Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 504 God General Lao Zi【Please subscribe】

Lingxiao Palace, in a special prison.

"I have one last question, why did you capture the tailed beast?" Lao Zi looked at Qingkong seriously, "The tailed beast is not the so-called monster!"

Qingkong nodded and said: "I know, and I know more than you."

Lao Zi looked at Qingkong doubtfully.

It stands to reason that at Qingkong's age and with such great strength, he must not have time to enrich his knowledge and experience.

Qingkong recalled for a moment and said slowly: "You should know the legend of the Six Paths Sage who ended the troubled times and founded the Ninja Sect, right?"

Lao Zi nodded and said: "Of course!"

Qingkong said: "Then you know that at the end of the troubled times, the Immortals of Six Paths caused huge disasters to the world, and the earth became desolate."

"How can it be?"

Lao Zi was surprised at first, and then asked doubtfully: "Does the Immortal of Six Paths still have powerful enemies?"

Qingkong didn't answer, thinking to himself: "In order to atone for his sins, the Six Paths Immortal created the nine tailed beasts and found a suitable home for them, allowing them to be kind to others and become the patron saints of mankind."

This is Qingzora's guess. The specific situation should be more complicated. Maybe Liu Dao was injured in the battle with Kaguya.

However, Qingkong guessed that the Sage of Six Paths did have this consideration in separating the nine tailed beasts, otherwise the nine tailed beasts would not be able to hear the prayers of humans.

Lao Zi was stunned. This was the first time he heard of such a relationship between tailed beasts and humans.

"Unfortunately, humans and tailed beasts later did not trust each other. The powerful autonomy of tailed beasts made them unwilling to dedicate themselves to mankind. Then humans gradually demonized tailed beasts and developed the ability to capture and utilize tailed beasts."

Qingkong paused for a moment and said solemnly: "The tailed beasts are not monsters and have no intention of harming others, but they come from the ninja world and are born with their own responsibilities and obligations. If they are unwilling to fulfill them, I will give them their authority Why not take it back?"

Lao Zi didn't know whether what Qing Kong said was the truth, and was speechless for a moment.

After thinking for a long time, Lao Zi said: "I am willing to join your organization. I will stare at you silently behind you to see if you are really trying to create an era of peace!"

Upon hearing this, Qingkong shrugged and said with a smile: "I'm very happy, by the way... Although you have joined our organization, because you are a prisoner, you cannot become a core member now, um..."

Touching his chin, Qingkong said: "You will become the 'divine general' of our heaven for the time being!"

Most of the people who joined the Akatsuki organization in the early stage were Aozora's relatives and friends, so Aozora meant to give away benefits. God's status, magical powers, etc. were easily given away.

But Lao Zi is different. He has nothing to do with Qingkong. If he wants to be treated like Shisui and others, he must make contributions to Heaven.

"God general?" Lao Zi asked doubtfully.

Qingkong nodded and said: "Our organization is called Tianting, and the core members are codenamed 'gods'. For the time being, you belong to my general, and you will obey my orders."

Lao Zi shook his head and said: "God... what a loud tone!"

Even so, he did not refuse.

Qingkong said: "It seems that you agreed, then I will assign you a place to live, and you can recover first!"

Lao Zi nodded silently. He had just had his fourth tail taken away and he really needed to take a rest.

After assigning a room to Lao Zi, Qingkong returned to his residence in Lingxiao Palace.

He is not worried about Lao Zi defecting. Lingxiao Palace is located above the clouds. Unless Lao Zi can fly, he will die even if he jumps with lava armor.

Qingkong's residence is located behind the hall of Lingxiao Palace. Its area is larger than the hall where everyone meets. The layout is reasonable. Although the furnishings are not luxurious, the carvings of dragons and paintings of phoenixes are very exquisite.

Coming to the training room, Qingkong sat cross-legged on the futon and meditated.

In the divine sea, the Book of Heaven hangs high, with dozens of golden water droplets swimming around like tadpoles.

"I need to get some golden water drops recently, otherwise I won't be able to use the 'Conferred God' in the next step... However, Shisui and Itachi's consumption shouldn't be as high as Kisame's consumption!"

Nowadays, the golden water droplets are no longer used to perfect magical powers for him, but are mainly used as a consumption to become a god.

Passing by the golden water droplets, Qingkong looked towards the center of the Book of Heaven.

I saw two new marks appearing very close to each other next to the water drop marks, one like a flame and the other like a rock.

Moreover, it seems to be the second time to condense the divine position. This time, the speed of condensing the divine position is much faster visible to the naked eye. Not long after it was absorbed, the two marks emitted a faint divine light.

Qingkong said in surprise: "Two gods?"

He hurriedly meditated, and in an instant a message came, and the blue sky blessed his soul.

Judging from the message from the Heavenly Book, he could divide it into two divine positions, or merge it into one.

If merged into one god, then this god will not only have two major powers, but may also have new powers and abilities.

The advantage of being divided into two divine positions is very simple and clear, that is, it can pardon two people and make them gods.

Qingkong thought for a moment and chose the latter.

The method used by Heaven to confer gods is to confer physical gods, which is similar to the myth of the God who was granted the title of Erlang.

Therefore, becoming a god will not greatly improve their strength, but will only give them a new inheritance, strengthen their ability to enhance natural energy, and also make them less likely to die easily.

Fusion into a god does not allow a person to have extremely strong combat power instantly.

In this case, it is better to create an additional god position so that a person can have the ability of immortality and resurrection.

After visualizing the Heavenly Book, Qingkong began to look inside his body, and then started practicing the "Thunder Fire Golden Body" to repair the hidden wounds of the body and feel the improvement of his body.

The time of cultivation passes quickly, and a few days pass by in the blink of an eye.

Itachi and Tsunade also returned to the Lingxiao Palace.

They were both a little surprised to see Lao Zi walking behind Qing Kong.

Lao Zi was unfazed. Although Qingzora said that this was an organization that absorbed all ninjas from the ninja village, he who was born in Konoha would definitely give priority to absorbing ninjas from Konoha.

Qingkong introduced: "Lao Zi has become my 'divine general'..., you can just think of him as an intern of the organization."

Tsunade and Itachi nodded, and then reported the mission to Aozora.

After listening to Itachi's report, Qingzora quickly analyzed it himself.

"Fu can borrow the Nanao Chakra. It seems that Fu has a good talent and fits well with the Nanao Chakra."

"A powerful monk who wields a lute appears wearing Akatsuki clothes? Is it Sunagakure's Hoichi monk? Has he joined the Akatsuki organization? Or does Sunagakure have some ideas?"

"A powerful chakra has erupted in Takigakure. It should be Hero Water. Do you want to take it and experiment with it?"

There were so many thoughts in his heart, but Qingkong's face was calm and he said: "I know!"

Then, he looked at the two of them and said: "The capture of the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki has been completed. After I evaluate the good deeds, I will distribute them to you. Now you can go back and take a rest."

Tsunade nodded, and then said: "The Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki is relatively simple. If possible, save her life."

Qingkong smiled and said: "I will."

With Lao Zi's experience, he was very confident in saving Xia Fu's life.

After receiving the agreement, Tsunade said goodbye and left.

Seeing the hesitation on Itachi's face, Qingkong waved Lao Zi away, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

Itachi pondered for a moment and said: "Teacher, when I left Takigakure Village, I felt that someone was spying on me secretly, but I didn't find that person... Logically speaking, no one should be able to spy on me and Tsunade-senpai, but I I don’t think it’s an illusion.”

After hearing this, Qingkong's face became serious.

It is better to believe that this kind of thing exists than to believe that it does not exist.

"Spying in secret? Is it Zetsu?"

Aozora didn't think of Otsutsuki Ishiki, but immediately thought of Zetsu.

In his opinion, there are only a few people in the ninja world who can secretly monitor Itachi, and among them, Zetsu is likely to appear near Takigakure Village.

After all, the Akatsuki organization's next target should have been the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki.

After thinking about it, Qingkong said: "It should be Zetsu in the Akatsuki organization. His stealth and detection abilities are the best in the ninja world, even the Byakugan is slightly inferior."

Speaking of this, Qingkong asked: "Have you exposed your identities?"

Itachi smiled bitterly, and then said: "Tsunade-sama dispelled the false form after we met. I saw this and did not continue to maintain it."

"Is that so?"

Qingkong rubbed his chin and his eyes became serious.

"Next, we have to make some preparations."

Qingzora thought about it from his perspective. If he were Nagato, he would definitely spread the news after knowing it.

Even if no evidence is found, other ninja villages will doubt Konoha and isolate Konoha.

After the five major ninja villages were split, the Akatsuki organization's survival pressure was much less, and it had more opportunities to implement new plans.

After thinking for a while, Qingkong said: "Next, pay attention to the information in the black market."

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