Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 583 The Powerless Shadows【Please subscribe】

In the sky.

Ohnoki dodged left and right, relying on the light and heavy rock technique and dust escape to entangle Nagato for a while.

Unable to achieve results for a long time, Nagato frowned and opened his palms to Ohnoki.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

As his cold and majestic drink sounded, a majestic invisible repulsion instantly erupted from his palm.

Shinra Tenzheng's coverage was extremely wide. Ohnoki knew that he could not dodge, so he directly used the strongest blood inheritance secret technique he had mastered.

"Dust Escape - the art of boundary peeling!"

Crazyly outputting all the dust escape chakra in his body, a huge transparent square space suddenly appeared in front of Ohnoki. Any object entering it would be quickly separated into an atomic state.

In the original time and space, Onoki once destroyed Susanoo, the twenty-five wood escape clones of Uchiha Madara, with one blow.

Now that Onoki was exerting all his strength, Nagato's expression became serious. The endless air waves and sound waves entered the square space and quickly decomposed. His Shinra Tenzheng and Onoki's Dust Release were in lockstep.

However, Ohnoki is getting old after all.

Time gave him the mastery of Dust Release, but it also took away his abundant chakra.

After a long stalemate, Nagato suddenly exerted force. Ohnoki wanted to squeeze the chakra in his body but found that his meridians were empty.


The big wild wood in the sky was blown away on the spot, somersaulting and falling to the ground.

The second Tsuchikage flew into the air and caught Onoki, and said with a smile: "You live a long time, Onoki!"

"Ah——, be careful about my old waist!"

Holding his old waist that was almost broken, Onoki looked at the ninja who caught him, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his old face.

"No...No sir!"

Then I saw a ninja recorded in the history book. Not only did his mouth grow, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

No explanation: "We are all controlled by someone using the reincarnation of the earth developed by the Second Hokage. Now it seems that the person who controls me wants to deal with you instead of you... Ohnoki, who awakened us? Who is the enemy?"

"Reincarnation in the dirt?"

Ohnoki suddenly realized that no wonder these deceased shadows would appear here. It turned out that they were awakened by the "dirty soil reincarnation" that blurred the boundaries between life and death.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Onoki quickly said: "I don't know who woke you up, but the enemy is Konoha and the Akatsuki organization... just think of it as Konoha!"

Seeing Jiraiya and Rasa below being forced to flee in panic by the other Five Kages, he gritted his teeth and said, "It seems there is Sunagakure!"

When the five shadows below heard this, they suddenly became noisy, discussing while taking action.

"It seems that there is a ninja war, and the five major ninja villages have appeared!"

"Konoha is so powerful?"

"Waking us up just to deal with Konoha?"

"The juniors are so disappointing!"

"It's really sad that you have to fight against the juniors from your own village."


Among them, the second generation Hokage and the third generation Hokage were in very complicated moods.

On the one hand, they are happy that Konoha is strong. They must know that they feel the order to stop the pursuing enemy. Since they need to summon so many shadow levels to stop the enemy, the enemy is naturally very powerful.

On the other hand, they felt guilty that after their death, they were used by others to stop Konoha's shinobi.

The three Raikages were playing Rasa and Jiraiya like volleyballs when suddenly the sky turned dark and huge octopus legs were photographed one after another.

Lightning flashed around them, and the three of them quickly dodged, but Jiraiya and Rasa breathed a sigh of relief and retreated to the head of the Eight-Tails.

Looking up at the giant octopus, which was as huge as a mountain, the three Raikage frowned.

"Second Generation, did you lose the Eight-Tails?"

"Sandai, did you lose the Eight-Tails?"

No one asked the Third Raikage, so he could only frown and look at the blue sky above the eight tails.

The second Tsuchikage saw the special patterns in the Eight-Tails' eyes and said, "The Eight-Tails must be controlled by the Eye Technique!"

Onoki said with an ugly face: "It's terrible now, something happened to the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki!"

Before everyone could ask, a demon cat with blue flames all over its body jumped to the big octopus.

The eyes of the demon cat are scarlet three magatama, and the ninja on the demon cat also wears Konoha's forehead protector.

This time there was no need for the second Tsuchikage to explain, everyone knew that the second tail was controlled by the Sharingan.

Onoki's face became a little more ugly, and he said bitterly: "It seems that the second-tailed Jinchuuriki has also been killed..."

Immediately afterwards, Kisame came riding on the huge waves.

Onoki's face turned pale when he saw Terumi Mei being picked up by Samehada.

"The Mizukage was also captured!"

Sunagakure betrayed, Raikage died in battle, and Mizukage was captured. He was the only one who managed to survive. The original alliance of the four great shinobi villages was now broken.

The Five Shadows team also gradually became silent.

Although I haven't figured out what happened yet, there must have been a fierce battle here. Something happened to both Kage and the two tailed beasts were directly controlled.

The perception of the shadow-level experts is not much different. From a rough perception, they all know that the chakra of the visitor is not inferior to their own, and is even much stronger than their own.

Qingkong looked at Rasa and Jiraiya on the side and asked, "What happened?"

Jiraiya apologized: "Orochimaru activated the 'Earth Reincarnation' and summoned the Five Shadows of the Past. He has escaped."

After glancing at the five shadows below, Qingkong frowned.

"So many five shadows? Black Zetsu's help?"

In the original time and space, Kabuto dug graves everywhere and only four Gokage were reincarnated. But now Orochimaru summoned eleven Gokage just to block the way. Aozora can't think of any explanation other than Black Zetsu's help.

After pondering for a moment, Qingkong said decisively: "We can't let him run away!"

Black Zetsu has survived for thousands of years, and no one knows how many powerful corpses he has collected. The damage caused by his alliance with Orochimaru may even be greater than that of the other four great ninja villages.

After saying that, Qingkong said to Nagato who had just flown beside him: "I'll leave this to you, I'll go after Orochimaru!"

Nagato said calmly: "Okay!"

As soon as Nagato nodded, the blue sky turned into a black light and rushed towards the direction where Orochimaru escaped.

When the five shadows below saw this, they immediately used their proud ninjutsu on Qingkong.

"Water Release-Water Breaking Wave!"

"Thunder Escape Chakra Mode!"

"Dust Escape - the art of peeling off the original world!"

"Water Release-Water Iron Cannon Technique!"

"Magnetic Escape-Sand Iron Triangular Pyramid!"


In an instant, the energy between heaven and earth was turbulent, dazzling thunder, blazing sparks, sharp water blades, dark sand iron... all kinds of powerful blood successors, rare secret techniques and rare forbidden techniques are free of charge. It seemed to hit the blue sky.

Seeing this, Qingkong raised his hand to face the turbulent flow of chakra flying towards him.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

Along with his cold shout, a majestic repulsive force was instantly generated out of thin air.


The invisible air wave was like a storm, directly dispersing the colorful chakra turbulence, and then continued to carry the chakra turbulence, knocking down the five shadows of the past generations below directly to the ground.

Facing the domineering Shinra Tenzheng, the secrets and ordinary ninjutsu performed by these shadows who shined for an era were no different.

The only difference is that the endurance and defense of the Five Shadows in the past are stronger.

At this moment, they finally understood why the ninja who secretly controlled them had summoned them all.

Because what they need to face is a powerful monster.

Getting up from the ground, the Five Kage still wanted to pursue, but Nagato had already flown above them.

Looking down at the five shadows of past generations on the ground indifferently, he announced coldly: "Your opponent is me!"

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