Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 490 Xiao organization retreats【Please subscribe】

On top of the heretic demon, Nagato appeared again, with Konan and Zetsu protecting his sides.

Above Gamabunta, Aozora was the leader, with Jiraiya slightly behind him by half a step, and the others stood directly behind Aozora.

Based on his seniority and prestige, Qingzora should not be standing in front of the team, but at this moment he is the only ninja in the team who can deal with Nagato and pose a threat to Nagato.

In the ninja world, strength is respected, and on the battlefield, everyone tacitly leaves the core position to Qingkong.

Both sides stood on the giant beast and stopped fighting in tacit agreement.

Looking at the three people standing on the heretic demon statue, Qingkong was thinking about how to end it.

In the original plan, Aozora considered the paralyzed Nagato.

In his opinion, if the three major ninja villages work together to encircle and suppress the Akatsuki organization, they will surely be able to capture them.

Because of this idea, he played dirty tricks on Sunagakure and Iwagakure during the mission. For example, he threw the suicide bomb Deidara to Iwagakure to weaken Iwagakure.

What he didn't expect was that Nagato would be reborn and possess such great strength.

Today, Nagato's physical strength is superior to his own, but his lack of combat experience and wisdom will lead him to fall into desperate situations again and again.

But for opportunistic things, once or twice is fine, but the more times you do it, the more effective it becomes.

Qingzora didn't think Nagato would give him a fourth chance to kill him. Even if Qingzora had, he thought it was a trap specially reserved for him.

Therefore, what he was thinking about now was no longer about killing Nagato, but how to end it.

The eyes emitted a lavender light, and the heavenly eyes on the forehead emitted red light. Qingkong's handsome face looked mysterious and majestic under the reflection of the two rays of light.

In the distance, the figures of Nagato, Konan and Zetsu and the chakra in their bodies clearly appeared before his eyes.

Nagato didn't have much chakra at the moment, but he was vaguely fused with the heretic demon at the moment, and seemed to be using the heretic demon to replenish his chakra.

Because he was afraid of damaging the foundation of the Outer Demon, Nagato did not absorb the Chakra of the Outer Demon quickly, but the chakra in his body was still restored at an extremely fast speed.

Although Konan is only an ordinary Kage level, who knows if she carries a 600 billion detonating talisman with her. If it were detonated, there is no telling how many of the ninjas present would survive.

As for Zetsu, Qingkong is still a little wary, not knowing what weird secret techniques he has mastered.

Although there are only three people on the other side, in a real life-and-death battle, it is still unclear who will win.

At this moment, Kakashi and Gai crawled out of the ruins and jumped on Gamabunta like fleas.

Kakashi came up behind Aozora and Jiraiya and asked: "Aozora, Jiraiya-sama, what should we do now?"

Jiraiya pondered for a moment, turned his gaze to Qingkong, and asked: "Qingkong, what do you mean?"

Qingkong stared at Nagato and the others without squinting, while saying: "My suggestion is to wait or retreat!"

"Wait or withdraw?" Kai asked doubtfully.

Aozora nodded and said: "The destruction of the Akatsuki organization is not only our Konoha's responsibility and obligation, it is our shared mission with Sunagakure and Iwagakure."

Everyone looked around, suddenly feeling a little ridiculous.

According to the prior plan, this raid would gather the top combat power of the three major ninja villages to destroy the Akatsuki organization, but until now, there were only Konoha's ninjas on the central battlefield.

Iwagakure was barely fair, at least Onoki and Akatsuchi rushed over, shot two Dust Releases and helped fend off the Earth Blast Sky Star.

But what about Sunagakure?

The battle has been going on for a long time, and the ground in the center of Amegakure Village has been turned over several times. Still, not even a single ninja from Sunagakure has arrived at the central battlefield, as if the Sunagakure team has disappeared out of thin air.

There is no reason for the three major ninja villages to act together, the other two major ninja villages to watch the show, and the Konoha ninjas to fight life and death!

Then, Qingkong looked at the three Nagatos in the distance, and said calmly: "The leaders of the Akatsuki organization have different strengths. The other two newly emerged members of the Akatsuki organization are also extremely powerful. If there is a life and death fight, we who are here will at least Leave a body or two behind.”

Fukasaku Sage on Jiraiya's shoulder spoke: "No matter how strong the leader of the Akatsuki organization is, he should have consumed a lot of chakra, right? Not to mention the consumption when fighting you, just channeling that big guy is not ordinary That’s what a ninja can handle.”

"That's right!" Qingkong nodded, "He consumed a lot of chakra, but so did I..."

After a pause, Qingkong said: "I don't have much chakra left. If I continue to fight, I will need to rely on you."

As soon as Aozora finished speaking, Gamabunta suddenly fell into silence.

Although Fukasaku Sennin said that Nagato consumed a lot of chakra, who knows how much he still has left?

It doesn't take much, as long as they can use the invisible clone, they can't resist it.

"So, now it's my turn..."

Kai stepped forward, but Qingkong grabbed his wrist, preventing him from striking a handsome pose.

Kai said angrily: "Qingkong, why did you stop me?"

"What do you want to do?"

Qingkong rolled his eyes, then gave up his idea and said: "Kai, no one needs you to protect him now, don't sacrifice yourself just to look cool!"

Kakashi immediately knew Gai's plan and quickly stepped forward to stop him: "Gai, Aozora is right."

Kai hesitated.

He is not trying to be cool, but he knows the dangers of a large bounty organization like the Akatsuki Organization.

Seeing that Kai was a little hesitant, Aozora continued to persuade: "It's better to leave your ultimate move to Kakashi!"

"Yeah! It's...a ghost!"

Kakashi was echoing when he suddenly heard Aozora's words, and a look of collapse immediately appeared on his face under the mask.

Kai's ultimate move is obviously the Eight Gate Armor Formation.

As Gai's best friend, Kakashi knew Gai's strength.

Back then, Kai's father used the Eight Gate Armor Formation to fight against Kirigakure's seven people, defeating seven and killing four.

If he were replaced by Kai, who was more talented and had better fundamentals, he felt like he would be kicked to dust.

Kai, who was boiling with blood, heard this, glanced at Kakashi, and actually stopped thinking about opening the Eight Gate Dungeon.

Big drops of cold sweat broke out on Kakashi's forehead. He smiled apologetically next to Kai and said, "Kai, didn't you leave your Eight Door Armor Formation to me?"

While watching the comedy beside him, Qingkong suddenly noticed that the heretic demon statue in the distance opened its huge mouth, and a powerful chakra gathered in its mouth.

"Be careful! It's Tailed Beast Jade!"

While Qingkong was speaking, a pitch-black ball appeared in front of the heretic demon's mouth, and small black and blue chakra balls continued to blend into it.

Seeing the Tailed Beast Jade rapidly expanding and getting bigger, Aozora, Jiraiya and others quickly formed seals to resist.

Behind them are many ninjas from Konoha. If they dodge, the ninjas behind them may suffer heavy casualties.

"Earth Escape-Earth Formation Wall!"

"Earth Escape-Earth Formation Wall!"

"Earth Escape-Earth Formation Wall!"


Aozora, Jiraiya and Kakashi quickly formed seals and created rock walls on the path that the Tailed Beast Jade must pass.

Then Wentai returned directly to the psychic world, and the three of them quickly left the place.

As soon as they left, the tailed beast jade in the mouth of the heretic demon exploded.

boom! ! ! ——

After a loud noise that shook the sky, the tailed beast jade turned into a dazzling light.

Then, the dazzling chakra beam plowed a deep ravine into the hard earth, tore apart the layers of rock walls in front of it, and rushed into the distance.

Iroha had already observed the tailed beast tama, and everyone in Konoha evaded it within the time that Aozora and others fought for them. They all dodged the attack of the heretic demon tailed beast tama, allowing the tailed beast tama to rush into the sky. .

After the smoke cleared, Qingkong jumped onto a high pile of rubble and looked in the direction of Nagato and the others.

"Did you retreat?"

Qingkong breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that all the chakra sources including the heretic demon had disappeared.

This result is acceptable to him.

After this raid, the core members of the Akatsuki organization now only have three core figures: Nagato, Konan, and Zetsu.

Iwagakure and Sunagakure on the other side also suffered considerable losses, achieving their goal of weakening the two major ninja villages.

Moreover, with the existence of powerful villains like the Akatsuki Organization, Konoha, which showed its strength, would not be so quickly attacked by other ninja villages.

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