Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 585 Hashirama is controlled【Please subscribe】

About a few minutes ago.

Madara Uchiha suddenly opened his eyes, kicked open the dark coffin, and saw a desolate desert in front of him.

"The day has finally come. That boy Nagato has finally grown up..."

Suddenly, he felt something strange about his body. There seemed to be something different about this body.

"What's going on? This doesn't seem to be a natural technique of reincarnation!"

While he was exploring his body, Senju Hashirama on the other side also regained consciousness.

He tilted his head and looked at Madara, and said happily: "Madara, long time no see!"

Uchiha Madara turned his head when he heard this, and soon saw the cracks on Senju Hashirama's face, frowning and said: "It turned out to be the reincarnation of the dirt! Who is it? He actually summoned you."

At this time, Orochimaru contacted them through the Reincarnation of the Earth.

"Hello, First Generation Master, Madara-sama! I am the ninja who resurrected you, Orochimaru."

Madara Uchiha said coldly: "It's really dark to talk to me through reincarnation in the dirty earth."

Senju Hashirama also frowned and said, "Why did you channel us to come out?"

Orochimaru said calmly: "I have encountered a difficult enemy and I need your help to solve it..."

While listening to Orochimaru's explanation, Qingzong had already flown not far away from the two of them.

Realizing that Qingzora's chakra was not inferior to their own, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama immediately understood who the person behind the scenes wanted to deal with.

Seeing the Konoha forehead protector on Aozora's forehead, Senju Hashirama covered his head and said: "I knew that the ninjutsu developed by Tobirama was unreliable, and it should have been destroyed immediately."

Orochimaru said: "The policies implemented by the Second Generation and the ninjutsu developed have indeed caused many problems for future generations, but I have to thank him for creating these forbidden techniques."

Uchiha Madara crossed his chest and said, "Do you think this level of 'Reincarnation in the Earth' can control us?"

Senju Hashirama said: "Originally, I think it's okay to help you because you are a Konoha ninja, but if you want to attack Konoha, I can only say sorry."

Although both of them were resurrected by "reincarnation from dirty soil", they didn't take it seriously.

Orochimaru said: "You are under the control of my 'Dirty Earth Reincarnation'..."

Before he could finish his words, Senju Hashirama's body suddenly erupted with majestic chakra like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

In an instant, Orochimaru, who was hiding in the distance, was sweating on his forehead and realized that the connection between himself and Senju Hashirama suddenly weakened.

Seeing this, Hei Jue on the side quickly said: "I'll help you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a white figure appeared behind Senju Hashirama, and then this figure covered Senju Hashirama's whole body like a piece of skin.

Sensing the enemy behind him, Senju Hashirama shouted: "Get out of my way!"

With his loud shout, the Bai Jue that had just wrapped around him was blown away by his huge chakra. However, these white layers of skin seemed to be born on his body and could not be driven away no matter what. Their bodies were tightly entangled and connected together.

Seeing this, Qingkong directly launched the Yan Escape that had been brewing for a long time.

He wanted to fight an evenly matched enemy, but he wouldn't miss the opportunity to do so.

"Fire Release-Immortal Flame Dragon!"

In an instant, a huge golden flame burst out from Qingkong's mouth.

The flames changed in the wind and instantly condensed into a slender golden dragon. After roaring, it directly swept the huge waves of flames and rushed towards Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama in the distance.

This place was originally a desolate Gobi. The dry air was burned without a trace of moisture. The dry ground suddenly became full of cracks. The sun in the sky was dimmed a bit by the contrast of the golden dragon in the sky.

"Not bad fire escape skills!"

Uchiha Madara commented and quickly formed a hand seal with his hands.

"Fire Escape - Fire Extinguishment!"

In an instant, Uchiha Madara spewed out a monstrous scourge, like a mountain fire erupting, burning the entire sky in front of him red.


The fire dragon collided with the sea of ​​​​fire, causing a violent explosion, causing countless heat waves to sweep across all directions.

However, the red sea of ​​fire did not stop the dragon for long.


In the sea of ​​flames that illuminated the sky, the golden dragon looked up to the sky and roared, directly swallowing a large amount of flames in front of it.

Then, the golden dragon broke through the sea of ​​crimson flames created by Uchiha Madara, and the flames sweeping around continued to rush towards Uchiha Madara.

Seeing that his Fire Release was suppressed, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but frown.

The fire escape that he was so proud of was actually suppressed, which made him feel a little angry in his proud heart.

Looking at Bai Zetsu who was suppressing Senju Hashirama, the magatama in his eyes began to spin, and then a blue shadow was projected from his body.

In less than a moment, the blue phantom quickly expanded and grew in size, and then instantly derived bones, meridians, muscles and armor, quickly transforming into a huge god general who stood tall and tall.

As soon as the god general appeared, he encountered the roaring dragon before he could make any move.

boom! boom! boom! ——

Thunderous explosions sounded one after another, and the blue god general's body was suddenly burned red, and his delicate armor began to melt.

At the same time, this mountain-like giant was continuously pushed back by the powerful thrust of the dragon. The ground began to tremble, and thick smoke and dust were thrown into the air, blurring the world.

After a moment, the fire dragon burning with golden flames disappeared, and the blue god general also became fragmented.

On the desolate Gobi, only Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were left, protected by blue transparent ribs.

At this moment, a whirlpool mask has grown on Senju Hashirama's face.

At any other time, Orochimaru and Shiro would have been nothing more than ants to Senju Hashirama.

However, Senju Hashirama was resurrected by Orochimaru's "Earth Reincarnation", and his body was sacrificed from Bai Zetsu's body. It can be said that both his body and soul were controlled by others, so that he was killed by Orochimaru in a short period of time. Maru and Bai Zetsu seized control of the body.

After controlling Senju Hashirama, Orochimaru turned his attention to Uchiha Madara.

He asked hoarsely: "Why didn't you take the opportunity to break free just now? I know you have such ability."

Before Uchiha Madara could speak, Uzumaki White Zetsu said: "Uchiha Madara and I used to have a cooperative relationship."

Hearing this, Orochimaru's tawny eyes flashed with a dark light, and he fell silent after looking at Black Zetsu beside him.

No matter what, it would be best for Uchiha Madara to cooperate fully.

Senju Hashirama's personality is bound, and he will inevitably be unable to exert his greatest strength. Now he can only rely on Uchiha Madara to defeat Aozora.

If Uchiha doesn't cooperate, then the plan to defeat each one this time will be impossible.

Seeing Senju Hashirama wearing a whirlpool mask, Uchiha Madara secretly contacted Black Zetsu in the distance.

Black Zetsu explained concisely: "Madara-sama, the specific situation is too complicated. In short, the Uchiha Aozora in front of you killed Obito, conquered Nagato, and destroyed all our plans, and he We have just collected all the tailed beasts and are about to unify the ninja world."

Black Zetsu's words were very concise, and in two short sentences, Madara Uchiha understood the situation at hand.

The tool man he selected was instigated to rebel, and the supervisor he selected was killed directly, so Hei Jue was forced to use this method to resurrect himself.

Now, if he cannot deal with Qingkong here, then his resurrection plan and the "Eye of the Moon" plan will no longer have any chance.

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