to the wrong place."

Then, Qingkong said casually: "I have just developed this teleportation technique. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the future. Ordinary people may be able to use it by then."

Anyway, it’s just a matter of having two more shadow clones.

"That's true, after all, you are our Uchiha's ninjutsu genius!"

After praising Qingkong, Fugaku said: "You came just in time. I have some things I need to ask you for advice recently..."

This opportunity to unify the five major ninja villages came up too quickly. Not to mention that the other four major ninja villages were not prepared, and Konoha was not prepared either.

In a hurry, Konoha was just ready to accept it. Now, in addition to Konoha and Sunagakure, Iwagakure, Kumogakure and Kirigakure have all used excuses to suspend the acceptance of the mission. The next step has not yet been determined. Specific policies.

In addition, although Konoha had tried its best to suppress the news, the news that the five major ninja villages were unified by Konoha still leaked out, and many nobles were panicked.

If Konoha had not secretly controlled the daimyo of the five major nations, the five major nations might have fallen into chaos at this moment.

Even so, the nobles are not stupid. Over time, they will inevitably find abnormalities, and it will be a time bomb when the time comes.

It can be said that the five major countries today seem to be as calm as mountains, but there is raging magma hidden underneath, and they don't know when they will explode.

After describing the issues that he had considered, Fugaku rolled his eyes at Qingkong and said, "You have been tricking me into unifying the ninja world. You must have your own ideas, right?"

As he spoke, he threatened: "If you can't tell me something, I will resign directly and pass the position of Hokage to you."

Qingkong said speechlessly: "As for that? Besides, if you resign, just resign. What can you do if I don't take over the position of Hokage?"


Fugaku sneered and said, "I'll pass it to Shisui and see if you can help him!"

Qingkong hesitated when he heard the words, and then rolled his eyes and said: "The Hokage, the great Hokage, uses this method to force people to make suggestions. How childish!"

Boom! Boom!

Jiudai looked at their own dreams and laughed, and quickly knocked on the table and said: "That's enough, Qingzora, if you have any ideas, please tell me immediately."

Qingkong's face turned serious when he heard this. Of course he had some ideas for the governance of the five major countries after the war.

"I have thought about how to govern after the war, but I did not expect to control the five major countries in the way we do now. I originally thought it would be through war.

Although there was a war this time, the intensity was extremely low and it did not shake the foundation of the three major ninja villages at all.

Today, the elites and senior leaders of the major ninja villages still exist. Their staying in their respective villages is a factor of instability, so first we have to transfer most of them to Konoha. "

Fugaku nodded and said: "Kyudai and I have also considered this aspect. After the top management and elites are transferred away, the other three major ninja villages will indeed not be able to succeed. It is just that there will be some trouble in Konoha Village."

Jiudaimeo said: "Before, we had to consider the powerful people in Yanyin Village, Yunyin Village and Kirigakure Village. Now that we have the teleportation technique, it is a little easier."

With the teleportation technique, Aozora can rush to the aid of other ninja villages at any time. This way, there is no need to station a super strong person in each ninja village, and only a shadow level or even a quasi-kage level master is required to be in charge.

And Konoha has Aozora, Shisui, Itachi, Tsunade and others sitting in charge, and the other ninja village elites who were transferred to Konoha don't dare to explode.

After transferring most of the top management and elites from other ninja villages, it will be more unhindered when implementing Konoha's policies.

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